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World of Warcraft

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TomServo said:
Yup, a 150% flyer at 60 is huge.

Right now you effectively don't fly until 77 because you should be heading to Northrend at 68.

The leveling from 58 to 68 right now (going through outlands) is so ridiculously fast right now with the BoA shoulders and exp boost. You do Hellfire Zanger and skip over to Nagrand and get to 68 there (ring of blood quest gets alot of classes some decent blues) and your on your way to Northrend in no time. My DK doesnt even have flight paths to 90% of outland because I never had to go anywhere before I was done with it.

I cannot even begin to fathom being able to fiy starting at 60, the speed that you will cruise through those levels will be absurd. Especially for classes like the DK who can get 20% mount speed talents while they level. The old world changes dont effect me much as I have every class but a paladin at 60 or above. And I dont think I will ever want to play that class.


The only bad part about this for me is, now I feel like I ripped myself off by spending all the gold on an epic land mount for my hunter. But then I should earn that cash pretty fast leveling him sometime, or grinding my shaman through solo quests at 80.


* Expert Riding (Skill 225)

o 150% flying mount speed; 60% land mount speed
o Requires level 60
o Cost: 600 gold (faction discounts now apply)
o Mount Cost: 50 gold
o Can now be learned in Honor Hold (Alliance) or Thrallmar (Horde)

*looks at himself spending 5000 gold last night on an alt*
*damages stuff*

I can live with a 150% flying speed.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
FLEABttn said:
The mount changes are large, but they really need to do something about the leveling block of 40-58. In short, it's terrible. There's something wrong about 50-58 taking longer than 58-70.

At 55, get a port to Hellfire and pay someone 25-50g a run through; you will level approximately once every two trips through; it's much much more efficient than dealing with Sithilus/etc.


In the next major content patch we will be adding a few methods of improved transportation to areas of interest while leveling.

It is time for the denizens of Azeroth to witness the full might of the Horde as they do what they do best: employ goblins to construct zeppelin towers and float players across vast seas using sky boats. That's right, a new zeppelin route is being added in Thunder Bluff and will transport players to Orgrimmar. Isn't technology magnificent?

Also, brought to you by Azeroth's greatest users of magic, are all new portals coming to Stormwind and Orgrimmar. These portals will transport players directly to the Stair of Destiny at the Dark Portal. Travel is just so much more convenient when it's instantaneous! Players will then find that a new connecting flight path exists at the Stair of Destiny allowing players new to Outland easy and direct access to the city of Shattrath.

Keep your seat backs and tray tables in a full upright and locked position, and we hope you continue to enjoy your methods of travel in Azeroth and beyond!

Portal from Org to Dark Portal. Woo Woo!


I was wondering why they are keeping the expert skill as 60% land mount speed.
Basically, except for the headless mount and the hallowen brooms, all the flying mounts can't be used in the old world nor can they be used in wotlk without the coldweather skill, and where they can be used people are gonna fly and not use them as land mounts.
They might as well bump the land mount speed to 100% instead of keeping it 60%. It makes little sense, unless they decide to finally let the flying mounts work like the headless mount.


Has problems recognising girls
Lain said:
I was wondering why they are keeping the expert skill as 60% land mount speed.
Basically, except for the headless mount and the hallowen brooms, all the flying mounts can't be used in the old world nor can they be used in wotlk without the coldweather skill, and where they can be used people are gonna fly and not use them as land mounts.
They might as well bump the land mount speed to 100% instead of keeping it 60%. It makes little sense, unless they decide to finally let the flying mounts work like the headless mount.
I think the 60% mount speed is for your flying mount on the ground, as the riding skill at level 40 allows 100% mount speed.


I think I just don't like any shaman dps specs. Maybe I just don't like any shaman specs at all. Enhance is the most boring melee I've ever played (maybe rogue/feral is worse, I only got my rogue to 36 before dropping him and never played a feral past like level 20), elemental would be a little better if I had better gear, but is so badly represented on loot that I have to grind a bunch of quests/tokens for some pieces and take cloth gear just to get that up to snuff. I kind of wish they had the Sunwell idea where you take loot and a token of some kind (frozen orbs would be great for this) and trade it in for a non-set piece that's itemized ideally for that class/spec that can't really have drops suited to it.

edit: like a half hour after hitting 80, I got invited to heal heroic UK (it was the daily lolz) and even though I pretty much sucked at it, the healer ring dropped at the end so I got an immediate upgrade.


speedpop said:
I think the 60% mount speed is for your flying mount on the ground, as the riding skill at level 40 allows 100% mount speed.

