Son of Godzilla
Milpool said:I opted for soloing Steamvault rather than turning in ears, seemed much quicker to me.
Heh, I bought mine way back when and totally forgot that the rep is the hard part to get now.
Milpool said:I opted for soloing Steamvault rather than turning in ears, seemed much quicker to me.
Tamanon said:Strangest glitch ever. Use my hearthstone to go back to Dalaran and instead it puts me about 10000 feet in the air over Grizzly Hills. Splat.:lol
Why can't you solo it as a mage?Bisnic said:I can't really solo SV as a mage, so i had to get the Argent hippogryph, but yeah they are nice flying mounts.You dont see them as much as dragons lol.
I know about this achievment, but this screenshot, well. Grinding steamwheedle reputations is nothing, the fun begins after these.Xabora said:
firex said:It's a massive nerf coming just as it gets gems that would put everyone else on the same level. They neutered the only good jewelcrafter-only thing the profession has. Now there's no point to have it, but they won't neuter the BS-only stuff, because that is always their favorite profession.
Oh I know, already planning my next steps for action. :lolCassSept said:I know about this achievment, but this screenshot, well. Grinding steamwheedle reputations is nothing, the fun begins after these.
zam said:How to have fun in Ironforge if you are bored.
:lol :lolzam said:How to have fun in Ironforge if you are bored.
1 Passenger Mammoth or Chopper.
1 Warlock
A couple other friends who are bored
Step 1: Get the lock to make a summon portal near the great forge.
Step 2: Invite random ppl offering them free rides or tours of IF
Step 3: Drive them to the great forge and jump in.
Step 4: Get summoned out by your friends
Step 5: Watch and laugh as the other person dies a slow but hilarious death.
Also can be done on your own if you are a paladin, just bubble hs instead of being summoned, but can only be done once every 30 mins.
CassSept said:I know about this achievment, but this screenshot, well. Grinding steamwheedle reputations is nothing, the fun begins after these.
To add what I said earlier:Xabora said:Oh I know, already planning my next steps for action. :lol
That achievement is lame. It should be get exalted with the Syndicate, not Ravenholdt. Killing Ravenholdt fucks was a pasttime of mine.Xabora said:To add what I said earlier:
Yeah yeah, ugh the cost of the cards is bad enough. >_<
Got a buddy helping me with the 1.5k lockboxes too.
No. 4 sucks. :lolGloomfire said:![]()
I'm pretty proud of this one. Regular CoS run.
1 is a Heroic geared 80 Pally that was helping his guildies.
2 is me, a 79 Fire Mage.
3 is a 79 Arcane Mage who is much better geared than me.
4 is an 80 DK DPS.
Was a good run.
firex said:It's a massive nerf coming just as it gets gems that would put everyone else on the same level. They neutered the only good jewelcrafter-only thing the profession has. Now there's no point to have it, but they won't neuter the BS-only stuff, because that is always their favorite profession.
Yeah, but every other profession (except engineering, due to fucking awful goggle itemization) has awesome bind on pickup stuff to encourage people to level the profession instead of just bumming items off someone else. Even if dragon's eyes are a few points higher than 3.2's epic gems, it's a bad nerf because it seriously removes any reason to level JC on your own. Especially when the real issue is BS's "socket your own gear" perk.Trax416 said:JC is still the second best profession for mages. Offering more extra spell damage then anything except BS with two epic gems.
Not to mention I make about 1k gold a day with JC.
I'm pretty proud of this one. Regular CoS run.
1 is a Heroic geared 80 Pally that was helping his guildies.
2 is me, a 79 Fire Mage.
3 is a 79 Arcane Mage who is much better geared than me.
4 is an 80 DK DPS.
Was a good run.
itxaka said:I mean, it's a game, it's supposed to be fun. Why there are people always looking at the final dps? what does it matter if the boss or the misson was completed with no problems?
Not pointing at you, just your post remembered me of the people that do that.
itxaka said:isn't selling accounts forbidden by blizzard? Just asking, not pointing.
BTW, if I got a us account, will I be able to play from europe? when choosing a server, only EU servers appear on my list, or is it based on the account region?
This, I don't get it.
