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World of Warcraft

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Ensidia @ Hodir's Hard Mode said:
So we killed Hodir today on hard-mode. Up until this point and as stated in my blog we considered this boss completely impossible. It's not well tuned like Freya or Mimiron, luck is by far the biggest factor in this encounter and you need it in spades. We bashed about 15 hours into trying to do it when he was first changed to 2 minutes. We tried 8 Mages, we tried mass Death Knights, just about every possible comp you could think of.

So we didn't get that close, probably about 2:15 min if we had gone through with the kill (luckiest try ever). We did all the maths and worked out that this fight is 99% impossible (maybe perfect luck and 18 mages). I seriously doubt it's possible even with full Ulduar Gear. You need an average of over 12k dps on each raid member, and that is with 1 tank and 2 healers (not really doable because of dispelling requirements). So we decided after some thought to use Flower Power. I guess you could say it's like using a World Buff, but it's a pretty retarded strategy. Essentially you end up with 5 mages doing 250% more damage. With this we made it with literally 0.03 seconds left.

So a ridiculous strategy for the most ridiculous fight in the game. I'm not saying it's easy to do it this way because it really isn't. It is however the ONLY way to kill him at this point. We are not going to be screwed over by Blizzard trying to block Algalon 25 man when other guilds have already completed it, so we did what we had to.

We sincerely hope that Blizzard decides to correct this boss and the Flower Power. We will not use it for any other boss, but this fight just goes completely against everything Blizzard has said they want to make raiding. I've mailed Blizzard to this effect and we sincerely hope they fix both Hodir and Flower Power.

This is not a World First, it has no meaning at all. However we are not going to sit here and get screwed over by Blizzard. We may however release a video of a Mage doing 40k dps if people are interested.

Ensidia complaining that content is too hard? Something's wrong.

I do agree with them in a way, buffing a boss so much that it's impossible after people before them have cleared it when it's part of the Algalon race is worth complaining about.


Childreen week has been almost as easy as noblegarden for me. Already got the title.
I wonder if Daily Chores is simply bugged or if the text of the achievement is wrong.


Lain said:
Childreen week has been almost as easy as noblegarden for me. Already got the title.
I wonder if Daily Chores is simply bugged or if the text of the achievement is wrong.
They changed it so you only have to do 5 dailies instead of doing 1 daily for 5 days.

But how was the pvp achievement? Do you just have to be near someone who is completing the achievement or do you actually have to be the one that completes the action? I don't relish the idea of fighting against 39 other Horde that are all trying to cap the same bunker in AV.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I’m not sure, but I think I’m done with this game.

I’ve been a warlock since almost the beginning, but I’m just not motivated to continue playing anymore. Everytime I think I find a fun way to play my class, they nerf or change it. PvP for WotLK has been so frustrating for me as a warlock, and now that they nerfed the affliction playstyle it just seems boring to me. I feel like a mage without the good mage tools. Warlocks may still be viable, but it’s just not as much fun. I liked the new conflag, but now they are taking it away again. It’s like they make warlock changes with a dartboard…

Having a real life has made playing this game wearisome for me lately. I can’t do all of the achievements, I can’t do all of the special events. There just isn’t enough time. I’m remodeling my house and it’s getting nice outside now so finding time to dedicate to WoW just seems like more trouble than it’s worth, I haven’t been able to make a full raid night in weeks. And to be honest, I don’t really miss it. Maybe I’m burned out on it. Maybe the constant grind to keep up with new content has finally worn me down, sometimes it feels like a part time job playing WoW where the pay isn’t worth it.

WoW has been a great game and I’ve enjoyed the ride, but somehow I’ve lost the desire to play, to keep up. I had a blast leveling in WotLK, it is an awesome expansion. And I found running heroics gearing up for Naxx a lot of fun, much more so than raiding in WotLK has been. I think it was because I could do it on my schedule, on my terms. If raiding was as accessible and schedule friendly as heroics then I’d find it much more interesting. Like if every boss in a raid was it’s own instance and you could make individual attempts at whoever you wanted, whenever, and you didn’t need to dedicate a block of hours of your life with specific people and their own schedules to run an entire instance, repeatedly. I wish the multiplayer aspect was easier to take part in time wise.

