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World of Warcraft

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Warlocks are insanely hard to kill 1 on 1. They have a crapload of hp, fear, soulstones, pets, decent nukes. Firex is wrong, plain and simple.


The server listed on the last page is PvE... not sure how everyone feels about that... but I seriously wouldn't mind PvE or PvP to be honest (again, BG is coming in next patch so... figure end of the month).

But like... even if we can get 4-5 guys from GAF to reroll... I think it'd be worth it. Again, I won't be able to start until the 28th at the EARLIEST (not, yeah, collect for me!!!!)

I was looking at Lightning's Blade a bit. Seems like a good community... PvP... basically young on the Raid content (I believe they just took down Kazaak). Horde is strong... they got some really strong guilds on that server.

But I wouldn't mind the new PvE server either... keep the chatter up.


I don't mind either PvE or PvP also but I would prefer PvP. I'd also prefer alliance since I'm bored to death with the Horde.

We'd be 2 so far, anyone else would like to reroll on a new server?


TheDuce22 said:
Warlocks are insanely hard to kill 1 on 1. They have a crapload of hp, fear, soulstones, pets, decent nukes. Firex is wrong, plain and simple.
You're the one who's wrong... but I'm not surprised at that. You must play one of the three classes we can beat (hunter is like the only one guaranteed to beat as well). A rogue or warrior kills me every time, as do smart druids, I have no chance against shamans, and it requires way too much to stop a priest.

Warlocks are easy kills 1 on 1 because their only defenses are easy to break out of or get immunity to, and their DOTs and shadowburn are the only reliable spells they can use against anyone with a spell interrupt.


I bought this last week (first MMORPG). I've pretty much done nothing but play this to death so far. Character is a lvl16 human warrior; I've mostly hung around the Elwyn Forest/Westfall/Dun Morogh/Loch Modan area...can't really go anywhere else. I've spent a lot of time at the auction house in Ironforge; made a packet so far off things like copper bars and weapons/armour, I also found some jade today which I just sold for 1g20s. Noticed one guy trying to flog a glowing brightwood staff for 1200g, first in the trade channel where everyone laughed at him and now in the auction.....someone will be stupid enough to buy it I bet.


TheDuce22 said:
Warlocks are insanely hard to kill 1 on 1. They have a crapload of hp, fear, soulstones, pets, decent nukes. Firex is wrong, plain and simple.

I've just turned lvl 51 on a PvP server and its turned incredibly hard at the moment. Trying to lvl in Felwood and Un'Goro is just impossible. I love the class though, and will stick with it whatever because I have hope that Blizz will give us some love and all this pain I've gone through will be reaped with rewards ;)
Ok, tonight was fun. Guild swapped characters out and everyone got a chance to pvp with different lvl 60 classes. I'm amazed at how rock paper scissors this game is when it breaks down into 1v1 stuff. Kinda surprised me, as I didn't see it like this before today.

Ambush rogue in zerg pvp is SO fun. It's amazing. Not many hks if your solo though, but it's a nice change of pace than the usual hunter/lock/mage jump the fucker who wanders into range while loading boringness. There's just something so rewarding about killing people in the middle of the mob and actually making it out alive.

Also, I got my hunter a hyper-radiant flame reflector. I'm so sad it doesn't show the animation. Instead it's just the spells blowing up in casters faces. Not nearly as entertaining, but still insanely effective. I need to get a shadow one now, but the schem for that seems insanely rare.

And I suggest sticking to Azshara/Blasted Lands to level up. Fel and Un'Goro are both home to tons of essence/felcloth farmers.


Havent been to Blasted Lands yet, but from looking at the map, its situation to me looks like it might be an Alliance favoured zone and I'm Horde...



Ikse said:
Havent been to Blasted Lands yet, but from looking at the map, its situation to me looks like it might be an Alliance favoured zone and I'm Horde...
Nah, it's pretty empty on both sides. And pretty warlock friendly. But I hate the quests there (all 5 of them) cause you really just grind beasts until you get x items for the stat buff things (but god are those worth it). You can kick the shit out of the humanoids and demons there if you're within their levels though.

