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World of Warcraft

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Modesty becomes a woman
Clandestine said:
they should let hunters keep him and simply give the pet an ability which switches between the forms.

maybe put certain conditions on the ability to switch forms. when in combat the pet will automatically revert to a worg. out of combat he can be humanoid.

Will never happen.

People just hear words and like to repeat them like parrots. Burst damage this, unbalanced that. Avenging Wrath makes you a steamroller and a damage machine, but kills your bubble for 30 seconds. AKA any sort of means of survivability.

I don't understand how people can complain about burst damage. You do the same amount of damage in a shorter time, but have all your cooldowns so any other class would do the same amount of damage in the same amount of time, just not all at once. how is that any different? The game is unbalanced, that's the point. We're all different classes.

Oh yeah, Flame Shock + Lava Burst I still get hit for like 9-10k in full hateful. Make sense of that.


Anyone wanting another class nerfed out of spite or taking pleasure into another class nerfed because their own has been nerfed at one point or another is a fucking shame of a player as far as I'm concerned.


Xabora said:
We have a response!



=\ I hope they don't make that it only 51-spec'd BM can tame this. It would be incredibly lame.


Junior Member
Kyoufu said:
Wait, rofl...TomServo is a lock and hes complaining about ret? You have to be fucking kidding me :lol

I didn't say I couldn't kill them, especially since most rets are fucking idiots who don't know what to do when you do something as basic as trinket out of a stun.

Prove my point invalid. Blizz has all but come out and said that ret needs to be nerfed, but hasn't done anything for over six months because it'll hurt them in PvE. They made a similar determination that conflag (and hence destro) was OP in PvP, so they hotfixed it in less than a week and destroyed its PvE viability for months.

Like I said, we could all learn something from pally QQ. It's powerful stuff.

Lain said:
Anyone wanting another class nerfed out of spite or taking pleasure into another class nerfed because their own has been nerfed at one point or another is a fucking shame of a player as far as I'm concerned.

I really don't give a fuck what you think, but frankly ret is the only class / spec combo I love to see nerfed into the ground. The only thing that keeps me somewhat restrained in my hatred for them is the one good ret pally we've found to raid with. As for the rest of them? Go back to healing, bubble boys.


As a Mage, I would like these classes/specs nerfed for PVP:

Ret Pally
Resto Druid
Feral Druid

Thank you for your cooperation, Blizzard.


VaLiancY said:
=\ I hope they don't make that it only 51-spec'd BM can tame this. It would be incredibly lame.

You mean lamer than turning it off so no one else can tame it or people who already finished that quest can't tame it?

They will get rid of it completely I'm sure.


Junior Member
VaLiancY said:
=\ I hope they don't make that it only 51-spec'd BM can tame this. It would be incredibly lame.
Its most likely going to be hotfixed to where you cannot tame him at all.


As a DK currently being nerfed into oblivion (bye bye Unholy Blight :*( ) I can see why some nerfs are needed but I really wouldn't demand any myself.

Also, the problem with calling for a class to be nerfed is sometimes Blizzard over-nerfs them which leads them to over-buffing them back, sometimes even more powerful than they were before. :lol


Jazzy Network said:
Anyone have a rough ETA of when the patch comes out? I haven't played since Ulduar just came out and itching to get back in.

Looking at a few months.

ps: TomServo stop being a douche please.


Modesty becomes a woman
TomServo said:
I didn't say I couldn't kill them, especially since most rets are fucking idiots who don't know what to do when you do something as basic as trinket out of a stun.

Prove my point invalid. Blizz has all but come out and said that ret needs to be nerfed, but hasn't done anything for over six months because it'll hurt them in PvE. They made a similar determination that conflag (and hence destro) was OP in PvP, so they hotfixed it in less than a week and destroyed its PvE viability for months.

Like I said, we could all learn something from pally QQ. It's powerful stuff.

I really don't give a fuck what you think, but frankly ret is the only class / spec combo I love to see nerfed into the ground. The only thing that keeps me somewhat restrained in my hatred for them is the one good ret pally we've found to raid with. As for the rest of them? Go back to healing, bubble boys.

That's another thing I find funny. The game makes almost two hundred million dollars a month on subs alone. You really think they rely on their genius userbase for development ideas?

The only reason you think Blizzard is listening to it's players is because they're a bunch of squawking morons who just repeat whatever they hear from places like Ensidia and other high end guilds, another group whom Blizzard takes serious input from.