I mean, it's a game, it's supposed to be fun. Why there are people always looking at the final dps? what does it matter if the boss or the misson was completed with no problems?
Not pointing at you, just your post remembered me of the people that do that.
Always good to know you can do top damage, in case you're worried you don't know how to play a dps class, since soloing and grouping is different for most of them. I'm never concerned with being #1, as long as I can crack top 5 in a 10man or top 10 in a 25man, considering how undergeared I am compared to a lot of other dps. The bigger issue is can you kill shit, not be a drain on healers, and not die.itxaka said:isn't selling accounts forbidden by blizzard? Just asking, not pointing.
BTW, if I got a us account, will I be able to play from europe? when choosing a server, only EU servers appear on my list, or is it based on the account region?
This, I don't get it.
I mean, it's a game, it's supposed to be fun. Why there are people always looking at the final dps? what does it matter if the boss or the misson was completed with no problems?
Not pointing at you, just your post remembered me of the people that do that.
itxaka said:This, I don't get it.
I mean, it's a game, it's supposed to be fun. Why there are people always looking at the final dps? what does it matter if the boss or the misson was completed with no problems?
Not pointing at you, just your post remembered me of the people that do that.
StormyTheRabbit said:It doesn't matter for heroics. But for raids, there are bosses where you need to put out atleast a certain number of DPS or else you won't down him.
funkmastergeneral said:Any healers have any suggestions for what to do during Deconstructor in Ulduar? His temper tantrum spell just absolutely drained my mana, I was OOM with him only at about 50% and we wiped =/
funkmastergeneral said:Any healers have any suggestions for what to do during Deconstructor in Ulduar? His temper tantrum spell just absolutely drained my mana, I was OOM with him only at about 50% and we wiped =/
Kyoufu said:I don't know what class you are, but since they nerfed Temper Tantrum it has been incredibly easy to keep people healed. Just spam AoE heals. Prayer of Healing, Circle of Healing etc does the job.
LAUGHTREY said:We had everyone stack into two groups and just mash on AOE heals during that time.
funkmastergeneral said:I'm a Priest and this is what I did, and while I didn't really have issues with keeping people up it was just an absolute mana drain to be spamming my circle of healing and prayer of healing. Maybe I could use another healer helping me.
As most of you know, Onslaught defeated Yogg last night. I think onslaught is a great group of people, but I do not think they even come close to the level of talent that we have, or FA has for that matter. So, that leads me to ask "Why were they able to do something we haven't". I do not think there is a simple answer for this, but I do feel there are many contributing factors, that can be combined to give us an answer.
10-mans - Remember back in the day when this guild....cared? We were running 2-3 10 mans through ZA a week and even had a night were we got 3 bear mounts. Now it seems that we are "too good" for 10-mans or people wait for someone else to put them together. When people get in a 10 man, 2-3 wipes and they act like its the end of the world and give up. Really? I just heard everyone bitch about how easy content was for 4 months, they finally put something hard in and now people whine about wiping... seriously guys get the sand outta your vags and suck it up. Onslaught currently has 2 10-mans clearing Ulduar. Not only do you pick up gear in these that makes 25 man easier... you get experience and practice. Seriously, get off your asses and get to forming some 10-mans if you care about this guild.
Be Prepared- Another problem we have is, when we go into a new fight..maybe half the guild has cared enough to read about it. Really, I mean I hear the same people bitching about how bad certain people are telling me they have no clue what phase 3 on Yogg is. Are you fucking kidding me? If you don't care enough to do the homework get the fuck out of my guild and go find a casual one that is more your speed. Learn the fights before you go in. Its not the RLs fucking job to hold your hand like a little kid and explain what each part of the fight is like. Its the RLs job to tell you the strat we are going to use and assign people their jobs. Also, if you do 10 mans before 25, you have a good idea on this stuff also.
