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World of Warcraft

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Anyone here on Mannoroth? My cousin who begged me to come back to the game is probably transferring servers, so I'm looking for people to play with now...


bengraven said:
Re-read this thread after a few months away from WoW and I'm so glad I'm gone.

Me on the other hand would love to be playing but a full time job and family dont allow it to me anymore....I know I could still play for an hour or two a day but I know my characters would be pretty mediocre at best....


Junior Member



- Maelstrom Set
Wolfenhold - 1 to 10
Xorothian Plains - 10 to 20

Gilneas - 77 to 80
Grim Batol - 78 to 81
Kul Tiras - 79 to 82
Kezan - 81 to 86
Tel Abim - 83 to 85
Zandalar - 84 to 87
Plunder Isle - 86 to 88
The Broken Isles - 87 to 90
The Maelstrom - 89 to 90
The Green Lands - ?? to ??
The Dying Paradise - ?? to ??
The Emerald Nightmare - ?? to ??
The Eye of Ysera - ?? to ?? [Raid?]
Updated list, possible they merged these.


Here's what I am thinking as far as this whole Goblin / Worgen fiasco;

Available classes:

Rogue, Warrior, Mage, Hunter, Death Knight

Mount Type: Mechano-spiders.

Expansive Mind: Increase Intellect by 5%.
Engineering Specialist: 15 point skill bonus to Engineering.
Find Treasure : Activate to see treasure chests on mini map.
Merchant's Meddle: Starting Backback is 20 slots instead of the default 16.


Available classes:

Rogue, Warrior, Priest, Warlock, Death Knight

Mount Type: Gnarl (A powerfully built cross between a wolf and an iguana)

The Beast Within: Activate to increase attack and spell power for 15 sec.
Unrelenting: Increases chance to critically hit by 1%.
Shadow Resistance: Reduces the chance you will be hit by Shadow spells by 2%.
Terrifying Howl: Silence all enemies within 10 yards for 2 seconds.


I dunno why I waste time thinking up these things... My Worgen definitely got the better racials, Goblins probably need some type of Escape Artist like ability, probably in place of the ripped-off Dwarf Treasure ability (which is useless since Blizz is phasing out chests).


Has problems recognising girls
As Orbitcube said, bold statement by MMO-Champion.

Goblin and Worgen have been rumoured for years, and while these are only masks, it would certainly fit into the theme of the South Seas. The Isle of Kezan will most certainly be in the game due to it's closeness to the Maelstrom though no idea how the Goblins will start off - I'd imagine it would be akin to the Jungle Trolls that broke off and joined the Horde. Gilneas has shut its walls since WC2 and it'd be supremely awesome to think that it has been over-run by the Worgen.


A new race or two makes sense for an expansion, since it breathes life back into the old world for a brief period of time.

Probably the biggest turn off for any new gamer trying out WoW is the utter lack of people as they level through the 1~80 content.


Looking back, the "neutrality" of goblins doesn't seem to preclude them being a horde race that much, IMO. I mean gnomes have neutral cities and towns all over the place but are alliance.

Worgens and Draeneis will make up most raids now I'm betting.

If those are true.:lol

Good fucking lord though, 573 comments on that mmo-champion post already.


Has problems recognising girls
The sad truth is lore and in-game placements can only take you so much. A lot of it is still speculation purely because Blizzard can do anything they want i.e. Draenei as a race themselves and Blood Elf Paladins.


Retro said:
Here's what I am thinking as far as this whole Goblin / Worgen fiasco;
Goblins could be warlock/mage, in fact I'd see Goblins good as warlock/mage/rogue/warrior/DK. Basically just like gnomes when I think about it.

Worgen could be warrior/rogue/hunter/DK and then maybe add in druid if they're "good guy" worgens and not "evil guys turned good for convenience" like DKs.

But I think we won't get a new race, or if we do, it'll be goblins and you pick a side upon completing their starter zone. The reason goblins wouldn't be compelled to join the horde lore-wise is because the orcs promised to leave the goblins alone after Warcraft 2, where they made them join or die. Goblins are actually native to Azeroth. Then again, lore-wise the draenei were all ugly and not spacegoats with Russian accents who fly through the universe in magical starships.

edit: Anyway, I was wondering, did everybody see the new heirlooms coming next patch? Pretty awesome stuff if you ask me. Finally good shaman stuff for leveling enhance, a good feral druid weapon, and chests with 10% bonus xp to match the shoulders? I'm so going to wind up buying at least the cloth and plate chests, maybe also the dps mail shoulder/chest combo.


Weenerz said:
They are simply adding more variety to the Halloween masks. Having a Goblin race is not going to happen.

I dunno, considering we've never seen a female worgen, it's a really weird thing to suddenly add in.


Junior Member
Weenerz said:
They are simply adding more variety to the Halloween masks. Having a Goblin race is not going to happen.
Put this on for size.

Look at the faces, notice how the brow is more defined, the jaw is more chizeled.
Hell, look at the worgen. Totally clean and cut design with a female variation.