And PvP in this game just infuriates me. BG’s are where I have the most fun, but arenas are where the progression is. But again you can’t just queue up for an arena, you have to make your schedule fit with other people’s schedule’s in order to take part. And Blizzard loves to focus on small scale PvP, where the class imbalances glow brightly. It just feels like they have taken PvP in the total wrong direction from where it should be.

I guess I could just go extreme casual, foregoing raids and PvP and only logging on to do little shit when I have the time, or maybe level up alts, but I have to wonder what’s the point? That doesn’t feel like it’s worth $15 per month to me. I feel like my time could be better spent playing something else. And soon Starcraft II and Diablo III will be out and I know I’m going to be playing the shit out of those, something’s going to have to give.

I think it’s time to hang up the reins to my dreadsteed and move on. It has been a blast though.


Not Wario
Orbitcube said:
Ensidia complaining that content is too hard? Something's wrong.

I do agree with them in a way, buffing a boss so much that it's impossible after people before them have cleared it when it's part of the Algalon race is worth complaining about.

A nice contrast to this:

Ensidia said:
After progressing and fine tuning the strategy for many many hours on Mimiron Hardmode we finally managed to get him down. It should have died a couple of days ago when we first had our low % tries but the tuning of this boss is amazingly good, close kill! This means that we are the first guild to reach the 25man version of Algalon.

You know, while they do come off elitists a lot of the time, I can't help but think they really do try to stand back and evaluate encounters from as objective a point as can be from time to time, so when they do say stuff like:

Hams said:
best fight!

calippo said:
best fight ever, thank god its over.

Kungen said:
Awesome job everyone!!! This is the best and most well tuned boss ever. We didn't have more then 2 people in a single class beside priests. Due to Shadow and Holy priests both being awesome and very different specs.

buzzkill said:
I don't usually say this, but it's a sick SICK good fight. You're gonna love the movie.

mek said:
The fight is incredibly well tuned. A truely amazing job by Blizzard. Everyone needs to play absolutely perfectly, there is soo much to think about and everyone has to be up doing top dps to beat the encounter. Without doubt the hardest boss so far in Ulduar, definitely harder than M'uru and KJ were in Sunwell.

It's also the biggest World First so far in my opinion. It has huge significance not just because of the difficulty but because it allows us to be the first guild at Algalon 25 man. I think the only thing that could be harder is Yogg-Saron with 0 watchers, that fight seems daunting to say the least.

it actually means something.
traveler said:
You know, while they do come off elitists a lot of the time, I can't help but think they really do try to stand back and evaluate encounters from as objective a point as can be from time to time, so when they do say stuff like:

it actually means something.
Yeah, I've been reading their blogs lately and a lot of these guys seem like quite normal people, aside from an abnormal 'obsession' with WoW. A lot of them are probably very nice men and woman.


Has problems recognising girls
I think that's basically what it boils down to. These people are competitive with themselves and are huge Blizzard fans. That's all it is.


Has problems recognising girls
Mengy said:
I’m not sure, but I think I’m done with this game.
This is basically how I feel on and off over the past few years. Just remember that it's a game, nothing more, nothing less. You decide how you want to play it, don't let others or even Blizzard determine that for you.


Subconscious Brolonging
My entire guild is drifting away from this game. At first I thought I was just going through another phase of being bored with the game, but everyone seems to be coming down with it. Is anyone else experiencing this? I've never seen so many people so tired of the game, especially after a major patch. I'm just wondering if this is an isolated incident or if other people have lost interest in the game too.


Modesty becomes a woman
Spire said:
My entire guild is drifting away from this game. At first I thought I was just going through another phase of being bored with the game, but everyone seems to be coming down with it. Is anyone else experiencing this? I've never seen so many people so tired of the game, especially after a major patch. I'm just wondering if this is an isolated incident or if other people have lost interest in the game too.

The patch didn't bring a whole lot to do if you aren't into raiding.


Also nabbed the title tonight in just a few hours. But I hated the PvP portion.

Had to run from the start of AV to the Ally South bunker solo just to get a cap on a tower that didnt have 15 people all over it.

Had to run to the stables at the start of an AB match and grab it just after they capped it to get that credit

EOTS was a piece of cake.

And I had to force the issue in a WSG match where BOTH sides were turtling, with 9 men on base defense; by running over to the ally side and picking up the flag and dropping it over and over until they got the idea, lined up, got their achievements then followed me back to our side and did the same for us.