TomServo said:
What I love about ret pallys is how effective their QQ is. Blizz is terrified of doing anything but buffing pallys for fear of the forums being drowned in their tears. The rest of the classes could learn a thing or two from them.

Ret runs wild all over WotLK and Blizz says "they're looking into it" but does jack. Someone QQ's about getting hit with a 12K+ conflag crit in PvP and within a week one of the top warlock specs in 3.1 gets nerfed to the ground (in PVE no less) and stays there for two months.

EDIT: Oh yeah, one last thing - when the conflag nerf came, warlocks didn't QQ. We learned how to decimate weave soul fire and still stayed near the top of the meters. Good luck teaching your average ret faceroller anything similar.

Maybe apply your QQing to the WoW boards to get your stuff fixed. You too can have effective QQing, and it seems like you're already pretty good at it.


That's another thing I find funny. The game makes almost two hundred million dollars a month on subs alone. You really think they rely on their genius userbase for development ideas?

The only reason you think Blizzard is listening to it's players is because they're a bunch of squawking morons who just repeat whatever they hear from places like Ensidia and other high end guilds, another group whom Blizzard takes serious input from.

Yeah I don't think Blizzard listens to forum QQ as much as everyone thinks they do. The WoW forums complain about EVERYTHING. Everyone thinks their own class is shit and everyone else needs a nerf so obviously when Blizzard makes a nerf or a fix forumites automatically think they had a say in it.


I'm pretty sure TomServo has complained about Ret Pallies in the past, and then he revealed that he doesn't even PvP. I wouldn't take his complaints seriously. The fact is both Ret Pallies AND Locks are just way too ridiculous right now (and I play a Ret Pally).

Anytime there is a Warlock on the other team, the strategy for my 3s and 5s team is to just train him down until he dies. The second you leave a Destro Lock alone for a couple seconds, someone takes 20k to the face in a matter of seconds and dies. I've even heard some speculation that Chaos Bolt isn't currently affected by resil, which makes sense because I've been popped for 10k+ before and I'm in full Furious gear.

In any case, Ret Pally burst is taking an enormous nerf in 3.2 so that should stop a lot of the QQing. Additionally, resil is getting a huge buff in 3.2, and that will hopefully allow people to live through those 1 GCD deaths that everyone is seeing right now. I just reallllly hope that doesn't mean you HAVE to have a mortal strike on your arena team to get anywhere.


PatzCU said:
I'm pretty sure TomServo has complained about Ret Pallies in the past, and then he revealed that he doesn't even PvP. I wouldn't take his complaints seriously. The fact is both Ret Pallies AND Locks are just way too ridiculous right now (and I play a Ret Pally).

Anytime there is a Warlock on the other team, the strategy for my 3s and 5s team is to just train him down until he dies. The second you leave a Destro Lock alone for a couple seconds, someone takes 20k to the face in a matter of seconds and dies. I've even heard some speculation that Chaos Bolt isn't currently affected by resil, which makes sense because I've been popped for 10k+ before and I'm in full Furious gear.

In any case, Ret Pally burst is taking an enormous nerf in 3.2 so that should stop a lot of the QQing. Additionally, resil is getting a huge buff in 3.2, and that will hopefully allow people to live through those 1 GCD deaths that everyone is seeing right now. I just reallllly hope that doesn't mean you HAVE to have a mortal strike on your arena team to get anywhere.

Crusader Strike nerf is going to suck bad against healers. I can't see us killing a healer when a 41 point talent currently does less damage than a baseline DK strike on PTR. Its going to be interesting to see atleast.


Kyoufu said:
Crusader Strike nerf is going to suck bad against healers. I can't see us killing a healer when a 41 point talent currently does less damage than a baseline DK strike on PTR. Its going to be interesting to see atleast.

Ya =( The only saving grace is the CD has been reduced to 4seconds; however, that's doesn't mean anything when most healers have a rapid fire heal they can use to keep themselves up. Not only is Crusader Strike getting nerfed, but also Seal of Blood. That is the real damage dealer, and poof, gone. I haven't been reading up on the new pally seals' effectiveness. I can only hope there will still be enough burst to have any remote chance against a healer.


Junior Member
PatzCU said:
I'm pretty sure TomServo has complained about Ret Pallies in the past, and then he revealed that he doesn't even PvP. I wouldn't take his complaints seriously. The fact is both Ret Pallies AND Locks are just way too ridiculous right now (and I play a Ret Pally).

I have complained about ret pallies in the past, and I'll continue to complain about them. I play on a PvP server. Anything red is KOS. I don't arena.

