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World of Warcraft

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cdyhybrid said:
So I haven't played since a few weeks after WotLK launch, and want to get back into the game mostly for PvP and casual instancing (either PUGs or a guild that raids only once or twice a week).

Another forum I frequent has suggested that I go Feral Druid with a healing offspec, but DKs also seem quite interesting. I've never played a healer or tank, and I mainly just want to kill stuff (including other players), but I think I could learn decently. What would you guys suggest I roll?

Also, if anyone knows a well-populated Pacific time zone PvP server with competent BGs/PUGs (a lot to ask, I know), I'm still looking for a server :D Thanks, this thread has been very useful!

Don't bother with DK. They're grossly overpopulated.

If you just want to damage stuff, Warlocks seem to really be underpopulated at the moment (though I suppose it can vary from server to server).

If you already have a lvl 60+ (which I assume you do since you're considering a DK), just stick with that char.


Modesty becomes a woman
Flib said:
It's ridiculous with Pallys since their gear has the highest droprate in the game. Bigger issue is when it comes to druid rolling on cloth.

Druids don't really need leather and sometimes It's even itemized better for boomkins. Resto shouldn't be rolling on anything but Spirit + Haste leather though.


firex said:
I would be against giving them mail armor just because if you keep them with cloth and leather, then you have competition on druid items, similar to how paladins/shamans compete for the same healer mail a lot of the time. I looked at the talent build and see that you only get like 3 slots of mail armor, and that's what makes it even weirder. The way armor proficiencies work, you basically gain an armor proficiency and unlock the ability to wear it in any slot. I mean, it's a good idea on paper but it's a pain in the ass to implement in game, and kind of makes me look at it and say "so what?" compared to a lot of other 1 point talents.
My concept only allows monks to equip mail in the wrist, waist, and shoulder slots. It allows them slightly more gear options, better armor (lulz), and the more hybrid-like stats that shamans and hunters currently utilize. I really wanted to have a 'rulebreaker' for armor with the monk class, and thought it fitting if they were able to utilize gear that is normally outside their typical loot table. Monks would benefit from enhance shaman / hunter gear, at least in theory; they all use mana, are all centered on DPS and agility.

At least, that's the idea. At this point that was more of a fun, cool idea to play with, and supported a lot of other ideas I wanted to tinker with. One idea was adding fist weapon recipes to leather working, which means monks would be crafting their own mail as well further down the line (been ages since I was a LW, so I could be wrong on LWers having mail recipes).
firex said:
Obviously all this stuff is WIP but I think it's actually a pretty fun class with a decent core mechanic around it to make it different, without requiring an all-new power source.

I basically wanted the combo-point style of a rogue without just outright cloning it, and I've had the idea of an "Overload" concept bouncing around in my head for ages. I like that there are three dot types, each with their own method of application and 'overload' effect. It really allows you some variety in what you're doing.

For example; Stone Fury seems to be a pretty powerful tool; it's essentially a paladin's Hammer of Justice, and you need only apply four stacks of a physical (nearly undispellable) debuff to activate it. However, there are only two ways to apply it; a melee attack and a conical AoE. But it can't be dispelled, so you can build up 3 stacks of it and save that next Stone Punch or Earth Shatter to get the stun. You may limit your DPS while doing so, but that's the price.

The same applies to Cinder Fury and it's explosion + DoT, except it can be dispelled as the DoT is magical in nature. There's only two ways to apply it; get the enemy to hit you when you have Cinder Spirit active (Spirits are self-buffs that have a set number of charges, similar to Thorns) or Cinderfist (another melee attacked). Cinder Fury is basically your main DPS debuff.

On the flip side, the monk's healing effect, Heaven's Fury, can be activated by a ranged attack (Windbolt, so you can be ranged DPSing and getting bursts of heals out of it), another melee attack, and an AoE. Heaven's Fury is a magic effect and dispellable, however. But because there are so many ways to apply it (one of which is ranged), it can be quickly applied in 3 GCDs. Not bad for an ability that isn't even a main heal.

The idea I had took a lot from Rogues (Fast combat), Paladins (expansive healing toolkit), and Vanguard's Blood Mage class (redistribution of damage) with my own ideas thrown in.

Glad you liked it. Oh, and I added a faked screenshot to my original post, because... what the hell, I was bored and Twill is cheap on my server.

