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World of Warcraft

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Clandestine said:
i figure you just balance for PvP and then DESIGN PvE encounters around that.

The encounter isn't the issue, the class balance is.

Nobody likes being gimped in one area because they're OP in another.

Also, would someone mind going over the decimate spellweaving warlock rotation? I can't access that all atm.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Tamanon said:
You've been PUG'd!
I joined a Naxx 25 PUG that didn't even know how many healers it had, and we facerolled everything up to Thaddius even though half the raid died because most of the raid had DPS that was probably higher than Naxx is balanced for :lol


Really Really Exciting Member!
Interfectum said:
is it possible to dps pug naxx in pvp gear because that's all i got and id like to see it just once :lol :lol

As long as your pvp gear isnt blue, and you change all your enchants & gems so that it mostly consist of Hit rating. As far as i know, there is barely any hit rating on pvp gear. Not to mention it sacrifice alot of attack & spell power for more stamina.


Junior Member
FLEABttn said:
Also, would someone mind going over the decimate spellweaving warlock rotation? I can't access that all atm.

At 35% and below incinerate / shadow bolt hits provide a buff that dramatically reduces the cast time on the next soul fire and removes its soul shard consumption. When that buff is active soul fire becomes the highest dpct spell at a warlock's disposal.

It only works at max range due to travel time of the spell projectile, but the rotation starts by casting two incinerates. The first will hit the target right as the second's cast is finishing, and apply the decimate buff. At that point you start and complete your soul fire cast. The second incinerate will hit the target after soul fire is cast, so the buff will be reapplied and ready for another soul fire. But first you need to throw out another incinerate so that it's on its way to the target while you cast that soul fire. Now you're in a 1:1 weave, where as long as you don't screw things up you'll alternate incinerate and soul fire.

To maintain dps you have to stop weaving to reapply DoTs. These are critical since immolate boosts incinerate damage and CoA ticks more frequently than corruption or immolate, critical for molten core uptime. Stopping at the wrong place will screw up the incinerate / soul fire weave, and you'll be back to square one, needing two incinerates to start up again. DPS will fall through the floor when that happens. Same situation with moving out of raid damage sources or in situation where the tank has to move the boss (Assembly of Iron runes of power) and you have to adjust to stay at max range.

If you couldn't keep up the 1:1 weave while keeping DoTs applied the theorycraft quickly flew out the window, just like the old pre-3.1 affliction spec that could hit 7K dps in t7 gear (personally I could only pull off 5.5K with the old aff spec) but saw folks struggling to hit 3K.

The reality of it, from one of my previous posts:

Decimate weaving was cumbersome, that's fact for anyone grounded in reality.

Yeah, stand at max range and weave two spells together. To maintain dps you'll need to stop weaving when it's time to reapply DoTs, but only stop after a soul fire, not an incinerate, and when you start incinerate again don't forget to do two before you start soul fires again. Oh yeah, if you have to move make sure you maintain max range. BTW, if you screw any of this up in the slightest you may as well just throw up CoD and spam shadow bolt while your feltard autoattacks because the spec depends on you maintaining 1:1 incinerate:soul fire from 35% to 0%.


God damn, my server was down 3 hours already this morning and now we were just taken offline for another 3 hours in the middle of the day.


Junior Member
funkmastergeneral said:
Have worgen pets not been hotfixed yet? Just saw one.
Yeah, they have no talent trees. Cannot be feed. Overall useless and they're deciding on whether to remove them entirely or not.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Interfectum said:
is it possible to dps pug naxx in pvp gear because that's all i got and id like to see it just once :lol :lol

10 man or 25 man? Actually, you can for either. Naxx is pretty damn easy and undemanding, as long as you know what to do... and even if you don't, you'll still be fine. Only problem is that some groups won't take you.

I love seeing, in trade chat, "PST for Naxx 10. GEARED PEOPLE ONLY!!" I mean, if you're geared, you are definitely NOT doing N10.


BTW, if you screw any of this up in the slightest you may as well just throw up CoD and spam shadow bolt while your feltard autoattacks because the spec depends on you maintaining 1:1 incinerate:soul fire from 35% to 0%.
That's my warlock demo spec! Metamorphosis, spell trinkets, empower demon, CoD, shadowbolt spam. :D

This decimate thingie seems best for OCDs and people with <50ms ping.


Was playing Phantasy Star Online today, for shits and giggles. The gameplay, despite being years old, feels so much more interesting than WoW.


While I dug certain things about PSO like challenge mode, I'd never ever even attempt to go back.

A busted magic system, no game content and TAPPA, TAPPA, TAPPA is not exciting. It actually makes me a little ill to think about those three hit combos again. :lol PSO was about 2 hours of content that some people managed to strech into 100s of hours, which still boggles my mind

PSO was great fun on the Dreamcast, but I'll never understand the undying affection some folks have for it. It is an absolutely abysmal game by todays standards. If I want a new dungeon hack, I'll just suck it up and wait for Diablo 3.