That's true.
What I meant is, it makes little sense to me to bump the flying speed but leave the land speed the same on the Expert Riding skill. If you can fly around, you don't use your flying mount as a land mount. If you can't fly around, you can't even summon the mount (with the exception of the headless horseman mount and the brooms which use the Journeyman Riding skill in zones where flying isn't allowed) so the drawback of having that 60% land mount speed seems even more pointless now to me.
At least before it looked as a way to not have your mount run faster than it could fly.
It's not something major, just something I was thinking about.


One thing I'm noticing while leveling my mage alt (I have nothing better to do) is improved scorch is the dumbest talent ever now. You have to waste a glyph slot just to get the same effect as improved shadowbolt for warlocks (ok, admittedly that's on a crit shadowbolt, but still) and the talent offers nothing else. It should at least improve scorch's damage by 15% or something in addition to that. And it should do the full 5% with one stack, instead of needing to waste a glyph. i.e. 3/3 improved scorch should be "your scorch does 15% more damage and targets of your scorch are 5% more likely to be critically hit with spells for 30 seconds," and same for winter's chill although frost mage pve is pretty crappy anyway.


firex said:
I think I just don't like any shaman dps specs. Maybe I just don't like any shaman specs at all. Enhance is the most boring melee I've ever played (maybe rogue/feral is worse, I only got my rogue to 36 before dropping him and never played a feral past like level 20), elemental would be a little better if I had better gear, but is so badly represented on loot that I have to grind a bunch of quests/tokens for some pieces and take cloth gear just to get that up to snuff. I kind of wish they had the Sunwell idea where you take loot and a token of some kind (frozen orbs would be great for this) and trade it in for a non-set piece that's itemized ideally for that class/spec that can't really have drops suited to it.

edit: like a half hour after hitting 80, I got invited to heal heroic UK (it was the daily lolz) and even though I pretty much sucked at it, the healer ring dropped at the end so I got an immediate upgrade.

Which ring? Annylhyde's or whatever?


firex said:
I think I just don't like any shaman dps specs. Maybe I just don't like any shaman specs at all. Enhance is the most boring melee I've ever played (maybe rogue/feral is worse, I only got my rogue to 36 before dropping him and never played a feral past like level 20), elemental would be a little better if I had better gear, but is so badly represented on loot that I have to grind a bunch of quests/tokens for some pieces and take cloth gear just to get that up to snuff. I kind of wish they had the Sunwell idea where you take loot and a token of some kind (frozen orbs would be great for this) and trade it in for a non-set piece that's itemized ideally for that class/spec that can't really have drops suited to it.

edit: like a half hour after hitting 80, I got invited to heal heroic UK (it was the daily lolz) and even though I pretty much sucked at it, the healer ring dropped at the end so I got an immediate upgrade.

That is kinda like what happened to a hunter in my guild last night. He had JUST dinged 80 ... hadn't even trained his 80 skills and we summoned him into Freya cause we didn't have a full raid and we thought why not.

After the end of Ulduar we ran off to 25 man Vault real quick and he ended up getting t8.5 gloves and t7.5 legs 30 mins after hitting 80 lol.


Gloomfire said:
Which ring? Annylhyde's or whatever?
yeah, the Anhylde's ring or something like that. also my glyph setup ironically was like perfect for that group, because my glyphs for resto are chain heal, riptide, and then the near-mandatory water mastery glyph, and my group was 3 melee + tank.

I seriously have some awful resto gear since I just hit 80 on this guy. most of my stuff is quest rewards or level 73-75, but I did buy/get crafted the revenant's pieces, and that ring. realistically I don't think I should be doing heroics as a healer, but if I actually adjust to it, I'm going to have hilarious gear upgrades/increases considering most people on my server run heroics/raids way over their gear level and only invite a couple undergeared people along for a 10 man, none for a 25 man.

I also already flip-flopped my dps spec back to enhance, but eh, I don't really care. I changed it a little bit though. Dropped shamanistic rage and call of flame for frozen power, just to see how that talent works in pve in addition to pvp now, and noticed blizzard hilariously messed up the tooltip for frostbrand weapon. It says it does 50 frost damage on hit, and slows by 556-560%, when it should be the other way around.


You can change/upgrade an enchant on an item, right? The reason I'm asking is because I'm wondering if I should just go ahead and do the PVP enchant on my shoulders until I get exalted with SoH and then upgrade it to that enchant.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Gloomfire said:
You can change/upgrade an enchant on an item, right? The reason I'm asking is because I'm wondering if I should just go ahead and do the PVP enchant on my shoulders until I get exalted with SoH and then upgrade it to that enchant.
Yes, you can.

