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World of Warcraft

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firex said:
this makes me miss schooling the rogues and stuff in my old vanilla WoW guild in AQ40. doing top damage on Huhuran vs way more overpowered melee with superior gear = lulz. especially since the melee always shit talked in that old guild (honestly, that old guild was a pile of shit and not worth the hassle just to do raid content).

edit: wait, maybe not Huhuran. it was one of the melee centric bosses though, and our nature damage sponges on that fight were basically a couple hunters/1 shaman and a bunch of warriors.

There was a melee friendly boss in AQ40?

I must've missed it :p


I pretty much think of every fight in classic WoW raids as melee friendly in comparison to the bullshit casters had to deal with (best dps specs not even being viable until Naxx due to everything fire immune, approximately 20x the melee hit gear compared to spell hit gear, no clue how to itemize caster gear until maybe AQ40).


firex said:
I pretty much think of every fight in classic WoW raids as melee friendly in comparison to the bullshit casters had to deal with (best dps specs not even being viable until Naxx due to everything fire immune, approximately 20x the melee hit gear compared to spell hit gear, no clue how to itemize caster gear until maybe AQ40).

Well I'm just speaking on terms of the mechanics ... AQ40 was pretty unfriendly. Gear wise ... yeah melee always had the advantage in Vanilla. Even though +hit never existed then either.

Skeram I guess could of been "melee friendly". The trio ... nope, too much running around and BS charging and stuff. Whirlwind bitch-boss nope though this affected ranged to a degree but much less than melee. Huhuran was gay for everyone. Twin Emps was a pain for melee due to all the cross room running. C'thun ... meh, pretty fair to everyone. Ouro was stupid for melee due to his swipe garbage and hitting other targets.

I probably forgot some in AQ 40 ... I really hated that place.


their warlock q&a is up... im not gonna link it because it's not worth a read. no real fixes in store except for maybe some green fire and new pet looks. :lol


yeah, I forget the fight. I just remember back then locks were really low raid dps, and rogues were like the king, and this annoying teenager rogue in our guild would always talk shit on how he does so much damage thanks to damagemeters (think this was back when recount was kind of early and not fully figured out/supported/configured right), so it was nice to deal the most damage by like 5k or something, just barely, as a t2 lock vs a t2.5/aq40 geared rogue, even if it was a bad fight.

I really hated my old guild though. I can't imagine how awful it must have been for the healers in there, though, because I swear to god this was every raid:
tank tries some stupid strategy or can't position stuff correctly, a lot of dumb dps dies.
vent becomes tank/raid leader yelling at healers blaming them for the wipe because the dps had good gear.

I think between that and the constant loot bitching on vent by the melee/tanks (admittedly it makes some sense for tanks, except we had 2 fucking thunderfury geared tanks with full t2 and a lot of the best trinkets/shields) whenever caster/healer gear dropped, it soured me on ever guilding with a "serious" or "progression" guild again, even though I bet there are a billion more competently run guilds on my server.


I've been out of the loop for a while now, can someone explain to me how the new emblem/tier system works now for 3.2? When I try to read it I just see "Emblems, emblems, emblems, and more emblems." :lol


afaik T9 works like this:
one token, exchange it for any piece of T9, no more gloves/head/chest/legs/shoulder tokens (T7/8 still have those specific tokens though).
emblems work like this:
anything that dropped heroism/valor now drops conquest. heroic mode of the new raid drops emblems of triumph. daily heroic and daily dungeon quest award 2/1 emblem of triumph instead of current rewards, respectively. emblems of conquest are still exchangeable for valor/heroism, valor/heroism gear still exists. new epic gems are bought with heroism (uncut ones, just like buying rare gems now), so there is a reason even for full ulduar gear people to trade in conquest for heroism.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
VaLiancY said:
I've been out of the loop for a while now, can someone explain to me how the new emblem/tier system works now for 3.2? When I try to read it I just see "Emblems, emblems, emblems, and more emblems." :lol
Emblems of Conquest will now drop in any place where Heroism or Valor emblems drop on Live.

