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World of Warcraft

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Xabora said:
We finally got Freya down tonight!
Undermine is a bit behind on the progress but loving the new guild. :D

Xabora, I see you pulling out top-end DPS and I believe your using a Dual Wielding Frost DPS spec? Mind linking met to your Talent spec, showing me your rotation, and what glyphs you use? I'm using a 2H Unholy spec right now and it just isn't putting out the DPS I feel I should be getting right now. I'd really appreciate it as I'd love to try your spec out.

Thanks a lot!


Junior Member
StormyTheRabbit said:
Xabora, I see you pulling out top-end DPS and I believe your using a Dual Wielding Frost DPS spec? Mind linking met to your Talent spec, showing me your rotation, and what glyphs you use? I'm using a 2H Unholy spec right now and it just isn't putting out the DPS I feel I should be getting right now. I'd really appreciate it as I'd love to try your spec out.

Thanks a lot!
Actually I was using Blood 2H DPS. Today was my first day using this build too! :lol

Talents + Gylphs: http://www.wowarmory.com/character-talents.xml?r=Undermine&cn=Ardhavara&gn=No+Mercy
Vamp Blood is your 'Oh Shit' button when you gain agro or thrown into the slag pot.

And if you're in the slag pot, pop the following skills in this order to live without a healer.
VB -> IF -> AMS -> Ghoul -> Sac Ghoul for Health

Primer: IT PS
Phase 1a: DS HS HS (Dump DC/RW Combo as needed)
Phase 1b: HS HS DS (Dump DC/RW Combo as needed)
Phase 2: HS HS HS HS IT PS (Dump DC/RW Combo as needed)

Priority is around HS and DS, put DS in place of your HS if healers are not on your and you're low on health.
IT PS as needed if your diseases are 1 - 2 seconds away from going away, if you cannot make the HS / DS.
Hysteria as needed.

Phase 1a and Phase 1b are different openings if a: you get hit right away and need a quick heal to give the raid healers some time.
b: is if your safe but you still need the DS to create Death Runes.

IT - Icy Touch
PS - Plague Strike
DS - Death Strike
HS - Heart Strike
DC - Death Coil
RW - Rune Weapon

I'm also working on the Insane in the Membrane Achievement right now.


Welp. Monday night is 4 hours of Yogg Saron 25 attempts. Hopefully we'll drop him in that timeframe and be the first Horde guild on my server to do so.

We have 2 Blood DK's in our raids usually .... they do pretty high DPS. In the 5K ranges ... sometimes 6k. Feral Druid usually tops out of the meters when alive, he keeps saying Blizzard is gonna nerf em.


Killed Freya last night in 10man, pretty easy fight. Hodir is giving us a lot of trouble, because one of our healers dies EVERY TIME when he's around 40%...we have the whole fight under control except for that, and it's driving me crazy.


Junior Member
Is Mimiron's fourth phase brutal to melee? We'll go through the first three phases with no deaths and then all the melee is dead a few seconds into phase four.

They're complaining that there's so much going on that they can't see the red circles indicating a rocket strike.

Had to range tank the head on that phase when our normal range tank had a brain fart and dumped aggro. I don't know how you tanks deal with the stress of watching your health meter ping pong all over the place.


Yay i can still get the Children's week achievements :D :D I've got 3/6 and one orphan quest left, and then I just gotta to H UP and the BG ones :p


Junior Member
Sai-kun said:
Yay i can still get the Children's week achievements :D :D I've got 3/6 and one orphan quest left, and then I just gotta to H UP and the BG ones :p

I take it they extended it?

Good luck on the BG's.


TomServo said:
I take it they extended it?

Good luck on the BG's.

Nah, it's over, all the people for it are gone, but the whistle has a 7 day duration :D So I still have time left. I bought all the deserts from the SW AH, then flew to the Isle of Quel'Danas, did 5 SSO dailies, then Hearthed to dal :lol yay!


You don't have to do H UP for that achievement. either version works. although I can see why you'd do H UP instead of regular if you're 80. beware, though, that if it's like winter veil or the valentine's day crap, you might not be able to get the achievements after the event's over, even if you've got the stuff to do them.


firex said:
You don't have to do H UP for that achievement. either version works. although I can see why you'd do H UP instead of regular if you're 80. beware, though, that if it's like winter veil or the valentine's day crap, you might not be able to get the achievements after the event's over, even if you've got the stuff to do them.

I need every chance I can get to get that Blue Proto-Drake D:


TomServo said:
Is Mimiron's fourth phase brutal to melee? We'll go through the first three phases with no deaths and then all the melee is dead a few seconds into phase four.

They're complaining that there's so much going on that they can't see the red circles indicating a rocket strike.

Had to range tank the head on that phase when our normal range tank had a brain fart and dumped aggro. I don't know how you tanks deal with the stress of watching your health meter ping pong all over the place.

4th phase can be brutal if your melee suck and don't pay attention. I've never died to the rockets in phase 4 but several melee generally do in ph4 die to them.

I think on our 3rd kill of him last night we had like 10 people alive at the very end? People get too concerned with DPS'ing and they pay less attention to the main aspect of that phase .... survive.