It's just like socketing. You can put a new one on, but it will overwrite whatever you had on there before.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Gloomfire said:
You can change/upgrade an enchant on an item, right? The reason I'm asking is because I'm wondering if I should just go ahead and do the PVP enchant on my shoulders until I get exalted with SoH and then upgrade it to that enchant.
Yeah, you can do that

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
StormyTheRabbit said:
I'd be interested. But that will go for a pretty penny, which I don't have =\
I should sell my accounts :lol

80 Druid
80 Warrior
80 Death Knight
70 Rogue
Soon to be 80 Priest



stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Angry Grimace said:
I should sell my accounts :lol

80 Druid
80 Warrior
80 Death Knight
70 Rogue
Soon to be 80 Priest


all those toons are on different accounts? o.0

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
GDJustin said:
all those toons are on different accounts? o.0

The Druid and the Rogue are, and the Priest, DK and Warrior are on one.

I wouldn't sell them though.

Chris R

I don't know how you can say that Enhancement is boring. I really like it, and I'm considering making it my new primary spec, instead of resto. In reality I should be playing my 80 mage, but I'm just sick and tired of running pugs and getting 0 gear :lol (all my naxx runs, I've won 0 items on a roll, and just 2 items because nobody else needed them :( )


I find it pretty boring compared to every other melee I've played (warrior, dk, paladin), probably because all I do is lava lash, stormstrike, earth shock, and then if I get 5x MW I use lightning bolt. I know it probably sounds like I'm oversimplifying it, but I mean it has the shittiest cool procs/bonus effects compared to warrior/dk/paladin. Maybe rogue is even more boring, but literally all I do is 4 abilities, one of which is the most lackluster, least interesting melee specials ever (lava lash zzzz).

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
firex said:
I find it pretty boring compared to every other melee I've played (warrior, dk, paladin), probably because all I do is lava lash, stormstrike, earth shock, and then if I get 5x MW I use lightning bolt. I know it probably sounds like I'm oversimplifying it, but I mean it has the shittiest cool procs/bonus effects compared to warrior/dk/paladin. Maybe rogue is even more boring, but literally all I do is 4 abilities, one of which is the most lackluster, least interesting melee specials ever (lava lash zzzz).
Can it be less monotonous than Moonkin?

Insect Swarm --> Moonfire ---> Wrath
WrathWrathWrathWrathWrath (Eclipse procs)



In all seriousness, pretty much all classes revolve around the same 4 buttons. :lol In the case of Holy Paladin, it's only 1 in most scenarios.

Even the "complicated" classes are pretty simple in the end; I mean, I know someone said that Shadow Priest is all about managing DoTs, but it's much easier than managing the Rogue ones in that Devouring Plague's duration is identical to it's cooldown and doesn't need to be monitored beyond casting when ever it's available, and SW: P is refreshed via Mind Flay, which you have to spam anyways since Mind Blast has a cooldown.


rhfb said:
I don't know how you can say that Enhancement is boring. I really like it, and I'm considering making it my new primary spec, instead of resto. In reality I should be playing my 80 mage, but I'm just sick and tired of running pugs and getting 0 gear :lol (all my naxx runs, I've won 0 items on a roll, and just 2 items because nobody else needed them :( )

Unlucky. I got 3 tier pieces my first Naxx run, but I know that's super lucky on my part.

Damn, getting The Oracles to exalted is going to take forever :lol .
Even worse is waiting for that damn green proto drake. It's been so tempting to go Wolvar just so I can slaughter these stingy fucks and their tickbird hatchlings.


thatbox said:
3.0+ Crusader Strike says hi?
at least that does good damage. lava lash is shitty and boring and honestly just there to fill a gcd in a rotation to keep you from losing out on potential main hand windfury procs.

edit: I think I would like enhance shaman more if they didn't get such a shitty gimmick in maelstrom weapon. That's probably the most boring thing, because waiting for 5 stacks of MW is what you have to do for the biggest dps move outside of a triple WF crit.

and I still completely hate totems. Fucking redesign this shit already Blizzard, no one likes killing 10% of their mana bar to drop 4 short term buffs every fight.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The bottom line is that EVERYONE hates their own class. :lol

I've grown conmfortable-ish with Shadow Priest, but I don't know if I want to really build 2 complete gear sets.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
usea said:
I enjoyed both the classes I played in end game. Quite a bit actually.
To a degree, of course; I like DK and Priest, I don't care for DPS warrior, and find tanking both boring and stressful (although there's something to be said for how much it helps you to really know the fight you are doing). But it seems like everyone thinks their class is underpowered/lame/has antiquated mechanics.