Extremely ridiculous IMO. Glad that shit is over.
Mengy said:

indeed, its taken me 6 months to hit level 73 (starting at 70 with the midnight wotlk launch) and I just don't care anymore, im sick of the world of warcraft and all of its "lore", and its "look", the repetitiveness of the game just finally got to me I guess (6 snow moose!). That and the game brings out the most elitist retards trait in people (that's the drawback of online gaming in general though).

I been playing through fallout 3, and finally gonna get into Planescape Torment, and maybe later NWN2 and all its xp's a go this summer (i have them all, I've just never sunk time into them).

Its like the matrix, once you unplug yourself and see the game for the treadmill it is, nothing in it catches your eye, or excites you anymore, at least for me thats how it is.

Diablo 3 seems like itll be the perfect mix of single / small group play versus the dipshit masses that are in WoW.

and hey, Ive played since the beta stage, i was never mc attuned, did a whole 1 dungeon in bc, 1 in wotlk (where you kill some skeleton bird on an altar). So i haven't even seen "end game" in vanilla WoW, BC, or Lich King, but then again if just "leveling" gets boring for me, I don't think id ever make the cut to raid at all to see any of that content.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
ZombieSupaStar said:
indeed, its taken me 6 months to hit level 73 (starting at 70 with the midnight wotlk launch) and I just don't care anymore, im sick of the world of warcraft and all of its "lore", and its "look", the repetitiveness of the game just finally got to me I guess (6 snow moose!). That and the game brings out the most elitist retards trait in people (that's the drawback of online gaming in general though).

I been playing through fallout 3, and finally gonna get into Planescape Torment, and maybe later NWN2 and all its xp's a go this summer (i have them all, I've just never sunk time into them).

Its like the matrix, once you unplug yourself and see the game for the treadmill it is, nothing in it catches your eye, or excites you anymore, at least for me thats how it is.

Diablo 3 seems like itll be the perfect mix of single / small group play versus the dipshit masses that are in WoW.

and hey, Ive played since the beta stage, i was never mc attuned, did a whole 1 dungeon in bc, 1 in wotlk (where you kill some skeleton bird on an altar). So i haven't even seen "end game" in vanilla WoW, BC, or Lich King, but then again if just "leveling" gets boring for me, I don't think id ever make the cut to raid at all to see any of that content.

That's kind of how I feel about the game too, like I'm off the treadmill and what I see just isn't appealing anymore. But unlike you I've been in every instance of the game. I leveled to 80 in four weeks after WotLK and loved it all the way. It's not until now that I've learned PvP isn't fun for me in this expansion, and serious raiding is just too difficult to fit into my life right now, that I realize the rest of the game is kind of moot. I just don't feel motivated to keep going.

Honestly, the Diablo II ladder reset has me more excited right now. I may yet again level up some D2 characters from scratch...


Modesty becomes a woman
funkmastergeneral said:
I hope the next patch gives us some new 5 man content

There's rumors of a new BG and there was a blue post that said something to the effect of 5 mans. I wouldn't be surprised if 3.2 was a 5 man, a BG, and maybe a single boss raid to connect ulduar to Icecrown.


Mengy said:
I’m not sure, but I think I’m done with this game. . . I think it’s time to hang up the reins to my dreadsteed and move on. It has been a blast though.

I'm in the same boat as you, but rather than a dreadsteed, I have a Charger.

It seems like every patch further confirms my suspicions that Blizzard really doesn't know what they're doing, especially with Paladins. This latest garbage with Exorcism is especially telling; the ability to target players was constantly questioned on the PTR, but Blizzard declared it 'working as intended'. A week of QQ on Live and it's hotfixed into a confusing PVE/PVP duality.

And we waited 5 years for a single-target taunt / ranged pull and for Blessing of Kings to be baseline. We waited through all of Vanilla WoW to be able to tank effectively. We waited until WotLK for Ret to be of any respectable value, but because of their sloppy balance between 3.0 and WotLK, Ret is now the target of immense hatred.

I guess I am just tired of the game's unpredictability; it seems like every few weeks they hotfix something, and they're not always changing the tooltips. Sometimes I wonder if my abilities are still going to work the next time I log in.

Anyways, I guess that's a lot of Paladin bitching, but the point is; I see where you're coming from and agree with you. The only reason I haven't quit yet (and believe me, I've wanted to for YEARS now) is that I live about 600 miles from my family, who all play WoW. Being able to hang out with my father and brothers is pretty much the only reason I haven't left.

