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World of Warcraft

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Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
funkmastergeneral said:
are there any addons that inform you of abilities proccing? Because I hate having to pay attention to the upper right hand corner of my screen to see if I get 5 maelstrom weapon stacks, and ended up dieing to a void zone on my first KT kill because i wasn't paying attention -_-
MiksScrollingBattleText pops up warnings, which I use in Frost DPS DK to know when Killing Machine procs to break rotation.

I like the scrolling battle text it comes with too, but you can turn it off just to get the notifications if you really want. You can also program in other notifications for any kind of proc it doesn't come with along with sounds if you really want something like that.


Junior Member
Puncture said:
Level 70 leveling to 80 is no barometer for how things work out at end game 80. But holy hell if destro on my warlock doesnt feel overpowered as hell. :lol The burst is absolutely absurd. Running UK was pretty hilarious. Chaos bolt feels a little clunky but still. Everything hits so hard, Only other class I played that did this kind of dps starting at 70 was my main (he was raid geared though from the previous expansion) and a DK.

For doing dailies at 80 destro is great. Most mobs that you run across in the Argent Tourney dailies don't survive immo + conflag. It's also nice to have some burst to defend yourself with, at least if you're playing on a PvP server. Raid battles last long enough for the burst to get normalized to the point where I can typically do the same damage as deep aff as I would have deep destro.

I imagine it's the same way healing with my 73 priest leveling in instances. As disc on a DK / warrior / pally tank they usually don't take enough damage to pop PW:S between cooldowns. It's actually boring as hell healing instances at this level.
Took a bit of a concerted effort to power level from barely 69 to 71, but now my alt hunter can feel all special!


Hopefully this guy stick around longer in game then his Simpson's counterpart.


MSBT is the lighter of the two mods, prefer Power Aura's although it does take some set up time.

In other news, tempted to afk till Blizzcon to see if they have plans to unshittify the game. Clocking more Dota hours than raiding, it feels like 3.0.2 all over again.


Has problems recognising girls
Gloomfire said:
God getting revenge on people in this game is so sweet. I was collecting my Oracles dailies earlier. Saw this Draenei Ret Pally. I decided to leave him alone, I usually don't seek out PVP, unless provoked. So of course as I'm accepting a quest he backjumps me and kills me. I see him fly off right after I die. Typical. Later when I'm turning in my quests, the same Pally is back again. I swoop down, polymorph, pop all trinkets, slow, arcane blast x2, arcane barr, missile barrage, he's dead before he can even do anything. Was extremely satisfying :lol .
Yeah I've had a few of those moments in my time as a Shaman on PVP. Rogues thinking they can do anything they want to me.. till Earth Shield came along. Took them awhile to realise that a Shaman running around with massive rocks orbiting their body = leave them alone.

I still remember a Warrior trying to jump me when I was going hardcore leveling as Resto when BC hit. Except he never got me, but kept trying to get revenge kills for his continual deaths.


Junior Member
speedpop said:
Yeah I've had a few of those moments in my time...

I made some poor DK's life miserable while questing this weekend. He killed me once while I was alt+tabbed and on autorun, over the next hour I ran across him and killed him three times. Waiting until he was trying to AoE grind mobs hoping that one of them would get the killing blow and cost him dura.

Another 80 in greens and blues ganked my alt twice, which crossed the line for me. Logged in the 'lock in 4pt8.5 and killed him and the rogue that came out of the instance portal to try and save him. Proceeded to shut down their instance run for the next 10min by killing them any time they tried to get to the summoning stone.

If you're in a scrub guild and you see a lower level from one of the top raiding guilds on the server, why aren't you intelligent enough to leave them the fuck alone? I know I think twice about ganking lowbies from the one decent Alliance guild on our server.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I'm just BAD at PvP. If I try to attack another player, I instantly die regardless of level, gear, what have you. My guy will pretty much commit ritual seppuku right there. If I attack a rogue, my guy TRIES to commit suicide, but can't because he's stun-locked.

As you can probably tell, I don't do much PvP :lol


Angry Grimace said:
I'm just BAD at PvP. If I try to attack another player, I instantly die regardless of level, gear, what have you. My guy will pretty much commit ritual seppuku right there. If I attack a rogue, my guy TRIES to commit suicide, but can't because he's stun-locked.



Stuns need to be severely nerfed in this game and whatever class(es) that breaks should get rebuffed accordingly.

It's so stupid to create a PvP game around who loses control of their character the longest.


Junior Member
Interfectum said:
Stuns need to be severely nerfed in this game and whatever class(es) that breaks should get rebuffed accordingly.

It's so stupid to create a PvP game around who loses control of their character the longest.