I like my paladin. I'm just bored of him because nobody (or not enough people, anyway) pugs ulduar on my server, so I have nothing else to do on him until they add in some more content so I can do an uld10 pug.

edit: I also like my warrior, but the mount changes kind of killed my desire to level him past 40 now, so I'm just playing other alts I have until then. Mostly my mage, just because I think I finally got him to the level where I start getting good mage gear and not just stamina/int or no stats/spell power.
The new Isle of Conquest battleground coming in 3.2 sounds really cool. No screenshots yet, but it looks like it'll be using the colour palette of the modern FPS at least partially.

Vaneras said:
An island somewhere off the shores of Northrend. A rock, hardly worth a second look. But as insignificant as it may seem, this is no ordinary place. A sound of thunder as waves crash endlessly against rocky cliffs; a sound of fury as swords clash on the blood-stained fields of this island on the edge of forever.

Welcome to the Isle of Conquest.

The ongoing struggle between Horde and Alliance has turned many once peaceful (and some not-so peaceful) places into theaters of constant war. The Isle of Conquest is the latest such place, set to be the location of a battle of epic proportions over the island's precious resources.

An Alliance and a Horde general are fighting for dominance, overseeing the action from the safety of their keeps. Whichever side manages to eliminate the enemy general first will triumph on the island; failure to protect your leader will bring shame, dishonor, and defeat. There is no peace accord here, and it’s an all-out war between the factions.

Once More into the breach...

Isle of Conquest, a new battleground scheduled to make its debut in the upcoming content patch, Call of the Crusade, will pitch teams of up to 40 players against each other in a massive battle over this small island off Northrend's northern coast. To win, your team will need to make use of the island's unique strategic locations including an oil derrick, a siege workshop, and a fully equipped airship hangar. You will deploy devastating siege weaponry on the field; Light have mercy on anyone caught between you and your ultimate target, the general holed up in the enemy keep.

There are five points of interest on the Isle of Conquest for the factions to battle over. Each one offers its own benefits and strategic value. Which one will you claim for your side, and will it be enough to ensure victory?

Capture Locations

Consider your options before storming out of your keep to confront the enemy head-on. Spread throughout the Isle of Conquest are several capturable locations (as seen on the map), each granting a unique strategic advantage to your team.

The Oil Derrick: Located on the northwestern end of the island, this smudge in the Frozen Sea produces enough black gold to run a thousand siege engines. Taking this resource garners precious reinforcements and a continuous flow of honor to the side that controls it.

The Cobalt Mine: This snow-covered assembly, located on the southeastern end of the island, hides untapped supplies that must be harvested. Taking this resource grants reinforcements and a continuous flow of honor to the side that controls it.

The Docks: The western shore's docks will further expand your selection of siege weapons with the devastating new Glaive Thrower and the Catapult. Unleash the destruction of the Glaive Thrower upon the walls of the keep, or launch your invading party over the walls to assault the keep from within.

The Airship Hangar: This sturdy steel structure stands on the peak of Mt. Conquest overlooking the eastern side of the island, allowing players to board the airship docked there. This devastating weapon of war is capable of raining death upon the heads of your enemies and destroying enemy defenses. Once onboard the airship, players will find it comes equipped with parachutes enabling a strike team to drop into the enemy keep from above.

The Siege Workshop: Situated right between the Alliance base and the Horde base, this siege workshop occupies a strategic hot spot. Seizing it grants the controlling party the ability to utilize an arsenal of siege vehicles perfectly suited to reducing the enemy keep’s walls to dust and ashes.

Graveyards: There are five graveyards in the Isle of Conquest that are attached to different points of interest on the map: the Horde base, the Alliance base, an oil spill island in the center of the map (attached to the siege workshop), the northeast corner (attached to the airship hangar), and the southwest corner (attached to the docks).

Main Objectives

The Keeps: The Horde and Alliance keeps sit at opposite ends of the island. These citadels host four easily accessible defensive cannons set on the ramparts, capable of unleashing hot fury onto oncoming attackers. Additional explosives sit safely stowed in the base of the keep along the back wall. At least, they’re safe as long as they don’t fall into enemy hands. If they do, though, they can be employed to bring the stone walls down from within.

The General: Holed up behind the keeps' massive walls, the generals command their forces from a position of relative safety. Should the keep fall and the general be slain, the Isle of Conquest will fall to the victor.