Alex said:
Monks need cloth. Just give them a lot of body and soul (not the Priest talent!) type buffs and talents for defenses.
I gave my Monks the option to use leather (specifically rogue-centric leather) since there is no physical DPS-oriented cloth. I was attempting to build the class around current itemization rather than come up with a whole new item class; Melee Cloth.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Druids don't really need leather and sometimes It's even itemized better for boomkins. Resto shouldn't be rolling on anything but Spirit + Haste leather though.

Druids should *never* be allowed to roll on cloth over a "cloth class". It's just bad etiquette.


I know that your mail talent is just for 3 slots, but what I was saying is that it seems lackluster to do it as a talent for only 3 slots, but also pointless to give them full mail (not to mention frustrating for mail dps classes) when they can compete on druid gear instead. and LWs do create mail once they start crafting level 40ish gear, and technically JCs are the ones who create fist weapons (even though really that should be blacksmiths from now on and there's just one JC fist weapon recipe that I know of). I'm really saying keep them as leather because 3/8 mail is a tease that will annoy people, while full leather would work better just from a class design/appearance/flavor standpoint.

I think the ideal solution is to give them a good refresh ability so they can regen mana easily while dpsing, so they don't even need int on their dps gear (like paladins), but when they do dedicated healing they need a bigger mana pool and swap to cloth/resto leather. That way you can stick them with leather/cloth and they would mainly compete with druids, using mostly feral/rogue leather for dps and resto leather/priest cloth for healing. Obviously they should be another 1:1 str:agi AP class to fit them into current itemization, but that works fine with the weapons they use anyway.

Also, your spirits should cost 0 mana. They work like shaman elemental shields, and shaman elemental shields cost 0 mana (well, the self-only ones do, and earth shield provides such huge healing and free targeting that you can see why it costs mana...). You could give them reduced charges and increased effects on the charges. It would maybe seem too homogenous with shaman shields, but the effects are so different and it's a "unique" but not really class defining mechanic for the shaman.

My actual feeling upon reading the ability list is you should give them spirit of grace only and roll in some of the other spirits' effects into it, at 0 mana cost because it looks like a core mechanic of making the monk what it is, in addition to the dots/hot. I'd also suggest making thrown weapons a core ability and not a talent. That way monks fill every equip slot and you don't have to come up with a new relic. You could even make the offensive bolt abilities changed so they use a throwing weapon for them. I would make the "requires fist or unarmed weapon" abilities "requires staff or fist weapon" abilities, as I don't think anyone would go actually unarmed for real dps, and this way 2h monks wouldn't be some ultra-niche dps offspec the community mocks (there are dps staves in the game now, anyway). Or you could remove the weapon restrictions altogether so they just go with what's best in each slot. I'm sure it would require adjusting the damage numbers on each ability for 2h, but the idea's there. When you finalize their talents there should be a mana-return ability somewhere; either a self-buff that reduces self healing by converting a percentage to mana, or a dps-related talent that returns x% of base mana when you use a core ability in the rotation (2nd one is probably better to do because it enables you to keep dps types viable in pvp as a battle healer).

Actually, when I think about it, what you could really do if you want to keep 2h viable in addition to dual wield, is make the Focus talent tree devoted mostly to skills that would be enhanced by using a staff, and give it staff strikes/related abilities, and keep the fist skills as fist weapon-based like you have them now. But I feel like if they have the ability to equip a staff, it should be supported, similar to how DKs are mostly a 2h class but DW is meant to be a viable choice for them.


Angry Grimace said:


If you're allowing Druids to roll over clothies, then you're essentially doubling/tripling the amount of loot they can roll on. It is really unfair that 3 characters (Shadow Priest, Mage, Lock) should have to fight over DPS cloth with Druids, while Druids already have their own dedicated leather gear. All it's doing is increasing the chance of Druids getting loot, and decreasing the chance of Clothies getting loot (which cloth DPS is still heavily fought for).

Alex had it right:

Mainspec > Higher Armor Wearer > Offspec

If you go your way, then you're even allowing healing Pallies to have access to the Druid and Clothie gear, which would be ridiculous, since there's already an inordinate amount of spell plate dedicated to a single spec (while DPS cloth is dedicated to 7 specs!).

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
TheExodu5 said:

If you're allowing Druids to roll over clothies, then you're essentially doubling/tripling the amount of loot they can roll on. It is really unfair that 3 characters (Shadow Priest, Mage, Lock) should have to fight over DPS cloth with Druids, while Druids already have their own dedicated leather gear. All it's doing is increasing the chance of Druids getting loot, and decreasing the chance of Clothies getting loot (which cloth DPS is still heavily fought for).

