said:Why is the blizzard updater really slow? It's like it's stuck on "preparing to update".
I turned off p2p and the throttle.
This makes everyone's life easier. said:Why is the blizzard updater really slow? It's like it's stuck on "preparing to update".
I turned off p2p and the throttle.
thanks. yeah, i was thinking about going back to mirrors.Xabora said:
This makes everyone's life easier.
I was just a coincidence I guess.Gloomfire said:Mine was working fine (I think).
AceBandage said:Vezax is an easy fight, once you get the mechanics of the two pools down.
And it helps if you have a druid tank that can eat that powered up hit (ours can survive with a few thousand health).
firex said:oh my god, that last one is hilarious. I always like the fucked up respawning/releasing bugs that port you someplace completely different for no reason, because they've yet to happen to me.
DarkAngelYuna said:Wow, the green proto drake dropped from the oracle eggs on my mage a few weeks ago...tonight it just dropped on my warlock![]()
oh thank god. I was afraid it'd be Je'tze's Bell. If you get that, say hello to several thousand gold.Gloomfire said:So I got this the other day as a drop in Violet Hold:
Apparently it's pretty rare and sells for a pretty good amount. Of course I didn't find out any of this until after I equipped it.
DarkAngelYuna said:Wow, the green proto drake dropped from the oracle eggs on my mage a few weeks ago...tonight it just dropped on my warlock![]()
yeah, I'm just leveling my warrior alt as Arms, but any world pvp I get into is ridiculously stacked in my favor as long as they aren't a skull level to me. Even level allies? I can kill a couple of them and I don't even have all the arms talents yet. Arms is a really good pvp build again, and I even like its pve utility, even if it doesn't quite do fury's dps.Alex said:Arms Warriors not powerful? Are you kidding? They're very well off
They're in the most well represented 2v2 at the moment and a favored pick in Cleave teams which is the most popular 3v3 comp, only being challenged by RMP (Rogue/Mage/Priest), a classical comp that requires so much finesse with CC chains to do well that it's sickening.
As opposed to Cleave, which is basically just works as "hurr hurr DK Strangulate + AMS and Warrior MS + Bladestorm complete lock down while being fully immune to CC hurr hurr"
If you mean you get beat up 1 v 1 in some weird pug BG, yes, but Warriors are an amazing team player in a premade and an amazing arena class again. Their numbers will keep rising until the wind is let out of Juggernauts sails a little more like they hinted about doing today.
Although, I'd still like to see them take the sheers to Resto Druid before Warrior since the anti-Cleave changes are going to come from caster-side changes and Arms/Resto is 75% the Druid being nearly invincible and impossible to OOM again. After today's Innervate change, you can't even mana burn them anymore. The guillotine is gonna fall on them pretty hard, I think. It's worse than S3 at the moment, at least in S3 they had to expose themselves a little and actually bother to drink.
Blizzard made a post at 7:30pm tonight saying that Arms is to OP in PVP and will be getting nerfed even more =\Alex said:Arms Warriors not powerful? Are you kidding? They're very well off
They're in the most well represented 2v2 at the moment and a favored pick in Cleave teams which is the most popular 3v3 comp, only being challenged by RMP (Rogue/Mage/Priest), a classical comp that requires so much finesse with CC chains to do well that it's sickening.
As opposed to Cleave, which is basically just works as "hurr hurr DK Strangulate + AMS and Warrior MS + Bladestorm complete lock down while being fully immune to CC hurr hurr"
If you mean you get beat up 1 v 1 in some weird pug BG, yes, but Warriors are an amazing team player in a premade and an amazing arena class again. Their numbers will keep rising until the wind is let out of Juggernauts sails a little more like they hinted about doing today.
Although, I'd still like to see them take the sheers to Resto Druid before Warrior since the anti-Cleave changes are going to come from caster-side changes and Arms/Resto is 75% the Druid being nearly invincible and impossible to OOM again. After today's Innervate change, you can't even mana burn them anymore. The guillotine is gonna fall on them pretty hard, I think. It's worse than S3 at the moment, at least in S3 they had to expose themselves a little and actually bother to drink.
read a page or two earlier in the thread, it was just discussed then.SuperAndroid17 said:Anyone have any good recommendations for rogue UIs? looking for something unique.
DeathNote said:What professions should I pick on my warrior reroll?
I went herb/inscription, so I don't have to grind sons of hodir. It's bad enough doing that twice for my paladin and shaman.DeathNote said:What professions should I pick on my warrior reroll?
DarkAngelYuna said:Blizzard made a post at 7:30pm tonight saying that Arms is to OP in PVP and will be getting nerfed even more =\
JC + DEing. Nothing else compares. Alch/Insc are decent but more speculative.DeathNote said:Hm, what professions make the most money?
Well, if I reroll on a new server how will I get mats?Son of Godzilla said:JC + DEing. Nothing else compares. Alch/Insc are decent but more speculative.
DeathNote said:Well, if I reroll on a new server how will I get mats?
Wut, 15k? I haven't played in months, but I never dreamed of making that much just grinding mobs. What class are you? And what mobs?Kyoufu said:Nothing will make you as much money as two gathering professions. Mining + Herbing is pure profit.
JCing will cost thousands of gold to get up, don't bother to do it for money making.
What you should do is start with gathering, make a shit-ton of gold and then when you're sitting comfortably you should pick two main profs for beneficial stat gain.
But really, I made 15k in only a few days by just grinding mobs, you don't need professions to become filthy rich.