Reinforcements: Isle of Conquest uses a reinforcements system similar to that of Alterac Valley. The clock is ticking and every individual counts. If too many of your comrades fall to the enemy the battle will end in defeat. Killing enemy players will reduce their reinforcements by one for each kill, Once your faction’s reinforcements reach their limit, so too does your bid for control of the island and the wealth of resources you’ve fought so hard over.

An island somewhere off the shores of Northrend. A rock, hardly worth a second look. A test of strength. A chance to prove your might, to crush your enemies, to make a difference, a chance for endless glory and conquest.

Will you seize it?
MMO-Champion has the loading screen and pictures will be "available soon" according to Vaneras.


Orbitcube said:
The new Isle of Conquest battleground coming in 3.2 sounds really cool.

Until they revamp the Honor System, implement decent rewards, solve their gear problems, and find a way to make 40 man queues faster and/or balanced (tired of walking into AVs with 40 on 12), any BG they add is going to fizzle out when people get bored with the "shiny! new!" factor.

And then we get the pleasure of AV queues taking even longer because Isle of Conquest is taking people away from it. Here's hoping 3.2 has a real reason to queue up other than BGs being different from the rest of this game.
^^^ Pretty much. The honor grind sucks ass. And while it isn't as butt-terrible as it was in TBC, it's still the most obnoxious part of the game. Them nerfing Wintergrasp certainly didn't help anything either.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Lain said:
That's true.
What I meant is, it makes little sense to me to bump the flying speed but leave the land speed the same on the Expert Riding skill. If you can fly around, you don't use your flying mount as a land mount. If you can't fly around, you can't even summon the mount (with the exception of the headless horseman mount and the brooms which use the Journeyman Riding skill in zones where flying isn't allowed) so the drawback of having that 60% land mount speed seems even more pointless now to me.
At least before it looked as a way to not have your mount run faster than it could fly.
It's not something major, just something I was thinking about.

The reason no mount can ground run faster thian 100% speed is because they would have to alter the animations of the mounts to look right on the ground and that doesn't make sense since probably no one other than some weird RP'er out there ground runs a flying mount.


what he's saying is it doesn't make sense to him to have the regular flying mount still run at only 60% speed when it now flies faster than that. so why not have it go 100% land speed just like the epic flying mount.


Ripclawe said:
New BG is AV version 2 with vehicles. Alliance should continue to get slammed as is BG tradition. :(

Well this is their chance to do better than AV IMO. AV is ridiculous. Its imbalanced, people ride right to the generals etc. This one had BETTER break that mind set, and or make it impossible to just NPC rush the other side. Flags at these key points should eliminate that, but you never know. I just want a 40vs40 where people fight.

I dont care about the honor rewards or anything, I like large scale PvP, and AV isnt it anymore. Its just PvE on a 5 minute timer.


Puncture said:
Well this is their chance to do better than AV IMO. AV is ridiculous. Its imbalanced, people ride right to the generals etc. This one had BETTER break that mind set, and or make it impossible to just NPC rush the other side. Flags at these key points should eliminate that, but you never know. I just want a 40vs40 where people fight.

I dont care about the honor rewards or anything, I like large scale PvP, and AV isnt it anymore. Its just PvE on a 5 minute timer.

I would not expect this new BG to be much different; there are still generals you have to defeat. The 'cool new twist' is that there are AB-like positions on the map that, when controlled, allow you to skip the ride past each other and just take airships instead. There's also a variety of siege vehicles for doing neat things like blowing up towers... but nobody will bother with them after they realize there's no point (just like they skip all but the closest GYs in AV now) when zerging wins every time.

Vehicles + Airship rides + Same old "Kill the commander" gameplay = AV for people who don't like walking. I still like my idea better.
Anyone know of a ilevel 213 caster healing neck thats moderately easy to get? With the way my guild does saph's eye I won't be getting it for a long time, and that's the last upgrade I'd need before Ulduar. I haven't seen one drop in naxx 25 ever, is there any good one there?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
funkmastergeneral said:
Anyone know of a ilevel 213 caster healing neck thats moderately easy to get? With the way my guild does saph's eye I won't be getting it for a long time, and that's the last upgrade I'd need before Ulduar. I haven't seen one drop in naxx 25 ever, is there any good one there?
Just skip it. I have a friend in all lvl200 gear in Uld25 and his heals aren't too bad in there :lol


For a neck, well, what healing class are you? If you aren't doing Ulduar 25 in your guild, you could try pugging it some and doing Vault to save up Conquest badges and get the 226 neck from those. It's only 19.
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