Alex had it right:

Mainspec > Higher Armor Wearer > Offspec

If you go your way, then you're even allowing healing Pallies to have access to the Druid and Clothie gear, which would be ridiculous, since there's already an inordinate amount of spell plate dedicated to a single spec (while DPS cloth is dedicated to 7 specs!).
*shrug* It doesn't bother me really. The same argument could be made for Paladin's too, any they have their own loot that no one else uses.


It's actually wrong because the only way to get hit/spell power leather is boomkin set pieces. Now you might say they don't need a lot of hit to reach the cap, and you're right, but to stay at the cap, they deserve the same rolling rights on gear like that. There is like no boomkin/elemental drops in raids at all outside of one really stupid weapon that rarely drops off a Naxx25 boss (http://www.wowhead.com/?item=39763) so they have to rely on cloth gear to fill pieces until they get set gear at the least. Not even all of their set gear makes them hit capped, so once again it comes down to non-set pieces. Some of that can be gotten via weapon, but in the case of ele shaman, there is no hit shield they can use. And it's dumb to be stuck with old hit trinkets, too, when you could get better gear in non-set slots and replace trinkets with something better.
TheExodu5 said:

If you're allowing Druids to roll over clothies, then you're essentially doubling/tripling the amount of loot they can roll on. It is really unfair that 3 characters (Shadow Priest, Mage, Lock) should have to fight over DPS cloth with Druids, while Druids already have their own dedicated leather gear. All it's doing is increasing the chance of Druids getting loot, and decreasing the chance of Clothies getting loot (which cloth DPS is still heavily fought for).

Alex had it right:

Mainspec > Higher Armor Wearer > Offspec

If you go your way, then you're even allowing healing Pallies to have access to the Druid and Clothie gear, which would be ridiculous, since there's already an inordinate amount of spell plate dedicated to a single spec (while DPS cloth is dedicated to 7 specs!).

Fact of the matter is, leather itemization is pretty bad for Moonkins, it's more tuned towards Resto Druids. If you're going to complain about druids rolling on cloth, blame Blizzard for giving Moonkins subpar leather pieces. We don't roll on pieces just because we can, we roll on pieces because they're much better than our Leather pieces.

Pre-Ulduar, we had 3 Best In Slot pieces that were cloth:
- Unsullied Cuffs - Sartharion + 2 drakes (H)
- Leash of Heedless Magic - Malygos (H)
- Leggings of the Wanton Spellcaster - Malygos (H)

So basically you would be saying that we should wait till all other clothies get their cloth gear before we can, just because we can wear leather? Even though the same piece would be Best In Slot for us as well? That doesn't make sense. If our best gear in slot is cloth, then we're entitled to roll on it, we don't make the loot tables, Blizzard does. If they would make properly itemized leather, then we wouldn't need to roll on cloth. Just because we have two armor classes, shouldn't prevent us from upgrading our gear to the fullest.


Up to your guild what they use, but the concept applies to everyone that the native armor type for a class should be a priority for them. It's not about the amount of armor value, it's about the equal spread of loot across a raid.

You can argue that Druids can get as much benefit out of cloth or Warriors out of leather, but at the end of the day raiding is a social thing, and demanding 200-400% as much loot as someone else because you can use it is poor form, IMO.

In the end, like I said, it's your guild and they can do whatever, but from a personal standpoint I'd avoid any guild that didn't use a class specific policy. That's just how I stand.

Not that I'm hung up over loot or anything, I joined a loot council guild specifically to even avoid tracking DKP or giving a shit and it's by far the happiest I've ever been with a loot system, as long as you can get good folks to run it. No more awkward DKP makeshift math makes me so happy.
I generally agree with classes sticking to their own armor types but when it comes to hard-mode loot (like KT/Malygos loot before it) which is at a higher ilvl and has obvious gaps for certain classes/specs I expect to see people dip down into lower armor types. Best in slot is best in slot.


Well, there's certain exceptions to everything, that's why going ironclad is a poor idea. People who want ironclad are just as argumentative and flawed as the people who want a fully open system for armor class, because of the same thing they always spout while stomping their feet and crying:


Despite it being a group effort, despite it being a social issue, despite the amount or style of the upgrade or the factor that you're taking up 200% space by ignoring your own armor class and rolling on someone elses people still feel entitled to things.

There's plenty of good applications for people in off armor class gear. Tons, really. It's just most folks don't do the math, or look at the benefit from the raids or a friends point of view.

You can't blame everything on game design. You can't just look at EJ, see BiS and start kicking the wall and demanding it. Well, maybe when you can start soloing raid bosses, but until then it'd do people some good to start looking at things on a bigger scale.