I dunno, when I think of my problems with WoW, it all seems kind of nitpicky since content and design wise it's still eons above anything else in the genre, but you play a game for 4-5 years and youre bound to be sick as hell of it.

For all the work they put forth, they just need some new gameplay systems. Largely things to do on the side/


Alex said:
I'll just suck it up and wait for Diablo 3.

That's pretty much what I'm doing too. WoW has lost all of it's allure for me, I'm sick of the gameplay, the 'balance' (and lack thereof), a slew of uninteresting things I can do without committing to 3+ hours of solid play, and needing to get into a guild to do anything interesting after level 80.

Oh, and the community. That's probably the biggest reason. I'm not saying everyone who plays WoW is a mouth breathing idiot.. but most of them are.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
commish said:
10 man or 25 man? Actually, you can for either. Naxx is pretty damn easy and undemanding, as long as you know what to do... and even if you don't, you'll still be fine. Only problem is that some groups won't take you.

I love seeing, in trade chat, "PST for Naxx 10. GEARED PEOPLE ONLY!!" I mean, if you're geared, you are definitely NOT doing N10.
The only thing that's not really PUGgable by people that don't know it is Thaddius, and even he's not exactly difficult.


commish said:
10 man or 25 man? Actually, you can for either. Naxx is pretty damn easy and undemanding, as long as you know what to do... and even if you don't, you'll still be fine. Only problem is that some groups won't take you.

I love seeing, in trade chat, "PST for Naxx 10. GEARED PEOPLE ONLY!!" I mean, if you're geared, you are definitely NOT doing N10.

Oh yeah, it's great seeing that. "LFM DPS for 10man Naxx - 3.5k+dps only, will armory". "LFM Tanks for 10 man Naxx - 34k+ Hp unbuffed only, will armory".

Basically everything is pugable again. I just went into a pug today that normally gets to/down Gen V in 25man. I didn't think emalon would be pugable, then they changed the way the mobs gave visual clues to their overcharge. I'm sure pugs with have fully cleared Ulduar 25 man soon, if some haven't already.

If you're trying to get into pugs, unless you need something specific, just go into 25 mans. They always get further in pugs due mainly to the more lax margin of error. And, you'll get better gear (unless it's something unique that drops in 10man that BiS or close to).


cubicle47b said:
An organized group is not what is normally thought of as a PuG.

I consider a 25 man based around only 3 or 4 people that are usually in said group, the rest picked up in trade as a pug.


J-Rzez said:
Oh yeah, it's great seeing that. "LFM DPS for 10man Naxx - 3.5k+dps only, will armory". "LFM Tanks for 10 man Naxx - 34k+ Hp unbuffed only, will armory".

Basically everything is pugable again. I just went into a pug today that normally gets to/down Gen V in 25man. I didn't think emalon would be pugable, then they changed the way the mobs gave visual clues to their overcharge. I'm sure pugs with have fully cleared Ulduar 25 man soon, if some haven't already.

If you're trying to get into pugs, unless you need something specific, just go into 25 mans. They always get further in pugs due mainly to the more lax margin of error. And, you'll get better gear (unless it's something unique that drops in 10man that BiS or close to).

Someone on my server today had the nerve to post "LFM H VH, PST ach", and when I messaged them, they were dead serious.


Our guild PUGs a lot, because we only have around 7 80's, and only 5 of us are on all the time and pretty well geared. We did a Naxx 25 last night that was a thing of beauty. Only 1 wipe, and took only around 3 hours tops to clear, with some breaks. It was pretty damn impressive for a PUG. I did 3.8K DPS for the raid, not bad.


So, aside from the guaranteed one from Yogg kills, no Fragments for 5 weeks running now, with full clears of every boss in normal mode.

What the fuck. :(

This normal?


So my shaman just dinged 80 today and I've been looking at what's available in terms of caster mail. I can only assume that elemental isn't really intended to go into raids, as there seems to be jack all in terms of mail with hit rating outside of tier sets and hunter loot. I've had a Titansteel Spellblade crafted and the Mark of the War Prisoner from H VH seems like an obvious first choice, but I'm kind of at a loss beyond that. Any suggestions?


Junior Member
Magnus said:
So, aside from the guaranteed one from Yogg kills, no Fragments for 5 weeks running now, with full clears of every boss in normal mode.

What the fuck. :(

This normal?
Hardmode bosses are guaranteed fragments also.


