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World of Warcraft

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CassSept said:
Tell him that he is an idiot then :p We don't set who goes where, it's pretty FFA, but if brain room is where you have problem you should probably divide which melee goes to which tentacles. You HAVE TO kill them asap or you will wipe. You can use bloodlust on first brain phase if it's your main problem*. If you don't, new crusher will spawn and you are fucked. If you do, all tentacles are stunned for ~40 seconds, spawn of crusher is delayed and you can go on. Then third phase, which is so so fun as melee :p One of most dynamic fights + EPIC music. Win.

*Basically there is this thing with bloodlust - when it's used outside whole raid gets bloodlust, BUT if you use it inside brain only people there get it, and those outside not. This way melee gets bl when they most need it (we bring brain down to 66%, or even less, on first brain phase), and ranged can still get it for third phase when they nuke boss.

Oh I know. I've done the fight on 10 man. Phase 3 was rather boring .... we just sit there and DPS adds.

Hopefully we fly through Uld this week and get back to Yoggy.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
TomServo said:
Not trying to dash your dreams, but 55 is hardly cornering the market. Personally I've got around 20-30 sitting in my bank waiting for my alt to level up to 80 and need them. The gbank has god only knows how many to cover enchants on our raiding mains, and if we ever run low we do a quick Naxx clear and pull in ~60.

That's how many were available on the AH. I bought all of them.


Macattk15 said:
Phase 3 was rather boring .... we just sit there and DPS adds.
I haven't killed him in 10man, but in 25-man YS p3 in our first kill was way better than you describe it. Nuke the add asap, and as soon as you finish another one comes, and so on, no place for a mistake or time to stop. Basically nuke -> tab -> nuke -> tab, you really had to do your best.
And gl this reset :) YS isn't really too hard fight, there are way harder encounters in front of you.


Junior Member
GDJustin said:
That's how many were available on the AH. I bought all of them.

I can see you having a small impact on people who aren't getting their mats from their gbanks.

Honestly, I think items are simply too easy to get in WoW for anyone to corner the market on anything. Right now the only thing I can see having real pressure put on it is frost lotus, and only because flask demand is outstripping what's a relatively fixed supply of lotus.
TomServo said:
I can see you having a small impact on people who aren't getting their mats from their gbanks.

Honestly, I think items are simply too easy to get in WoW for anyone to corner the market on anything. Right now the only thing I can see having real pressure put on it is frost lotus, and only because flask demand is outstripping what's a relatively fixed supply of lotus.

I was reading about this whole Frost Lotus debacle on the profession forums, but for some reason my server doesn't get to experience it :( They're stilll selling for like 18g.


Junior Member
funkmastergeneral said:
I was reading about this whole Frost Lotus debacle on the profession forums, but for some reason my server doesn't get to experience it :( They're stilll selling for like 18g.

I think we're heading into 50g territory on my server. I stocked up on flasks a while ago, but I'm down to about a week's supply. Gonna hurt to have to buy lotus soon.


Junior Member
Angry Grimace said:
For a pet? A Non-Combat pet?

Have you seen what some of the novelty items from the TCG go for on eBay?

Never underestimate the desire of WoW players to stand out from the crowd.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
TomServo said:
Have you seen what some of the novelty items from the TCG go for on eBay?

Never underestimate the desire of WoW players to stand out from the crowd.
I can tell already that it causes players to die inside that you can't just go AFK on a Plagued-Proto Drake in the middle of Dalaran


Junior Member
Angry Grimace said:
I can tell already that it causes players to die inside that you can't just go AFK on a Plagued-Proto Drake in the middle of Dalaran

I baby spice those people when I run by.

Actually, baby spice is so amazing for use on all sorts of annoying players.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Is there anything more agonizing than having 4 hours while your wife is at work and your RAF partner ain't on? :lol

I took to dual boxing my priest through Zul'farrak :|


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
TomServo said:
I can see you having a small impact on people who aren't getting their mats from their gbanks.

Honestly, I think items are simply too easy to get in WoW for anyone to corner the market on anything. Right now the only thing I can see having real pressure put on it is frost lotus, and only because flask demand is outstripping what's a relatively fixed supply of lotus.

I sold 26 Abyss Crystals at my asking price, last night. Tuesday nights = raid reset nights = unload all your enchanting mats (and cut gems) onto the AC.