I'm a Holy Priest, and I mean I've passed plenty of cloth to Resto Druids that I'd have used, I'm not trying to guilt or belittle anyone, but I have totally come across some ego freaks who think it's just a rush grab for everything that's in a BiS list on EJ.

Our guild is very good with being kind about loot though. Most of my guilds have been, but my newest one takes the cake. It was nice to see people get set bonuses so evenly.


It's good for me because some of my friends can transfer over and raid with me, but population balance is going to get severely wacky.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
This is pretty lame of blizz. How long before we can pay to have a level 80 character created for us?


commish said:
This is pretty lame of blizz. How long before we can pay to have a level 80 character created for us?
Not soon enough. Leveling without RAF is just insanely painful even with the 10% exp shoulders. I have a 45 Mage that I've been working on the past couple of weeks and fireball spam in the same areas I've been through 5 times already is wearing on me.


I am all about this. I have a 60 Human Mage just sitting on Chromaggus likely to never be touched again because I refuse to move off Laughing Skull Horde. I would pay $30 to move my mage to horde-side Laughing Skull.

WoW has been out for 4+ years now. There are plenty of people that have played the game for a long haul. Many of those people, including myself, don't have the time we once did to say "fuck it, I'll just level another mage on my horde server". If people want to move characters that they sunk hundreds of hours into, why not?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Engineering changes:


* Added a new Mind Amplification Dish attachment for helmets, allowing engineers to control other humanoid targets. Some restrictions apply: does not work in Arenas, dish sometimes reverses targets, unable to stack with other stat-improving head enchantments and makes your helmet look... stylish?
* Added a schematic for a Goblin Welding Beam that can heal friendly mechanical or vehicle units.
* Alarm-o-Bot functionality changed. Materials required reduced.
* Box of Bombs no longer requires an anvil.
* The Cobalt Frag Bomb now incapacitates enemies within a 3-yard radius. A short cast time was added, but they are usable while moving. This change applies to any Cobalt Frag Bombs already created. The existing recipe now makes 3 at a time.
* Engineers can now learn to create a portable Wormhole Generator for Northrend. The Wormhole allows them to travel to different locations in Northrend, although the locations are sometimes in dangerous places.
* Increased benefits from Hyperspeed Accelerators, Hand-Mounted Pyro Rocket and Reticulated Armor Webbing glove modifications.
* Increased the passive bonuses provided by Springy Arachnoweave, Flexweave Underlay and Nitro Boosts.
* Increased siege damage caused by Saronite Bombs and the Global Thermal Sapper Charge.
* Mote Extractor now has innate tracking for gas clouds while it is in your inventory. Tracking of gas clouds has been removed from goggles.
* A new repair bot has been added, and his name is Jeeves. He is the ultimate gentleman robot butler, able to perform all the mundane tasks of repairing, selling and buying junk for your entire raid. Additionally, he can open bank boxes for skilled engineers (350+). Jeeves is not destroyed when used, but due to pressing engagements, can only be summoned once an hour. The schematic for this handsome robot was said to be hidden within the parts of another robot – hoping to be found by an engineer one day.
* Nitro Boosts: Now have a 5-second duration.
* Potion Injectors now increase the amount gained by 25% when used by engineers. Quantity produced by recipes for Runic Healing and Mana Injectors has been increased.
* Reduced the materials needed to create all engineering Dragonlings, and reduced their cooldowns, although they still cannot be used in Arenas.
* Significantly reduced the cooldown on MOLL-E.
* The Spynocular belt attachment has been changed to a Frag Belt. The Frag Belt periodically produces a Cobalt Frag Bomb that can be used from the belt every 10 minutes (never runs out!).
* A Steam-Powered Auctioneer has been added to the Dalaran Like Clockwork engineering shop, allowing access to one's faction Auction House. The Steam-Powered Auctioneer was programmed with a superiority chip, and will only interact with Grand Master engineers.
* Transporter devices are no longer classified as trinkets and can be used directly from your inventory.
* The Ultrasafe Bullet Machine and Saronite Arrow Maker schematics have been simplified to create a full stack of the appropriate ammunition. No longer requires an anvil. Reduced the materials required to make this ammunition.

lol. All just a bunch of random conveniences. What's the point of repair bots, since there's a repair guy inside Ulduar? AH in Dalaran is pretty nice, I guess.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Having an AH in Dal is pretty sweet, but really, who doesn't have alts sitting in front of the AH anyway?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Not sure of whether Blizzard is taking the mick, or mmochampion doing the same, but:

MMO Champion said:
The Argent Confessor achievement for the fight against Argent Confessor Paletress is probably the most interesting one. According to some datamining I did on the creatures it seems that this encounter will let you experience previous fights with bosses from past dungeons/expansions.

