WTF? Azshara was the bomb if you knew what quests to do.keeblerdrow said:Then you haven't been to Azshara, sir.
WTF? Azshara was the bomb if you knew what quests to do.keeblerdrow said:Then you haven't been to Azshara, sir.
keeblerdrow said:Then you haven't been to Azshara, sir.
Speaking of Aszhara, she must be one of 2 notable villains we haven't killed/will be killing :lol I have my doubts we'll facing off against Sargeras since that doesnt' seem reasonable unless we get to do super raids of 200 people.rhfb said:WTF? Azshara was the bomb if you knew what quests to do.
Angry Grimace said:As a healer w/tailoring, I'm starting to wonder what kind of specialty cloth I want, Moonshroud or Spellfire?
Angry Grimace said:Speaking of Aszhara, she must be one of 2 notable villains we haven't killed/will be killing :lol I have my doubts we'll facing off against Sargeras since that doesnt' seem reasonable unless we get to do super raids of 200 people.
I'm feeling virtually 100% certain that Deathwing will be the big bad raid boss of the next expac, since every expansion needs a name villain.
She's less visible than Deathwing though, and he's much "sexier" as a villian, being a humongous evil Black Dragon that we've been hearing about in WoW for ages. Aszhara figures in WCIII Lore but less so in WoW itself. Also, Nozdormu is also (obviously) the secret leader of the Infinite Flight, which might be another possibility that we would have to fight.Flib said:She's Queen of the Maelstrom, so if we go there, expect her to be the Arthas of the next expansion
I gotta figure the Emerald Dream will be at LEAST a zone, if not a whole expansion; I mean, they've been hinting at the "Nightmare" for a while now. I wouldn't be suprised if it gets scaled back to a Zone in an expansion about something else though, given that the Dream is supposed to be all kind of the same.firex said:Yeah, I think Azshara will be the big boss of the next expansion, with Neptulon as one of the bumps along the way. That old leaked expansion list seems pretty likely for content, with the maelstrom being next expansion, then one that looks kind of filler (elemental planes and possible new races), with a final one being the burning legion homeworld and a level cap of 100. Or maybe it's elemental planes + legion homeworld in one expansion as a 4th expansion, I don't know.
firex said:Yeah, I think Azshara will be the big boss of the next expansion, with Neptulon as one of the bumps along the way. That old leaked expansion list seems pretty likely for content, with the maelstrom being next expansion, then one that looks kind of filler (elemental planes and possible new races), with a final one being the burning legion homeworld and a level cap of 100. Or maybe it's elemental planes + legion homeworld in one expansion as a 4th expansion, I don't know.
Well it's not even remotely anymore; there are 2 separate trinkets with identical effects but larger that are raidboss drops; one of them is a Hard Mode YS drop even.BigJonsson said:That bell trinket is considered one of the best for healers..........but no one should be forcing you to buy one
How many xpacs do you actually think WoW will have? At some point it has to become WoW 2 doesn't it? I don't see this going on for another 8 years lol
Still think the new races will be Furbolgs and Horde-aligned Goblins. Why can't they do Pandas though? Everyone claims that Chinese people are so big a part of their money intake, but what does that have to do with anything...wouldn't Chinese people be happy that their national animal is in the game?firex said:Actually, I think that elemental planes + new races thing included Emerald Dream as a zone, but I can't remember the old leaked "planned list of zones/expansions." All I remember is in WoW beta on the forums, Tigole actually said Emerald Dream was supposed to be the final raid before the first expansion. Which makes sense considering the AQ storyline and its implications, but I think they pushed that back for Naxx because they knew TBC was going to be shown soon and they didn't want to spend all that time making a big story raid nobody would care about. The big oddity is that elemental planes expansion seemed to end with Emerald Dream or something like that as the level 99-100 zone, and then the next expansion was still capped at level 100, but it was all Burning Legion stuff. They're probably changing some of that stuff, but I wouldn't be surprised if they can keep WoW lore going for another 2-3 expansions and go with Maelstrom, then Emerald Dream, and then Burning Legion. The main reason I expect Maelstrom next is I don't think they will do back-to-back-to-back huge Warcraft story figures, so the ED expansion would be an easy "hey remember this Warcraft hero, Furion?" kind of like Outland was all about Illidan and Wrath is all about Arthas, after an expansion that's seriously going to be focused mostly on aquatic mounts, evil artifacts of Sargeras, and the goblin capital.