Emblems of Triumph will drop in Crusader's Coliseum. Unknown if that means 10/25 man or 5 man also. Instance isn't even ready yet, nor open for testing.

Emblems of Triumph will be the reward for H-daily and dungeon daily, (2 for heroic 1 for normal). One can acquire up to 3 emblems of triumph per day without actively raiding.

Technically if you ran 5 heroics a day (which is an absurd number if you ask me), and always did the daily, you could be geared in 226+ gear in virtually every slot in a month or so.


Macattk15 said:
Gear wise ... yeah melee always had the advantage in Vanilla. Even though +hit never existed then either.

items back then simply had %hit or %crit on them, thats why rank 12 pvp pants were the best for fury warriors, and why a crafted piece like lionheart's helm was still best in slot in naxx because of the 2% crit and 2% hit on the item


i think locks were pretty strong at lvl 60 for dps, i remember we had 2 or 3 locks i raided and pvpd with a lot at 60 and they were beasts


no, they sucked. Only way to get threat reduction was going deep demo which honestly had like very little dps boosts compared to deep destruction, and by the end of vanilla, mages had spell hit for fire/frost in talents, and resist penetration talents, while locks only had spell hit for their (incredibly weak in vanilla) dots, and even then it was just for affliction dots. they were good in pvp though because of death coil. it was like the key ability they had for pvp survival though. before the death coil change in like 1.3 or whatever (the first ever "talent revamp" patch, warriors and warlocks both got them) they were a free HK for everybody but mages.

I mean they could potentially do top dps, but it required being in late AQ40 or Naxx and being deep destro, which pretty much also required full t2, even if there was better pure dps gear in other slots. And it also required retarded melee or melee-unfriendly fights, but they were a better pvp class and raid utility back then than they were pure dps.


Fights were especially melee friendly in Vanilla Wow because melee guys didn't ever have to do anything but dps! Us mages always had sheep duty or kiting duty:/




I don't even want to post the rest. Souce

The Mule

VaLiancY said:


I don't even want to post the rest. Souce
ok... so i looked at the other class sets and they're all the same between clothies, plate, mail etc. except for a colour swap...

that is SO lame.


VaLiancY said:
I don't even want to post the rest. Souce

You should have posted the Mage, Priest, and Warlock sets just to show how fucking pathetic and lazy Blizzard has become, just cashing in now on their customers. They want this "army" look, I call BS. Recycled "Unique-class defining Tier Sets" into something anyone with leather proficiency can wear in Ulduar proves their sheer flat out laziness, not to mention the infinity recycled weapon models in there now.

It's a shame they have the best-playing MMO out there, if any other company tried this, they'd crash and burn so fast in the fans eyes.




All armor proficiencies will look the same basically they said.

4 proficiencies & different looking set for Horde and Alliance = 8 models
10 classes with unique tier sets = 10 models

I wonder how much they actually saved by shaving off 2 models. And a skull on chest instead of a lion doesn't make the sets different.


Don't see how you can call them lazy, they are putting so much into the next patch, the tier models matter none. On top of working on 3.2, they are working on 3.3 and another expansion. Calm yourselves.


It'll never happen, but I'd love to see them decouple stats from models. I was only into City of Heroes briefly, but one of the things I loved is that you look exactly how you want to at all times and it's only random chance (or flattery via rip-off) if someone else comes up with something similar.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
All the armor skins look alike?

Dude, all the CHARACTERS look alike. I mean, you have one option for Draenai males: huge and buff with choice of like 3 different tentacle-beards. It's pretty much the same for everyone.

Chris R

I remember that gear :lol Where is the Cutman helm?

Just sucks that the models are just straight up recolors. I mean how hard would it be to give a different helm and shoulder to each class?