Edit: You can bet your ass I'm gonna drop that shit for Diablo 3 though. Everyone in my family loved D2 too, so I fully expect to migrate.


Whoa wait, Im finding new blue posts. Are they nerfing Ulduar AGAIN? I mean outside of the nerfs they just put in after 3.1? What the hell are they changing now? Is there a list somewhere?


Yay, Blizz is keeping the Penance glyph the same, not changing it from the cooldown reduction to the crit as PTR was saying initially.:D


Subconscious Brolonging
Retro said:
It seems like every patch further confirms my suspicions that Blizzard really doesn't know what they're doing...

It's my personal belief that Blizzard's 3rd string is working on WoW now. I imagine all the top designers have jumped ship to their new MMO or Diablo 3. WotLK was really a step down from their previous efforts, I can't imagine their top tier creative types are still working on WoW with so many other new, interesting projects available to them.

And yeah, the Exorcism bullshit is pretty wild. As is their complete inability to balance pvp. One blue posted last week and, in the same paragraph, condemned the community for exaggerating pvp balance issues and then said the community was right about the pally/dk combo being overpowered. Good work Blizz, you ignore the community and let that crap go unchecked for an entire arena season, then admit your mistake after its over. This happens every season, you'd think they would have learned by now.


Tamanon said:
Yay, Blizz is keeping the Penance glyph the same, not changing it from the cooldown reduction to the crit as PTR was saying initially.:D

Really? Hallelujah. For once PVE doesn't suffer PVP's fatal mistakes.


Spire said:
It's my personal belief that Blizzard's 3rd string is working on WoW now.

Even lower than that I believe. Their armor and weapon models are pure shit. They're falling way behind on their profession craftables. They recycle SO much shit anymore it's disgusting. They recycle all these Ulduar items 3 or 4 times each, just a different color, in between 10 and 25 man. They couldn't even add new effects to the damn weapon enchants in this expansion. Even itemization is horrid. It's terrible overall. It's a shame that so many people suffer from Stockholm Syndrome with the game though. I'll admit, I'm one of them. But I believe that's due to all my friends that play why I'm still here. But it's all wearing thin on us. We all pretty much feel had with this expansion. Blizzard is just cashing in while they have the hype. Really a piss poor showing on their part.

Then there's PVP. The most unbalanced it has ever been as long as I have been playing it. Then they take so long for patches, and not just balancing patches, but "glitch fixes" as well. It's like they say, "fuck em, they'll keep playing, they'll live with it for 4 months until we release a new major patch. They'll just keep playing their broken class abilities. So what if another class is one shotting them?".

Then there's all their other issues as well. That "F" rating from the BBB is well justified against them, and it's unfortunate action can't be taken against them.


J-Rzez said:
Even lower than that I believe. Their armor and weapon models are pure shit. They're falling way behind on their profession craftables. They recycle SO much shit anymore it's disgusting. They recycle all these Ulduar items 3 or 4 times each, just a different color, in between 10 and 25 man. They couldn't even add new effects to the damn weapon enchants in this expansion. Even itemization is horrid. It's terrible overall. It's a shame that so many people suffer from Stockholm Syndrome with the game though. I'll admit, I'm one of them. But I believe that's due to all my friends that play why I'm still here. But it's all wearing thin on us. We all pretty much feel had with this expansion. Blizzard is just cashing in while they have the hype. Really a piss poor showing on their part.

Then there's PVP. The most unbalanced it has ever been as long as I have been playing it. Then they take so long for patches, and not just balancing patches, but "glitch fixes" as well. It's like they say, "fuck em, they'll keep playing, they'll live with it for 4 months until we release a new major patch. They'll just keep playing their broken class abilities. So what if another class is one shotting them?".

Then there's all their other issues as well. That "F" rating from the BBB is well justified against them, and it's unfortunate action can't be taken against them.

If you don't like it. Quit playing it.


J-Rzez said:
Even lower than that I believe. Their armor and weapon models are pure shit. They're falling way behind on their profession craftables. They recycle SO much shit anymore it's disgusting. They recycle all these Ulduar items 3 or 4 times each, just a different color, in between 10 and 25 man. They couldn't even add new effects to the damn weapon enchants in this expansion. Even itemization is horrid. It's terrible overall. It's a shame that so many people suffer from Stockholm Syndrome with the game though. I'll admit, I'm one of them. But I believe that's due to all my friends that play why I'm still here. But it's all wearing thin on us. We all pretty much feel had with this expansion. Blizzard is just cashing in while they have the hype. Really a piss poor showing on their part.