The only part I don't believe of the Planes expansion was a set of 1-20 zones for new races. One was Pandaria (obviously not going to happen with China's influence on WoW's cash intake) and the other was Wolfenguard or Wolfengarde, something like that. While I think they might add new races to the game at some point, especially in a late expansion like that, I don't think Wolvar or Worgen and Pandaren will be those new races now. But they could easily have that new continent be a pair of 1-10 and 10-20 zones for a new horde and alliance race, or be higher levels if they do hero classes with those new races (or just advanced alts that start at like 55 or 60 or something but are a pre-existing class).
Still kind of puzzled if they stick with the level cap of 100 and do an expansion for people already at 100. It worked in EQ for awhile, but those expansions were really hardcore ones. Although maybe that's the idea with the final burning legion homeworld expansion: for the hardcores that stick around after Diablo 3 is out and their new MMO is coming soon/already out.
firex said:Actually, I think that elemental planes + new races thing included Emerald Dream as a zone, but I can't remember the old leaked "planned list of zones/expansions." All I remember is in WoW beta on the forums, Tigole actually said Emerald Dream was supposed to be the final raid before the first expansion. Which makes sense considering the AQ storyline and its implications, but I think they pushed that back for Naxx because they knew TBC was going to be shown soon and they didn't want to spend all that time making a big story raid nobody would care about. The big oddity is that elemental planes expansion seemed to end with Emerald Dream or something like that as the level 99-100 zone, and then the next expansion was still capped at level 100, but it was all Burning Legion stuff. They're probably changing some of that stuff, but I wouldn't be surprised if they can keep WoW lore going for another 2-3 expansions and go with Maelstrom, then Emerald Dream, and then Burning Legion. The main reason I expect Maelstrom next is I don't think they will do back-to-back-to-back huge Warcraft story figures, so the ED expansion would be an easy "hey remember this Warcraft hero, Furion?" kind of like Outland was all about Illidan and Wrath is all about Arthas, after an expansion that's seriously going to be focused mostly on aquatic mounts, evil artifacts of Sargeras, and the goblin capital.
The only part I don't believe of the Planes expansion was a set of 1-20 zones for new races. One was Pandaria (obviously not going to happen with China's influence on WoW's cash intake) and the other was Wolfenguard or Wolfengarde, something like that. While I think they might add new races to the game at some point, especially in a late expansion like that, I don't think Wolvar or Worgen and Pandaren will be those new races now. But they could easily have that new continent be a pair of 1-10 and 10-20 zones for a new horde and alliance race, or be higher levels if they do hero classes with those new races (or just advanced alts that start at like 55 or 60 or something but are a pre-existing class).
Still kind of puzzled if they stick with the level cap of 100 and do an expansion for people already at 100. It worked in EQ for awhile, but those expansions were really hardcore ones. Although maybe that's the idea with the final burning legion homeworld expansion: for the hardcores that stick around after Diablo 3 is out and their new MMO is coming soon/already out.
The not-so public rumor going around is talking about 2 base neutral races.Angry Grimace said:Still think the new races will be Furbolgs and Horde-aligned Goblins. Why can't they do Pandas though? Everyone claims that Chinese people are so big a part of their money intake, but what does that have to do with anything...wouldn't Chinese people be happy that their national animal is in the game?
BTW, it's an Urban Legend that China doesn't allow animated pandas to be killed. Frozen Throne came out there with Pandaren in it as far as I know; I did hear (don't know how true it is) that some Chinese affliated organizations did ask for them to not be dressed as Samurai because samurai armor (while appearing generically Asian to most western games) is Japanese and not Chinse.
StormyTheRabbit said:Hey, would anyone be interested in RAFing with me? I just have a few toons left I want to level up real fast.
If you have an account your trying to level some toons on, know enough about WoW that I'm not explaining everything to you constantly, and want to level a few toons quickly on Burning Blade US, please PM me.
Angry Grimace said:Maybe you forgot to pay your bill
Angry Grimace said:Healer nerd rage:
Being new to healing, and researching crap I'll pick up near endgame, I have noticed that prospective/new healers are spending upwards of 5K on my server for the trinket Je'Tze's Bell. But from what I see it's pretty damn similar to the 500g Darkmoon Card: Illusion.
The Je'Tze's Bell gives you a proc that gives: "100 mp5 for 15 seconds on your heals" ... which is about 300 mana per minute. The DM:I just gives you a flat 1200 mana on use, with a 5 min cooldown. But the Bell's proc is on a 45 sec C/D and only has a 10% proc rate anyways. So you're talking like one proc per minute; i.e. 1500 mana in 5 minutes. Which is 300 mana in 5 minutes over the DM: I, which you can use on command. In fact, it seems to me that the value of the Illusion card is in fact greater for everything other than fights that last exact intervals of 5 minutes.
