If you want an idea about how you're doing overall in the grand scheme of things then consider visiting combat log parsing sites such as www.wowmetersonline.com and www.wowwebstats.com. This should give a clear picture on how different classes are doing for a complete raid and on particular fight. Uploading your combat logs from raids you do is easy too and would allow you to quickly scrutinize your performance.firex said:So with all this talk about reporting dps numbers, I'm curious: what's the best way to know your dps? Overall for a raid, or per boss fight? I ask because overall for a raid I did 3100 dps in Naxx 25, but per boss fight I would do about 2600-2800 dps. That's as a ret paladin so I don't even know if that's good or bad (well, I know it's not awful, but I mean I don't know how good/bad it is overall).
I suppose gear/spec/armory is important too so: http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Kilrogg&n=Casavir
If you're looking at my weapon saying "what the fuck" I won it in a Maly10 pug against a DK and we were both using the TS 2h mace, no hunters or ferals in the raid.
2500-3100 dps is not shameful but it's not that great either. I play a ret paladin and I'm usually in the mid 5k area.