Weenerz said:Are you people having auth issues using a bnet account? I am logging in just fine.
Xabora said:Just get a DK Buddy and a Druid buddy.
Make sure the DK has CE and the Druid the glyph to restore energy, rage, runic power and mana.
Have him keep casting the reg on the DK so he can keep popping the corpses with CE.
Xabora said:
Uhh... weird.
Xabora said:New monitor, Asus VH232 @ 1920x1080!
And yeah both auth servers have been on the fritz.
Tiny pic resized it.![]()
I remember doing that before some of the major DK changes. :lolKyoufu said:Since when could you CE friendly corpses?
VAIL said:I've been seeing a lot of rare monsters as of late, dunno if it's just dumb luck or what.
I created a mage and this came from Threggil seems to sell pretty well on my server so it was a nice little bonus.
Mr Nash said:So, I hit 80 on my shadow priest the other day. What should I be gunning for on the target dummies, unbuffed, in terms of DPS before I start taking him into heroics? I'm only getting around 1.4k right now, and not terribly happy with that. :\
iamblades said:As with any caster class, you want to get a bunch of hit asap. The spell miss rate against boss level mobs is ridiculous. After you reach the hit cap, stack spellpower as much as you can. Crit you should get it where you can without losing any of the above stats, but I wouldnt gem or enchant for it, and haste you will probably get enough of almost on accident.
As for the dps you should look for, somewhere in that range seems common from the fresh 80 SPs in blues I've grouped with. They scale well once you get hit capped and stack of lot of spellpower though.
1400-1500 dps or so over the course of an instance run is about what i expect minimum for any dps class in a heroic. That's counting aoe trash though, so it could be a bit lower on the dummy. Those people that expect 2.5k dps to run a heroic are nuts, so I wouldn't worry about it too much.
My prot pally has come in second on the dps charts a couple times so far, which might be embarassing for the dps, heroics are still easy as hell, so why worry. A couple peices of emblem gear and some drops and youll be hitting 2500 easy enough.![]()
As a shadow priest, he should already be hit capped against heroic bosses. They're only level 82, meaning he needs 6% hit which he should already have from talents and debuffs anyway. It's critical for raids, certainly, but significantly less so for heroics.iamblades said:As with any caster class, you want to get a bunch of hit asap. The spell miss rate against boss level mobs is ridiculous.
iamblades said:As with any caster class, you want to get a bunch of hit asap. The spell miss rate against boss level mobs is ridiculous.
Flib said:Also don't listen to most people on forums like mmo-champion, as they believe you should be pulling 4k dps in raids with quest blues at 80's or you're a terrible player. They all claim to do 12kdps on Hodir. These people are all completely full of shit.
Flib said:Also don't listen to most people on forums like mmo-champion, as they believe you should be pulling 4k dps in raids with quest blues at 80's or you're a terrible player. They all claim to do 12kdps on Hodir. These people are all completely full of shit.
Legjend said:So I have a Pally at 60 and a Druid at 47. I want one of them to be a healer and one to be a tank. Keep in mind that my main is a lock so it's gonna be difficult for me to learn something that is drastically different. Which class should fill which role?
Retro said:Paladin tanking is generally considered to be the most boring of the four tanking classes, while Paladin healing is considered to be the most boring of... every class in the game.
Pay the 1000g and dual-spec your Druid for both, at least until Blizzard gets their head out of their asses as far as the Pally class is concerned.
Interfectum said:Considering half the population now consists of Paladins I'd say they don't need to be made anymore fun.
Flib said:Also don't listen to most people on forums like mmo-champion, as they believe you should be pulling 4k dps in raids with quest blues at 80's or you're a terrible player. They all claim to do 12kdps on Hodir. These people are all completely full of shit.
No, Paladin tanking is considered the weakest of the four because they are missing a couple good survival cooldowns/generally less HP than Warriors/Druids/DKs. I know from my experience, warrior tanking is by far more boring and also more frustrating.Retro said:Paladin tanking is generally considered to be the most boring of the four tanking classes, while Paladin healing is considered to be the most boring of... every class in the game.
Pay the 1000g and dual-spec your Druid for both, at least until Blizzard gets their head out of their asses as far as the Pally class is concerned.
funkmastergeneral said:Paladin healing is fun if you enjoy pressing your flash of light hotkey over and over and over
Kyoufu said:Already beaten but I feel like I should still say....uhhhhhh dude that whole fight is based on large dps numbers. Our mages do 16k dps on that fight.
I myself, as a ret pally did 8.7k. I hate that fight as it is biased towards ranged![]()
funkmastergeneral said:Paladin healing is fun if you enjoy pressing your flash of light hotkey over and over and over
funkmastergeneral said:Paladin healing is fun if you enjoy pressing your flash of light hotkey over and over and over
Weenerz said:Melee are the ones getting screwed for that fight.
Man I'd love to join in but I just don't know if I can stomach leveling another character to 80 again.SuperAndroid17 said:If anyone is interested in rerolling Alliance " Arthas "
A bunch of us rerolled Alliance from Shattered hand Horde yesterday, just throwing it up for anyone interested. Hopefully bringing back pvp premades/world pvp etc, we cleared most of ulduar cept for Yogg. Got fed up with the elitist attitude growing on shattered hand .
My druids name is Mutashi on ally side![]()
speedpop said:Man I'd love to join in but I just don't know if I can stomach leveling another character to 80 again.
Puncture said::lol Ever seen what a Frost DK can do on that fight?
Absolute absurdity. But aside from them, yeah its the casters doing the big numbers.
Gloomfire said:A guildie and I ran some of his alts through Stratholme yesterday......holy fuck. I never could get a group for that place when I was leveling, and I think I now might know why. Is it as brutal for the appropriate level range as it seems? Hell, even at 80 it wasn't a walk in the park considering the amount of shit you pull.
keeblerdrow said:$25 and that problem goes away.
If you'd said horde, I might've transferred.