I still have ~35 left to sell because I've been buying up the ones that undercut me by a large enough amount (they need to be at a bare minimum 5% cheaper than my own listings, so I don't lose money when I relist. I've been leaving others' listings alone unless they're ~10% cheaper than my own, so I can make a little profit).

So, I've "made" ~500G doing this, since Monday. I put made in quotes because I'm actually ~2700G in the hole thanks to the 35-40 AC's I still have left to sell.


finally got bored enough to go after Loremaster and the Seeker titles on my paladin. I have about 40 more eastern kingdoms quests to go, and 230 kalimdor quests. I'm not sure where I'm going to find enough kalimdor quests, but I figure I'll start with every race's starting zone and work my way from there. The only thing is I've already done Barrens and 1k Needles, and I think Ashenvale and Stonetalon, too.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Somnia said:
Help me god...I just renewed my account, but plan on starting over with a fresh level 1 character on a RL buddies server.

This is the way to play. I enjoyed WoW but didn't really see what all the fuss was about, UNTIL I re-rolled on the server where the peeps I know in RL play. That's when the social nature of the game "clicked" and I really started enjoying myself.

Over the months/years my buds and I have drifted into different guilds, but we maintain a custom chat channel that's only for our friends and family (just type /join channelname into chat and you can create/join any custom channel). So we stay closely connected in there - I'm chatting more in that channel than in my gchat.

Fake edit: For those curious about my abyss crystal escapades, A bunch of them sold this afternoon. I have now OFFICIALLY made every single cent back from my initial investments, and I've actually made 250G profit, now. Plus, I still have 15 Abyss Crystals left to sell. So presuming they sell, I will have made ~1700G in ~48 hours. o.0 From 5000G in starting capital. If they DON'T sell, I guess I only made 250G, plus 15 free crystals:lol

Real Edit: Those gold totals are for ALL of my bank alt's escapades, which include more than just trying to corner Abyss Crystals. I managed to sell fourteen Eternal lifes for 40G a pop this afternoon, too o.0. They normally sell for ~13G on my server.


whenever blizzard changed frozen power, I'm now seriously considering it. I'm just not sure where I'd take 2 points to put it into my enhance build. I mean, frostbrand would be a good offhand imbue with it, and 10% damage increase on every part of the dps rotation except stormstrike makes a bigger impact.

Maybe I'll just drop improved wf totem.


So I had a few questions:

I quit WoW like maybe a month and a half after lich king came out. Has anything changed substantially since then? Especially in the pvp gear/arena area. I sold my old account but I have another with a 70 druid sitting on it, how are they now?


firex said:
finally got bored enough to go after Loremaster and the Seeker titles on my paladin. I have about 40 more eastern kingdoms quests to go, and 230 kalimdor quests. I'm not sure where I'm going to find enough kalimdor quests, but I figure I'll start with every race's starting zone and work my way from there. The only thing is I've already done Barrens and 1k Needles, and I think Ashenvale and Stonetalon, too.

How do-able is Loremaster? I have got the Northrend loremaster, and most of Outland, but I miss a lot of Azeroth quests. Are they easily trackable (ie, say you miss 1 quest in a zone you've already done)?

So we went Ulduar again yesterday. Lagging like hell obviously, which is all the rage on wednesday these days. Downed the first four bosses while having 3 second casts and all that. And we're not even a high pop server. I don't wanna know what's Ulduar like on EU-Magtheridon. So after XT (where I got new, dkp-less boots from, yay), we went to VoA, Malygos and Sartharion, and one-shotted them all. Lagless, I might add.

Still a bit miffed we could only do 4 bosses in Ulduar since I won't be there tonight, though.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
GDJustin said:
I sold 26 Abyss Crystals at my asking price, last night. Tuesday nights = raid reset nights = unload all your enchanting mats (and cut gems) onto the AC.

I still have ~35 left to sell because I've been buying up the ones that undercut me by a large enough amount (they need to be at a bare minimum 5% cheaper than my own listings, so I don't lose money when I relist. I've been leaving others' listings alone unless they're ~10% cheaper than my own, so I can make a little profit).