Wrath of the Lich King

* Algalon
* Cyanigosa
* Eck
* Heigan
* Ignis
* Ingvar
* General Vezax

The Burning Crusade

* Delrissa
* Entropius
* Gruul
* Illidan
* Malchezaar
* Kalithresh
* Archimonde
* Lady Vashj

World of Warcraft

* Chromaggus
* Hakkar
* Herod
* Hogger
* Lucifron
* Onyxia
* Thunderaan
* Edwin VanCleef
* Vek'nilash
* Mutanus

Hogger Raid?


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
I have a favor to ask (I stopped my WoW account awhile ago so I can't do this)...

Could somebody take a big screenshot of the Warsong Outriders logo or tabard for me? That would be great. :)


Yeah, saw all those this morning, pumped for hogger raid if true.

New build is up on the ptr, and they changed all the set bonuses.


Hunter T9 2P Bonus - The damage done by your Serpent Sting ability can now be critical strikes.
Hunter T9 4P Bonus - Each time you hit with a ranged attack, you have a chance to grant your pet 600 attack power for 15 sec.

Step in the right direction at least.
Angry Grimace said:
Engineering changes:
lol. All just a bunch of random conveniences. What's the point of repair bots, since there's a repair guy inside Ulduar? AH in Dalaran is pretty nice, I guess.

I think the repair bot was added just for the bank access, so engineers can at least stay near the curve with the new Squire argent tourney pet coming out. I would've liked to see updated goggles, but oh well.

As for the faction change, I'm not opposed to the idea, but I'd like to see them do something interesting with it. It would be interesting if they reworked the game to allow faction changes on your existing character without a race and class change, preferably integrating lore and the world somehow. Shaking up the faction allegiances in general would be interesting, if only to liven up world pvp some.


Full list of set changes:


Priest T9 Healing 2P Bonus - Increases the healing done by your Prayer of Mending spell by 20%.
Priest T9 Healing 4P Bonus - Increases the shield from your Divine Aegis and the instant healing from your Empowered Renew by 10%.


Shaman T9 Enhancement 2P Bonus - Adds an additional 3% chance to trigger your Static Shock talent.
Shaman T9 Enhancement 4P Bonus - Increases the damage done by your Earth Shock, Flame Shock, and Frost Shock spells by 25%.
Shaman T9 Elemental 2P Bonus - Increases the duration of your Flame Shock spell by 9.0 sec.
Shaman T9 Elemental 4P Bonus - Increases the damage done by your Lava Burst spell by 20%.

Druid T9 Feral 4P Bonus - Reduces the cooldown on Barkskin by -12.0 sec and increases the critical strike chance of Rip and Ferocious Bite by 5%.
Druid T9 Balance 4P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of your Starfire and Wrath spells by 3%.

Hunter T9 2P Bonus - The damage done by your Serpent Sting ability can now be critical strikes.
Hunter T9 4P Bonus - Each time you hit with a ranged attack, you have a chance to grant your pet 600 attack power for 15 sec.


Mage T9 2P Bonus - Increases the armor you gain from Ice Armor by 20%, the mana regeneration you gain from Mage Armor by 10%, and converts an additional 15% of your spirit into critical strike rating when Molten Armor is active. Down from 25% spirit.
Mage T9 4P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of your Fireball, Frostbolt, Frostfire Bolt, Arcane Missiles, and Arcane Blast spells by 5%. Arcane Missiles added.

Paladin T9 Tank 2P Bonus - Decreases the cooldown on your Hand of Reckoning ability by -2.0 sec.
Paladin T9 Tank 4P Bonus - Decreases the cooldown on your Divine Protection ability and reduces the duration of Forbearance by -30.0 sec.
Paladin T9 Holy 4P Bonus - Increases the heal over time effect from Flash of Light in conjunction with Sacred Shield by 100%.
Paladin T9 Holy Relic - Each time you cast Holy Light, you have a chance to gain 234 spell power for 15 sec. Down from 20 sec.

Warlock T9 4P Bonus - Increases the damage done by your Immolate, Corruption, and Unstable Affliction spells by 10%.