Junior Member
Macattk15 said:
I think on our 3rd kill of him last night we had like 10 people alive at the very end? People get too concerned with DPS'ing and they pay less attention to the main aspect of that phase .... survive.

I'm just stunned that people have a hard time with it. We had Sarth3D on farm, you'd think we were well versed in not standing in the fire.

We did maybe six attempts last night. The only time I died was when the ranged tank dumped aggro and I was casting searing pain by clicking on it from my open spell book. I ate a rocket - I'm not used to clicking, and certainly not used to clicking on things from my spellbook. :p


Sai-kun said:
I need every chance I can get to get that Blue Proto-Drake D:
I understand that (though personally I don't want that specific color proto-drake). I still have to do a couple of achievements there for the Red Proto-Drake.
TomServo said:
I don't know how you tanks deal with the stress of watching your health meter ping pong all over the place.
Personally I just keep looking at my rotation to make sure stuff's not on cooldown, and that way I never notice my health.


TomServo said:
I'm just stunned that people have a hard time with it. We had Sarth3D on farm, you'd think we were well versed in not standing in the fire.

We did maybe six attempts last night. The only time I died was when the ranged tank dumped aggro and I was casting searing pain by clicking on it from my open spell book. I ate a rocket - I'm not used to clicking, and certainly not used to clicking on things from my spellbook. :p

To be honest ... the targetting spot when on top of all the melee with the boss covering half of the spot is quite hard to see.

If you're not actively looking and waiting for it ... you probably wouldn't see it. Blizz needs to make it bigger and something like Green or something.


Junior Member
Macattk15 said:
We have 2 Blood DK's in our raids usually .... they do pretty high DPS. In the 5K ranges ... sometimes 6k. Feral Druid usually tops out of the meters when alive, he keeps saying Blizzard is gonna nerf em.
I take it they are WAY better geared than me also. :lol


Problem for Melee in Mimiron P4 is the double rocket attack. The rune indicating where it's going to hit can easily get covered up with the base of the "mech", and only a small piece will be showing. Then you have him "wind up" and it's hit box is glitched where you have to move delicately as the tank otherwise you get instakilled too. The mechanics of the fight aren't as hard as the issues like hit boxes that need to be tuned/fixed.


you're fishing into the actual ocean, right? from what I hear you can only get it fishing in fishing schools along the coasts of Northrend.
firex said:
you're fishing into the actual ocean, right? from what I hear you can only get it fishing in fishing schools along the coasts of Northrend.

No fucking way, you have to fish in the ocean? I thought the patch said you just needed to fish in schools, so I found this great spot in grizzly hills at Ashwood Lake which had 4 Glacial Salmon spawns and herbs to pick. If I need to be fishing on the coast that would suck, as all I was seeing were Imperial Manta Ray schools and they're virtually worthless.


I could be wrong on it, but I heard that's how it worked. it would spawn in whatever ocean fish schools you fish in. guess it's time to look at wowhead comments and see!

edit: I'm wrong, Wowhead says it's from any fish school in Northrend. nevermind then. But it's a pretty low drop rate anyway.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
It can be fished up from ANY pool. Even unconfirmed reports of it being fished up in a blood pool.

Edit: Also, 158 is NOTHING. You don't fish much, do you? ;) Expect 1000-2000 catches before you get the mount, unless you're statistically lucky.

I'm ~2400 casts in Ironforge with no Ironjaw yet, and Ironjaw isn't even *that* rare.


Yeah, you can get the mount from any fishing pool in Northrend.

I think I was hovering around 700~800 casts or so before I got mine. Good Luck!
GDJustin said:
It can be fished up from ANY pool. Even unconfirmed reports of it being fished up in a blood pool.

Edit: Also, 158 is NOTHING. You don't fish much, do you? ;) Expect 1000-2000 catches before you get the mount, unless you're statistically lucky.

I'm ~2400 casts in Ironforge with no Ironjaw yet, and Ironjaw isn't even *that* rare.

Just 158 today. I'm probably around 500-600 Salmon thus far, and a bunch of crates/essence of water. At least it will help finance my epic flying.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
funkmastergeneral said:
Just 158 today. I'm probably around 500-600 Salmon thus far, and a bunch of crates/essence of water. At least it will help finance my epic flying.

Ah. Well, good luck then.

Re: 2400 casts and no Ironjaw, I think this is my payback for getting Old Crafty in ~220 casts :lol

Every time I'm pissed that Ironjaw WILL NOT appear for me, I consider how happy I am that it is happening on this one and not the Horde equivalent. (I play a Human).


Well I just got back into the game. Been leveling a Lock on my friend's server with his Priest, though he also has a Warrior in a top-ish raiding guild (small server though, Dentarg). I ended up transfering my 70 Rogue as well.

Are Lock and Rogue even viable in raids and PvP right now? When 3.0 came around, they friggin' nerfed pure classes in favor of hybrids...has the shift finally gone back? Or am I gonna get out friggin' DPS'ed by Druids and DKs?


