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World of Warcraft

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firex said:
So with all this talk about reporting dps numbers, I'm curious: what's the best way to know your dps? Overall for a raid, or per boss fight? I ask because overall for a raid I did 3100 dps in Naxx 25, but per boss fight I would do about 2600-2800 dps. That's as a ret paladin so I don't even know if that's good or bad (well, I know it's not awful, but I mean I don't know how good/bad it is overall).

I suppose gear/spec/armory is important too so: http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Kilrogg&n=Casavir

If you're looking at my weapon saying "what the fuck" I won it in a Maly10 pug against a DK and we were both using the TS 2h mace, no hunters or ferals in the raid.
If you want an idea about how you're doing overall in the grand scheme of things then consider visiting combat log parsing sites such as www.wowmetersonline.com and www.wowwebstats.com. This should give a clear picture on how different classes are doing for a complete raid and on particular fight. Uploading your combat logs from raids you do is easy too and would allow you to quickly scrutinize your performance.

2500-3100 dps is not shameful but it's not that great either. I play a ret paladin and I'm usually in the mid 5k area.


For all those druids tired of looking at brown bear form: BEHOLD!


In our next major content patch, druids will find a host of new textures for two major forms, cat and bear. There will be five different designs for each of these forms for the Horde and Alliance. Night elves can choose to change their cat and bear look at any time by visiting the barber shop and changing their character's hair color, while tauren will be able to change which look they use by switching skin tones in the barber shop -- a new feature for tauren in the next major content patch.

We'd like to share with you this new art for each form and faction in four installments. So without further ado, our first preview is for the five new textures of the tauren druid bear form. We'll also show the current form design so you can easily see the extra detail and textures of the new art. Work continues on new looks for the remaining druid forms and we hope to add them in future content patches.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
firex said:
So with all this talk about reporting dps numbers, I'm curious: what's the best way to know your dps? Overall for a raid, or per boss fight? I ask because overall for a raid I did 3100 dps in Naxx 25, but per boss fight I would do about 2600-2800 dps. That's as a ret paladin so I don't even know if that's good or bad (well, I know it's not awful, but I mean I don't know how good/bad it is overall).

I suppose gear/spec/armory is important too so: http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Kilrogg&n=Casavir

If you're looking at my weapon saying "what the fuck" I won it in a Maly10 pug against a DK and we were both using the TS 2h mace, no hunters or ferals in the raid.
It's not amazing, but it's not bad either. As long as you come in the top 10 you're okay, but you should always be looking to see if you could be doing better. Just generally speaking; there's nothing you're necessarily doing wrong.

The only thing I would say about your gear is that you have almost 80 points of wasted hit rating because the hit cap for Ret pallies is only 8% = 263 hit rating. You also have JC, but only 2 Dragon's Eye socketed.

Because a significant amount of your hit rating is socketed; you can just replace the hit and hit/stam gems with the appropriate Strength gems and Bold Dragon's Eye's. I would also suggest just dumping the socket bonus on certain items; i.e. +4 hit rating socket on the Death-Inured Sabatons, because you don't need hit rating at all. Just double up on Bold Scarlet Rubies.


Angry Grimace said:
It's not amazing, but it's not bad either. As long as you come in the top 10 you're okay, but you should always be looking to see if you could be doing better. Just generally speaking; there's nothing you're necessarily doing wrong.

The only thing I would say about your gear is that you have almost 80 points of wasted hit rating because the hit cap for Ret pallies is only 8% = 263 hit rating. You also have JC, but only 2 Dragon's Eye socketed.

Because a significant amount of your hit rating is socketed; you can just replace the hit and hit/stam gems with the appropriate Strength gems and Bold Dragon's Eye's. I would also suggest just dumping the socket bonus on certain items; i.e. +4 hit rating socket on the Death-Inured Sabatons, because you don't need hit rating at all. Just double up on Bold Scarlet Rubies.
I know I have too much hit rating. It all came when I got t7.5 shoulders in naxx25 and I forgot to replace my glove enchant with expertise. I used to be below the hit cap and then all of a sudden I got like 8 million things with a bunch of hit on them to push me over.

I didn't realize I'd only used 2 dragon's eyes, though. for some reason I thought I had 3. probably thinking of my tank set there. I'm also mainly just keeping a couple socket bonuses so my meta stays active even after they nerf dragon's eyes.