If they were any other MMO company, their fans heads would explode at actual content coming out at a regular basis and the game being fairly well balanced. Really love how much the MMO genre has grown when I can go back to the FFXI thread and read about how jobs are worse than ever, and features added two years ago count as new.

Anyway, I'd think it was lazy if it was just like that all around, but theres an Alliance set and a Horde set so I think its pretty neat. Fits the setting


i've said time and time again that the AQ40 sets had to be designed by retarded kids given a box of crayolas

they were hideous, u know they were designed by the B team, because the naxx tier 3 sets were awesome, so w/e


Because literally millions of subscribers would just up and cancel their accounts because the fucking armor sets are recycled. This has nothing to do with WoW being extremely popular, LOTRO has some of the freaking weirdest looking armor I've ever seen, and according to Turbine, the game is actually growing in popularity.

"I don't care how much fun I'm having with this game or any of the friends I've made, if they recycle one more graphic, consider my account canceled Blizzard, you drunken thieves."

I learned a long time ago to stop caring about armor set and weapon aesthetics, since I play a Paladin (aren't I hilarious). I'd rather Blizzard recycle one of our cooler sets than half of the fugly "things" we've gotten.

But I shouldn't be surprised at the reactions, this is how it is every time new Tiers are revealed. I play WoW for many reasons, but the "badass" looking gear ain't one of'em :D
I recently got into WoW. Really enjoying it so far. I play on Stormrage, and my character is Mcrunfast, a level 39 human warrior. While I'm at 39 I've been playing around with battlegrounds, and saving up marks of honor for some of the good pvp gear. When I picked my talents I pretty much just clicked on whatever looked good at the time, so my build could probably use some tweaking. Could anyone help me figure out how to spec for pvp?


I'm 1 piece away (shoulders) from having full Tier 1 on my paladin. Banana pally FTW.

I've also still got my tier 0.5 on my shaman. Man, Valthalak was such a tard check right before Burning Crusade.


9/10 NeoGAFfers don't understand statistics. The other 3/10 don't care.
I loved Judgement aswell, it was a nice set especially after the set that came before it.

God knows what they were thinking with Burning Crusade paladin armour.


Worships the porcelain goddess
J-Rzez said:
It's a shame they have the best-playing MMO out there, if any other company tried this, they'd crash and burn so fast in the fans eyes.

SE would have exploded 5-6 years ago. :lol


ok, after enough pug heroics, I can say that I'm good enough as a healer. Probably not the best, but good enough. All my bad ones have been the result of tanks who don't know how to hold aggro, which is fucking disgraceful considering how easy it is to tank. I mean maybe paladin tanks are just way easier but I only have trouble holding stuff on that stupid long ass gauntlet during Skadi, although I usually just run to the end of the hall and aggro everything at once.

My long-winded point being, tanking (as in, holding threat and keeping mobs off other players) is easy as fuck now so there is no excuse for anyone to be unable to hold aggro in instances anymore. In fact, it's so easy that they should suspend anyone who tanks an instance and can't hold mobs from WoW for 72 hours for failing at life.
firex said:
ok, after enough pug heroics, I can say that I'm good enough as a healer. Probably not the best, but good enough. All my bad ones have been the result of tanks who don't know how to hold aggro, which is fucking disgraceful considering how easy it is to tank. I mean maybe paladin tanks are just way easier but I only have trouble holding stuff on that stupid long ass gauntlet during Skadi, although I usually just run to the end of the hall and aggro everything at once.

My long-winded point being, tanking (as in, holding threat and keeping mobs off other players) is easy as fuck now so there is no excuse for anyone to be unable to hold aggro in instances anymore. In fact, it's so easy that they should suspend anyone who tanks an instance and can't hold mobs from WoW for 72 hours for failing at life.

The only thing I struggle with in heroics is the tribunal fight in HoS. I don't fail at it, it's just an annoying fight where a couple mistakes can lead to disaster. But then again, it's not my fault if people stand in the fucking laser.