Xabora said:
Hardmode bosses are guaranteed fragments also.
Nope :(
They've changed drop rates for fragments a whle ago, and now only Yogg-Saron has guaranteed drop.
Yesterday as usual on new reset day we've cleared half of ulduar (including 3 hard modes) and not a single fragment dropped.
It's so bad that last reset we only got one fragment (the guaranteed one from YS). And first person who was collecting fragments in our guild stopped playing halfway through it, so while we would already have our first Val'anyr, we are now way behind with fragments.
Sucks :(


Lost all credibility.
Man I finally finished Deadmines but I forgot to loot Vancleef's head for the quest... BTW I'm starting to realize rogue's kind of suck for group quests and dungeons. I should have made a warrior.


sykoex said:
Man I finally finished Deadmines but I forgot to loot Vancleef's head for the quest... BTW I'm starting to realize rogue's kind of suck for group quests and dungeons. I should have made a warrior.

Rogues are awesome, you just have to know how to play them. Warriors are a pain to level up unless you are able to twink them out.


Junior Member
Weenerz said:
Rogues are awesome, you just have to know how to play them. Warriors are a pain to level up unless you are able to twink them out.

One of our tanks has three (or is it four) level 80 warriors. WTF?

Got Heroic: Heartbreaker last night. I'm not much for hard modes but that fight actually got a lot more fun in hard mode.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
keeblerdrow said:
This is the guy that fails.
But his fail is like 5x fail for everyone else.


Soooo, my cousin convinced me to join WoW again after almost 3 years away. Quit probably 2 months after BC came out, so I haven't even really been through most of that new content, let alone Lich King stuff. And when I *did* play, it was only for about 7 months. So I'd still consider myself pretty green.

Rolled a Tauren Druid on Mannoroth in hopes to be a flexible healer in raids and PvP. Never played anything besides a tank before, so you may see me frequenting this thread hoping for advice every now and then.

I'll start off simple and ask what the best build would be to level up with since I'm playing catch up with my lvl 80 cousin. Thanks!
Sciz said:
So my shaman just dinged 80 today and I've been looking at what's available in terms of caster mail. I can only assume that elemental isn't really intended to go into raids, as there seems to be jack all in terms of mail with hit rating outside of tier sets and hunter loot. I've had a Titansteel Spellblade crafted and the Mark of the War Prisoner from H VH seems like an obvious first choice, but I'm kind of at a loss beyond that. Any suggestions?

Gearing up an elemental shaman is annoying as hell, you're going to have to wear a bunch of cloth and leather.


Junior Member
ianswoody said:
I'll start off simple and ask what the best build would be to level up with since I'm playing catch up with my lvl 80 cousin. Thanks!

Official forums class subforums typically have solid leveling guides. You'll get some disagreement for some classes like priest, but for most there are pretty cut-and-dried specs for leveling.

Only thing I'd recommend outside of that is to take two gathering professions. You won't spend any money trying to level them up, instead you'll make more than enough money to cover training, mounts, etc.

funkmastergeneral said:
Gearing up an elemental shaman is annoying as hell, you're going to have to wear a bunch of cloth and leather.

/shakes fist

Stop taking my cloth! :p


keeblerdrow said:
This is the guy that fails.

I can't friggin' stand pugging thaddius. Either some people are too stupid to go on their respective sides, or they somehow don't make the jump to thaddius (even though you can just run off the ledge and make it).

Sciz said:
So my shaman just dinged 80 today and I've been looking at what's available in terms of caster mail. I can only assume that elemental isn't really intended to go into raids, as there seems to be jack all in terms of mail with hit rating outside of tier sets and hunter loot. I've had a Titansteel Spellblade crafted and the Mark of the War Prisoner from H VH seems like an obvious first choice, but I'm kind of at a loss beyond that. Any suggestions?

This is not unique to elemental shamans. Rogues get jack all in terms of hit rating bar a few pieces.

I've got Heroic/Naxx/Ulduar (Insanity's Grasp and T8 Legs), and I have something like 60 hit rating from my gear. I need to gem hit to actually make the special hit cap. It's ridiculous.


Junior Member
TheExodu5 said:
This is not unique to elemental shamans. Rogues get jack all in terms of hit rating bar a few pieces.

Really? That has to be annoying. As a warlock in 4pt8 and mostly iLevel226 gear I'm swimming in hit rating. I've passed on iLevel 226 caster rings and kept my iLevel 213 stuff because there's even hit on those. I'm not gemmed or enchanted for hit beyond icewalker on my boots and I'm at 11%.

Trying to get up to 14% is pointless for me. Dropping the three point talent for hit wouldn't be a real dps boost, I'd just start providing replenishment which no one seems to care about anyway.


Weenerz said:
Rogues are awesome, you just have to know how to play them. Warriors are a pain to level up unless you are able to twink them out.

Warriors are a pain until you get a few pieces of Hellfire quest gear around 58-60ish.

Warriors become a whole lot easier to level once you get that one plate quest reward helm in Zangarmarsh with 3 gem slots. Put +16 hit in in each and you won't have problems anymore.