Warrior T9 Melee 4P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of your Slam and Heroic Strike abilities by 5%.
Warrior T9 Tank 2P Bonus - Decreases the cooldown on your Taunt ability by -2.0 sec.
Warrior T9 Tank 4P Bonus - Decreases the cooldown on your Shield Block ability by -10.0 sec

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Flib said:
Full list of set changes:


Priest T9 Healing 2P Bonus - Increases the healing done by your Prayer of Mending spell by 20%.
Priest T9 Healing 4P Bonus - Increases the shield from your Divine Aegis and the instant healing from your Empowered Renew by 10%.


Shaman T9 Enhancement 2P Bonus - Adds an additional 3% chance to trigger your Static Shock talent.
Shaman T9 Enhancement 4P Bonus - Increases the damage done by your Earth Shock, Flame Shock, and Frost Shock spells by 25%.
Shaman T9 Elemental 2P Bonus - Increases the duration of your Flame Shock spell by 9.0 sec.
Shaman T9 Elemental 4P Bonus - Increases the damage done by your Lava Burst spell by 20%.

Druid T9 Feral 4P Bonus - Reduces the cooldown on Barkskin by -12.0 sec and increases the critical strike chance of Rip and Ferocious Bite by 5%.
Druid T9 Balance 4P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of your Starfire and Wrath spells by 3%.

Hunter T9 2P Bonus - The damage done by your Serpent Sting ability can now be critical strikes.
Hunter T9 4P Bonus - Each time you hit with a ranged attack, you have a chance to grant your pet 600 attack power for 15 sec.


Mage T9 2P Bonus - Increases the armor you gain from Ice Armor by 20%, the mana regeneration you gain from Mage Armor by 10%, and converts an additional 15% of your spirit into critical strike rating when Molten Armor is active. Down from 25% spirit.
Mage T9 4P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of your Fireball, Frostbolt, Frostfire Bolt, Arcane Missiles, and Arcane Blast spells by 5%. Arcane Missiles added.

Paladin T9 Tank 2P Bonus - Decreases the cooldown on your Hand of Reckoning ability by -2.0 sec.
Paladin T9 Tank 4P Bonus - Decreases the cooldown on your Divine Protection ability and reduces the duration of Forbearance by -30.0 sec.
Paladin T9 Holy 4P Bonus - Increases the heal over time effect from Flash of Light in conjunction with Sacred Shield by 100%.
Paladin T9 Holy Relic - Each time you cast Holy Light, you have a chance to gain 234 spell power for 15 sec. Down from 20 sec.

Warlock T9 4P Bonus - Increases the damage done by your Immolate, Corruption, and Unstable Affliction spells by 10%.

Warrior T9 Melee 4P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of your Slam and Heroic Strike abilities by 5%.
Warrior T9 Tank 2P Bonus - Decreases the cooldown on your Taunt ability by -2.0 sec.
Warrior T9 Tank 4P Bonus - Decreases the cooldown on your Shield Block ability by -10.0 sec
This is a rather unfinished PTR so far, isn't it? :lol Half the stuff isn't even drawn or really thought through yet. This patch ain't nowhere near being ready from what I can tell. Like a couple of months, probably.


Desecrating/Honoring these flames gives you a stupid amount of gold. Just counting 13 gold per Alliance and 6 per Horde (I'm Horde), you can make 748 gold just off of the flames at level 80. And, there is silver involved so it's probably quite a bit more than that. Plus, if you are like me, you can get your Outland and Northrend exploration achievements wrapped up.

I was down to 6 gold yesterday after finally getting my Epic Flying training, and after the fires I had left I will be over 500 tonight. Awesome.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
One of my friends is having trouble saving his settings (WoW, for some reason, will reset the settings and make him reagree to the TOS and so forth) - he's going to ask Blizzard for help but I was just wondering if anyone has had this problem before and if they know a quick fix for it.

Thanks in advance! :D


I like the Priest set bonus changes.

Shrinnan said:
One of my friends is having trouble saving his settings (WoW, for some reason, will reset the settings and make him reagree to the TOS and so forth) - he's going to ask Blizzard for help but I was just wondering if anyone has had this problem before and if they know a quick fix for it.

Thanks in advance! :D

Try erasing the standard folders like WTF and whatnot and run the repair tool. That happened to me before and that fixed it.


firex said:
I know that your mail talent is just for 3 slots, but what I was saying is that it seems lackluster to do it as a talent for only 3 slots, but also pointless to give them full mail (not to mention frustrating for mail dps classes) when they can compete on druid gear instead. and LWs do create mail once they start crafting level 40ish gear, and technically JCs are the ones who create fist weapons (even though really that should be blacksmiths from now on and there's just one JC fist weapon recipe that I know of). I'm really saying keep them as leather because 3/8 mail is a tease that will annoy people, while full leather would work better just from a class design/appearance/flavor standpoint.
I see where you're coming from, and the feature, while sounding cool, does very little for the class and makes itemization harder (because the devs would have to keep an eye on mail armor and make sure that it's not becoming too strong for a small fraction of Monks.) The idea would be much more interesting if Armor was worth a damn. Thanks for making me take a second look at it, I'll probably yank that talent out.