My guild tried Onyxia tonight; we only had 22 people with the key and we still got her to 64% on our best attempt. Fun note: after respeccing to shadow mastery/ruin earlier this week, I outdpsed everyone on one of the fights with the Onyxia Warders, and was consistently in the top 10 (usually top 5, unless it spawned as level 63 elite) for DPS. At least until our mage showed up. But those fights were unconventional.

I really think that now that the basic strategy is out, Onyxia is cake, cause our only problems were lack of aoe for the whelps in phase 2 and some trouble with our tank getting Onyxia into the position where knockback wouldn't do much to him. We had like, 7 healers, and they were doing an awesome job.

Also been playing my shaman lately, and anyone who bitches about this class as overpowered is a fool. I definitely pvp better with my shaman than my warlock (cause warlocks have to go soul link spec or die, and I am not gimping myself for pve just to be ok at pvp, at least not for the gold cost of constant respeccing) but in mass pvp I am not nearly as strong as a pally (takes too fucking long to kill, so they can just join in the charge and heal rogues, or get focus fired and shield and run) or... just about any other class. Even my warlock would probably be more useful (overall) in mass pvp if I was soul link spec, just for dotting rogues so they couldn't vanish and draining pally/priest mana. But this class is fun in pvp and it's always a good feeling to keep other horde players healed and let them survive focus fire, and get thanked for it. A good feeling cause I know it pisses off the alliance who want the HK from that mage (99% of the time I'm healing mages). Can't wait until BGs come out, my guild is going to hopefully focus more on pvp then.

I don't buy into the bullshit argument of "this game isn't balanced for 1v1" though, even though battlegrounds are about pvp raids. It's why I hope rogues will get some nerfs to their stuns, cause they are just overpowered CC (since it's like sheeping someone except you get to kill them while they can't fight back) atm and only a warrior or a protection pally seems able to beat them (though maybe if I leveled my shadow priest I could beat rogues with him). I'm trying to make my shaman into the rogue-killer I had in beta, but I don't know if it will work since I am going cookie-cutter 22 ele, 22 restore, 7 enhance. Can't think of any other build that I'd want though... I was pondering 21 restore/30 enhance but I don't know what to drop to get 2h axes/maces AND parry aside from maybe just 1 point into improved rockbiter. And as much as I used to be a big proponent of restore/ele in beta, I think now with new epic 2h axes/maces and such, restore/enhance is the better pvp/dps endgame build.


You're the one who's wrong... but I'm not surprised at that. You must play one of the three classes we can beat (hunter is like the only one guaranteed to beat as well). A rogue or warrior kills me every time, as do smart druids, I have no chance against shamans, and it requires way too much to stop a priest.

I play a 60 fire mage and its almost impossible for me to take a warlock because they do nearly the same ammount of damage, they have more hp and they can use a soulstone (whatever it is that heals hp on a different timer than potions) after my inital burst/silence to heal. I have also seen a warlock in my guild own just about every class. Not to mention the ability to summon people is very usefull in pvp and having a warlock in an instance is almost a requirement to protect against wipes. Warlocks actually give me more trouble than shamans in pvp.


The vid I linked on the page prior is the best PvP video I have ever seen... and it's of a Warlock. Sure, he uses 3-4 shards a kill... but he is DEADLY.

I think generally... if you kite properly... you are gonna be good.


TheDuce22 said:
I play a 60 fire mage and its almost impossible for me to take a warlock because they do nearly the same ammount of damage, they have more hp and they can use a soulstone (whatever it is that heals hp on a different timer than potions) after my inital burst/silence to heal. I have also seen a warlock in my guild own just about every class. Not to mention the ability to summon people is very usefull in pvp and having a warlock in an instance is almost a requirement to protect against wipes. Warlocks actually give me more trouble than shamans in pvp.
Mage - yes, warlocks beat the shit out of mages, so your whole argument that warlocks are somehow gods of pvp is wrong. All the classes I listed that beat a warlock always beat a warlock if played moderately competently. There is nothing a warlock can do against an arms warrior or a rogue with rank 2 trinket (or undead rogue for that matter), and any druid with a brain can easily outlast the lock even if they are soul link spec.

