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World of Warcraft

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Don't you have to pay, real money to be in that guild? Sounds retarded. Three thousand members? What's the point?

yes, totally worth the price.



Lost all credibility.
Man people in this game are insanely nice. I asked for some money to buy my first mount in Stormwind and some random person came up and gave me 100 Gold.
sykoex said:
Man people in this game are insanely nice. I asked for some money to buy my first mount in Stormwind and some random person came up and gave me 100 Gold.

Are you playing on an RP server? Because most people are assholes in this game.


sykoex said:
Man people in this game are insanely nice. I asked for some money to buy my first mount in Stormwind and some random person came up and gave me 100 Gold.

What the fuck dude, I don't believe you.


sykoex said:
Man people in this game are insanely nice. I asked for some money to buy my first mount in Stormwind and some random person came up and gave me 100 Gold.

I would've told you to get fucked in the harshest manner possible, or just put you on ignore pending on what i'm doing at the time. When you deal with beggars in this game 24/7, most of which I suspect have an 80 main and are just doing it to be assholes or to be cheap, you become very very bitter towards beggars.


Still Tagged Accordingly
funkmastergeneral said:
Are you playing on an RP server? Because most people are assholes in this game.
eh... no more than any other online game. plenty of nice people AND assholes.

i was power-leveling a RAF alt and took it into Org one day. because it was getting power-leveled through instances with my warlock main it was still in starting gear. some dude must've done an inspect on me and saw that my level 30 alt was wearing shit.

so he runs off to the AH and just buys me heaps of gear for my alt. suddenly each equipment slot for my alt has decent greens for its level and i can start playing around with it in battlegrounds. and he did all this without any begging from me.

of course i had a main that could have easily funded new gear for my alt, but since this random dude was willing.... who was i to stop him?

i guess that makes him the nice guy and me the asshole. ;)

J-Rzez said:
I would've told you to get fucked in the harshest manner possible, or just put you on ignore pending on what i'm doing at the time. When you deal with beggars in this game 24/7, most of which I suspect have an 80 main and are just doing it to be assholes or to be cheap, you become very very bitter towards beggars.
just like real life!

... although i don't expect the homeless person i ignore has a main with thousands of gold :(


Has problems recognising girls
I have a soft spot for any young Shaman or Druid I come across, so I always handed them any spare gold I had lying around just to help them along. The chances of that happening significantly rose when I was drunk.


Scrow said:
so he runs off to the AH and just buys me heaps of gear for my alt. suddenly each equipment slot for my alt has decent greens for its level and i can start playing around with it in battlegrounds. and he did all this without any begging from me.


I've given away gold like that a few times. But its mostly to lower level characters (mid level I guess) that are trying to sell something like, one of the tradeskills epic or blue armor pieces that have like....a ton of fire resistance on it (that we all used to use for Molten Core) and when they are trying to sell said armor piece in General because they dont seem to know that Trade is more far reaching.

Ill politely let them know they may have a hard time selling that item they likely travelled the game world 3 times over collecting the mats for because the place we used it for is long forgotten, and give them a decent chunk of gold I know will last them a while, and perhaps ease some of their pain :lol

I mean, everyone is new to MMO's at some point or another, think about if this was your first one, and you werent a core gamer. Wouldnt it be easy to see an epic in your recipe book, know that you need money for a mount, so you 'work' to be able to finally craft one to sell, only to find out "WOOPS THE GAME HAS MOVED ON FROM THAT 3 YRS AGO LOLZ NOONE WANTS IT!". Ive got over 30k gold between my main and alts. Im not going to miss 250g here or there, and someone also did that for me when I first started playing DAoC (bought me and traded over to me some nice items).


Lost all credibility.
J-Rzez said:
I would've told you to get fucked in the harshest manner possible, or just put you on ignore pending on what i'm doing at the time. When you deal with beggars in this game 24/7, most of which I suspect have an 80 main and are just doing it to be assholes or to be cheap, you become very very bitter towards beggars.
Well I heard on WoW podcasts that the trade channel is usually a clusterfuck anyway, so I figured wouldn't hurt to beg there, I asked nicely though, and I got 4 responses. (one of whom was extremely generous)

Proof of WoW users' kindness:

Money left in bag after buying my mount, plus 2 mails with money. Oh and those are 4 16-slot Netherweave bags a guy in the guild I joined on Thursday made me. I most definitely plan to pay it forward.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
sykoex said:
Man people in this game are insanely nice. I asked for some money to buy my first mount in Stormwind and some random person came up and gave me 100 Gold.

This actually happened to me a while ago. I was starting a new character on a new server, so I had no gold whatsoever. When I reached 40, I had about 5 gold to my name. I asked in trade "can anyone help me with some gold for my mount?" I got a bunch of responses and I had my gold within about 1 minute.

I always give ppl gold if they ask me for some (depending on their level and the amount). Who doesn't have 1000s of gold these days? And there's nothing really to spend it on.