As far as creating fist weapons, there really isn't a strong presence in the game for them at the moment. Wowhead shows less than 200 fist weapons, which is obscenely few. Perhaps a class skill, similar to Runeforging or Poison, would allow Monks to craft their own fist weapons. In this way, there isn't a profession that they feel obligated to take. I'm not saying they would be able to completely ignore drops; just have fist weapons to fill in as needed.

I would consider giving the crafting professions a few fist-weapon related items, however, just to spice things up. Engineers with fist-launching gloves :lol

firex said:
I think the ideal solution is to give them a good refresh ability so they can regen mana easily while dpsing, so they don't even need int on their dps gear (like paladins),
I had planned to include a mana-tap ability that would allow you to syphon mana off targets and a healing tree ability that allowed you to place a mana-drain-over-time effect on targets. I wanted both to be active mana regen rather than passive mechanisms. Spirit of Grace, however, will be talented to return more mana than the 1% it gives you each charge.

firex said:
That way you can stick them with leather/cloth and they would mainly compete with druids, using mostly feral/rogue leather for dps and resto leather/priest cloth for healing. Obviously they should be another 1:1 str:agi AP class to fit them into current itemization, but that works fine with the weapons they use anyway.
Exactly; they have access to healing gear with cloth/resto leather and DPS gear with rogue leather. Basically, with the exception of a very small pool of fist weapons, monks fit into the current gear patterns very nicely.

firex said:
Also, your spirits should cost 0 mana. They work like shaman elemental shields, and shaman elemental shields cost 0 mana (well, the self-only ones do, and earth shield provides such huge healing and free targeting that you can see why it costs mana...). You could give them reduced charges and increased effects on the charges. It would maybe seem too homogenous with shaman shields, but the effects are so different and it's a "unique" but not really class defining mechanic for the shaman.
The concept behind the Spirit spell type comes off awkward because it isn't entirely explained yet, which is hardly your fault. I should have made my documentation better before posting it, but I was in a bit of a hurry.

Basically, the Monk has only three baseline healing effects; a short-cast low-health heal similar to Flash of Light (Lifebolt), an AoE heal centered on the Monk (Lifeburst), and the Overload effect of Heaven's Fury (which heals up to 5 targets around you). Everything else is damage redirection or absorption. That plays a big role and fills in a missing part of the picture; damage redirection abilities like Shared Pain proc Spirit spells.

There are two undocumented (and incomplete) abilities in my notes. The first is a damage swap; you heal a target for a set amount while damaging yourself for the same. No mana is involved. You then Meditate or life tap that damage away. A talent would unbalance this transfer, allowing you to reduce the amount of damage you take while keeping the healing the same.

The second is similar to Shared Pain, but when the target is injured the damage is spread amongst all nearby allies (based on current health), meaning a huge hit against a tank can be defrayed amongst everyone, which of course can then quickly be healed away with a Lifeburst or Overload of Heaven's Fury.

I've been seriously considering changing Lifebolt to be a HoT as well, leaving the monk with zero single-target direct heals (except for one deep in the healing tree). In my mind, Monks aren't designed to play like any healer currently in the game, and make healing more interesting than whack-a-mole. To me, that means less direct heals, and more 'fire-and-forget-while-DPSing' spells.

Anyways, as far as the 0% mana cost goes, the Spirit spells are all designed to put that spent mana to good use. For example;

Spirit of Grace is basically a haste buff for all nearby players; the 20% mana cost is irrelevant because it restores 1% mana every charge, with 20 charges. As mentioned before, you can talent this early in the Focus tree to give you extra mana back, so it's sort of a slow-working innervate).

Spirit of Life is restoring 60% health to up to 5 targets around the Monk for a mere 18% of base mana. That's 3% of each target's max health times 20 charges. Oh, and there's extra armor (an effect that is spread to other nearby players with a Focus tree talent)

Spirit of Cinder is obviously a soloing / DPS buff.

