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World of Warcraft

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Eric WK

Weenerz said:
So no Horde Mal'Ganis US players? Doh!

My 80 Shaman is there, but I'm not really playing at the moment. Once Faction Switching is implemented I intend to make my Priest Horde, transfer there and start playing again.

Eric WK

keeblerdrow said:
I'm in Goon Squad on Mal'Ganis Horde. It's p. cool.

Fuck Goon Squad. Immature douchebags who ruin trade channel and generally make the server an annoying place to be.

<- Goon


Junior Member
Eric WK said:
Fuck Goon Squad. Immature douchebags who ruin trade channel and generally make the server an annoying place to be.

<- Goon
I'm in Goonfleet, does that count.


Level 70 leveling to 80 is no barometer for how things work out at end game 80. But holy hell if destro on my warlock doesnt feel overpowered as hell. :lol The burst is absolutely absurd. Running UK was pretty hilarious. Chaos bolt feels a little clunky but still. Everything hits so hard, Only other class I played that did this kind of dps starting at 70 was my main (he was raid geared though from the previous expansion) and a DK.

And spirit is worth something, jesus its so great, feels like what a mage should be.


Junior Member
New Hunter Pet!



Going from Guild Wars to WoW was a huge step down in gameplay quality


God, no.

I'd seriously rather go back and slog through one of mediocre "WoW killers" of the past few years than even attempt to play Guild Wars again.


Junior Member
Guild Wars?
Oh man, that game had some decent stuff. But it was so bland. (And used the fuzzy blur bloom effect)


Junior Member
The Hunter Forum is showing some crazy whining.
Pretty much the same stuff that popped up with the Ghost Wolf.
I don't want to loose it. :(

Oh and another sexy pic. :D

>_> Debug Feedback for the Addon I'm working on showed up in the Screenshot.


So, Betrayer of Humanity dropped in our 25 Naxx, and RL wouldn't let a DK tank roll on it. Much QQing resulted. Thoughts?

Also, TTT dropped and I was outrolled by a Holy Pally. Fuck my life.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Alex said:
BoH is great for a Death Knight tank.

TTT is great for a Holy Paladin.
Now that Ulduar is out, you're bound to start seeing Hunters start asking for BoH :lol, if they don't already.


Alex said:
BoH is great for a Death Knight tank.

TTT is great for a Holy Paladin.

Oh I wasn't saying TTT isn't good for a Holy Paly. More of a QQ since I was second highest roll, did the whole run, and the holy pally who won it only came in for Saph/KT and was dead last by a mile in overall healing.
Gloomfire said:
So, Betrayer of Humanity dropped in our 25 Naxx, and RL wouldn't let a DK tank roll on it. Much QQing resulted. Thoughts?

Also, TTT dropped and I was outrolled by a Holy Pally. Fuck my life.

That's a dooshbag move by the raid leader. It helps him just as much as it helps a DPS.

Angry Grimace said:
Now that Ulduar is out, you're bound to start seeing Hunters start asking for BoH :lol, if they don't already.

It's a decent hunter weapon, but there are better out there and with the changes to staffs the options got better. A hunter in my guild did get BoH though a while back, there was some QQing but people got over it.

Most people pug naxx now, so unless there's specific loot rules laid out before hand its a dick thing to limit loot to certain classes once it drops beyond the obvious.


Lost all credibility.
I want to use axes with my lvl 20 human rogue. I went to the guy in Ironforge who teaches it, but I didn't see "axe" in his list of things to learn, what gives? (btw I thought maybe it was included under "maces" but I learned that and I still can't use axes.)
sykoex said:
I want to use axes with my lvl 20 human rogue. I went to the guy in Ironforge who teaches it, but I didn't see "axe" in his list of things to learn, what gives? (btw I thought maybe it was included under "maces" but I learned that and I still can't use axes.)

Rogues cannot currently use axes, that will be available when the next patch roles out if I'm not mistaken.
Cleared Mimiron and Vezax hard modes tonight so all we have left is Yogg+1 for our Rusted Proto-drakes. And we pull Algalon for the first time tomorrow.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
cubicle47b said:
Cleared Mimiron and Vezax hard modes tonight so all we have left is Yogg+1 for our Rusted Proto-drakes. And we pull Algalon for the first time tomorrow.