Does Mp/5 scale other than giving mana at it's given rate, or is this just an overrated trink?
I just don't think they'll do the Pandaren anyway, but I guess it's a possibility. It was a joke hero in Warcraft 3 that they kept for the expansion because, well, they like having fun and Samwise freaking loves Pandas (seriously, he hides them in a lot of his unofficial artwork) but I think Pandaria is kind of like Warcraft's version of the Cow level - they might add it but it will be more like an easter egg or for humor's sake, and not as a real lore zone. Instanced, neutral races sounds more likely to me, especially because they'd be easy to fit in to any expansion really.Angry Grimace said:Still think the new races will be Furbolgs and Horde-aligned Goblins. Why can't they do Pandas though? Everyone claims that Chinese people are so big a part of their money intake, but what does that have to do with anything...wouldn't Chinese people be happy that their national animal is in the game?
BTW, it's an Urban Legend that China doesn't allow animated pandas to be killed. Frozen Throne came out there with Pandaren in it as far as I know; I did hear (don't know how true it is) that some Chinese affliated organizations did ask for them to not be dressed as Samurai because samurai armor (while appearing generically Asian to most western games) is Japanese and not Chinse.
However, it is not an urban legend that the Undead are considered Taboo, especially visible bones, etc. Not only has Wrath not released in China at this point, but when it does there will be no Death Knight class, at least not under the same terms.
I expect either a) a spellcasting plate class, or b) an overhaul of Holy Paladins, because Holy Paladin's are the one remaining class that has an entire gearset only for them. Blizzard removed Feral Staves; but Spell/Int Plate is still in game and cannot be equipped by anyone but one subset of one class: Holy specced Paladins.firex said:I just don't think they'll do the Pandaren anyway, but I guess it's a possibility. It was a joke hero in Warcraft 3 that they kept for the expansion because, well, they like having fun and Samwise freaking loves Pandas (seriously, he hides them in a lot of his unofficial artwork) but I think Pandaria is kind of like Warcraft's version of the Cow level - they might add it but it will be more like an easter egg or for humor's sake, and not as a real lore zone. Instanced, neutral races sounds more likely to me, especially because they'd be easy to fit in to any expansion really.
I wonder about a new hero class, though. I kind of don't expect them to do one, even though I think a spellblade type of hero class would be awesome, but then I think if they did make a hero class, it'd be a healer of some sort, just so there would be more healers available. Of course, the thing with a spellblade hero for me is, I'm thinking of a class more like FF5/Dragon Quest 6's magic knight class where they just melee, but with spell effects added on via enchants, and have elemental strikes. Which is basically what a DK already is.
GDJustin said:Next Hero Class will be dedicated healer.
GDJustin said:Before WoW, it wasn't standard for MMO expansions to add +5 or +10 to the lvl cap - that was a WoW innovation. Most MMOs would expand "sideways," adding a handful of new zones tuned for the current max level.
Seems weird to think about that, now. MMo expansions are now synonymous with a new, higher level cap.
Then again, before WoW questing wasn't a big part of the MMO genre, either.
keeblerdrow said:Then you haven't been to Azshara, sir.
funkmastergeneral said:Wow. The Charred Vale in Stonetalon may be the absolute worst spot to quest there is.
Pandaren Brewmaster, sir.Retro said:Next Hero Class will be a Monk. They'll use fist weapons, maces, staves, and daggers, and wear cloth and leather. This gives them access to Rogue DPS leather and daggers, DPS maces, Druid healing leather, maces, and staves, and healing cloth, so Blizz doesn't even need to seriously re-itemize.
Monks will use Mana. They will be able to dual-wield fist weapons, daggers, and maces from the start.
Their first talent tree will buff their direct heals and HoT abilities.
Their second talent tree will buff their DoTs, HoTs, and support abilities.
Their third talent tree will buff their Melee DPS and DoTs.
They will have 3 baseline heals, making them more of a 'support' healing class, with one direct heal with a casting time, one AOE heal centered on the monk, and a powerful self-only heal. They also have the ability to buff a target and redirect damage to themselves in the form of a stacking DoT, with the strong self-heal removing a stack.
They can, with talents, remove curse, poison, disease, and magic debuffs. They have short duration/distance (like warrior) buffs, and no rez ability.