I give gold also and sometimes pots or my low level alchemy shit. I don't see the big deal about giving away stuff but to each his/her own. Plus dailies pretty much shit out gold. :lol


Waaaay back when I was guildless, bored, and on the verge of taking my usual half-year hiatus from WoW, I would sit in Goldshire and give out money and greens to lowbies. I've always wanted to see an MMO give high level players a reason to visit low level areas.
One time this dwarf asked me for gold in SW and I told him I'd give him I'd give him 5g if he ran circles around the fountain spamming /chicken for 3 minutes. :lol And he did it and I gave him the 5g.

Usually I just ignore beggars or say that they're begging for gold in trade. :D


One time I gave this newbie some gold plus 4 bags and welp, he stalked me to the point where I had to put him on ignore. Never being charitable again! :p
I just don't understand the concept of asking for money. If you go ahead and play the game, you'll make gold as you level up, do quests, sell vendor trash, etc. So it just pisses me off when people ask for money. If you don't want to play the game then don't waste my time.

And Blizzard has nerfed the money requirement on so many things (ie mount costs) that it is just laughable that people have to ask for gold. I'm not inclined to reward people who don't manage their money wisely or aren't willing to put forth any effort to do something for themselves. All it takes is a little preplanning, or at the very least, some discipline, and you can have decent gear, and all of your mount training requirements taken care of before you even hit 80.



I usually fuck with gold beggers. I'll make them get me beer or run laps around ironforge for a couple gold coins. They always do it. :lol :lol

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Eric WK said:
Mal'Ganis is basically the best Horde server in the US.
I repeat what I said :lol

Stupid image macros and "Good Squad 4 lyfe" shit would get annoying in like 10 sec. flat.

Chris R

I could start a char from scratch on a new server, no RAF or anything and have full 20 slotters and some left over gold in under 5 hours. People are just lazy.


PhoenixDark said:
Tank question: what's a good way to move Stormcaller Brundir out of the runes faster? Last night I tried shield bashing as he began to cast, and he'd move out sometimes - but it wasn't consistent enough. A shaman eventually started helping me pull him out of the rune, but in cases where I can't rely on another player I'd love to know how to move him more consistently (when needed).

It's the only thing that bugs me with the fight, in 10 man; trying it for the first time on 25 man later tonight. Warriors have so many stun moves, plus Intervening out of the overload isn't hard

You should have someone else helping you. I would always stick back with a tank to earth shock and keep them moving. It's worth sacrificing one dps to move him around.

Eteric Rice

I used to play the marketing game in WoW when I was low level, and had a shit load of money. One time I was in a group with this Warrior who would /sadface when we whiped because he'd have to do repairs. He wanted to get his epic mount.

I felt bad for him, so I gave him like 500 + gold to get whatever it was.

Dude offered me group invites for like two weeks straight. LOL

Also gave like 400 gold to two of my friends for Christmas.


Lost all credibility.
rhfb said:
I could start a char from scratch on a new server, no RAF or anything and have full 20 slotters and some left over gold in under 5 hours. People are just lazy.
You should write a guide.

Eteric Rice

sykoex said:
You should write a guide.


I usually just mine. I just got my Death Knight's mining up to snuff. Mining some parts of the old world is a bitch and a half, though.

Another thing I usually do is buy and resell. See a stack of ore that usually sells for 20g for 17g? Buy it, and sell it for 20g. If you have a lot of gold you can buy other people out and inflate the prices, but then you're just being a dick head.

I have nearly 2kg so far at level 69 (he's my main on this server), but its all going to be gone soon because I have to buy the flying mount, dual spec, and all of that bullshit. :(


Weenerz said:
DPS plate itemization on the new gear blows, so much hit and haste, wtf! Give us crit and ArP damn you!

When has Blizzard EVER known how to budget stats on plate DPS gear?

I love my 145 Stamina DPS legs.

I have as much HP buffed in my DPS gear as some lesser geared tanks (around 32k).


Hey guys! I'm new to GAF and I saw the WoW thread and I just wanted to drop in to say hello. I just came back from a six month break last week and got into raiding again. I'm an alliance warrior tank on Blackhand. My character's name is Aurarian if any Blackhand peeps want to give a shout. I hope to post here a lot since I love this game. See ya later.


:lol @ Shaman S7. Looks like an elementary school student tried to draw fanart of Gemini Man.

God the armor art in this game is so fucking hideous lately. To be honest, to me it's mostly always been hideous, not all, like Priest sets were usually good pre-LK and random others but once LK hit it feels like they went straight to D-list artists all around.

The character art situation feels like such a great disservice to the folks who do the lovely environment art which was totally awesome this expansion.

Well, I guess the leveling gear looked solid. It actually looked like reasonably designed, reasonably colored ARMOR, unlike the tier gear. For my T9, I predict colors that don't match, recycled patterns that never looked good, some random glowing shit, maddening clipping through my character, something huge and stupid on the shoulders and the ugliest helmet you could possibly fucking imagine.

Eteric Rice

Alex said:
:lol @ Shaman S7. Looks like an elementary school student tried to draw fanart of Gemini Man.

God the armor art in this game is so fucking hideous lately. To be honest, to me it's mostly always been hideous, not all, like Priest sets were usually good pre-LK and random others but once LK hit it feels like they went straight to D-list artists all around.

