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World of Warcraft

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Probably about that. Ret is a decent leveling spec until 30 or so, after that Prot will actually allow you to last longer, take on more enemies at once, and basically survive what would kill most other players. I haven't leveled as Ret in a bit, so it's entirely possible that it's still very good.

I think 2-4 weeks is a pretty decent figure; you'll save on corpse runs and close calls, but your damage won't be amazing, so it balances out.


Modesty becomes a woman
Retro said:
Probably about that. Ret is a decent leveling spec until 30 or so, after that Prot will actually allow you to last longer, take on more enemies at once, and basically survive what would kill most other players. I haven't leveled as Ret in a bit, so it's entirely possible that it's still very good.

I think 2-4 weeks is a pretty decent figure; you'll save on corpse runs and close calls, but your damage won't be amazing, so it balances out.

Yeah but don't listen to this man.

He basically described Ret for me, as long as you are smart you can take 6-7 enemies at once and have them down in no time.


Yeah but don't listen to this man.

He basically described Ret for me, as long as you are smart you can take 6-7 enemies at once and have them down in no time.

Bah. Last time I leveled a paladin I went prot and basically let enemies nuke themselves on my shield and consecration. I haven't leveled since the changes to ret, but most of the changes appeared to be later level.

I may be wrong, it has been a few months since I really leveled another paladin (I figured 5 was enough).


Modesty becomes a woman
Retro said:
Bah. Last time I leveled a paladin I went prot and basically let enemies nuke themselves on my shield and consecration. I haven't leveled since the changes to ret, but most of the changes appeared to be later level.

I may be wrong, it has been a few months since I really leveled another paladin (I figured 5 was enough).

I have a fresh paladin and I tried prot for a few levels in outland. slowed me down. As long as you stay ret and play smart you'll be fine taking a lot of enemies at once.


Kintaro said:
If I started a Paladin and went 1-80. about how long would it take? 2-4 weeks or so playing casually? I want to try something different and never picked up Paladin (or Druid) before.

Are you planning on having anyone run you through stuff or doing RAF? Because if not, 2-4 weeks of casual (depends on how you define that, I guess) play seems awful fast, to me anyway. But I guess if you know the ins and outs of every zone well it's very possible.


Ret is easily superior for soloing now. 3.0 has made it so the only solo advantage prot has over ret is against (some) elites, and even then if you outgear them it's easier to kill them as ret. The exorcism change gives you more to do than just melee and judge on cooldown too.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Gloomfire said:
Are you planning on having anyone run you through stuff or doing RAF? Because if not, 2-4 weeks of casual (depends on how you define that, I guess) play seems awful fast, to me anyway. But I guess if you know the ins and outs of every zone well it's very possible.

Neither. =x Although I could try to talk a friend into joining for RAF.


Retro said:
Probably about that. Ret is a decent leveling spec until 30 or so, after that Prot will actually allow you to last longer, take on more enemies at once, and basically survive what would kill most other players. I haven't leveled as Ret in a bit, so it's entirely possible that it's still very good.

I think 2-4 weeks is a pretty decent figure; you'll save on corpse runs and close calls, but your damage won't be amazing, so it balances out.

I had a level 24 ret paladin that I pulled out of mothballs and got him to level 70 in 10 days. I was also using the BoA Champion Herod's Shoulder that gives +10% xp for kills and quests. I figured I could have gotten him to 80 in another week, but my account ran out, half my guild quit, and I decided to take a break for a while.


I've been leveling a shaman for a month and it's only 25. With tons of heirloom gear. Leveling is the worst part of this game.


Leather shoulders, 1 dagger, haste trinket. Shoulders are the most important part, and you could probably get away with no weapon. There's no really great heirloom weapon for ferals, since you can't dual wield, but the dagger is your best bet.


The staff is useless for a feral, but if you wanted to level resto or balance, it would be good. You wouldn't get much AP out of the staff and spell power isn't going to boost your feral dps any. Shoulders are the most important part, so you get 10% more experience, and the trinket just has a nice proc (no cooldown on the proc, either).