I think I was like 11th in overall dps on that naxx25, although everyone in the top 10 was ulduar geared so they did like 4k dps. I knew I couldn't crack the top 10 in that group but I did better than the other people at similar/worse gear levels.


Has problems recognising girls
Wow they finally added a zeppelin from Orgrimmar to Thunder Bluff eh? Although the quest trip was annoying, I used to enjoy running my Orcs through south Barrens and into Mulgore. Bit like an abused wife I suppose.


so, after looking at the armory's "find an upgrade" thing, I guess I really do need to get the t7 (normal probably) dps chest not only for the 4 piece, but so I can be sure of what extra hit I need to discard. I lowered my hit rating a lot just by logging in and sweeping out hit/stamina for expertise/stamina, and a 16 hit gem for a 27 str dragon's eye, so I guess once I replace that blue chest with something I wouldn't replace until much later, I can keep my gear in good shape. also, now I'm just 4 expertise away from the cap for that.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
firex said:
I know I have too much hit rating. It all came when I got t7.5 shoulders in naxx25 and I forgot to replace my glove enchant with expertise. I used to be below the hit cap and then all of a sudden I got like 8 million things with a bunch of hit on them to push me over.

I didn't realize I'd only used 2 dragon's eyes, though. for some reason I thought I had 3. probably thinking of my tank set there. I'm also mainly just keeping a couple socket bonuses so my meta stays active even after they nerf dragon's eyes.

I think I was like 11th in overall dps on that naxx25, although everyone in the top 10 was ulduar geared so they did like 4k dps. I knew I couldn't crack the top 10 in that group but I did better than the other people at similar/worse gear levels.
The JC nerf isn't coming until 3.2, which is probably 2 months away, minimum, more likely more.

I would recommend changing your gems before your 'chants, cause the gems are cheaper than the chants.


:lol New Druid art teased at for years, hyped up and it's palette swaps for cat and bear form only.... They spent more time making random BC creatures that you see once or twice than they did on updating art for shit people have to look at daily.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Look again, it's a new improved model with better textures and polygons. Not just a pallette swap. Just look at the damn face, horns, necklace and earrings to see it for yourself.


Angry Grimace said:
The JC nerf isn't coming until 3.2, which is probably 2 months away, minimum, more likely more.

I would recommend changing your gems before your 'chants, cause the gems are cheaper than the chants.
they were both free for me and 20 hit rating on gloves is pointless now that I'm comfortably over the cap. I only had it to get me at the cap. there's a bunch of scrolls of 15 expertise to gloves in my guild bank.
Macattk15 said:
The other 2 top horde guilds on my server are imploding because we (a relatively new guild as result of a merger of 2 lesser guilds) beat them to killing Yogg Saron 25 man.

We are now server 2nd in both 10 and 25 man.

Internal drama and maximum butthurt over not being 1st has caused the other 2 top horde guilds to implode.

It's amazing how seriously people take the progression and not holding onto first after they had it all through Naxx and such.

We only raid 3 hours a night ... Monday - Thurs. They raid 4 hours a night Mon - Thurs.

Funny when the GM of one of said other guilds makes a post like this in response to being beaten .... us being Onslaught.

Very laughable.

That same GM gquit today and joined a new "super guild" ... mainly put together of the "best of the best" from the 2 other top guilds .... they only have 10 people.

:lol I guess the 2 guilds are In Silico and Fallen Tears? I have to wonder how long Aggression will last with some of the biggest douche bags on the server in there. I figure they'll kill each other before killing Yogg.
:lol Even in full frostsavage with soul link and a vw shield I die within 3 seconds in pvp. It's fun.

Anyways, I went on a spending spree. Full frostsavage, some rep rewards, Titansteel spellblade, one of the insc offhands, the jc ring and neck, wintry hat. Ebonweave gloves soon prolly. I feel really well geared considering I've got like 3 hours played at 80.