The character art situation feels like such a great disservice to the folks who do the lovely environment art which was totally awesome this expansion.

Well, I guess the leveling gear looked solid. It actually looked like reasonably designed, reasonably colored ARMOR, unlike the tier gear. For my T9, I predict colors that don't match, recycled patterns that never looked good, some random glowing shit, maddening clipping through my character, something huge and stupid on the shoulders and the ugliest helmet you could possibly fucking imagine.

I don't care about the designs, what pisses me off is that EVERYONE HAS THE SAME FUCKING ARMOR but with different colors.

I mean wtf.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Kyoufu said:
Shaman in my guild (Blue Garter) got Valanyr last night. Here is what the shield buff looks like lol.

i love the effects in WoW


Alex said:
:lol @ Shaman S7. Looks like an elementary school student tried to draw fanart of Gemini Man.

God the armor art in this game is so fucking hideous lately. To be honest, to me it's mostly always been hideous, not all, like Priest sets were usually good pre-LK and random others but once LK hit it feels like they went straight to D-list artists all around.

The character art situation feels like such a great disservice to the folks who do the lovely environment art which was totally awesome this expansion.

Well, I guess the leveling gear looked solid. It actually looked like reasonably designed, reasonably colored ARMOR, unlike the tier gear. For my T9, I predict colors that don't match, recycled patterns that never looked good, some random glowing shit, maddening clipping through my character, something huge and stupid on the shoulders and the ugliest helmet you could possibly fucking imagine.

You know, you're right. Some of the shit they come up with is ridiculous. For example, Pally tier 7 is fucking funny. They look like Power Rangers.


I've given out random gold, as well as stuff I have made to train up my JC skills. Depends on my mood and who is asking.


Alex said:
:lol @ Shaman S7. Looks like an elementary school student tried to draw fanart of Gemini Man.

God the armor art in this game is so fucking hideous lately. To be honest, to me it's mostly always been hideous, not all, like Priest sets were usually good pre-LK and random others but once LK hit it feels like they went straight to D-list artists all around.

The character art situation feels like such a great disservice to the folks who do the lovely environment art which was totally awesome this expansion.

Well, I guess the leveling gear looked solid. It actually looked like reasonably designed, reasonably colored ARMOR, unlike the tier gear. For my T9, I predict colors that don't match, recycled patterns that never looked good, some random glowing shit, maddening clipping through my character, something huge and stupid on the shoulders and the ugliest helmet you could possibly fucking imagine.

I agree for the most part but I do think that the Warlock and, to a lesser extent, the Warrior classes have had pretty decent armor.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The new Horde Plate looks cool, the new T9 alliance looks dreadful.

Shaman T7 and T8 were fucking hot, even with the chained gemini man shoulder things.


Interfectum said:
I agree for the most part but I do think that the Warlock and, to a lesser extent, the Warrior classes have had pretty decent armor.

You saved me from typing all that. :p I loved all the Warlock designs in TBC, I use to stare at my guildie who AFKed in front of the AH as he progressed through the raids. The only Warrior piece I didn't vibe with was the Tier 8, it wasn't bad by any means but the previous Warrior sets were pretty hardcore.


Warrior T9 isn't that great. I like my T7 better and T8 isn't too great either. I've always thought that T3 and T7 is the kind of design choices they should go for warriors. I love the shoulders!

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
So I wonder if Ensidia is up in arms about the whole Yogg +0 thing or what, now that a few guilds seem to have downed Yogg +0 legitimately? It really doesn't reflect well on them that they claimed it was "mathematically impossible" and it turned out that it just required creative solutions/thinking out of the box (i.e. Stars using a million Affliction locks, Premonition did some kind of bizarro kiting).


Modesty becomes a woman
Angry Grimace said:
So I wonder if Ensidia is up in arms about the whole Yogg +0 thing or what, now that a few guilds seem to have downed Yogg +0 legitimately? It really doesn't reflect well on them that they claimed it was "mathematically impossible" and it turned out that it just required creative solutions/thinking out of the box (i.e. Stars using a million Affliction locks, Premonition did some kind of bizarro kiting).

In their defense they can't be right 100% of the time.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
In their defense they can't be right 100% of the time.
I'm not even entirely sure that's a quote by them, that's just what I heard they were attributed to have said. I don't really follow professional Warcraft teams, I just knew about that whole debacle with the cheating first kill and saw the video of the chinese guild that did it.


Angry Grimace said:
So I wonder if Ensidia is up in arms about the whole Yogg +0 thing or what, now that a few guilds seem to have downed Yogg +0 legitimately? It really doesn't reflect well on them that they claimed it was "mathematically impossible" and it turned out that it just required creative solutions/thinking out of the box (i.e. Stars using a million Affliction locks, Premonition did some kind of bizarro kiting).

Didn't they say that they didn't really care about this boss in the first place? Sounds like a sore loser.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Aurarian said:
Didn't they say that they didn't really care about this boss in the first place? Sounds like a sore loser.
Did they? But isn't it their "jobs" to care? I mean, they have sponsorships and all.
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