Since I'm currently stuck on Mimiron I have to ask: what tipped the scales for you on him? We're constantly getting to Ph4 but people keep dropping like flies even with 3 healers.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
I switch back to my horde server after a stint of alliance pvp, and I'm shocked at how polite everyone is on Dawnbringer (at least those I've talked to / run instances with). People are actually helpful, articulate, and can hold an intelligent conversation. When things go wrong in an instance it doesn't dissolve into childish bickering. People actually try to help those having difficulty improve their game AND the person(s) having trouble listen. It's like I'm in a bizarro world or something! I hope it never changes. :D


kinoki said:
Since I'm currently stuck on Mimiron I have to ask: what tipped the scales for you on him? We're constantly getting to Ph4 but people keep dropping like flies even with 3 healers.
You can only really die to downs in phase 4 since anything that can gib you is avoidable.


Gloomfire said:
Oh I wasn't saying TTT isn't good for a Holy Paly. More of a QQ since I was second highest roll, did the whole run, and the holy pally who won it only came in for Saph/KT and was dead last by a mile in overall healing.

Oh, yeah, I hate that, people who come in late and roll on KT loot.

Well, I hate that in THEORY. I don't do pugs but I've had a few friends who have been stricken by that.

Cleared Mimiron and Vezax hard modes tonight so all we have left is Yogg+1 for our Rusted Proto-drakes. And we pull Algalon for the first time tomorrow.

Grats! Even with the little nerfs Firefighter is probably out of my guilds reach for now. :( People have gotten so lazy.


Lost all credibility.
FourSerioux said:
Rogues cannot currently use axes, that will be available when the next patch roles out if I'm not mistaken.

About the talent tree, will I eventually earn enough points to unlock EVERY skill or do I have to worry about what high level talents I work towards on the tree?
kinoki said:
Since I'm currently stuck on Mimiron I have to ask: what tipped the scales for you on him? We're constantly getting to Ph4 but people keep dropping like flies even with 3 healers.

I have to agree with Zaro. Our kill happened when people stopped failing (or failed less) in phase 4. On our earlier attempts we had people get hit by laser barrage, get frost bombed, or stand in fire. The only really problem we had was, sometime after the second laser barrage, the ranged tank didn't follow me so he didn't get healed and died. Luckily Mimiron was basically dead at that point.

I was relieved it was over. We spent far too long learning it (8 hours, probably, and all post-nerf) and had so many retard moments I wasn't sure it was ever going to happen.


Really Really Exciting Member!
sykoex said:

About the talent tree, will I eventually earn enough points to unlock EVERY skill or do I have to worry about what high level talents I work towards on the tree?

You can't get EVERY talents obviously. You get only 71 point at lvl 80 so... And i'm not sure about rogues, but you don't usually put all 71 points in 1 tree. Like around 51-55 in your main one, and put everything else in the others for the good first tiers talents.

Like, if your main tree is going to be Combat, you will want the 5 points in Assassination for +5% crit, etc.


Well our server is pretty LOL now, since the top guilds xfered. I'm currently in the top guild Alliance side, and we just downed Mimiron last night (first night we've attempted him).

Anyways, this was my first go at Ulduar 25-man (was always on waiting lists). Downed Mimiron, and was the highest 1h user on for SK and got Insanity's Grip! Friggin' hilarious that my rogue is almost exclusively ilvl 200 geared, and I've got this bad ass ilvl 232 weapon. :D


sykoex said:

About the talent tree, will I eventually earn enough points to unlock EVERY skill or do I have to worry about what high level talents I work towards on the tree?

If you're a rogue, it's fairly simple. I'm at work so I can't check or link talents from here, but I'll try to explain generally what you want to do.

Go Combat, and put points into the talents that improve your damage in any way. That also means any Sinister Strike talent, and Improved Slice n' Dice. When you unlock the next 5 level tier of points, you generally want to start putting points into that tier's talent then (unless none of the skills in that tier benefit you). Don't forget the precision talent, that increases your chance to hit.