Now what are the three interesting things?
1: Female Worgen. We have not seen one of these in the game AT ALL.
2: New Goblin Facial Design
3: Aliasing, which is only present on a 3D Model screen capped and pasted onto a shopped image.

The only way for all 3 of those to happen is if they were going to make these a new race.
Even then, the only masks in the game is for playable characters.


Take a closer look.
I guess the Goblins would be Horde since the Horde does not have any little people and they work for them building all their technology.

I don't understand why the worgen would join any faction though. As far as I know they're just crazy evil werewolves from another dimension who come in to kill everything where there's lots of magic being used. Kind of like the Burning Legion.
Oni Link 666 said:
I guess the Goblins would be Horde since the Horde does not have any little people and they work for them building all their technology.

I don't understand why the worgen would join any faction though. As far as I know they're just crazy evil werewolves from another dimension who come in to kill everything where there's lots of magic being used. Kind of like the Burning Legion.
I think they'd both be neutral and could choose a side after a starting zone. Goblins wouldn't join the Horde exclusively because that would ruin relations with the Alliance, and they're all about the money. They'd just work for the highest bidder.

Worgen? Hell if I know how they'd work. I guess since Arugal is dead once and for all (that probably has nothing to do with anything) and if the Greymane wall gets destroyed in the expansion, the Worgen could retain their physical form but gain free will, sort of like how the DKs worked.


Junior Member
Orbitcube said:
I think they'd both be neutral and could choose a side after a starting zone. Goblins wouldn't join the Horde exclusively because that would ruin relations with the Alliance, and they're all about the money. They'd just work for the highest bidder.

Worgen? Hell if I know how they'd work. I guess since Arugal is dead once and for all (that probably has nothing to do with anything) and if the Greymane wall gets destroyed in the expansion, the Worgen could retain their physical form but gain free will, sort of like how the DKs worked.
I'll quote this: http://www.scrollsoflore.com/forums/showthread.php?p=130023#post130023
Because those wolves happen to control land that lays between his peaceful kingdom in the south and the holdings of the hated Forsaken to the north?

Because Gil'neas would be the ideal staging point for an invasion of Lordearon?

Because a good king (and Wrynn is a pretty good king) knows a useful pawn when he sees one?

The savagery of The Worgen is not necessarily the rule. When first summoned by the scythe of elune the Worgen where obedient and dutiful servants to their night elf masters. Only once control of the scythe was lost and the worgan began to enter Azeroth in unchecked numbers did they turn on their keepers.

Perhaps theirs is a society in transit. Shell-shocked from a sudden and unasked for migration into a world that was not their own. With years to settle and reestablish themselves perhaps we are just now seeing the true face of the worgen psyche.
Theory, but something close might happen.
Orbitcube said:
I think they'd both be neutral and could choose a side after a starting zone.

I think it would be cool if Goblins could switch factions or talk to Goblins on the other faction. They could buy stuff in one AH and sell it on the other and stuff like that. It would fit really well with their story. Blizzard seems really against having one race in both factions though. Probably because of PVP.


Has problems recognising girls
Just remind yourselves that Blizzard are incorporating cross faction transfers and their stance to "dumb" down the game. There's no denying that WoW over the years has become much more accessible, for good or bad that is up to the general player to decide. It'd certainly be interesting to see both races start off as neutral and decide at the turn of level 18-20 to choose a faction of their choice. There's no more Shaman vs Paladin headbutting going on between the factions these days.

There was also a blue post when this news first hit on the EU forums that seemed to "egg-on" the discovery more than anything.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
sprsk said:
That's kind of a stretch, I doubt they will make a goblin class.
Goblins are a fairly easy class to transition into the game, especially considering the number of animations they have and the request for their inclusion since early in the game's lifecycle.

Worgen on the other hand would be a rather unexpected inclusion. They're quite unlike any of the other races in the game even in terms of their body structure.


I suspect some form of "gimmick" to these races. Something along the lines of picking your side (Horde or ally), via quest chain in their respective starting zones. OR, I suppose seeing goblins going Horde (since horde doesn't have a "midget sized" race) and the ally are filled with lame classes and Worgen may actually draw some more people to that side other than female drannies .

I'd say the female worgen is a pretty good give away, and I'm surprised it took it this long for goblins to be playable.


Hooray, furry shit for the Alliance. =/ Taurens are at least kind of interesting, adding Worgens as a playable race just makes me think too much of Everquest.

Although, it's still a better contrast to the angel prostitutes in the new NCSoft bomb of the year.


Junior Member
Alex said:
Hooray, furry shit for the Alliance. =/ Taurens are at least kind of interesting, adding Worgens as a playable race just makes me think too much of Everquest.
At least its not frogloks. :lol

Worgens remind me a bit of Vanguard's Vulmane actually.