Then there's PVP. The most unbalanced it has ever been as long as I have been playing it. Then they take so long for patches, and not just balancing patches, but "glitch fixes" as well. It's like they say, "fuck em, they'll keep playing, they'll live with it for 4 months until we release a new major patch. They'll just keep playing their broken class abilities. So what if another class is one shotting them?".

Then there's all their other issues as well. That "F" rating from the BBB is well justified against them, and it's unfortunate action can't be taken against them.

When is your MMO coming out? You know, the one that is perfectly balanced, with unique item art for everything, and its all tuned for the hardcore only. Oh that's right.


I have yet to play another MMO as good as WoW and I've tried a lot of them. I'm not even saying WoW is perfect, just that other MMOs still fail much harder than WoW does. WoW's only problem is not enough content and a crappy pvp mode, but pvp is more like an addon to the game and not the main focus.


Weenerz said:
When is your MMO coming out? You know, the one that is perfectly balanced, with unique item art for everything, and its all tuned for the hardcore only. Oh that's right.

So by your logic, no one is allowed to complain about the quality of an MMO except someone who has designed an MMO of their own?

Edit: You are aware Alex Afrasiabi and Jeff Kaplan were hired because they were hardcore EQ uber-nerds, right? Granted, they knew Rob Pardo, but I don't think 'knowing a guy' is enough of a qualification for Blizzard to approve their hiring. If it is, that speaks pretty badly of Blizzard.


Game has issues. PVP for example is inexcusably bad. But its still the best out. Thats why people keep playing, not because of some syndrome or fanboyism.

Show me a product better as a whole and Ill move, like it did from EQ, like I did from AO, Like I did from DAoC etc etc on and on.


Yeah I'm with the "best currently out" crowd.

I've tried shit like Age of Conan and it just made me appreciate WoW all the more.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I unsubscribed from WoW in January. I didn't "quit" the game, or have a "fuck WoW" attitude. I was just having a hard time finding the time to play, so I didn't wanna keep paying for it. (I don't understand why MMOs have to be all-or-nothing. I've been off and on WoW since I first signed up).

Finally jumped back in last week, and have been REALLY enjoying myself, despite the two shitty world events.

- The fishing dailies are ace.
- I LOVE Argent Tourny. Some of the most fun I've had in WoW in a long time. Good music, too.
- I've been away long enough that the other dailies I was crunching away on (Hodir, Oracles, Tuskarr) are fun again. Although that fun will probably wear off before I get them to exalted.
- I enjoy tracking down some of the more offbeat achievements, so I was pleased that I nabbed Needy and Bombs Away! this week.

- I'm in a hardcore raiding guild, but I'm a non-raiding member. So that puts me in a weird place (we're friends, but most of the time they don't wanna run stuff with me). So now that Ulduar is out, Naxx25 has finally become their "off-night/weekend" run, and I can get in on it. Got my first Emblem of Valor in naxx25 last night, and even won a loot roll.

- Now that I'm finished with the World Events I'll be able to put more of my playtime into closing out the Northrend quest achievements I haven't finished. I have ~15 left in Grizzly, and am half done with Fjord and Icecrown.

All that will probably bring me close to the end of my month renewal... I'll probably let my subscrip lapse again, since E3 will be keeping me crazy busy. I'll come back for 3.2 most likely, and start the process over again.


GDJustin said:
I unsubscribed from WoW in January. I didn't "quit" the game, or have a "fuck WoW" attitude. I was just having a hard time finding the time to play, so I didn't wanna keep paying for it. (I don't understand why MMOs have to be all-or-nothing. I've been off and on WoW since I first signed up).

Finally jumped back in last week, and have been REALLY enjoying myself, despite the two shitty world events.

- The fishing dailies are ace.
- I LOVE Argent Tourny. Some of the most fun I've had in WoW in a long time. Good music, too.
- I've been away long enough that the other dailies I was crunching away on (Hodir, Oracles, Tuskarr) are fun again. Although that fun will probably wear off before I get them to exalted.
- I enjoy tracking down some of the more offbeat achievements, so I was pleased that I nabbed Needy and Bombs Away! this week.