If you decided to level as resto or balance, buying cloth shoulders and the staff and the spell power trinket (haste trinket too, but not as important) would be good. I think there's better heirlooms for caster druids, but you can level fine as feral. This reminds me that they really should add some more weapons, though.


He measures in centimeters
Gloomfire said:
So is feral the tank spec, resto healing and balance dps?
Feral has been resplit into semi-separate dps and tanking trees. Its a mediocre tank or ridiculous dps spec (if played well). Takes a well played rogue to beat me on most fights and even then its close (and I'll frequently win).
If you burned hard and fast, you might be able to do 1-80 in a month or so. Playing casually, you won't be able to get that done before school starts back up. It takes about 7-8 DAYS of playtime to level a paladin if you know what you're doing with no RAF, no one to run you through instances and no heirloom items. 7x24=168 hours. That's a good chunk of time.


Worships the porcelain goddess
keeblerdrow said:
If you burned hard and fast, you might be able to do 1-80 in a month or so. Playing casually, you won't be able to get that done before school starts back up. It takes about 7-8 DAYS of playtime to level a paladin if you know what you're doing with no RAF, no one to run you through instances and no heirloom items. 7x24=168 hours. That's a good chunk of time.

Do the instances really matters in the old world anymore?

Chris R

Kintaro said:
Do the instances really matters in the old world anymore?
I didn't do a single one. On my Shaman, only with the shoulders, I'm currently at 71.6 with 4d6h played. Should hit 80 by the end of next week I think.


He measures in centimeters
Gloomfire said:
Will Feral DPS be different enough from my current Mage that I won't get burnt out?
Feral has the coolest dps mechanics in the game. Lot more difficult to optimize than a mage. There are some good add-ons to help with it once you are level 80 and progressing through instance/raid content.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Gloomfire said:
What is the best heirloom gear if I want to level a Tauren Druid? I think I want to tank him, but will probably level as DPS.
leveling might be really good in bear form with the changes they made to swipe a while back.


Halfway through my first ever Naxx 10 run :D .

Doing 2.5k DPS for the raid overall, but should be higher, there were some issues along the way being my first time.

High single target of 3.7k on Loatheb.

No loot yet, only 3 caster items have dropped, I already had better gear than 2 and lost the roll on 1 by 1 :(.



Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Kintaro said:
If I started a Paladin and went 1-80. about how long would it take? 2-4 weeks or so playing casually? I want to try something different and never picked up Paladin (or Druid) before.

There's no way on earth you can do 1-80 in 2-4 weeks playing casually. No way. I am currently leveling a priest from 1 to 80 (currently on 74), and I know what I'm doing when it comes to leveling and priests have no problem taking on group quests with ease, and there's no way I could have done it in 2 to 4 weeks playing casually. Getting from 1 to 70 is MUCH MUCH faster than in the old days, but it's still measured in days played, not hours. Of course, if you mean "casual" play to mean 14 hours a day, then I take back what I said :p

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Eric WK said:
Oh God. Just now realizing I went 1-80 (plus professions above 400, fishing above 200) in 16 days real time. :lol That was with RAF and I didn't completely abandon real life during it, but holy shit, I'm almost ashamed.


It feels good to finally have a Horde 80, but it's too bad Resto Shaman need so much work right now.
There's nothing wrong with Resto shaman. Every class thinks their class is fucked up.

Eric WK

Angry Grimace said:
There's nothing wrong with Resto shaman. Every class thinks their class is fucked up.

Well, Ensidia's top Resto Shaman is convinced they are (at least in comparison to Priests and Druids right now).


Resto Shaman could use some tweaks, mainly to their benefit from Mana Tide (50% personal and a reduction to party benefit, perhaps) and perhaps a slight boost to the jump rate on Chain Heal, but the notion that they're trailing by some big gap is horseshit. It's a couple of percent and almost wholly dictated by swaps to design style in bosses than other classes.

People don't appreciate how fine the balance can be in this game, a couple of slightly too big tweaks to Resto Shaman and they would completely crush the rest of the healers. Resto Shaman have an amazing toolset that got a bit of a slip from the boss mechanics in Ulduar.