So, I've "made" ~500G doing this, since Monday. I put made in quotes because I'm actually ~2700G in the hole thanks to the 35-40 AC's I still have left to sell.
The one reason I think it's a smart move is because less items are being converted to ACs while demand is probably increasing.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Angry Grimace said:
The one reason I think it's a smart move is because less items are being converted to ACs while demand is probably increasing.

Well yeah. Everyone getting hot new lewts in a new dungeon means 2 things:

1) Less guilds running farm content = less DE'd purples.
2) Much higher demand for enchanting mats as people get upgrades.

I'll likely lay off such high-stakes auction escapades for the sake of my sanity, for the forseeable future. But I can totally see myself pulling a similar stunt again, when the next raid dungeon is implemented.

Dina: The old-world Loremasters are both fairly easy. The Kalimdor one used to be a motherfucker for Alliance, but Blizz cut the requirement to give players a little more breathing room. You'll still need to be fairly thorough, but it isn't insane.

Some of the outland ones are the worst, actually. Nagrand was a major headache. I was a couple short and had done EVERYTHING. Turns out what I was missing was a quest chain that starts off of a dropped item from some random mob you never need to kill for any other quest -_-


As far as Outland goes, I'm only down 1 q in Blade's Edge and about 6 groupquests in Shadowmoon. I hope I can solo them. Azeroth is easily soloable, of course.

I forgot, tracking a Q-giver also helps a lot. Think I'll be working on that achievement inbetween the hours. Which is like 5 hours tops over a week. Fuck my schedule (work, gf, work, gf).


Dina said:
How do-able is Loremaster? I have got the Northrend loremaster, and most of Outland, but I miss a lot of Azeroth quests. Are they easily trackable (ie, say you miss 1 quest in a zone you've already done)?

So we went Ulduar again yesterday. Lagging like hell obviously, which is all the rage on wednesday these days. Downed the first four bosses while having 3 second casts and all that. And we're not even a high pop server. I don't wanna know what's Ulduar like on EU-Magtheridon. So after XT (where I got new, dkp-less boots from, yay), we went to VoA, Malygos and Sartharion, and one-shotted them all. Lagless, I might add.

Still a bit miffed we could only do 4 bosses in Ulduar since I won't be there tonight, though.
Low level quest tracking makes it pretty easy to get the old stuff. You do have to pretty much wander around anywhere with NPCs, but it's not so bad. Since it's not divided up by zone, if you miss a couple in one zone, there's usually a few more in another you can do. I'm not quite sure how I'll get 685 Kalimdor quests (I'm at 456 right now), but I guess I just need to do everything in Silithus, and a lot of the pre-2.3 elite quests I skipped. I'll get 3k quests completed well before this, though, because right now I'm at like 2800/3000, so obviously I'll get there just finishing Loremaster.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
firex said:
Low level quest tracking makes it pretty easy to get the old stuff. You do have to pretty much wander around anywhere with NPCs, but it's not so bad. Since it's not divided up by zone, if you miss a couple in one zone, there's usually a few more in another you can do. I'm not quite sure how I'll get 685 Kalimdor quests (I'm at 456 right now), but I guess I just need to do everything in Silithus, and a lot of the pre-2.3 elite quests I skipped. I'll get 3k quests completed well before this, though, because right now I'm at like 2800/3000, so obviously I'll get there just finishing Loremaster.
Old world is still sucky


Junior Member
Quiz Time!

What is wrong with these two pictures?
TIP: There is more than one thing wrong.

Winner gets a pat on the back!


You're fighting in unholy presence, took longer than 45 mins to get to baron, is that an autoattack button on your 2nd right-side hotkey bar, new bags would be nice. No complaints other than that.

Take post with grain of salt


Xabora said:
Quiz Time!

What is wrong with these two pictures?
TIP: There is more than one thing wrong.

Winner gets a pat on the back!

You clicked all the boxes to trigger the baron event early.
Almost downed Mimiron 25 last night in only 3 attempts.
Hopefully Monday gets him.
We did really well, considering half the raid never had seen the fight before.


Junior Member
AceBandage said:
Almost downed Mimiron 25 last night in only 3 attempts.
Hopefully Monday gets him.
We did really well, considering half the raid never had seen the fight before.

I'm on the bandwagon of Mimiron being the most fun fight in Ulduar.