Only one that bothers me is pallys. Get past stunlock on any other class (rogue especially) and it's lights out for them. Ret pallys just bubble, LoH, whatever.

I grin every time I see ret nerfs. The day that spec is nerfed into the ground in PvP will be a happy day indeed. A ret pally is a faceroller until they prove otherwise. One of my RL friends raids as a rogue and even he laughs at how ez-mode PvP is with his ret pally alt.


Modesty becomes a woman
TomServo said:
Only one that bothers me is pallys. Get past stunlock on any other class (rogue especially) and it's lights out for them. Ret pallys just bubble, LoH, whatever.

I grin every time I see ret nerfs. The day that spec is nerfed into the ground in PvP will be a happy day indeed. A ret pally is a faceroller until they prove otherwise. One of my RL friends raids as a rogue and even he laughs at how ez-mode PvP is with his ret pally alt.

Honestly? Rogues have no room to talk about stupid shit in PvP. I'd say sprint, vanish and gouge are there for Rogues. They're retarded to play against that's for sure. Pallys bubbles can be popped.


I am really displeased with the road they've taken for Tier 9. Good lord it looks bad.

It's depressing, because I'm a Priest, and for my tastes (which are extremely critical of the awkward armor art in this game) T1-6 were were great, the best. But then T7 is a rehash, T8 is hideous and T9 is some cloned PvP looking set.

Really lame. Aesthetics are really important to me in an MMO, and WoW has def not been doing well in that regard past the environments in LK leveling zones this expansion in my opinion.

This whole cloned armor concept would be very fine for PVP, IMO. It makes sense for PVP as an army gig, but it's just dumb for PvE. I guess this is how I pay for Priest T5 and T6 looking so awesome.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I've noticed the guild I'm in consistently walks right past the Assembly of Iron. I never really thought about it until today. Is it hard or have some sort of ridiculous healing requirements or something?


Assembly of Iron isn't difficult, a lot of guilds just skip it to focus on the keepers, where the better loot is. It also require 3 tanks, which can be a pain.
The Iron Council is actually pretty easy. You just need healers who can cleanse the DOT the tank gets from the big guy right away or the tank will die. The rest of the fight is just moving out of the green circles on the ground and the lightning at the end.


Angry Grimace said:
I've noticed the guild I'm in consistently walks right past the Assembly of Iron. I never really thought about it until today. Is it hard or have some sort of ridiculous healing requirements or something?

We used to do that too. Then the melee starting throwing MASSIVE bitch fits about not getting a shot at some 2h he drops. Then we started doing them, and they started bitching about them not dropping the 2h.


TomServo said:
Only one that bothers me is pallys. Get past stunlock on any other class (rogue especially) and it's lights out for them. Ret pallys just bubble, LoH, whatever.

I grin every time I see ret nerfs. The day that spec is nerfed into the ground in PvP will be a happy day indeed. A ret pally is a faceroller until they prove otherwise. One of my RL friends raids as a rogue and even he laughs at how ez-mode PvP is with his ret pally alt.

Erm what?

PvP is faceroll as many classes in a Battleground. Step into arena and its a whole 'nother story.

Ret paladin is actually much weaker than Warrior and Rogue when it comes to high-end Arena due to lack of 50% healing debuff and interrupts. We can't kill a resto druid.

But you will be glad to know ret is pretty garbage on PTR at the moment. They were nerfed heavily in PvP.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Flib said:
Assembly of Iron isn't difficult, a lot of guilds just skip it to focus on the keepers, where the better loot is. It also require 3 tanks, which can be a pain.
Does it require 3 tanks even on 10 man, or can one tank get both Brundir and Runemaster Whathisname?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Weenerz said:
I assume you mean 2 tanks are required for the encounter (there hasn't been a 10 man encounter requiring three AFAIK), as opposed to two required for Stormcaller and Runemaster.

We didn't get too far in our last attempt (guild only goes twice a week since it's pretty semi-HC and we rarely logon other than for raid attempts or alts). We are up to Auriaya for this week's lockout since our DPS showed up an hour late (-_-). Not a fan of that fight since the whole fight is based on the gimmick of getting the pull right. If you can do that, it's kind of a junk encounter, at least on the 10 man version.


Interfectum said:
Tier 9 Alliance Plate Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QokScg7jLak

:lol :lol

It's like a bad April fools joke. Is the B-Team working on WoW content now or something?

Careful, I hear "them" coming with the shackles and torches for you.

Weenerz said:

Both of which inevitably die if you do hardmode. My guild gives me gold to repair just because of that fight alone. Great knowing that after you kill steelbreaker, you still have to run away because you're going to die regardlessly. Terrible "gimmick" to that fight.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
J-Rzez said:
Careful, I hear "them" coming with the shackles and torches for you.