I'd also like to see mana regeneration stats homogenized a bit in the future if anything though, it's the one area I'd appreciate the normalization. Basically stuff like:

-Make Replenishment baseline for all mana users and activate when they cast a spell.
-Make Replenishment scale off of base mana only
-Make Replenishment boosted by 50% of the effect +intellect talents have on intellect.
-Buff Spirit
-Remove MP5 and place Spirit on all gear where it used to be.
-Allow all classes who didn't previously use spirit talents to scale with it. Allow outs for DPS trees like Retribution and Enhancement.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Gloomfire said:
I ended up with 3 tier pieces, a new back and 3 of the 6 Abyss Crystals :lol .

Grats dude! It's been interesting watching your progression these past few weeks ;) I've been keeping tabs on you on Wow-heroes:


You're honestly geared enough for all the 10mans in the game besides Uld, and you'd probably be far from the worst DPS in a naxx25 too, at this point. Assuming you're using a flask or food to get the final few points of Hit that (I think?) you need.

Good to see you stacking hit gems, too.

Edit: But for God's sake get a enchant on your shoulders. At least one of the cheap BC Hit ones, if nothing else :p


They tried spirit for all healers before and it was pretty bland. MP5 gives a big difference in playstyle even if it doesn't in simple terms for mana regen. Replenishment already exists in some form for every mana-based dps class except shamans. I mean, they could go back to it, but it requires a lot more talent/skill redesigns from the existing model. And all just so they could homogenize gear even further. Chances are after they did it you'd just complain about healer gear looking the same aside from its armor type.
After struggling for a couple weeks w/ Thorim, we downed General Vezax today and got to try a couple of attempts on Yogg-Saron. I don't know what to say about the fight, cause it's so damn busy and hectic, way too much stuff going on for me to pay attention to, but it's pretty fun (Like Mimiron). Anyone have any tips for this fight? We can't seem to get past phase 2 and there doesn't seem to be much progress, maybe we just need more practice.

And does anyone else find the Vezax fight really simplistic if you're ranged DPS? I was mashing Starfire the entire time and getting 10-12k DPS on this encounter, it's so stupid. Wish there was a bit more to do, really.

Oh and anyone else here play a Moonkin? I'm still trying to figure out what my optimal set should be, either go MH/OH or w/ a 2Hander.


Modesty becomes a woman
projectkuro said:
After struggling for a couple weeks w/ Thorim, we downed General Vezax today and got to try a couple of attempts on Yogg-Saron. I don't know what to say about the fight, cause it's so damn busy and hectic, way too much stuff going on for me to pay attention to, but it's pretty fun (Like Mimiron). Anyone have any tips for this fight? We can't seem to get past phase 2 and there doesn't seem to be much progress, maybe we just need more practice.

And does anyone else find the Vezax fight really simplistic if you're ranged DPS? I was mashing Starfire the entire time and getting 10-12k DPS on this encounter, it's so stupid. Wish there was a bit more to do, really.

Oh and anyone else here play a Moonkin? I'm still trying to figure out what my optimal set should be, either go MH/OH or w/ a 2Hander.

I'm a moonkin and I got Rapture the other day, it's pretty amazing.

What kind of DPS do you do in Ulduar? I can only average about 3k and it's getting on my nerves. I just tried some new things and it upped it a little bit on the dummy, but I won't know for a few days.


Bland or not, MP5 is a broken stat. It is so insanely expensive, and no one would use it if they had the option of spirit. I think a stat that would provide scaling with various elements of your class rather than a static, overpriced constant would be more fun, myself.

I'm not a fan of homogenization, but it's apt in some areas. There's a lot of ways you could implement spirit to everyone besides just throwing up Meditation clones.


Personally I think you're just upset that spirit got nerfed because it was too overpowered before, but there really was no positive difference between MP5 shaman and spirit shaman healing. Redesigning all the gear could work, but they would have to rework 2 talent trees for a class that's already fine.

I mean either it's not broken, like you said, or it's broken, like you just said.