I actually like the Vezax mechanic, Hodir, etc. Really a great raid overall. The only fight I don't like is Kologarn because it's such an RNG on who's getting screwed. Was at the bottom on the meters on that fight this week after being gripped twice and eye beam focused three times. Seriously, WTF?


Really Really Exciting Member!
Xabora said:
Quiz Time!

What is wrong with these two pictures?
TIP: There is more than one thing wrong.

Winner gets a pat on the back!

Abominations still alive while fighting Baron.

2 lvl 80 fighting in Stratholme lol. :p
TomServo said:
I'm on the bandwagon of Mimiron being the most fun fight in Ulduar.

I actually like the Vezax mechanic, Hodir, etc. Really a great raid overall. The only fight I don't like is Kologarn because it's such an RNG on who's getting screwed. Was at the bottom on the meters on that fight this week after being gripped twice and eye beam focused three times. Seriously, WTF?
I really don't like Ulduar, but Mimi and Vezax almost make up for it.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Xabora said:
Quiz Time!

What is wrong with these two pictures?
TIP: There is more than one thing wrong.

Winner gets a pat on the back!
You're fighting Baron without having killed all the mini-Patchwerks?

You also appear to be unarmed.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
For anyone curious - the last of my Abyss Crystals sold overnight.

Total profit: ~1780G. In ~4 days. Not bad, I'd say!


GDJustin said:
For anyone curious - the last of my Abyss Crystals sold overnight.

Total profit: ~1780G. In ~4 days. Not bad, I'd say!

You should totally keep on doing it. And if you could open a blog to keep us updated. I find it really interesting.

Do you think you will be able to corner the market with smaller things like...Spider's cloth (Sorry, only know the name in spanish) that goes for about 4g-9g each?

They are normally pretty scarce and always sell in 2 minutes on my server.
GDJustin said:
For anyone curious - the last of my Abyss Crystals sold overnight.

Total profit: ~1780G. In ~4 days. Not bad, I'd say!

Wow, nice. I could never make money off playing the AH, I've tried it before and just lost quite a hefty deposit. I'll just stick with dailies and picking flowers


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
itxaka said:
You should totally keep on doing it. And if you could open a blog to keep us updated. I find it really interesting.

Do you think you will be able to corner the market with smaller things like...Spider's cloth (Sorry, only know the name in spanish) that goes for about 4g-9g each?

They are normally pretty scarce and always sell in 2 minutes on my server.

funkmastergeneral said:
Wow, nice. I could never make money off playing the AH, I've tried it before and just lost quite a hefty deposit. I'll just stick with dailies and picking flowers

I contemplated continuing with the Abyss Crystals, but you have to seriously babysit the market for it to really work. I work from home, so I was able to keep WoW open in the background and check-in every ~15 minutes or so.

That, plus the fact that cornering the market SERIOUSLY stressed me out, led me to the decision that it was probably time for me to take my profit and walk away, for a while :lol It's just like at a casino - you can't come out a winner unless you stop playing, at some point.

Re: Cloth - Cornering the market only works for specific items. Stuff that a lot of people will need, more or less. Elementals, enchanting materials, etc. So Spider Silk Cloth might not be the best idea, since it's only useful to tailors. I did Abyss Crystals because EVERYONE needs them, if they want any high-end enchants on their gear. It's not an item they can just go out and farm. If they don't have any in the bank, AH is their only option.

That, plus Abyss Crystals (and all other enchanting mats) have NO AH deposit. So you can list and re-list as much as you want.

edit: It's also a timing game. I saw a BUNCH (50+) Abyss Crystals listed on the AH for 75-90G), and then that was it, besides one dude that had some up for 110G. So I made a snap decision to rebuy them all and relist at 109. Just in time for raid resets. And it worked. It was a combination of luck, and simply knowing the market.

I knew that even if a bunch of other people dumped their AC's onto the AH, ruining my plan, I would at the very least make my money back.

The whole plan, in a nutshell, is to shift the market upwards as far as any one single individual can. And then capitalize on that. AC's are now selling for ~25G more on my server than they were 5 days ago. And I'm not even selling them, any more. I shifted the market ~25G, and that's where all my profit came from. If you're not buying ALL of everything and truly shifting the market, all you're doing is trying to exist and make profit in the margins, which is tough.
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