When one class is allowed to run rampant in PvP because Blizzard doesn't want to affect their PvE viability and another class's top PvE spec is nerfed in a freaking hotfix and kept there for months simply because some arena mouthbreather got conflagged for 15K it simply isn't right.

That's the thing the idiots here haven't bothered to try and address. If you think this is PvP QQ then you've obviously checked your reading comprehension at the door. Doesn't surprise me, the ret defense force usually does. Nope, this is about PvP affecting PvE, and how it's not done even-handedly between classes.

As for warlock QQ, I'll say it again, when we got nerfed we didn't QQ the way the bubble wunderkind do, we took one of the game's most cumbersome mechanics (decimate) and used it to get back on top of the meters. Am I happy I don't have to weave during execute anymore? You bet your ass I am. Did I do it to carry my weight in raids? You bet your ass I did.


TomServo said:
That's the thing the idiots here haven't bothered to try and address.

It's simple because they can't address it. This was like in TBC when Resto druids were falling behind in PVE, so the buffed the fuck out of them, then they became a facerollers funtime to gladiator title class. And then they refused to nerf them down to reality until Wrath launched. That class ruined PVP for two full seasons.

Then just like Ret. People complained up and down in beta, then on the PTRs, blizzard stated working as intended, patch comes out and the general forums light up. So they give them a slap on the wrist. To this day they are ridiculously OP. But that's what happens when you try to noob down your game allowing everyone to do the same DPS, where some classes can heal themselves, become immune to damage, self buff, and wear plate, while others can't.

Blizzard gets way too much credit as far as I'm concerned. Especially for them cheaping out and taking the game down the dusty old trail of generic mediocrity with T9. Yeah, they got something right, and that's making armor different for the two factions, then they fall backwards and put the old paint bucket over the armor with different colors to make them "different". Just like how I find it outrageous that our Druid tank looks just like our one rogue due to Tier pieces being recycled.

It's a shame no other game "plays" as good as this and all my friends would shift to said game.


Modesty becomes a woman
TomServo said:
I have complained about ret pallies in the past, and I'll continue to complain about them. I play on a PvP server. Anything red is KOS. I don't arena.

When one class is allowed to run rampant in PvP because Blizzard doesn't want to affect their PvE viability and another class's top PvE spec is nerfed in a freaking hotfix and kept there for months simply because some arena mouthbreather got conflagged for 15K it simply isn't right.

That's the thing the idiots here haven't bothered to try and address. If you think this is PvP QQ then you've obviously checked your reading comprehension at the door. Doesn't surprise me, the ret defense force usually does. Nope, this is about PvP affecting PvE, and how it's not done even-handedly between classes.

As for warlock QQ, I'll say it again, when we got nerfed we didn't QQ the way the bubble wunderkind do, we took one of the game's most cumbersome mechanics (decimate) and used it to get back on top of the meters. Am I happy I don't have to weave during execute anymore? You bet your ass I am. Did I do it to carry my weight in raids? You bet your ass I did.

So I guess not having anything to do DPS with is the same as having a cumbersome (In your own opinion) ability? And you don't see how that could be a difference?


J-Rzez said:
It's a shame no other game "plays" as good as this and all my friends would shift to said game.

That's the problem though isn't it? Very few games have that almost crack-like fun of Blizzard games. I've been having fun with WoW off and on since 2004... I can't say that for many other games (besides perhaps D2, SC, WC3). :lol


Junior Member
So I guess not having anything to do DPS with is the same as having a cumbersome (In your own opinion) ability? And you don't see how that could be a difference?

Because having your burst brought down to earth is the same as "not having anything to do DPS with", amirite?

Decimate weaving was cumbersome, that's fact for anyone grounded in reality.

Yeah, stand at max range and weave two spells together. To maintain dps you'll need to stop weaving when it's time to reapply DoTs, but only stop after a soul fire, not an incinerate, and when you start incinerate again don't forget to do two before you start soul fires again. Oh yeah, if you have to move make sure you maintain max range. BTW, if you screw any of this up in the slightest you may as well just throw up CoD and spam shadow bolt while your feltard autoattacks because the spec depends on you maintaining 1:1 incinerate:soul fire from 35% to 0%.