I loved the old (3.1 -> 3.1.2) tracking icons, they were the perfect size for mine. These ones are just too big and annoying, which is a shame.Lain said:I hate updating WoW. It always requires more space than it "really" needs. For this update, 2.5GB of space aren't enough for the updater to update, so annoying.
Edit: After 3.1, the tracking icons on the minimap became way too small. Now after 3.1.2, they are way too big... wth?! Time to change my minimap mod I guess.
PvP blows dead bears.DarkAngelYuna said:Blizzard made a post at 7:30pm tonight saying that Arms is to OP in PVP and will be getting nerfed even more =\
Angry Grimace said:PvP blows dead bears.
I disagree. Sure you can get a lot of money from gathering, but for effort vs profit, nothing beats a crafting profession. Buy the mats from AH, craft, sell it. Bunch of profit. Effort spent? Running back and forth from AH and mailbox.Kyoufu said:Nothing will make you as much money as two gathering professions. Mining + Herbing is pure profit.
Yeah, raiding is pretty much dead at this point. Worst state it's ever been in.AceBandage said:Honestly, I wish Blizzard would focus a lot less on PVP and more on raid content.
The game was not built on PVP and trying to shoehorn it in like they are is killing raiding.
Just make different rules for BGs and Arena. I don't understand why one size has to fit all.AceBandage said:Honestly, I wish Blizzard would focus a lot less on PVP and more on raid content.
The game was not built on PVP and trying to shoehorn it in like they are is killing raiding.
Because lots of people play both, and learning different rules and mechanics for the two would be worse. Ever played Jedi Knight/Academy? There were two executables, one for MP and one for SP. All the moves and abilities and attacks and even just moving around was totally different between the two. You could for example do a butterfly attack in SP and control your movement during it, but in MP it was a fixed animation. It was really annoying if you tried to play both since they worked totally differently.Angry Grimace said:Just make different rules for BGs and Arena. I don't understand why one size has to fit all.
I mean, is World PvP really that important?
People can dual spec, but they can't figure out if Mortal Strike does a different amount of damage in a BG than it does to a game-controlled monster?usea said:Because lots of people play both, and learning different rules and mechanics for the two would be worse. Ever played Jedi Knight/Academy? There were two executables, one for MP and one for SP. All the moves and abilities and attacks and even just moving around was totally different between the two. You could for example do a butterfly attack in SP and control your movement during it, but in MP it was a fixed animation. It was really annoying if you tried to play both since they worked totally differently.
He's saying that in consideration of the fact that I'm rerolling with 0g and zero higher level support.zam said:I disagree. Sure you can get a lot of money from gathering, but for effort vs profit, nothing beats a crafting profession. Buy the mats from AH, craft, sell it. Bunch of profit. Effort spent? Running back and forth from AH and mailbox.
What you should do is this, take Herbalism/Mining from 1-60 and gather everything you can. Once you hit 60, drop one of them for a crafting profession you'd like, and keep the other as a money maker. Selling low level mats brings in more profit than you'd expect because:DeathNote said:He's saying that in consideration of the fact that I'm rerolling with 0g and zero higher level support.
I'm still stuck on Strange Dust at level 49 :lolHalycon said:What you should do is this, take Herbalism/Mining from 1-60 and gather everything you can. Once you hit 60, drop one of them for a crafting profession you'd like, and keep the other as a money maker. Selling low level mats brings in more profit than you'd expect because:
1) Demand for low level items are high because people are lazy, have lots of money to blow and prefer to powerlevel their professions.
2) Supply for lower items are low because not many people are rerolling now and those that do usually powerlevel their professions ANYWAY. Therefore you have less competition for materials.
One thing, if you want Enchanting as one of your end game professions, work on it from level 1. Hunting for low-level enchanting mats is one of the most mind numbing activities in the entire game.
Sometimes you get saved if the group leader logs out and you're inside, etc. because it's "his" instance.rhfb said:Man I'm pissed off. Joined a fail VoA25 group that was only able to kill trash, but for some reason I'm locked to that instance.
If VoA is cleared, the trash is down right? Went back in thinking I would be able to do it with a good group and was in my own instance, but the trash was up. Might just have to make my own group and go do it.
rhfb said:Man I'm pissed off. Joined a fail VoA25 group that was only able to kill trash, but for some reason I'm locked to that instance.
If VoA is cleared, the trash is down right? Went back in thinking I would be able to do it with a good group and was in my own instance, but the trash was up. Might just have to make my own group and go do it.
Back in BC I got bored and decided to level Enchanting on my druid.Angry Grimace said:I'm still stuck on Strange Dust at level 49 :lol
I abused the shit out of the Reinforced Cobalt trick Xabora told me about before they patched it out and got my GF's enchanting to 450 in one day.Halycon said:Back in BC I got bored and decided to level Enchanting on my druid.
I reached level 320 and said "fuck this shit" and dropped it.
1500g down the drain.
Never again.
Angry Grimace said:I abused the shit out of the Reinforced Cobalt trick Xabora told me about before they patched it out and got my GF's enchanting to 450 in one day.
It isn't though. I'm saved to an instance with BOTH bosses up. I just don't feel like putting together a group to go and kill things, that's just not who I am. I just want them to clear the ID so I can go and join a group that gets a kill in.Flib said:I literally don't understand what the problem here is. First of all, with the changes with this week's patch, you can only be saved to an instance if you are present for a boss kill. Besides that, even if you are saved to that raid id, the trash would have respawned if you didn't get any bosses down, so it seems like everything is working as intended.