I was expecting to add two more spirit spells, but I haven't nailed down exactly what they will be.

firex said:
I'd also suggest making thrown weapons a core ability and not a talent. That way monks fill every equip slot and you don't have to come up with a new relic.
That's already done, it's at the very bottom of the PDF File. The talent should read "Make this Baseline!" or something similar. I didn't want to add another relic slot, and I like the idea of monks having throwing weapons to compliment their other ranged options (Windbolt is baseline, Forcebolt is talented in the Focus tree). I also like the idea of having throwing weapons disarm a target. That just oozes "monk".

firex said:
I would make the "requires fist or unarmed weapon" abilities "requires staff or fist weapon" abilities, as I don't think anyone would go actually unarmed for real dps, and this way 2h monks wouldn't be some ultra-niche dps offspec the community mocks (there are dps staves in the game now, anyway). Or you could remove the weapon restrictions altogether so they just go with what's best in each slot.

The bit about "Requires Unarmed" is there to ensure that all of your abilities aren't locked out by being disarmed. Otherwise, you're absolutely right about weapon restrictions; you should be able to deliver a punch while carrying daggers as well, for one. I had a nebulous idea of allowing Monks to have a baseline Titan's Grip-style ability later that allowed them to wield a staff in one hand (freeing up the other for a fist weapon). Honestly, I am not too keen on that. I also don't want to cut staves, because there's something very monk-like about them as well as being a large pool of healer weapons to draw from.

I'm not sure I want to add staff-only abilities either, though the Spirit / Focus trees both would be prime locations for that sort of thing. The best solution is to adjust damage for each ability when using a staff, unless I come up with something cooler.

As far as this conversation goes, I don't want to fill up the WoW thread with theory and such, so maybe we should take it to PMs unless people are actually interested.


I like reading all the posts in here, just keep it in here.

Especially when it's about something as rad as a Monk! That's right, I said rad.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
Alex said:
Try erasing the standard folders like WTF and whatnot and run the repair tool. That happened to me before and that fixed it.

That's what I was actually going to suggest but I wanted to make sure I got some other feedback before I told him that. Thanks!

I told him to run as administrator first, although I don't think that should be a problem but who knows.

EDIT: Running as administrator seemed to work, sweet! :lol


Alex said:
I like reading all the posts in here, just keep it in here.

Especially when it's about something as rad as a Monk! That's right, I said rad.

Thanks man. I too really like the idea of a melee-centric healer, and with some of the amazingly cool Fist weapons out there going mostly unused, would fit nicely into the game.

I really wanted them to feel fast and unpredictable. I don't want to give them a charge or a sprint, but I was planning to give them a higher run speed than any other class. They also have a (talented) knockback ability and a baseline Death Grip ability, allowing them to really push and pull as needed. I also gave them the baseline ability to cleanse Poison and Disease and the talented option (planning to put it low in the Support tree) to cleanse magic and curses, putting them on the same dispelling level as shamans.

Oh, and I really wanted their heals to just sort of flow off them without needing direct healing. They CAN, in theory, main heal, but I really envisioned them as DPS first and heals second (but still important).

LoLore wise, I envisioned them as being ocean-themed (to fit the Maelstrom Expansion), but I could see these Monks being adapted into a Druid-like lore style. They wouldn't have animal forms, but all of their power could come from nature. Maybe they're... WarDruids? Gave up the whole shape-changing ability for a less treehugger combat style?

Who knows. Just killing time until Blizz announces something on Diablo3. My WoW days are basically behind me at this point though.


WTF @ faction transfer, that sounds kinda awesome. How does it work? Turning your Orc DK into a Human DK? That would be absurd :lol :lol :lol I must be misunderstanding, gonna go read.


If it's $10 or so I might be willing to get my Draenei Warrior off of Dawnbringer and move him to Smolderthorn. Will save me 26 levels.


Oni Link 666 said:
And so the hunt begins once again.

I need more stable slots.

Seriously, I want at least 10 slots if they keep adding pets. I already got Loque, I skipped that Ghost Saber cat but this one looks like a good one to get so I can stunt in Orgrimmar. :lol


Really Really Exciting Member!
The crying in the 61(and growing) pages thread of Faction Change on the WoW forums is awesome.

The only thing i wonder... does this means we will see Gnome warriors in the Horde and Tauren druids in the Alliance? I hope not, or else that wouldn't make sense and be too confusing.


Bisnic said:
The only thing i wonder... does this means we will see Gnome warriors in the Horde and Tauren druids in the Alliance? I hope not, or else that wouldn't make sense and be too confusing.

Either I don't understand your post or you don't understand what they are going for here.
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