Ensidia @ Hodir's Hard Mode said:So we killed Hodir today on hard-mode. Up until this point and as stated in my blog we considered this boss completely impossible. It's not well tuned like Freya or Mimiron, luck is by far the biggest factor in this encounter and you need it in spades. We bashed about 15 hours into trying to do it when he was first changed to 2 minutes. We tried 8 Mages, we tried mass Death Knights, just about every possible comp you could think of.
So we didn't get that close, probably about 2:15 min if we had gone through with the kill (luckiest try ever). We did all the maths and worked out that this fight is 99% impossible (maybe perfect luck and 18 mages). I seriously doubt it's possible even with full Ulduar Gear. You need an average of over 12k dps on each raid member, and that is with 1 tank and 2 healers (not really doable because of dispelling requirements). So we decided after some thought to use Flower Power. I guess you could say it's like using a World Buff, but it's a pretty retarded strategy. Essentially you end up with 5 mages doing 250% more damage. With this we made it with literally 0.03 seconds left.
So a ridiculous strategy for the most ridiculous fight in the game. I'm not saying it's easy to do it this way because it really isn't. It is however the ONLY way to kill him at this point. We are not going to be screwed over by Blizzard trying to block Algalon 25 man when other guilds have already completed it, so we did what we had to.
We sincerely hope that Blizzard decides to correct this boss and the Flower Power. We will not use it for any other boss, but this fight just goes completely against everything Blizzard has said they want to make raiding. I've mailed Blizzard to this effect and we sincerely hope they fix both Hodir and Flower Power.
This is not a World First, it has no meaning at all. However we are not going to sit here and get screwed over by Blizzard. We may however release a video of a Mage doing 40k dps if people are interested.
Ensidia complaining that content is too hard? Something's wrong.
I do agree with them in a way, buffing a boss so much that it's impossible after people before them have cleared it when it's part of the Algalon race is worth complaining about.