- I'm in a hardcore raiding guild, but I'm a non-raiding member. So that puts me in a weird place (we're friends, but most of the time they don't wanna run stuff with me). So now that Ulduar is out, Naxx25 has finally become their "off-night/weekend" run, and I can get in on it. Got my first Emblem of Valor in naxx25 last night, and even won a loot roll.

- Now that I'm finished with the World Events I'll be able to put more of my playtime into closing out the Northrend quest achievements I haven't finished. I have ~15 left in Grizzly, and am half done with Fjord and Icecrown.

All that will probably bring me close to the end of my month renewal... I'll probably let my subscrip lapse again, since E3 will be keeping me crazy busy. I'll come back for 3.2 most likely, and start the process over again.

Stop rolling on loot actual players need.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Kyoufu said:
Stop rolling on loot actual players need.

Did you read my post? I'm in a hardcore raiding guild. They're steamrolling Ulduar on their mandatory mon-thurs raid nights. Fri-Sun nights some random guild member (not an officer or raid leader) will generally organize a run. Sometimes BC content, sometimes 10man "quick clears" of all the LK content.

Last night, it was a naxx25 run. Mostly for alts, since ilevel 213-226 gear is downgrades for the guys' mains. I rolled, and won. An ilevel increase of 26, for the slot. No one complained... no one even cared. There were 19 people in the naxx25 before I came in, a few fights in. So the 20 of us were clearing.


Macattk15 said:
If you don't like it. Quit playing it.

Already explained the only reason I continue to play, and it's wearing thin.

Weenerz said:
When is your MMO coming out? You know, the one that is perfectly balanced, with unique item art for everything, and its all tuned for the hardcore only. Oh that's right.

Stockholm Syndrome.

Fact is, this is the most successful MMO of all time. Considering they make so much money, so much profit off of one game, is it asking too much that they put forth a more proper effort into such, and treat it like the most successful MMO to date? In this xpac, they've actually taken a few steps back IMHO. I dno't believe they're giving it as much attention as they should. They have a lot on their table with SC2, D3, and their "new mmo", and it's all detracting too much from their cash machine I feel. Is it seriously too much to ask for different item models between 10 and 25 man? Not having the same one used 4 fucking times? That perhaps the tier sets should be unique like they're supposed to, and not some off-color pieces that drop off that replicate for example the T8 rogue set, that you see hunters, wars, druids, and shammies wearing? That's bullshit to see those shoulders recycled like that. How about those hot new Arena weapon models?

Complain, ask for more. I don't expect perfect balance in a class based game, but not the shit house it is now. And is it too much to ask of them to address glaring issues faster than just waiting for a big patch? Other companies have patched games in 1 to 2 weeks before based on balancing.

I guess you also feel it's cool that they promised things like "New Dances" in their videos and on boxes, yet they should be able to post "yeah, we'll get to that eventually, not soon, but down the road when we feel like it"?

They need to get some heat. They need to treat the game like the success that it has been. Now they're just slacking off I feel. I enjoy how the game plays, I just want them to give a harder look at what they've been doing. I'm not going to blindfaith support them because they made the best to date. I want them to get criticism they need to make it better.


Subconscious Brolonging
Kyoufu said:
Yeah I'm with the "best currently out" crowd.

I've tried shit like Age of Conan and it just made me appreciate WoW all the more.

Age of Conan has turned into a pretty solid MMO over the past year, it's open-world PvP is actually the best out there IMO.

WoW probably is still the best "overall" package, especially for newcomers to the genre, but almost every aspect of it is trumped by one MMO or another. LotRO, EQ2, WAR, and AoC all do a lot of things better than WoW, they just also have their shortcomings.


man, I can't think of anything LotRO does good aside from story. The gameplay is dull, the UI is garbage (and not easily moddable like WoW's UI), the classes all suck (unless the new expansion class is good) and the monster play is a neat idea, but actually sucks shit.

Also, it being a low-magic game makes classes about as uninteresting as possible because you get increases of .04% in a stat, and that's a huge upgrade by the game's standards.


Yah, I was wondering what LOTRO could possibly be doing better, it was interesting for a little while, but at the end of the day, I can't think of anything it does better than WoW. A lot of its "improvements" are just making things more complex for complexity's sake.