TheExodu5 said:
Well I just got back into the game. Been leveling a Lock on my friend's server with his Priest, though he also has a Warrior in a top-ish raiding guild (small server though, Dentarg). I ended up transfering my 70 Rogue as well.

Are Lock and Rogue even viable in raids and PvP right now? When 3.0 came around, they friggin' nerfed pure classes in favor of hybrids...has the shift finally gone back? Or am I gonna get out friggin' DPS'ed by Druids and DKs?

Rogue is OP atm.


yankeeforever2 said:
God damn I'm reinstalling, haven't brought myself to un freeze my account yet though, I hate this.
if you're not level 70, WotLK holds nothing exciting for you. I mean aside from the DK class, which you may not like anyway.
firex said:
if you're not level 70, WotLK holds nothing exciting for you. I mean aside from the DK class, which you may not like anyway.
I have two level 80's, a 72. a 70 and 60, mostly want to come back to see the 3.1 changes probably hold off on actually unfreezing my account for now, nothing happens in WOW on weekend anyways.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
yankeeforever2 said:
I have two level 80's, a 72. a 70 and 60, mostly want to come back to see the 3.1 changes probably hold off on actually unfreezing my account for now, nothing happens in WOW on weekend anyways.

I resubbed about ~10 days ago for 3.1 and have been enjoying myself. Fishing dailies, diving deep into Naxx for the first time (since my guild has moved to Uld and Naxx is off DKP now), and ARGENT TOURNEY.

Although you missed Children's Week and Noblegarden, which is a very big part of what kept me WoW-busy since I came back.
GDJustin said:
I resubbed about ~10 days ago for 3.1 and have been enjoying myself. Fishing dailies, diving deep into Naxx for the first time (since my guild has moved to Uld and Naxx is off DKP now), and ARGENT TOURNEY.

Although you missed Children's Week and Noblegarden, which is a very big part of what kept me WoW-busy since I came back.
Well he was my main 80
Well the main reason I quit was just because I did everything, except Sath with more dragons and actually downing mal(everyone sucked at phase 3). So other then grinding and Uldur there would not be to much new for me. Achievement hoarding only takes up so much time.

edit: Wait they added fishing dailies, about fucking time!
TheExodu5 said:

They overpowered for PvP? PvE? Or both?

I at least hope they can top single target DPS charts in raids.
They consistently top the DPS meters for our guild, and Rogue, Mage, Priest is the best 3s team in arenas now. I think that says enough.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
yankeeforever2 said:
Well he was my main 80
Well the main reason I quit was just because I did everything, except Sath with more dragons and actually downing mal(everyone sucked at phase 3). So other then grinding and Uldur there would not be to much new for me. Achievement hoarding only takes up so much time.

edit: Wait they added fishing dailies, about fucking time!

No, they didn't add a billion new things. But they DID add a month's worth of new things :p That was sort of my point.

Mal25 is puggable, and I pugged Sarth10 with one drake up (1shot), last night. And there's a new Vault raid, as well.

By the time you down Mal, see the new Vault raid once or twice, become exalted with an Argent Tourny faction, at least poke your head into Uld (Boss1 is a loot pinata), and participate in the midsummer fire fest, your month will be up. Then you can wait until 3.2.

That's probably what I'm going to do.


Xabora said:
[Worldcarver] & [Betrayer of Humanity] can make a huge difference due to base weapon damage.

Well I was just looking at Destrian's white damage range ... it's pretty small comparatively. Yes I know the top end of World Carver is much higher than Death's Bite .... but I wouldn't think a weapon would make a 1-2k DPS difference.

Certainly doesn't have that affect with me. I guess I don't understand DK's lol.

Don't have a WWS of our most recent Freya for some reason though.


Macattk15 said:
Well I was just looking at Destrian's white damage range ... it's pretty small comparatively. Yes I know the top end of World Carver is much higher than Death's Bite .... but I wouldn't think a weapon would make a 1-2k DPS difference.

Certainly doesn't have that affect with me. I guess I don't understand DK's lol.

Don't have a WWS of our most recent Freya for some reason though.

Top end damage affects DK dps a lot more since their various strikes aren't normalized.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
A few days ago, I started a new toon, more as an experiment than anything. I wanted to see if a newly-rolled character could make money by SOLELY playing the auction house with NO outside help at all. No seed money, no G for signing guild charters, no quests.

So I rolled a human, ran her to Stormwind, and sold everything she started with.

....for 18c :lol :lol :lol

I thought I was fucked, when I saw that you started with THAT little. But so far it's going very well. I'm blogging it here:



It's actually easier to make money off beginning items nowadays than it used to be. You can sell low level herbs for silly amounts especially. Never mind low level glyphs.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
GDJustin said:
A few days ago, I started a new toon, more as an experiment than anything. I wanted to see if a newly-rolled character could make money by SOLELY playing the auction house with NO outside help at all. No seed money, no G for signing guild charters, no quests.

So I rolled a human, ran her to Stormwind, and sold everything she started with.

....for 18c :lol :lol :lol

I thought I was fucked, when I saw that you started with THAT little. But so far it's going very well. I'm blogging it here:


Good idea but what a pain in the ass when you could easily start with 10g and go from there.
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