Both of which inevitably die if you do hardmode. My guild gives me gold to repair just because of that fight alone. Great knowing that after you kill steelbreaker, you still have to run away because you're going to die regardlessly. Terrible "gimmick" to that fight.
Hearth to SW and Meltdown in the AH, IMO


Angry Grimace said:
Hearth to SW and Meltdown in the AH, IMO


I may actually have enough time to do that, hearth to the org inn by the bank/ah, then wipe out everyone in between...

Though I'll probably get banned for that one


He measures in centimeters
funkmastergeneral said:
So I just grouped with a feral druid doing 6200 single target dps, that is positively ridiculous. He was doing more damage then the rest of the group combined o.o
I don't run 5mans anymore so can't comment on the burst aoe dps you might have seen but...takes a very good rogue to outdps me even 50% of the time. I'll typically average 6k+ dps on most ulduar bosses with spikes up to 9k+ (xt, hodir).

On pro-ranged gimmick fights (hodir, vex) ranged can beat me. Good passive aoe fights occasional dks come out on top (freya). Usually not tho and I get a lot of "NERF HIM" bellyachin from the rest of the guild ;).


Lost all credibility.
Man I was around Stormwind and I got to a point where everything felt too hard. Then on a whim I used Deeprun Tram and found a new area filled with do-able quests. This game is awesome.


Junior Member
Honestly? Rogues have no room to talk about stupid shit in PvP. I'd say sprint, vanish and gouge are there for Rogues. They're retarded to play against that's for sure. Pallys bubbles can be popped.

Rogues can be brought out of vanish (especially the ones too stupid to CoS), etc, etc, etc. At least when a rogue does all of that they're running from the fight, essentially conceding.

Kyoufu said:
But you will be glad to know ret is pretty garbage on PTR at the moment. They were nerfed heavily in PvP.

You're right, that does make me happy. Hopefully they'll go live that way.

The Mule

That they even mentioned that they are talking about those who have tamed him means they'll be taking it away or turning him into a worg.
they should let hunters keep him and simply give the pet an ability which switches between the forms.

maybe put certain conditions on the ability to switch forms. when in combat the pet will automatically revert to a worg. out of combat he can be humanoid.


TomServo said:
Only one that bothers me is pallys. Get past stunlock on any other class (rogue especially) and it's lights out for them. Ret pallys just bubble, LoH, whatever.

I grin every time I see ret nerfs. The day that spec is nerfed into the ground in PvP will be a happy day indeed. A ret pally is a faceroller until they prove otherwise. One of my RL friends raids as a rogue and even he laughs at how ez-mode PvP is with his ret pally alt.

All three of their specs need to be looked at in PVP. Holy isn't too bad anymore, but it still can use some work to bring it down.

I'd love to see these supposed Ret nerfs on the PTR. They have been running wild since beta, and I didn't think they nerfed them yet simply because they didn't know how to without making them irrelevant in PVE, trying to "normalize" DPS.

The other class that needs to get nerfed into the ground now are Druids. Resto, Kitty, and Bear. Boomkin could use a buff, but those other three need to get fixed. Druid tanks have been slipping under the nerf radar for too long. Probably because all the wars and pallies have been concentrating on whining about the new guys stealing their jobs.

How are DK's doing tank wise on the PTR. I talked to quite a few people and they said they're the worst tank in the game atm. I believe it with how many heavy handed nerfs they dealt out from the notes.


Clandestine said:
they should let hunters keep him and simply give the pet an ability which switches between the forms.

maybe put certain conditions on the ability to switch forms. when in combat the pet will automatically revert to a worg. out of combat he can be humanoid.

I'd imagine someday there will be pets like this for Hunters but I highly doubt Blizzard will let this glitch stay in any way right now. For one, people who have already completed that quest have no chance of getting it (thus making certain players very unhappy) and two everyone who hasn't completed the quest will get it (killing any pet balance there is). Just doesn't seem worth it at this point, for Blizzard.
I'm telling you now, they won't let the worgen stay. It's a humanoid, they can talk, have higher intelligence, and wear armor. Not beasts. Sorry, but come the hotfix, you'll have a worg.


Junior Member
J-Rzez said:
I'd love to see these supposed Ret nerfs on the PTR. They have been running wild since beta, and I didn't think they nerfed them yet simply because they didn't know how to without making them irrelevant in PVE, trying to "normalize" DPS.

What I love about ret pallys is how effective their QQ is. Blizz is terrified of doing anything but buffing pallys for fear of the forums being drowned in their tears. The rest of the classes could learn a thing or two from them.