Criticism - This is 2 folded here. A) If you are going to tell someone they are fucking up, tell them what they are doing wrong and how to fix it. B) If you get told you are fucking up, don't get butt hurt, fix the problem and don't whine to me about hurt feelings. We are trying to be a top level raiding guild. Ask around, talk to the people that have been in top level guilds... you get yelled at, you get your feelings hurt, you shape up or you find a casual guild. If you don't want to be yelled at you have to choices... don't fuck up 84 times or go find a nice casual guild to run with. We have 2 people in our guild that have spawned more clouds then the rest of the raid combined and doubled. And they aren't even tanks... Mose and Eple... learn to not be around the clouds... I watched you both spawn repeatedly when not in mind controls all last night, and Thursday. Seriously, I have done it, its not that hard. Sure you might spawn 1 a night maybe 2... but you both spawn 1 or 2 every attempt. Play extra careful and don't get near the fucking clouds.
Tanks - I think, maybe not 100% on this, Karys is the only tank that has been to our all our Yogg attempts. Seriously, our MT hasn't shown up for Yogg this week. By the end of every night we have to have our top melee DPS switch to tank spec so we can keep going. If you guys are here to put in the work, leave so we can replace you. I don't care how good you are, you can be the best tank in the world, and if you can't show up for the night we really need you, your worthless to us. But you all show up on night we give you loot...funny how that works. On top of that lose the fucking attitudes... being a whiny bitch the few time you do show up doesn't help either.
And finally, show up. Our attendance is shit for wipe nights. Don't you realize we are all part of the same guild? Think how pissed off you are when you show up and we have other people that don't. Then the next night you do the same thing? It is laughable how many people that are part of the problem, bitch about it. Starting next week we will be demoting people not making attendance and you will be getting loot like pledges. Its not worth our time to gear people like Fro or Message if they are going to be 20% under attendance, even if they are amazing players.
I think I have been too laid back, and that is part of the problem. I will not make that mistake anymore. Even if we have to take this time to rebuild cause people get butt hurt and cry about this. I don't care anymore. I want to raid with people that care about the guild and progress, not how much loot they can get on the first two nights of the week. I want to play with people that care and show up prepared and ready to raid. Not people who start auto-piloting after the first 5 attempts and have 30 second attention spans when getting near clouds. I truly hope that this Wednesday we see some big changes and people start showing up and when they do show up they come ready to raid.
This is the reason I'm wary of joining a top flight guild. I personally know/feel I'm better than most players in general, but I dont' want to get shitted on for doing something/anything wrong and/or having real life shit to do. Fear of committment, I guess :lolMacattk15 said:The other 2 top horde guilds on my server are imploding because we (a relatively new guild as result of a merger of 2 lesser guilds) beat them to killing Yogg Saron 25 man.
We are now server 2nd in both 10 and 25 man.
Internal drama and maximum butthurt over not being 1st has caused the other 2 top horde guilds to implode.
It's amazing how seriously people take the progression and not holding onto first after they had it all through Naxx and such.
We only raid 3 hours a night ... Monday - Thurs. They raid 4 hours a night Mon - Thurs.
Funny when the GM of one of said other guilds makes a post like this in response to being beaten .... us being Onslaught.
Very laughable.
That same GM gquit today and joined a new "super guild" ... mainly put together of the "best of the best" from the 2 other top guilds .... they only have 10 people.
Ahh the classic "How to get 1 guy geared up scheme" quickly that kinda works because people are dumbasses.Macattk15 said:That same GM gquit today and joined a new "super guild" ... mainly put together of the "best of the best" from the 2 other top guilds .... they only have 10 people.
Alex said:That first paragraph is awesome, total and utter butthurt. Congrats on your Yogg kill, Mac.
Your guild's loot master should reconsider his priorities.Xabora said:Ahh the classic "How to get 1 guy geared up scheme" quickly that kinda works because people are dumbasses.
In other news a feral druid came to a raid as a tank, won the DPS mace over me and said it was for his DPS set. :/
Son of Godzilla said:So my warlock dinged 80 today and I am mother-fucking daunted when it comes to what the fuck to do. I don't have a fucking clue how to spec or what gear to aim for or even what stats are important. While leveling I just stacking crit and sp and spirit to a lesser extent, all else be damned.
Son of Godzilla said:So my warlock dinged 80 today and I am mother-fucking daunted when it comes to what the fuck to do. I don't have a fucking clue how to spec or what gear to aim for or even what stats are important. While leveling I just stacking crit and sp and spirit to a lesser extent, all else be damned.
GDJustin said:I don't think anyone seriously runs demonology, but I might be wrong.