I don't care what they say, Murlocs would be an awesome playable race. horde only though because alliance isn't cool enough. They can have another furry race.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
firex said:
I don't care what they say, Murlocs would be an awesome playable race. horde only though because alliance isn't cool enough. They can have another furry race.
The servers would crash permanently if:

Alliance - Pandaren
Horde - Murloc


I hate my life.

I did all hard modes excluding vezax/yogg last night and no 2handers dropped..... ;(

If yogg doesn't drop one tonight I'm going to DI irl.
This has probably been mentioned before (ages ago) but that Sargeras sound clip that was found in the PTR files that everyone thought was from the raid or whatever was just from the Horde Wrathgate quest chain. I remember everyone (including me) speculating about who it was, what it meant, etc.

But yeah, just looked through the sound files again today and some time in the last few builds Blizz added WG to the files and that sorta tipped me off, had a look and that exact sound clip is found in the Wrathgate chain.
Did Freya for the first time last night. We wiped on first try due to not spreading out enough before killing the exploding adds. On the second try we completed owned it. Overall it wasn't a hard fight imo; once the add phase was over Freya's heath dropped like a fly

Then we tried Mimiron (my first time) and failed, but it was late and people were tired. On first try I failed hard, running into the mines while trying to get away from the overcharge lol. But after that the mines were never a problem. If heals were better I'm sure we would have shitcanned him

edit: I got this from Hodir lol: http://www.wowhead.com/?item=45458

No one in the group could use it except me, so it was basically handed over (for 20 dkp) :lol
Hey wow players...I recently got back to the US and will have plenty of time to play and raid with wow again. I was wondering if the GAF community has a guild/server that most revolve around? If so please tell and i'll make a toon there and begin the grind. Thanks
Word of advice, if you really want to raid, try to roll on a server that's in your timezone :lol

I'm on Dragonmaw (west coast sever) and I live in NYC and raiding til 3AM is starting to take its toll on me.


Legjend said:
Word of advice, if you really want to raid, try to roll on a server that's in your timezone :lol

I'm on Dragonmaw (west coast sever) and I live in NYC and raiding til 3AM is starting to take its toll on me.

My raid tonight starts at 6am for me :(


The only thing that makes me question this is it seems out of the two Worgon would be much, much more popular than a goblin and Worgon would almost have to go Alliance (lore wise) for it to make sense. This would tip the scales for alliance even more than it is now.

Which makes me agree with another poster that said I believe these races will start off neutral and you will pick a side OR there's two more races to be unveiled. Pandaran going horde would be a tip back the other way.
Hahaha, man I don't get why people freak out over loot on this game. Some guy gets pissy with me in Naxx 10 (of all places to rage over) because I outrolled him on a piece of melee DPS loot, because it would be a bigger upgrade for him over me. Why should I pass on shit to him because he's still wearing quest greens? I hate cry babies in this game more then anything, even homophobes in Halo 3.

Interfectum said:
The only thing that makes me question this is it seems out of the two Worgon would be much, much more popular than a goblin and Worgon would almost have to go Alliance (lore wise) for it to make sense. This would tip the scales for alliance even more than it is now.

Which makes me agree with another poster that said I believe these races will start off neutral and you will pick a side OR there's two more races to be unveiled. Pandaran going horde would be a tip back the other way.

Panderan Brewmaster pleeeeease, that would be so awesome.

Chris R

Legjend said:
Word of advice, if you really want to raid, try to roll on a server that's in your timezone :lol

I'm on Dragonmaw (west coast sever) and I live in NYC and raiding til 3AM is starting to take its toll on me.
Horde or alliance..... :D
strange_booj said:
What's the best server to join if I want to play with gaffers? Still the ones listed in OP?
Everyone's spread around the servers, there's no specific GAF realms really. Just choose one you think you'll like (don't go for the recommended servers, most of them are pretty bad in regards to how many people there are and how progressed they are). Go for one with about a medium-high population.


strange_booj said:
What's the best server to join if I want to play with gaffers? Still the ones listed in OP?

I'd also look up WoWwiki about server locations. Most servers actually aren't located where their timezones are (example: Venture Co., a PST server, is actually near Boston), and if you pvp, getting the best possible ping is half the game (the other half is gear, class, and keybindings :D ).


Interfectum said:
The only thing that makes me question this is it seems out of the two Worgon would be much, much more popular than a goblin and Worgon would almost have to go Alliance (lore wise) for it to make sense. This would tip the scales for alliance even more than it is now.

Which makes me agree with another poster that said I believe these races will start off neutral and you will pick a side OR there's two more races to be unveiled. Pandaran going horde would be a tip back the other way.

There will never be neutral races where you can pick you faction unless picking a faction makes you significantly physically different looking.

It's probably why Alliance will never get high elves as a playable race despite there being numerous alliance high elf NPC's - they look exactly like blood elves, except for the eyes.
I couldn't score tickets this year, but myself and a buddy went last year and had a blast. Still planning on heading there this year. Any GAF going to be there? I am Tuffems from Emerald Dream, haven't played since I hit 80 and did a bit of raiding, but still have an eternal call to this game.
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