The only classes a warlock can beat in an equal matchup are mage (using felhunter), hunter (using succubus) and paladin (using felhunter). Everything else, even if you go soul link spec to survive (which is the only viable pvp spec), you will lose if they know how to play their class (especially warriors and rogues). On a rare occasion you can beat a shadow priest, but it really requires that you pull out all the stops.

BTW healthstones take a soul shard to use, as does shadowburn, and these aren't replenishable in pvp. So even if the warlock kills you 1v1 they have to use their limited supply reagent until they run out, then go find a place with green+ mobs and farm shards forever.

MAF: Warriors don't suck in pvp, despite the common myth that they do. The problem is they are way too gear dependent, so they have to spend more to be competitive - this problem is alleviated endgame where warriors are the most viable tank and have a freaking awesome pvp set (valor) along with some simply uber weapons like the Blackhand Doomsaw or Arcanite Reaper that they can get (reaper would have to be bought unless you are a lucky axesmith who gets the plans, doomsaw is a drop off Rend in upper blackrock spire). At 50+ you don't buy gear anymore unless it's an epic, even then you can usually find rares that are a few levels higher and a lot better. Their skillset is honestly fucking awesome in pvp, it's just that everything relies upon having a godly weapon and armor (valor set is awesome for this though if you collect it - total dps stats, shitloads of armor, lots of health, and the final set bonus gives you a chance to stun). Much like warlocks, a warrior has to spec one tree (arms) to pvp effectively, but unlike the soul link build for a warlock, warriors get a lot of very very awesome benefits from arms to make it an attractive talent tree (for soul link, a warlock essentially has to pick about 15 talent points that give a minor benefit vs no benefit, all for one final talent that is awesome but also locks them out of their best grouping spec). It's getting there that's the hard part, but it's sooo worth it.


Agent Dormer said:
Yes, PVP. It's an alliance server. Close to 30 now, pushing foward to try and get 40 by Wednesday/Thursday.

Just looked at Smolderthorn... looks good. Nice and small, brand new, fairly balanced.

You Alliance or Horde? I think I'll roll on this server when I return. Mala... join me. Anyone else? MAF!?!! (Damn you and your new War on Gil :( )


Has problems recognising girls
Well.. about 40+ Alliance co-ordinated a decent (shock horror!) attack on UC much earlier today.. till they got to the Throne Room with just us 5 defenders only to see Varimathras (yes, the dreadlord) move forward and wipe the shit from the floor. It was amazing watching him kill almost every single Alliance raid member.. was over in less than a minute and Lady Sylvannis didn't even have to lift a finger.

Guess Blizzard finally fixed him up so he is a proper bodyguard :D


If Varimathras aggros, he can wipe three full raid groups. If he doesn't (and believe it or not, there are times where he doesn't) Sylvanas doesn't do jack shit so she gets killed.

Thrall and Cairne are sad... Thrall = just melee despite having like a 16k mana pool, Cairne = just melee and if you pull him to some spots (not quite sure which) he doesn't do his slam/knockback attack that could send players flying off TB.


firex said:
If Varimathras aggros, he can wipe three full raid groups. If he doesn't (and believe it or not, there are times where he doesn't) Sylvanas doesn't do jack shit so she gets killed.

Thrall and Cairne are sad... Thrall = just melee despite having like a 16k mana pool, Cairne = just melee and if you pull him to some spots (not quite sure which) he doesn't do his slam/knockback attack that could send players flying off TB.

Sylvanas doesn't even fight back?
What about Alliance faction leaders, Firex? Do they do anything?


Apple Jax said:
The vid I linked on the page prior is the best PvP video I have ever seen... and it's of a Warlock. Sure, he uses 3-4 shards a kill... but he is DEADLY.

I think generally... if you kite properly... you are gonna be good.

It is a great video, but I'd like to see him do one since the latest patch. Alot of his fear/seduce's wouldnt last half as long in that vid if it was done now.