Ret runs wild all over WotLK and Blizz says "they're looking into it" but does jack. Someone QQ's about getting hit with a 12K+ conflag crit in PvP and within a week one of the top warlock specs in 3.1 gets nerfed to the ground (in PVE no less) and stays there for two months.

EDIT: Oh yeah, one last thing - when the conflag nerf came, warlocks didn't QQ. We learned how to decimate weave soul fire and still stayed near the top of the meters. Good luck teaching your average ret faceroller anything similar.


The problem with fixing ret for pvp means you're destroying them for pve as well. Blizzard wants to avoid that as much as possible.
StormyTheRabbit said:
I'm telling you now, they won't let the worgen stay. It's a humanoid, they can talk, have higher intelligence, and wear armor. Not beasts. Sorry, but come the hotfix, you'll have a worg.

Agreed. It's a cool pet but it doesn't belong in the game.


Junior Member
Weenerz said:
The problem with fixing ret for pvp means you're destroying them for pve as well. Blizzard wants to avoid that as much as possible.

Again, that's exactly what they did to destro warlocks post 3.1 (only corrected a few weeks ago), and that was after Blizz made a concerted effort to boost destro PVE viability.

"QQ blizz, a warlock actually killed me in PvP"


TomServo said:
Rogues can be brought out of vanish (especially the ones too stupid to CoS), etc, etc, etc. At least when a rogue does all of that they're running from the fight, essentially conceding.
Or you are hunter and you have your pet following the rogue, cause blizz has other priorities than repairing vanish (which they will never do, the bug is here since classic...)

Anyway, my guild is starting One Light in the Darkness today. Should be fun >.>


TomServo said:
Again, that's exactly what they did to destro warlocks post 3.1 (only corrected a few weeks ago), and that was after Blizz made a concerted effort to boost destro PVE viability.

"QQ blizz, a warlock actually killed me in PvP"

Warlocks have so many more toys for PVP than a Ret paladin has, I can hardly see a decent comparison of 1 spell getting nerfed and an entire tree getting raped. I don't play a ret paladin, so I have no bias either way. Just saying they don't have many dps toys to play with, and eviscerating them because of pvp "imbalance" is brutal.


Junior Member
Weenerz said:
Warlocks have so many more toys for PVP than a Ret paladin has, I can hardly see a decent comparison of 1 spell getting nerfed and an entire tree getting raped. I don't play a ret paladin, so I have no bias either way. Just saying they don't have many dps toys to play with, and eviscerating them because of pvp "imbalance" is brutal.

Umm... maybe because that spell is the centerpiece of the spec? Yeah, chaos bolt (LOL) is the 51 point talent in that tree but Blizz has just not figured out how to appropriately buff it.

All you had to do was read the simcraft thread at EJ - when the nerf hit 3/13/55 went from being the #1 or #2 PvE spec depending on gear down to #4 or #5, replaced by two hybrid specs that required a PITA mechanic during the execute phase of the fight.


CassSept said:
Or you are hunter and you have your pet following the rogue, cause blizz has other priorities than repairing vanish (which they will never do, the bug is here since classic...)

Anyway, my guild is starting One Light in the Darkness today. Should be fun >.>

The Vanish bug pisses me off so much.


TomServo said:
Umm... maybe because that spell is the centerpiece of the spec? Yeah, chaos bolt (LOL) is the 51 point talent in that tree but Blizz has just not figured out how to appropriately buff it.

All you had to do was read the simcraft thread at EJ - when the nerf hit 3/13/55 went from being the #1 or #2 PvE spec depending on gear down to #4 or #5, replaced by two hybrid specs that required a PITA mechanic during the execute phase of the fight.

Yeah, it was a real shame to see them knocked from the tops of the meters as they should be fighting close for because of PVP nerfs. Like you said, it was their centerpiece in their rotation at the time.

Blizzard tends to cater to specific crowds though. Paladins being one of them, and the others I firmly believe are Druids. There's seemingly always something that class is tops at any given time. Right now though, their Kitty DPS is way too high, their tanking is just as OP as DK's were until a patch ago (and now into the ground seemingly), and trees are just ridiculous to kill in PVP.


Junior Member
J-Rzez said:
Yeah, it was a real shame to see them knocked from the tops of the meters as they should be fighting close for because of PVP nerfs. Like you said, it was their centerpiece in their rotation at the time.

Weenerz missed the point that what he said shouldn't happen to ret (PvP nerfs hurting PvE viability) is exactly what happened to destruction. Not only did it happen to 'locks, but it happened in a matter of days - if memory serves conflag was hotfixed the week 3.1 went live, Blizz didn't even wait until Tuesday maintenance to nerf us.

Meanwhile, ret facerollers stick to the claim that they can't have their PvP ability nerfed because it would hurt them in PvE.
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