They will fight like rogues, quickly attacking and dual-wielding from the start. Their combat will also be DotT-centric, and have multiple methods for stacking their three types of DoTs. Each DoT stacks to a maximum of 3 times; if the Monk attempts to apply a fourth stack, they 'overload' the DoT, causing a special effect to occur (so it's a bit like Combo Points). One of these DoT Overloads is a AoE healing effect.
Monks will have both a force pull (Death Grip) and a force push (Single Target Thunderstorm), making them powerful territory controllers. This makes up for their lack of rogue stealth and offsets the fact that they are melee fighters wearing light armor.
They will have one ranged attack to start, but their second talent tree will add another. An early talent in their combat tree will also allow them to equip throwing weapons. Monks have no relic slot.
Monks are expected to provide healing in all situations, even when focusing on melee combat. They excel in melee-heavy groups because of their short range splash heals, but have the ability to heal in almost all situations. They do not make the best main healers (So they will not replace current healer roles), but can fill this role if needed. Their damage capacity is excellent, and they can assume a DPS role without much difficulty.
you know all this huh?Retro said:Next Hero Class will be a Monk. They'll use fist weapons, maces, staves, and daggers, and wear cloth and leather. This gives them access to Rogue DPS leather and daggers, DPS maces, Druid healing leather, maces, and staves, and healing cloth, so Blizz doesn't even need to seriously re-itemize.
Monks will use Mana. They will be able to dual-wield fist weapons, daggers, and maces from the start.
Their first talent tree will buff their direct heals and HoT abilities.
Their second talent tree will buff their DoTs, HoTs, and support abilities.
Their third talent tree will buff their Melee DPS and DoTs.
They will have 3 baseline heals, making them more of a 'support' healing class, with one direct heal with a casting time, one AOE heal centered on the monk, and a powerful self-only heal. They also have the ability to buff a target and redirect damage to themselves in the form of a stacking DoT, with the strong self-heal removing a stack.
They can, with talents, remove curse, poison, disease, and magic debuffs. They have short duration/distance (like warrior) buffs, and no rez ability.
They will fight like rogues, quickly attacking and dual-wielding from the start. Their combat will also be DotT-centric, and have multiple methods for stacking their three types of DoTs. Each DoT stacks to a maximum of 3 times; if the Monk attempts to apply a fourth stack, they 'overload' the DoT, causing a special effect to occur (so it's a bit like Combo Points). One of these DoT Overloads is a AoE healing effect.
Monks will have both a force pull (Death Grip) and a force push (Single Target Thunderstorm), making them powerful territory controllers. This makes up for their lack of rogue stealth and offsets the fact that they are melee fighters wearing light armor.
They will have one ranged attack to start, but their second talent tree will add another. An early talent in their combat tree will also allow them to equip throwing weapons. Monks have no relic slot.
Monks are expected to provide healing in all situations, even when focusing on melee combat. They excel in melee-heavy groups because of their short range splash heals, but have the ability to heal in almost all situations. They do not make the best main healers (So they will not replace current healer roles), but can fill this role if needed. Their damage capacity is excellent, and they can assume a DPS role without much difficulty.
Lain said:Well, until PoP (I stopped playing after that one), EQ raised the level cap with each expansion, as far as I remember, so saying that was a WoW innovation isn't exactly true imho.
Scrow said:anyway, i don't see why the next hero class would be a healer. they already have priest, druid and shaman. death knight was needed cause the only tanking classes were warrior and druid.
Retro said:Next Hero Class will be a Monk. They'll use fist weapons, maces, staves, and daggers, and wear cloth and leather. This gives them access to Rogue DPS leather and daggers, DPS maces, Druid healing leather, maces, and staves, and healing cloth, so Blizz doesn't even need to seriously re-itemize.
Monks will use Mana. They will be able to dual-wield fist weapons, daggers, and maces from the start.
Their first talent tree will buff their direct heals and HoT abilities.
Their second talent tree will buff their DoTs, HoTs, and support abilities.
Their third talent tree will buff their Melee DPS and DoTs.
They will have 3 baseline heals, making them more of a 'support' healing class, with one direct heal with a casting time, one AOE heal centered on the monk, and a powerful self-only heal. They also have the ability to buff a target and redirect damage to themselves in the form of a stacking DoT, with the strong self-heal removing a stack.
They can, with talents, remove curse, poison, disease, and magic debuffs. They have short duration/distance (like warrior) buffs, and no rez ability.