And I rolled a warrior last night. What is it with locks rolling a warrior or mage as their alt? :)
Scoot said:
Sylvanas doesn't even fight back?
What about Alliance faction leaders, Firex? Do they do anything?

Tyrande does a charming 3k aoe starfall. And by aoe I mean the entire room. She spams this too. Never fought the others.

And it's not entirely true that sylv just rolls over and dies. She mass charms and blinks and multishots, but usually it's not enough to do much damage. She needs her aoe silence and skeleton summoning.
firex said:
Thrall and Cairne are sad... Thrall = just melee despite having like a 16k mana pool, Cairne = just melee and if you pull him to some spots (not quite sure which) he doesn't do his slam/knockback attack that could send players flying off TB.

The saddest thing about them is that they are reachable in under a minute. Hell actually, even sylv is.


Scoot said:
Sylvanas doesn't even fight back?
What about Alliance faction leaders, Firex? Do they do anything?
Jaina: AE teleport, fireballs for 1800+ damage, generally kills anything.
Highlord Bolivar: Shield wall about every 5 min, AE pally stun, way more survivable than your average pally (plus he is surrounded by level 60 guards and you would have to go through at least 10, not counting added waves spawning in).
King Magni: I think he just melees hard, but he calls for a shit ton of guards (literally like 20-30) that instaspawn.
Tyrande: Starfall, 800 damage/tick AE, she's a total bitch to kill.

The archbishop guy (who's now the leader, cause despite Thrall giving horde quests, Blizzard doesn't want any horde players killing the fucking babied alliance's human leader and getting rewarded for it) is now the human leader, and in beta when we got to him he yelled "Sacrilege! Defend the cathedral!" upon which about 50+ guards showed up... and this was with 120 or so horde raiding the town (and at least 30-40 who made it to SW cathedral). Instant wipe if only due to the lag.


Apple Jax said:
The vid I linked on the page prior is the best PvP video I have ever seen... and it's of a Warlock. Sure, he uses 3-4 shards a kill... but he is DEADLY.

I think generally... if you kite properly... you are gonna be good.
Not anymore. The drakedog video is bullshit now, and anyone who links to it and says "warlocks don't suck in pvp" is retarded. It's before the fear/seduce change and honor system, so anyone with an anti-fear/charm trinket gets out of their first one free (as does any undead player) and the next lasts 50% at max... which, generally speaking, is at most 3 sec.

Locks can't kite for shit since their only snare is from talents and it's the worst snare in the game. Getting curse of exhaustion also means losing curse of shadows/elements/agony, and you won't have the talent points for soul link, so it's really pointless.


firex said:
Not anymore. The drakedog video is bullshit now, and anyone who links to it and says "warlocks don't suck in pvp" is retarded. It's before the fear/seduce change and honor system, so anyone with an anti-fear/charm trinket gets out of their first one free (as does any undead player) and the next lasts 50% at max... which, generally speaking, is at most 3 sec.

Locks can't kite for shit since their only snare is from talents and it's the worst snare in the game. Getting curse of exhaustion also means losing curse of shadows/elements/agony, and you won't have the talent points for soul link, so it's really pointless.

Well even before honor and trinkets... I still felt that Drake's methods were one of a kind... the ability to farm that amount of shards is purely... well... up to him. 3-4 shards per kill? Whoa.

As far kiting goes... as much as I feel it is the ULTIMATE way to own in PvP 1v1... it's lacking in those mass mauls that appear at, say, TM on a daily/nightly basis. The thing is this, however, how will everything change once BG is implemented into to forefront of the PvP experience? I agree with Blizzard that TM (etc) will calm down once it has been... but... how will battles be handled within the BGs? I still think it will be more spread out (seeing as how there are different BGs (1) and there are different objectives within each BG (2) ).

In any case... there is seriously a reason that Paladins and Warlocks are being picked less and less on newer PvP servers. Luckily for the Paladin, Blizzard is looking into making some more improvements (as stated yesterday on the Paladin forums). They said they are happy with the Paladin... but that hasn't stopped people from posting their hearts content on the matter.