PhoenixDark said:
The only thing I struggle with in heroics is the tribunal fight in HoS. I don't fail at it, it's just an annoying fight where a couple mistakes can lead to disaster. But then again, it's not my fault if people stand in the fucking laser.
That fight is annoying, although if you just stand at the stairs (unless the laser targets you there) it's really easy to hold everything. Had a wipe on that yesterday because the tank bailed down into the regular room when the lasers came, because they were on top of him. Although at least we wiped right when the event was over, so we didn't have to redo it.


In PC gaming, especially MMO, its a matter of having the population more than the quality. WoW's gameplay is rather archaic and passed by many other games. Going from Guild Wars to WoW was a huge step down in gameplay quality, but a big step up in game size and population size.

I remember thinking that they should worry less about making so many armors and worry more about balance. Now I wish they'd have at least one of those.

But I came here to post about Prot/holy hybrid pvp pally and how it's enjoyable to play at times, in that it may be the most annoying thing on the battlefield and that it takes forever to kill you. I have to be bursted by multiple casters to be taken down and meanwhile I can heal and shield others, give a small burst to finish off a target and disable healers.


My long-winded point being, tanking (as in, holding threat and keeping mobs off other players) is easy as fuck now so there is no excuse for anyone to be unable to hold aggro in instances anymore. In fact, it's so easy that they should suspend anyone who tanks an instance and can't hold mobs from WoW for 72 hours for failing at life.

If you're a new tank it can be a problem if you're rolling with Uldy geared dps. I tried tanking heroic AN on my blood dk in a mix of blue and purple gear with a tier 8 geared rogue an boomkin, and had all sorts of threat problems.


etiolate said:
If you're a new tank it can be a problem if you're rolling with Uldy geared dps. I tried tanking heroic AN on my blood dk in a mix of blue and purple gear with a tier 8 geared rogue an boomkin, and had all sorts of threat problems.
I can understand that, but I mean compared to before, where people had to take threat reduction talents as dps/healing in addition to tanks needing mandatory threat increase talents, tanking is a lot easier now. All you essentially do is lead on dps and pop a taunt if something runs off from you.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
etiolate said:
If you're a new tank it can be a problem if you're rolling with Uldy geared dps. I tried tanking heroic AN on my blood dk in a mix of blue and purple gear with a tier 8 geared rogue an boomkin, and had all sorts of threat problems.
People who are ulduar geared don't care about taking aggro, they just blame it on the tank/healers.

Went to a heroic with the "best" DPS on our server, and he just pulled aggro non-stop, by continuing to spam Whirlwind on CD even though he literally was on the verge of death because he had aggro on three mobs.


My shaman just dinged 75. Lava Burst is easily the most satisfying spell I've had the pleasure of casting since the days of trinket/AP/PoM/Pyro. :D


Sciz said:
My shaman just dinged 75. Lava Burst is easily the most satisfying spell I've had the pleasure of casting since the days of trinket/AP/PoM/Pyro. :D
It's a really fun new toy, but it's become a pretty low part of elemental dps.

Lucked out earlier tonight and got a new healer mace from H-CoS and also got Greed, so now I just have to double my heroic emblems and I can buy Pride and be set for weapons/hit rating on my shaman.
firex said:
It's a really fun new toy, but it's become a pretty low part of elemental dps.

Lucked out earlier tonight and got a new healer mace from H-CoS and also got Greed, so now I just have to double my heroic emblems and I can buy Pride and be set for weapons/hit rating on my shaman.

Is Greed that good for a main hand? I decided to go with a Titansteel bonecrusher/Pride combo for pre raid gear on my shammy because I figured the armor pen on Greed was wasted


well, it'll be good for me for free expertise next patch, but really I'm just glad I got it because I was using the zul'drak ring of blood mace as my main hand.
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