Gloomfire said:
So what exactly is the Mage hit cap?
14% with full raid buffs, 17% without. 14% is what you should realistically shoot for and from there it's whatever is best for you out of haste, crit, spell power etc. I'm not really sure what's most valuable after the hit cap for mages based upon talent builds, since they kind of seem like they can take advantage of any/all.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Gloomfire said:
So what exactly is the Mage hit cap?
It's dependant on several things, but the base spell miss chance is 17% against a skull level (raid boss) mob. This is 446 hit rating, assuming you have absolutely no buffs and are all alone without a group.

However, spec and raid composition alter that somewhat:

* You can obtain 3% hit from Frost Tier-2 talent Precision.

* You can obtain 3% hit to Arcane spells from Tier-1 Arcane talen Arcane Focus (this is useless to a FFB Mage, of course)

* The debuff from a Shadow Priest's Misery talent or Moonkin's Improved FF increases your spell hit to that target by 3%.

* An Alliance party that includes a Draenai in the group gains 1% passive hit from Heroic Presence.

If you managed to get all four of these (de)buffs, which if you are specced Arcane and in a raid group, is not difficult at all to obtain, you need 184 hit rating to hit the cap. Because you may or may not be Arcane and may or many not have some of these talents it becomes more difficult to say exactly what it is for you without seeing it.

Here's a chart (left side is your miss chance, right side if spell hit cap based on that hit cap. Subtract the percentage you gain from the above four buffs/debuffs that you have access to from 17 to get your miss chance)

Miss Spell Hit Required

1% 26.23
2% 52.46
3% 78.70
4% 104.93
5% 131.16
6% 157.39
7% 183.62
8% 209.86
9% 236.09
10% 262.32
11% 288.55
12% 314.78
13% 341.02
14% 367.25
15% 393.48
16% 419.71
17% 445.94

Eric WK

RAFing a Shaman with QVT, at the moment. Very fun. This is also the first time since beginning to play World of Warcraft that I've been genuinely happy with my UI.



First tragedy, then farce.

looks like my idiot father downloaded a keylogger in the 4 hours I let him use my laptop the other day. Thus the stolen WoW account. Luckily I don't have to log into any other accounts that I have as the password is saved on them.

I even have fucking anti-script and ad-aware turned on and disabled his ability to download software. How the fuck did he manage that?

Anyway, account is back and all is well.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
StoOgE said:

looks like my idiot father downloaded a keylogger in the 4 hours I let him use my laptop the other day. Thus the stolen WoW account. Luckily I don't have to log into any other accounts that I have as the password is saved on them.

I even have fucking anti-script and ad-aware turned on and disabled his ability to download software. How the fuck did he manage that?

Anyway, account is back and all is well.

Do you use an authenticator ?


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
LOL, I <3 PuGs sometimes. I was in a VoA25 pug tonight and we're all standing in front of Emalon while someone explains the fight, and completely randomly this Warlock runs straight ahead, right into him. A complete facepull.

The other 24 of us are just watching, like "..." until we snap out of it and turn around, running back up the hall to zone out. :lol :lol

Edit: Just so we're clear, it wasn't a case of "oh I accidentally took a step too close." Like, this Warlock was running full steam ahead directly at him :lol

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
GDJustin said:
LOL, I <3 PuGs sometimes. I was in a VoA25 pug tonight and we're all standing in front of Emalon while someone explains the fight, and completely randomly this Warlock runs straight ahead, right into him. A complete facepull.

The other 24 of us are just watching, like "..." until we snap out of it and turn around, running back up the hall to zone out. :lol :lol

Edit: Just so we're clear, it wasn't a case of "oh I accidentally took a step too close." Like, this Warlock was running full steam ahead directly at him :lol
Did he by chance have the Jenkins title?
Eric WK said:
RAFing a Shaman with QVT, at the moment. Very fun. This is also the first time since beginning to play World of Warcraft that I've been genuinely happy with my UI.


Holy shit, it really freaked my out at first to see Hellsjudge and Testosterown in your chat log.
GDJustin said:
LOL, I <3 PuGs sometimes. I was in a VoA25 pug tonight and we're all standing in front of Emalon while someone explains the fight, and completely randomly this Warlock runs straight ahead, right into him. A complete facepull.