In other WoW news, my horde guild of 2 years just died last night and I'm going back to alliance on a PvE server. Sucks but it had been pretty dysfunctional now since March. Currently leveling a warrior on Drenden, 73 atm.


Magnus said:
So, aside from the guaranteed one from Yogg kills, no Fragments for 5 weeks running now, with full clears of every boss in normal mode.

What the fuck. :(

This normal?
3 weeks of 25man clears up to Yogg with no fragments. Something's been changed.
Anyone know how well this computer will run WoW?

6GB DDR2 SDRAM at 800MHz - 2X2GB+2X1GB
Intel Core 2 Quad Processor Q9400 (2.66GHz, 1333MHz FSB), w/ 6MBcache
ATI Radeon HD 4350 512MB
750GB Serial ATA 2 Hard Drive 7200RPM


funkmastergeneral said:
Anyone know how well this computer will run WoW?

6GB DDR2 SDRAM at 800MHz - 2X2GB+2X1GB
Intel Core 2 Quad Processor Q9400 (2.66GHz, 1333MHz FSB), w/ 6MBcache
ATI Radeon HD 4350 512MB
750GB Serial ATA 2 Hard Drive 7200RPM

Ooo boy. Everything is top notch except for that video card. Put $100 into a cheap video card and it will run 5x better.


yacobod said:
hit 80 on my hunter on monday, did a pug naxx last night already 3/5 tier 7.5 and pretty much all epic'd out :lol

I wish I was that lucky. I've run Naxx 6 times and don't have a single piece of tier to show for it. =\

I only have T7 gloves from OS, and T8 pants from Ulduar.
TheExodu5 said:
I wish I was that lucky. I've run Naxx 6 times and don't have a single piece of tier to show for it. =\

I only have T7 gloves from OS, and T8 pants from Ulduar.

On my shammy I was invited to a group on KT for my windfury totem, and I got my tier 7.5 helm :D

TheExodu5 said:
Ooo boy. Everything is top notch except for that video card. Put $100 into a cheap video card and it will run 5x better.

Any suggestions? I'm not much of a computer guy


funkmastergeneral said:
Any suggestions? I'm not much of a computer guy

People will probably mainly recommend an HD 4850 for around that price.

First off, do you do any other PC gaming? Also, do you know what your power supply is? The power supply may limit what you can put in there.

Assuming your PSU can take it, and your case can accomodate a dual slot video-card, this one is nice:

Asus HD 4850 ($99)

edit: if you don't mind spending $10 more, here's one that will run cooler, and dump that how out outside of the case rather than inside the case:

Sapphire Vapor-X HD 4850

I'm sure someone in the PC thread can find you some better deals. That's just to get ya started.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
funkmastergeneral said:
Anyone know how well this computer will run WoW?

6GB DDR2 SDRAM at 800MHz - 2X2GB+2X1GB
Intel Core 2 Quad Processor Q9400 (2.66GHz, 1333MHz FSB), w/ 6MBcache
ATI Radeon HD 4350 512MB
750GB Serial ATA 2 Hard Drive 7200RPM
The 4850 is a much better card and is like 99 bucks on newegg.


yacobod said:
hit 80 on my hunter on monday, did a pug naxx last night already 3/5 tier 7.5 and pretty much all epic'd out :lol

You got pretty lucky to be let into a 25 man Naxx that quickly. PUGs on our server want everything short of your birth certificate to get in. When we run PUGs, which we do now, we ask for 2k DPS for OS25, and 2.5k DPS for Naxx25 and VoA25. Haven't ever had a problem. These people that want everyone to be 3.5k/4k+ are absurd.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
trying to configure GRID is the biggest PITA in the universe. Why must WoW addon's be so incredibly dense :lol

I wish Apple would design some of them for me so I wouldn't have to sit around with something that's unusable until you fiddle with 10 billion settings.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
TheExodu5 said:
I can't friggin' stand pugging thaddius. Either some people are too stupid to go on their respective sides, or they somehow don't make the jump to thaddius (even though you can just run off the ledge and make it).

OMG Lag!! Didn't anyone else get that lag spike???

Pugging Thadd is infuriating. I have yet to defeat him in a pug. Most just skip him after 2 attempts. When I miss out guild runs and have to pug, I dread it for just this very boss. RUN TO THE OTHER SIDE. How hard is that... I mean, really.....
commish said:
OMG Lag!! Didn't anyone else get that lag spike???

Pugging Thadd is infuriating. I have yet to defeat him in a pug. Most just skip him after 2 attempts. When I miss out guild runs and have to pug, I dread it for just this very boss. RUN TO THE OTHER SIDE. How hard is that... I mean, really.....

When I'm on my shaman I have to ask for a levitate otherwise I'll never make the jump :(
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