When you're done with the Combat tree (51 points in), you'll move to Assassination, You'll put the 5 points into crit, 3/2 points on the next tier for those 2 talents that benefit a Combat rogue, and the talent that increases crit strike damage on the third tier. Last order of business is to put 5 points into Relentless Strikes on the Subtelty tree.

As a Combat rogue, you want a slow mainhand for the best sinister strike damage, and a fast offhand for the energy regeneration talent.

As for poisons, you'll want to stick with Wound Poison.

kinoki said:
Since I'm currently stuck on Mimiron I have to ask: what tipped the scales for you on him? We're constantly getting to Ph4 but people keep dropping like flies even with 3 healers.

What are people dying from on Ph4? As far as I could tell, everything seemed avoidable. Most important thing is to be running DBM, so you have an easy time avoiding Shock Blast and Laser Barrage.


I really hope one of the new things they focus on for Maelstrom or whatever is a new way to further your character on a regular basis. I don't think I'll make it through another expansion with the same focus on just adding a new dungeon every few months, and raising the item levels by 13. I don't know if I'll even make it to the end of this one looking at the onslaught of palette swaps in 3.2

The raids are fun, and the hard modes are really fun. I just don't think that they're so fun after all this time to keep paying 15 bucks a month and wading through so much trash just to get to them, do our stuff, then log out.

This is really amplified with no one wanting to PvP and no one doing alts or 5 mans anymore for our guild. 30 people on at raid time, 0-3 on at any other time. I was never at such an awkward feeling during BC even, because I enjoyed just doing BGs or heroics. If they'd unfuck PvP and make 5 mans fun in ways besides just shoving high end loot badges in them, it'd do a lot.

Maybe I'm just coming to the end of the road for this game for myself, I dunno. I feel like I'm back in classic where all you can really do is raid and nothing else. Everything else just seems like a bad mini-game.

Really could just use some brand new gameplay systems, they've been really bad on introducing new systems and new things to do. You can't just keep making content easier and shrinking down random NPC's and monsters to give away as pets forever.


Alex said:
I really hope one of the new things they focus on for Maelstrom or whatever is a new way to further your character on a regular basis. I don't think I'll make it through another expansion with the same focus on just adding a new dungeon every few months, and raising the item levels by 13. I don't know if I'll even make it to the end of this one looking at the onslaught of palette swaps in 3.2

The raids are fun, and the hard modes are really fun. I just don't think that they're so fun after all this time to keep paying 15 bucks a month and wading through so much trash just to get to them, do our stuff, then log out.

This is really amplified with no one wanting to PvP and no one doing alts or 5 mans anymore for our guild. 30 people on at raid time, 0-3 on at any other time. I was never at such an awkward feeling during BC even, because I enjoyed just doing BGs or heroics. If they'd unfuck PvP and make 5 mans fun in ways besides just shoving high end loot badges in them, it'd do a lot.

Maybe I'm just coming to the end of the road for this game for myself, I dunno. I feel like I'm back in classic where all you can really do is raid and nothing else. Everything else just seems like a bad mini-game.

Really could just use some brand new gameplay systems, they've been really bad on introducing new systems and new things to do. You can't just keep making content easier and shrinking down random NPC's and monsters to give away as pets forever.

It still amazes me that they spend so much dev time on dungeons that become obsolete in a years time but spend next to no time on battlegrounds in any capacity which people have been running for years. Barely any updates, rewards are non-existent... hell they haven't even updated the opening graphic for the old ones (still looks 800x600). :lol

And the best they come up with for a new one is just to basically smash three of the battlegrounds they have now together in one. Lets use our imagination a little more next time Blizz... how about a DOTA BG?
TheExodu5 said:
What are people dying from on Ph4? As far as I could tell, everything seemed avoidable. Most important thing is to be running DBM, so you have an easy time avoiding Shock Blast and Laser Barrage.

It's just a tad harder when Mimiron is being kited around the room and fire covers most of the ground with frost bombs and emergency fire bots (if you didn't kill them all) putting it out but potentially damaging you and knocking you back.

One of our pulls that was perfect going into phase 4 ended on the first laser barrage when 4 people running around Mimiron clockwise ate a frost bomb that launched them (20 yards) directly into the barrage. It was awesome.


cubicle47b said:
It's just a tad harder when Mimiron is being kited around the room and fire covers most of the ground with frost bombs and emergency fire bots (if you didn't kill them all) putting it out but potentially damaging you and knocking you back.