The other 24 of us are just watching, like "..." until we snap out of it and turn around, running back up the hall to zone out. :lol :lol

Edit: Just so we're clear, it wasn't a case of "oh I accidentally took a step too close." Like, this Warlock was running full steam ahead directly at him :lol

Man I love PuGs. I got to experience a 7 hour 10 man Naxx today, with about 110g in repairs. NEVER AGAIN
Stepped down as GM of my guild today. I started the guild months back, did crazy recruiting, lead the raids, and we've got 8 bosses down in Ulduar 25. I'm not going to have hardly any time to play this summer, so I stepped down. Without me, they haven't been able to kill Auriaya or Freya. People keep telling me that if I'm not going to be there to lead the raids I should have just disbanded the guild Kind of crazy that the raid leader makes that much of a difference.


Has problems recognising girls
ToyMachine228 said:
Kind of crazy that the raid leader makes that much of a difference.
Happens in every team-based situation really. There are players who can be inspirational and everyone around them literally picks up their game without knowing just because of one individual.
I replaced the last blue on my alt by ninja'ing the Thorim 25 man BoE legs from the officer tab of the guild bank this morning, heh. I still have mp5 shoulders, though, and 10/16 is ilvl 200.

Not bad for 2 weeks of PuGs, though. http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Drak'Tharon&n=Serisen

Starting this week I'm going to lead an alt/off-spec Ulduar 10 group and I'll buy the Valor bracers with my main and get the Malygos 25 quest reward neck so I've got a few quick and easy upgrades left.


Thanks to the new off-hand and some other new gear, I broke 2.1k DPS on a few boss fights yesterday in H VH. Overall for the instance I think I was at 1.8k. Where should I be DPS wise before I consider going to Naxx 10? Or is that not really a question that can be answered.


Gloomfire said:
Thanks to the new off-hand and some other new gear, I broke 2.1k DPS on a few boss fights yesterday in H VH. Overall for the instance I think I was at 1.8k. Where should I be DPS wise before I consider going to Naxx 10? Or is that not really a question that can be answered.

You should be fine going into Naxx, it's not a difficult instance.
Gloomfire said:
Thanks to the new off-hand and some other new gear, I broke 2.1k DPS on a few boss fights yesterday in H VH. Overall for the instance I think I was at 1.8k. Where should I be DPS wise before I consider going to Naxx 10? Or is that not really a question that can be answered.

You should be fine going into Naxx 10 as long as you're competent and not an idiot. Just make your shit is all enchanted and gemmed before you go, it's annoying as hell when people don't enchant their stuff, even if they're the cheap ones.


Yeah, I really need to get some enchants. If by gemmed you mean all my gear that can be socket is, then yes, I have that. Should I wait until I get better gear in some slots before I enchant those slots?


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Gloomfire said:
Thanks to the new off-hand and some other new gear, I broke 2.1k DPS on a few boss fights yesterday in H VH. Overall for the instance I think I was at 1.8k. Where should I be DPS wise before I consider going to Naxx 10? Or is that not really a question that can be answered.

If you're around 2K you'll be pulling your weight in naxx10 just fine. A good resource to see where you need to go is WoW-heroes.com. I looked you up, and you're rolling with absolutely 0 enchants, right now:


Since you'll be replacing gear pieces fast and furiously thanks to 10mans I would not put the high-end enchants in your gear, but I WOULD put the cheapy ones on your stuff. Especially your nicer pieces that you're less likely to replace in a day.

Azure Spellthread for your pants:

Exceptional Spellpower on your weapon:

Spellpower (or precision) to gloves:

Greater Spellpower to bracers:

...Every single one of these have cheeeaap mats. Won't cost you more than 1-2 dailies to earn the G to AH the mats. Then you just need to advertise in Trade for an enchanter to do the ench (your mats) and tip them a few G.

For 10 min of work you'll have gained something like 120 sp dmg.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I would also look yourself up on http://be.imba.hu/. Don't stress *too* much about it's advice... if you're not a high-end raider you don't need the crazy high-end gems, that it will suggest etc. But it DOES provide good guidance about where you need to go. You have 2 unspent talent points, for example. Which is just baffling :p

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Gloomfire said:
But a good day for me.... spent my first 25 EoH on that beauty of an off-hand.
Just a question, why do you have 69 points spent at level 80? You should have 71 talent points.

And I would recommend against putting all of them in one tree. A respec might be in order; you'll almost certainly want to take at least some of the +hit talents since gearing for 17% is pretty onerous.