Interfectum said:
That's the problem though isn't it? Very few games have that almost crack-like fun of Blizzard games. I've been having fun with WoW off and on since 2004... I can't say that for many other games (besides perhaps D2, SC, WC3). :lol

Oh I agree. It's gameplay itself is unmatched, that along with myself having many online and real life friends that play makes me stick around because I want to game with them.
That doesn't sound much more complicated then a rogue or feral druid rotation (and probably a few others for that matter). I don't think it's that uncommon to have to maintain multiple buffs (Hunger For Blood, Slice And Dice) while using other abilities (having Rupture up at all times, then Mutilate to build combo points for said buffs and throw in Envenom where possible for a finisher).

The only counter to your argument about the difference in how Warlocks and Ret Paladins were treated is that the hotfix killed a spec you still had other options for dps whereas pallies would be forced to heal or tank. You obviously seem to prefer that, but it flies in the face of Blizzard's current stance of trying to make all roles viable for classes.


You know, instead of giving everyone mortal strike, why don't they just reduce all healing across the board? I suppose that would make too much sense.

Also, in regard to the "OMG, Nerf Ret!" arguments, I'd like to remind all of the warlocks arguing about their Ultra quick hotfixed Conflag that Exorcism was ninja-nerfed to work only in PVE after one week on live. So you're not the only one getting hotfixed.


Manick Joe said:
That doesn't sound much more complicated then a rogue or feral druid rotation (and probably a few others for that matter). I don't think it's that uncommon to have to maintain multiple buffs (Hunger For Blood, Slice And Dice) while using other abilities (having Rupture up at all times, then Mutilate to build combo points for said buffs and throw in Envenom where possible for a finisher).

The only counter to your argument about the difference in how Warlocks and Ret Paladins were treated is that the hotfix killed a spec you still had other options for dps whereas pallies would be forced to heal or tank. You obviously seem to prefer that, but it flies in the face of Blizzard's current stance of trying to make all roles viable for classes.

No, the warlock rotation where they would have to stand at max range and 1:1 soulfires to take advantage of this talent (I believe that they have) was ridiculous on a level know other class can claim Im afraid. I dont agree with him on his position on most of the things hes venting about, but the warlock PvE stuff is dead on.

PatzCU said:
Anytime there is a Warlock on the other team, the strategy for my 3s and 5s team is to just train him down until he dies. The second you leave a Destro Lock alone for a couple seconds, someone takes 20k to the face in a matter of seconds and dies.

You know, the bolded is KIND of the problem man. From everything I have seen, the class is in dire need of some kind of survivability beyond the 4+ years of nerfed fear basically. They would likely trade some of that burst for survivability to even the playing field as long as it didnt mean destroying their PvE. That your strat is immediately to just zerg down the lock (since you clearly know they have no real defense) and that it likely works successfully all the damn time is as big of a fucking issue as the lock melting your teammates face in 2 global cooldowns.

But your complaining about one side because it hurts you, and not pointing out how ridiculous it is that simply mindlessly burning down the lock (before you kill his HEALER even, which is just RIDICULOUS, but it works because the class just....has issues) is just as bad.

Chris R

They should nerf everything, damage, stuns, healing, cc, ect. The single thing I hate most about WoW's PvP is that its usually over in 5 seconds for me.

Also related to PvP, can't wait until they patch WG. 15 seconds instacasts are sweet, but losing on offense because of the lag is not. They need to just make it a damn BG already and just make the zone flyable, because there is still going to be insane lag in 3.2 :(

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Warlocks are a joke in PvP, defensively.

They basically gave them the ability to two or three shot people because they have no defense aside from resilience.


Modesty becomes a woman
dave is ok said:
Warlocks are a joke in PvP, defensively.

They basically gave them the ability to two or three shot people because they have no defense aside from resilience.

Except fears, seduces, shadowfury, etc.


remember me
I'm thinking of rerolling horde. I'm thinking about rolling a prot paladin. Good idea? Bad idea? The only character I've ever raided with is a shadow priest, and i want something different. The prot warrior in my last guid always said DKs are the best tanks right now because of all their cooldowns, but I'm afraid that there's just too my DKs out there and they have a bad reputation right now. The new huntards or retnoobs.


Stuns need damage caps is the most glaring problem to me. How this has not occurred yet is fucking mind boggling . Who cares what temper tantrums come from it, you're not a skilled ninja because you can press a stun and explode someone with Ulduar weapons.


Modesty becomes a woman
Alex said:
Stuns need damage caps is the most glaring problem to me. How this has not occurred yet is fucking mind boggling . Who cares what temper tantrums come from it, you're not a skilled ninja because you can press a stun and explode someone with Ulduar weapons.