I'm not upset. :lol I'm Discipline as often as I am Holy, so I very don't particularly care about the balance of either stat, but more the implementation.

The only thing i'd be upset about is the over inflation of int and replenishment. I'm pretty vocal on my disapproval with that. The fact that replenishment makes int so stackable and superior to all other forms of regeneration really annoys me.

MP5 is a useless stat that's spread across too much gear, it's hyper expensive, it doesn't scale, it's a total relic.

I'm not just refering to Shaman, I'm referring to Paladin as well (and as a Priest, the "Disc Priest" cloth). Paladin regen is going to get the axe and have MP5 forced on them, it's not a fun situation.

It doesn't even have to be spirit, just fold it all into one stat called Regeneration or something. As long as it scales and doesn't cost an arm and a leg to put on an item as it MP5.does now.

1.) Healers should not have their mana pools balanced around having a random DPSer present

2.) Your primary regeneration stat should scale and it should be reasonably priced on an item level. MP5 costs 2.5 as much per point as Spirit does.

3.) They're probably going to do this anyway, GC has talked abou it, it'll probably just have to wait until World of Warcraft: Bears in Tiny Cars or whatever the next expansion is.


Not particularly relevant, but I am pretty amused. I'm doing a BG at the moment, Arathi Basin. My current guild doesn't seem to do premades very much, which is lame, so I just basically queue up with my perma static buddy I've been playing MMOs with for years.

We get in, I mount up my awesome waste of money Chopper and a pug fellow gets in, so I eject him and my friend gets in.

I have never seen someone so angry over such a small thing in my life. I think he was just having a bad...life... or something and on the brink of snapping but he sent me angry rage filled tells for the next five minutes.

It was pretty hilarious. People can get pretty irate in BGs, I suppose. A couple weeks ago someone made a character on our server to send my friend angry tells because he got a berserker buff and two shot him or something. Silly.

Thing to try for tommorow:

1.) Get in chopper
2.) Get slowfall
3.) Get random pug fellow to get in the sidecar
4.) Jump off the Lumber Mill to the BS


I totally should have added a winking face or something so you got that I was joking about spirit being nerfed. I just don't see it working right now, which is why if they do it, it'll be 4.x when they bring out new talents and stuff. It's going to be a huge overhaul. I'd actually be ok with spirit for all in some form, but what's there to do with it beyond what already exists either way, which is proccing mana regen off crit heals (probably based off spirit regen for shamans) or a meditation clone? It's like a zero-sum change in effect. I can't imagine the headache of putting it all together, either. It's easy to add in some kind of meditation talent to resto/holy, but god, imagining the other talent nerfs/buffs to compensate, and redesigning spell costs and effective healing power seems pretty frustrating for a system that works for now. Plus, hell, I can't imagine how they'd shoehorn spirit into elemental besides just changing unrelenting storm, and that spec is so underrepresented in the gear table that I can't imagine how crappy spirit talents would be for it.

Luckily none of the healers actually play the same, so even if they all wear the same gear (just going up from cloth all the way to plate) it wouldn't directly impact gameplay too much, but I do like the "lol FSR" effect MP5 has.


After my two week holiday I can't be bothered to play WoW that much anymore. Ulduar isn't really clicking and arena never did click for me. I might take a break and give the X360 and Steam a lot more attention. There's so much stuff I've missed when I was playing WoW.


GDJustin said:
Grats dude! It's been interesting watching your progression these past few weeks ;) I've been keeping tabs on you on Wow-heroes:


You're honestly geared enough for all the 10mans in the game besides Uld, and you'd probably be far from the worst DPS in a naxx25 too, at this point. Assuming you're using a flask or food to get the final few points of Hit that (I think?) you need.

Good to see you stacking hit gems, too.

Edit: But for God's sake get a enchant on your shoulders. At least one of the cheap BC Hit ones, if nothing else :p

The Tier pieces I ended up with are Shoulder, Head and Chest. I don't have the rep with SoH yet to get any of the shoulder enchants, but I will as soon as I get them up.
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