iLevel shouldn't be an issue here, he needs almost 70 points of hit and if he doesn't have the WG marks for the trinket, the belt is an easy solution. It's a really good belt, gives him extra hit and puts him closer to being hitcapped. Adding hit gems to the belt will give him 69HIT, enough to cover the difference. And even if it is a temporary fix, it only costs 40 Heroic badges, you don't really need 'em anyways.
Ulduar-25 offers one solution for a hit belt
Belt of the Darkspeaker and since they haven't downed Thorim or Mimiron yet, I didn't suggest it.
Sash of Ancient Power is the best belt in the game for us with hit, but it requires 10 Spellweave, 10 Ebonweave, 6 Runed Orbs = ~7-8k gold depending on your server.
If iLevel is really a concern,
Cincture of Polarity drops off of Thaddius and would be a good fix.
Yeah, as mentioned 8.5 Pants and Gloves are great and you have a chance at getting them in Vault of Archavon too, which is a plus. Keep running Malygos-25 as well and maybe
Leggings of the Wanton Spellcaster will drop, and these are amazing.
@Gloomfire: mp5 ain't really ideal for you, I would suggest getting Deathchill Cloak crafted if you are over the hit cap. It's cheap and it's great.