Yeah I know about the talent points. I need to decide if I want to go Arcane, stay deep fire or something else, and then redo the points. I'm just so lazy :p.


First priority tonight will be redoing my talent tree (never done it so will only cost 1G) and getting some enchants. What slots can be enchanted, for reference?


Pretty much everything except rings if you aren't an enchanter.

You can also grab a belt buckle for your waist slot, but that will come up differently from an enchant.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Gloomfire said:
First priority tonight will be redoing my talent tree (never done it so will only cost 1G) and getting some enchants. What slots can be enchanted, for reference?

:( I typed up a big post for you, and the first piece of advice was to look yourself up on wow-heroes and be.imba :( Both sites show you which slots can be enchanted. WoW-Heroes is easier to view at-a-glance, imo.

When respeccing, look at this:


Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Gloomfire said:
Yeah I know about the talent points. I need to decide if I want to go Arcane, stay deep fire or something else, and then redo the points. I'm just so lazy :p.
Frostfire Mages are relatively popular (although FFB is technically a deep fire build), Frost is completely non-competitive/viable in PvE content, and Arcane is good in PvE, but useless in PvP.

The "baseline" Frostfire build is:


Which goes 53 deep in Fire and the rest in frost. The benefit to such a build is that Frostfire bolt triggers procs and talents from both frost and fire because of the unique Frost Fire damage type.

A pretty basic arcane build will look something like:


Although you may or may not want pushback protection from Arcane T1.

I haven't played a mage at 80 so I don't recall exactly what the rotations are for both but I recall that it's Living Bomb, Scorches and then FrostFire bolts until the bomb explodes for FFB (using pyroblast on Hot Streak procs) and for Arcane using Arcane Blast x 3 and then Arcane Missles if Missile Barrage Procs and Arcane Barrage otherwise, although the site linked above says to use AMiss regardless.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Gloomfire said:
First priority tonight will be redoing my talent tree (never done it so will only cost 1G) and getting some enchants. What slots can be enchanted, for reference?
Also, after you do the respec, (and you should try a few of them to make sure you are comfortable with doing the rotation - use the dummies in major cities), you can get started on chanting and gemming. Your chest, weapon, bracers, gloves and boots can all be enchanted by an enchanted. Your head slot and shoulder slot can be enchanted, but only via reputation rewards the four factions that you can champion in Heroic dungeons for head and Sons of Hodir (or Aldor/Scryer if you're old school).

You will not be able to enchant your rings without Enchanting. Your belt cannot be enchanted but the Auction House will have up Eternal Belt Buckles which add colorless gem sockets.
obligatory armory post: http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Ravenholdt&n=Goinio

One of our ret pallies got Ironsoul last night woot

Can't wait to get a preview of the upcoming Argent Tournament 5 man and raid for 3.2. While I definitely struggled initially with some of the instances (UP comes to mind), overall LK 5 mans have been way easier than TBC ones. Sure I'm a way better player now than I was when I spent 4 hours in Mana Tombs with Etiolet lol...but damn. I read someone from Blizzard had compared the new 5 man content to Magister's Terrace. Sounds good


Uggh, I want to kick this DK in the nuts. Worldcarver dropped off of Ignis last night and a DK who rarely signs up for raids (and happens to be the lowest of our dps) blows his entire DKP load on it. It's really my fault, I knew how much DKP he had but I underestimated his willingness to spend everything he had. Now we probably won't see him in another raid for a month or two.


Sorry Justin, I'm at work right now and can't visit any of the sites.

I think I'm going 0/53/18 since I'm already comfortable with that rotation for bosses (LB, Scorch x 5, FFB/FB, Pyro on Hot Streak procs, rinse and repeat), and I already have the Glyph of FFB.


GDJustin said:
Azure Spellthread for your pants:

Exceptional Spellpower on your weapon:

I went ahead and did these so far. The spellthread cost me 27g, seems fair according to wowhead. The spellpower I just went ahead and bought the scroll for. The mats would have cost 63g and a 10g tip. I paid 71g and didn't have to bother with an enchanter. The belt, bracer and glove enchants I am going to wait on since I am targeting some iLVL 200 upgrades on those. Same for the chest.

Are the boot enchants worth going after for the price? +12 Hit and Crit for 65g.
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