Uh, the time I finally break down and sign up for WoW like all my friends have said, they have all but vanished:)lol ). I was hoping one of them could instance run me to high lvl, but guess it looks like I'm grinding now(quest are too boring for me to do). Currently a 27 BM Hunter :/


I tried to like the game, and I admit the solo instance parts are pretty fun, but I could never find a single class that interested me. Tried everything up to like level 8 and never got hooked on any playstyle at all. I guess it's because it lacks a really exciting caster class or melee fighter, at least on the level of WoW's casters or warrior/paladin.

edit: also, how are quests boring but grinding mobs isn't? just pick up quests to disguise the grind, and you'll find a few that are fun along the way, even in classic WoW.


Subconscious Brolonging
firex said:
man, I can't think of anything LotRO does good aside from story. The gameplay is dull, the UI is garbage (and not easily moddable like WoW's UI), the classes all suck (unless the new expansion class is good) and the monster play is a neat idea, but actually sucks shit.

Also, it being a low-magic game makes classes about as uninteresting as possible because you get increases of .04% in a stat, and that's a huge upgrade by the game's standards.

LotRO, especially the new zones and content they've added in in patches and the expansion, is actually pretty ace. When and how far in did you play? I'd argue that LotRO tops WoW in just about every aspect outside of combat. And I realize that is a very big aspect (the biggest, in fact) but still, LotRO does a lot of things very well. And even combat in LotRO has greatly improved, the latest patch sped up the combat tremendously and now the combat system is probably closer to WoW than any other MMO on the market right now. They also just recently fine-tuned the leveling experience (lowered the hp of mobs, increased the xp you get, re-tooled entire noob zones).

As far as classes go, the two new classes actually are pretty cool. The wardens especially, which uses a combo system that is pretty involved and fun. The old classes aren't nearly as bad as you make them out to be either, especially hunter. Any class that has an entire feat tree dedicated to kiting mobs gets good marks in my book.

LotRO also handles player housing extremely well, has an awesome in-game music system, is probably the best audio/visual experience in any MMO on the market (their art team knows how to use scale in a way WoW's never has. Rivendell is the perfect example of this), did "achievements" long before WoW and still does them better, and has a better crafting system. Their new content, especially from Forochel onward, is pretty astounding. Forochel's art design, atmosphere, and questing structure is probably the best I've ever seen in an MMO and Moria, Eregion, and Lorien aren't far behind it.

LotRO has become a very, very good game over the past two years and I would really encourage anyone to try it. I played it at launch and then quit for quite awhile. It's a vastly improved game now, and one I think anyone who calls themselves a fan of the MMO genre should play.


firex said:
edit: also, how are quests boring but grinding mobs isn't? just pick up quests to disguise the grind, and you'll find a few that are fun along the way, even in classic WoW.
I don't know, I've played a lot of KMMOs so I guess I'm use to it. I've just never been a real big quest person, really.

Also, is it normal for my hunter to be so soft? Well, I mean, If I get attacked by something up close and my pet isn't there to tank then I often times come close to dying(depends on the creature) since I can't really use my bow and my axe use is eh. Or is my hunter just horrible? :(


Lebron said:
I don't know, I've played a lot of KMMOs so I guess I'm use to it. I've just never been a real big quest person, really.

Also, is it normal for my hunter to be so soft? Well, I mean, If I get attacked by something up close and my pet isn't there to tank then I often times come close to dying(depends on the creature) since I can't really use my bow and my axe use is eh. Or is my hunter just horrible? :(

That's why you have a pet:p


Subconscious Brolonging
Lebron said:
I don't know, I've played a lot of KMMOs so I guess I'm use to it. I've just never been a real big quest person, really.

Also, is it normal for my hunter to be so soft? Well, I mean, If I get attacked by something up close and my pet isn't there to tank then I often times come close to dying(depends on the creature) since I can't really use my bow and my axe use is eh. Or is my hunter just horrible? :(

If you're BM, your pet should be tanking the mobs pretty well, you shouldn't be getting hit. Make sure you have Growl turned on and you're sending your pet in first thing. I'd open up with this macro:

/cast Hunter's Mark

then after your pet is on it, start in with your shots and stings. If you're still having trouble, grab a tanking pet, like a boar. It'll open up with Charge which generates a ton of aggro right off the bat. If all that fails, concussion shot/wing clip/disengage/freezing trap your way out of its melee range. Kiting takes some work to learn, but is fun once you know how.
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