They will fight like rogues, quickly attacking and dual-wielding from the start. Their combat will also be DotT-centric, and have multiple methods for stacking their three types of DoTs. Each DoT stacks to a maximum of 3 times; if the Monk attempts to apply a fourth stack, they 'overload' the DoT, causing a special effect to occur (so it's a bit like Combo Points). One of these DoT Overloads is a AoE healing effect.
Monks will have both a force pull (Death Grip) and a force push (Single Target Thunderstorm), making them powerful territory controllers. This makes up for their lack of rogue stealth and offsets the fact that they are melee fighters wearing light armor.
They will have one ranged attack to start, but their second talent tree will add another. An early talent in their combat tree will also allow them to equip throwing weapons. Monks have no relic slot.
Monks are expected to provide healing in all situations, even when focusing on melee combat. They excel in melee-heavy groups because of their short range splash heals, but have the ability to heal in almost all situations. They do not make the best main healers (So they will not replace current healer roles), but can fill this role if needed. Their damage capacity is excellent, and they can assume a DPS role without much difficulty.
wow, lol. totally forgot about the pally. my bad.GDJustin said:Wat? Pals tank. There has always been three healing classes, three tanking classes (now 4 with DKs).
Scrow said:you know all this huh?
Scrow said:anyway, i don't see why the next hero class would be a healer. they already have priest, druid and shaman.
Scrow said:death knight was needed cause the only tanking classes were warrior and druid.
Scrow said:ranged physical DPS is rather under represented.
SuperAndroid17 said:sounds like a bear shaman from AoC , melee class who could heal. Pretty good actually
Gloomfire said:That Bell goes for about 2.5k on my server. But yeah, seems overpriced, even at that number.
Retro said:The reason I think a healing class should be next, especially one that heals via combat and has to be 'in the fray', is that DKs have nicely wrapped up the tanking problem (more or less), but healers are still considered hard to find, and most of them really aren't that fun to play for the majority of players.
Hunters are also almost 50% magic damage too.Retro said:You are aware that before DKs came along, Hunters were the "Can't swing a dead cat" class, right? That there are still a ton of hunters playing, right?
Son of Godzilla said:Hunters are also almost 50% magic damage too.
StormyTheRabbit said:Hey, would anyone be interested in RAFing with me? I just have a few toons left I want to level up real fast.
If you have an account your trying to level some toons on, know enough about WoW that I'm not explaining everything to you constantly, and want to level a few toons quickly on Burning Blade US, please PM me.
firex said:Something like Shadow Hunter from Warcraft 3 would be good, but they already used Shadow Hunter on crappy troll mobs in Arathi and Hinterlands.
firex said:edit: that said, if you made the Monk class you designed into a 2h or 1h + shield melee, you essentially get LOTRO's Captain class. They use melee combos to set up an instant group heal + hot.
StormyTheRabbit said:Hey, would anyone be interested in RAFing with me? I just have a few toons left I want to level up real fast.
If you have an account your trying to level some toons on, know enough about WoW that I'm not explaining everything to you constantly, and want to level a few toons quickly on Burning Blade US, please PM me.
you obviously replied to my post before the editsRetro said:.... and Paladin.
.... AND PALADIN. Geez.
sure. there's heaps of hunters. but i'm not talking about representation of a class, i'm talking about representation of role/niche.Retro said:You are aware that before DKs came along, Hunters were the "Can't swing a dead cat" class, right? That there are still a ton of hunters playing, right?
i'd hope that any hero class in the next xpac starts at 65.Retro said:Combat-centric healer + starting at level 55 + cool new class = more healers.
that depends entirely on how blizzard implements the class. if they do.Retro said:The problem there is, if you make a Hero Class that is basically a better hunter, why have a hunter anymore? This is the same problem with Demon Hunter and Archdruid: they replace other classes outright.
I believe you can RAF someone who's been frozen for 6+ months too. Not certain.letsbereasonable said:I might be missing something, but doesn't one of the people need to start a brand new account for RAF to work? Maybe it's just the wording that's confusing me.
letsbereasonable said:I might be missing something, but doesn't one of the people need to start a brand new account for RAF to work? Maybe it's just the wording that's confusing me.
Shadow Hunter wouldn't be a pet class, though. It's just a throwing weapon class that can also heal. Well, if we're going off the Warcraft 3 hero. Although really, nearly everything that hero got is now shaman spells. But the idea is there, as some kind of ranged physical dps that uses mana to heal.Retro said:The problem there is, if you make a Hero Class that is basically a better hunter, why have a hunter anymore? This is the same problem with Demon Hunter and Archdruid: they replace other classes outright.