But I do think the Warlock needs more help than the Paladin at the moment. These other classes are not as "broken" as their players would like you to believe.


Actually drakedog's methods were standard as hell, at least for anyone that played their warlock with any attempt to compete in pvp (I frequently didn't because I fucking hate shards and all they stand for). I did that a lot if I wanted to pvp (hence the succubus being the best pvp pet awhile back, but it is now the felhunter) since it was the only way to get any breathing room for spells as opposed to all the defenses mages and priests have. Using that many shards is expected if you want to compete in pvp... and while paladins actually do suck 1v1 a lot of classes (or rogue if you build redoubt + holy shield, believe it or not) they are awesome in group/mass pvp because they take too long to kill and can keep almost anyone alive for a long time, so they get CCed and left for last. It's the dumbasses who go retribution and think they're a dps class that give the class such a bad rep in pvp (though I'm not saying ret is a bad build, but trying to do a bunch of dps instead of focusing on surviving and healing is stupid).

Kiting is also pointless vs warriors and hunters, and rogues if sprint is cooled down. Generally speaking it's also pointless vs a shaman if they get improved ghost wolf (note: this is so much better than anything else from enhance for pvp, so if a shaman wants to pvp they'll put 2 points into this). But it's definitely a good strategy against everyone else. As long as sprint's not up I can kite a rogue with my hunter or shaman, and I can always kite a paladin.
Man warriors are so fun. I was on that stupid yowler quest and that guys surrounded by lots of thugs. My group was like I dunno but I knew my warrior could tank all those fuckers. So I just rushed in all awesome and they followed suit. We murdered them.

Warriors are pretty fucking hardcore.
MrAngryFace said:
Man warriors are so fun. I was on that stupid yowler quest and that guys surrounded by lots of thugs. My group was like I dunno but I knew my warrior could tank all those fuckers. So I just rushed in all awesome and they followed suit. We murdered them.

Warriors are pretty fucking hardcore.

Agreed. I made a warrior alt and I'm loving it. Its so much fun and always really fast paced. Probably because you're trying to outrun the rage meter to the next battle. :lol

Charge is the single greatest move ever. :D
Haha beat up a Pally at level 26, im 24. I opened with charge o course, then hamstring to keep him from jumping too much. Demoralize, then he tried just beating me with single strikes. haha NO. So he tries to do his lame paladin heal shit. SHIELD BASH TO THE FACE. Followed my a rage fueled Execute. BAM dead haha.
He tried some other paladin tricks, but they didnt work too well

my current talent tree is improved heroic strike, improved shield block full, toughness full, 2 in improved rend. after getting the two talents I wanted in protection tree the arms tree looks so nice with its bleed on criticals :D


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Paladins used to be such a pain in the ass on my rogue... but my Shadow Priest's Mana Burn makes short work of them. :)
keep them from hopping around like its counterstrike, healing, or running away and youve got a win.

Druids however piss me off with that entangle crap.
Haha joined an awesome guild tonight. We freaking busted through three elite quests tonight. My group is awesome.

I also dueled a level 28 hunter at level 24 and won without potions haha. Melee hunter. What won the match for me was when I used intimidating shout on her pet, then used overpower, heroic strike, and finished it off with Execute. So cool.

My guild members and myself rockin the orcs:


Also, I am the most mismatched ever at this point.



dave is ok said:
The changes to Demonology tree for warlocks suck.

They arent too bad, Master Summoner and more absorb with Sacrifice is nice for the <60 PvP server warlock.

And I think the newer Enslave talents will help, aswell as the guaranteed 5 mins enslavement of the Infernal.

Its a start, its also only a glimpse apparently. I think Blizz will be givinga lot of WL love in the next few patches. They've confirmed shards from HKs and Battlegrounds which is a plus. I *hope* they give use other methods of gaining shards other than Soul Drain, and I hope they give us a better defensive move aswell.

Shard management, yea its a pain, but I tend to carry 40 on me now at all times, they're easy to get while lvlling and running instances, and hopefully easy in PvP.

Pet pathing/mounting and losing a shard over it is my biggest issue with the warlock atm.
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