That's the best part for me, when a rogue stuns me and has me dead before its up, or I trinket and they stun me again. Is it fun for them?


johnsmith said:
I'm thinking of rerolling horde. I'm thinking about rolling a prot paladin. Good idea? Bad idea? The only character I've ever raided with is a shadow priest, and i want something different. The prot warrior in my last guid always said DKs are the best tanks right now because of all their cooldowns, but I'm afraid that there's just too my DKs out there and they have a bad reputation right now. The new huntards or retnoobs.

I've been a Prot Paladin since TBC, and it's a blast. It has gotten much more interesting since WotLK, since we now have Hammer of the Righteous and Shield of Righteousness to cause some DPS. Also, PVP as a Prot Paladin means near immortality (though I would expect nerfs to that soon).

That said, itemization is harder (definitely go JC so you can manage your sockets better, it's something I've been very happy with) and people still have a shitty attitude towards paladins.


Junior Member

Feel free to read this... its pretty much gone.
In some previous cases we fixed the bugs that allowed the taming of certain pets, but felt the pets weren't so far to an extreme that they needed to be removed. In other cases in the past, and in the case of Garwal, we've removed the pets as well feeling as though allowing them to remain hunter pets would be going too far.

Those of you asking for consistency, or to "pick a side" as I believe I saw one player request, are over-simplifying the nature of bugs. There's no side to be on when it comes to fixing bugs and addressing any unintentional outcomes due to those bugs being present. We have to assess each case on an individual basis.

A humanoid who could only be tamed through the trickiest of means didn't sit right with us, so we removed the ability to tame him and removed his status as a hunter pet.


We don't want hunters to have worgens as pets. That is the reason whether you find it reasonable or not.
So I finally got some gear on my enhance shaman and decided to try Naxx 25 for the first time...Only 4 healers in the raid and we start on patchwerk, wipe in 35 seconds and everyone leaves after spending an hour forming the group :lol


funkmastergeneral said:
So I finally got some gear on my enhance shaman and decided to try Naxx 25 for the first time...Only 4 healers in the raid and we start on patchwerk, wipe in 35 seconds and everyone leaves after spending an hour forming the group :lol

You've been PUG'd!


Puncture said:
That your strat is immediately to just zerg down the lock (since you clearly know they have no real defense) and that it likely works successfully all the damn time is as big of a fucking issue as the lock melting your teammates face in 2 global cooldowns.

But your complaining about one side because it hurts you, and not pointing out how ridiculous it is that simply mindlessly burning down the lock (before you kill his HEALER even, which is just RIDICULOUS, but it works because the class just....has issues) is just as bad.

I completely agree. These matches come down to either the Lock getting a good fear/seduce/shadowfury or the Lock had a well placed portal, it gets away, its smashes one of my teammates. OR, my cleave team gibs the Lock pet and trains the lock down until he is dead because he has zero defensive abilities.

Same goes for Elemental Shamans. Those are kill or be killed targets, and it's completely possible to rip up an Ele Shaman while completely ignoring it's healer. I'm hoping 3.2 really cuts down on cleave teams. As of now, my 3s team is Ret Pal, Unholy DK, Resto Druid. I know we are a cleave team, but I would argue ours takes a bit more finesse than your typical facerolling Warrior cleave teams.


That's the best part for me, when a rogue stuns me and has me dead before its up, or I trinket and they stun me again. Is it fun for them?

Yes it's super fun as a mage to not be able to do anything to Rogues/Pallys unless you jump them and get some kind of headstart, an even then it's iffy at best.


:lol @ the Hunter QQ on the WoW forums. You'd think Blizzard just shot their [real] dog.

I sincerely hope this nerd rage is just due to posting over the internet and they don't really care about this shit in real life.


Interfectum said:
:lol @ the Hunter QQ on the WoW forums. You'd think Blizzard just shot their [real] dog.

I sincerely hope this nerd rage is just due to posting over the internet and they don't really care about this shit in real life.

Summer vacation.

They fixed a glitch, the self entitlement among some people at times is pretty warped.

Eteric Rice

They really should have gone the EverQuest II route and seperated how each ability works in PVE and PVP situations.

Because really, this shit is hard to fix when you have to worry about a buff or nerf to one part of the game fucking up the other.

The Mule

Eteric Rice said:
They really should have gone the EverQuest II route and seperated how each ability works in PVE and PVP situations.

Because really, this shit is hard to fix when you have to worry about a buff or nerf to one part of the game fucking up the other.
i figure you just balance for PvP and then DESIGN PvE encounters around that.
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