One of our pulls that was perfect going into phase 4 ended on the first laser barrage when 4 people running around Mimiron clockwise ate a frost bomb that launched them (20 yards) directly into the barrage. It was awesome.

Oh, you guys are doing hard-mode? I have no clue then. :lol


Alex said:
Really could just use some brand new gameplay systems, they've been really bad on introducing new systems and new things to do. You can't just keep making content easier and shrinking down random NPC's and monsters to give away as pets forever.

Been saying for a while now, they need to add a housing / dungeon building system, that way players can develop their own content to fill the gaps between major content patches. If you had even 100 players on a server who took it seriously enough to make interesting dungeon layouts, that's still 100 dungeons for people to run between patches.

I say, make it less like the traditional dungeon crawls we have now, something trap / puzzle-laden akin to Phantasy Star Online's Challenge mode (still the absolute most fun I've ever had in an Online game.) And if they wanted to spur that feature on, they'd release "Builder Packs" every so often with new mob and boss types, build-exclusive loot, and new visuals to build rooms from.

I'm not saying WoW needs to become Sims-craft, but look at how huge the fanbase for the Sims is, even years after launch. Custom content is the absolute best way to go if you want to retain people.


Oh man, challenge mode was so cool. I'd always bite on the PSO re-releases to the point where I made myself so sick of the game (and PSU was just a wreck) but PSO challenge mode forever has a place with me as a good idea.

I try not to get too much into actual content debates though, because I'm crazy and no one will agree with me in the end.

Like the first thing I'd do is tear down the faction walls in some manner so I'm not playing with half of my damn server. The faction stuff in Warcraft has felt arbitrary since III anyway and while video game racism is good for a laugh, it sure would liven up the visuals and make doing shit easier.

I'm well aware of how that would absolutely enrage people though. :lol. Maybe that's part of the appeal.


Mr Nash said:
I switch back to my horde server after a stint of alliance pvp, and I'm shocked at how polite everyone is on Dawnbringer (at least those I've talked to / run instances with). People are actually helpful, articulate, and can hold an intelligent conversation. When things go wrong in an instance it doesn't dissolve into childish bickering. People actually try to help those having difficulty improve their game AND the person(s) having trouble listen. It's like I'm in a bizarro world or something! I hope it never changes. :D

I played Dawnbringer Alliance side for about 26 levels before I switched to my current Horde server, and I really enjoyed it.


God getting revenge on people in this game is so sweet. I was collecting my Oracles dailies earlier. Saw this Draenei Ret Pally. I decided to leave him alone, I usually don't seek out PVP, unless provoked. So of course as I'm accepting a quest he backjumps me and kills me. I see him fly off right after I die. Typical. Later when I'm turning in my quests, the same Pally is back again. I swoop down, polymorph, pop all trinkets, slow, arcane blast x2, arcane barr, missile barrage, he's dead before he can even do anything. Was extremely satisfying :lol .
are there any addons that inform you of abilities proccing? Because I hate having to pay attention to the upper right hand corner of my screen to see if I get 5 maelstrom weapon stacks, and ended up dieing to a void zone on my first KT kill because i wasn't paying attention -_-


funkmastergeneral said:
are there any addons that inform you of abilities proccing? Because I hate having to pay attention to the upper right hand corner of my screen to see if I get 5 maelstrom weapon stacks, and ended up dieing to a void zone on my first KT kill because i wasn't paying attention -_-
yeah, I am trying to think of the one I have now, but I think it's EventAlert. That + Miks scrolling battle text (something like that, not the exact name) will make it more obvious when you get MWx5.


funkmastergeneral said:
are there any addons that inform you of abilities proccing? Because I hate having to pay attention to the upper right hand corner of my screen to see if I get 5 maelstrom weapon stacks, and ended up dieing to a void zone on my first KT kill because i wasn't paying attention -_-

Power Auras.

Can show procs, buffs, debuffs, timers, whatever. I use it for poison/slicendice/rupture timers.


Check the timers above my health and energy.

I also used to use it for Riposte availability.
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