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World of Warcraft

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Junior Member
New monitor, Asus VH232 @ 1920x1080!
And yeah both auth servers have been on the fritz.


Tiny pic resized it. :(


Modesty becomes a woman
Xabora said:
Just get a DK Buddy and a Druid buddy.
Make sure the DK has CE and the Druid the glyph to restore energy, rage, runic power and mana.

Have him keep casting the reg on the DK so he can keep popping the corpses with CE.

This isn't working, it says "target is alive".


We ended up calling the raid...Everytime we attempted Thorim, like 12 people would d/c and the raid would wipe. Fuck this shit.
Xabora said:
New monitor, Asus VH232 @ 1920x1080!
And yeah both auth servers have been on the fritz.


Tiny pic resized it. :(

i know the feeling!

just recently went from a dying 1024x768 crt to a 23 inch samsung lcd at 1920x1080 the ui looks so much better to me now :lol


I've been seeing a lot of rare monsters as of late, dunno if it's just dumb luck or what.

I created a mage and this came from Threggil seems to sell pretty well on my server so it was a nice little bonus.


VAIL said:
I've been seeing a lot of rare monsters as of late, dunno if it's just dumb luck or what.

I created a mage and this came from Threggil seems to sell pretty well on my server so it was a nice little bonus.

In the old world, I think they upped the spawn rate of the rare monsters, plus nobody else is generally around to kill them. I know I still run and hit that ogre in Alterac Mountains occasionally just because the blue he drops sells for 90g on my server and he's a quick hit.
I'm so lazy to learn the daily quests and do them everyday. I got burned out in BC when i did them for a month straight to get my epic flyer. I remember that I didn't even repair or really do instances that month because every copper counts. :lol By the time i was 200g away, I wanted to rip my hair out and then a guildie was kind enough to send me the rest in an attempt to save my sanity. :lol

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
So, I hit 80 on my shadow priest the other day. What should I be gunning for on the target dummies, unbuffed, in terms of DPS before I start taking him into heroics? I'm only getting around 1.4k right now, and not terribly happy with that. :\


Mr Nash said:
So, I hit 80 on my shadow priest the other day. What should I be gunning for on the target dummies, unbuffed, in terms of DPS before I start taking him into heroics? I'm only getting around 1.4k right now, and not terribly happy with that. :\

As with any caster class, you want to get a bunch of hit asap. The spell miss rate against boss level mobs is ridiculous. After you reach the hit cap, stack spellpower as much as you can. Crit you should get it where you can without losing any of the above stats, but I wouldnt gem or enchant for it, and haste you will probably get enough of almost on accident.

As for the dps you should look for, somewhere in that range seems common from the fresh 80 SPs in blues I've grouped with. They scale well once you get hit capped and stack of lot of spellpower though.

1400-1500 dps or so over the course of an instance run is about what i expect minimum for any dps class in a heroic. That's counting aoe trash though, so it could be a bit lower on the dummy. Those people that expect 2.5k dps to run a heroic are nuts, so I wouldn't worry about it too much.

My prot pally has come in second on the dps charts a couple times so far, which might be embarassing for the dps, heroics are still easy as hell, so why worry. A couple peices of emblem gear and some drops and youll be hitting 2500 easy enough. :D


iamblades said:
As with any caster class, you want to get a bunch of hit asap. The spell miss rate against boss level mobs is ridiculous. After you reach the hit cap, stack spellpower as much as you can. Crit you should get it where you can without losing any of the above stats, but I wouldnt gem or enchant for it, and haste you will probably get enough of almost on accident.

As for the dps you should look for, somewhere in that range seems common from the fresh 80 SPs in blues I've grouped with. They scale well once you get hit capped and stack of lot of spellpower though.

1400-1500 dps or so over the course of an instance run is about what i expect minimum for any dps class in a heroic. That's counting aoe trash though, so it could be a bit lower on the dummy. Those people that expect 2.5k dps to run a heroic are nuts, so I wouldn't worry about it too much.

My prot pally has come in second on the dps charts a couple times so far, which might be embarassing for the dps, heroics are still easy as hell, so why worry. A couple peices of emblem gear and some drops and youll be hitting 2500 easy enough. :D

Also don't listen to most people on forums like mmo-champion, as they believe you should be pulling 4k dps in raids with quest blues at 80's or you're a terrible player. They all claim to do 12kdps on Hodir. These people are all completely full of shit.


iamblades said:
As with any caster class, you want to get a bunch of hit asap. The spell miss rate against boss level mobs is ridiculous.
As a shadow priest, he should already be hit capped against heroic bosses. They're only level 82, meaning he needs 6% hit which he should already have from talents and debuffs anyway. It's critical for raids, certainly, but significantly less so for heroics.


Really Really Exciting Member!
iamblades said:
As with any caster class, you want to get a bunch of hit asap. The spell miss rate against boss level mobs is ridiculous.

That's why i love my Draenei Arcane mage. :lol

+7% passive hit chance with the racial + Precision in the Frost Tree + Arcane Focus in the Arcane Tree. :D
Flib said:
Also don't listen to most people on forums like mmo-champion, as they believe you should be pulling 4k dps in raids with quest blues at 80's or you're a terrible player. They all claim to do 12kdps on Hodir. These people are all completely full of shit.

Our top two mages did 18,336 and 16,965 DPS on Hodir last week. The first doing 3.2 million damage in 2:54. 4K DPS is possible in a mix of ilvl 200 epics and blues (with certain classes, I did that on my destruction warlock).


Flib said:
Also don't listen to most people on forums like mmo-champion, as they believe you should be pulling 4k dps in raids with quest blues at 80's or you're a terrible player. They all claim to do 12kdps on Hodir. These people are all completely full of shit.

Yea those people claiming numbers like that on Hodir was absolutely correct. It's a huge dps race, especially if you're going for his rare cache. Melee are the ones getting screwed for that fight.


Oh, I know numbers like that are possible on Hodir, we get them in my guild on 25man. I'm just saying that most of the posters claiming that they are getting that on these forums are full of shit if you check out their armories.

Also, for classes like hunters, people who rolled up to 80 right after wrath was released and were running survival could pull 4k dps in naxx10 without too much effort, but their damage was substantially nerfed with the Explosive Shot changes and it requires better gear to do at this point. There was a thread on mmo-champion with some hunter claiming he was doing 4k dps in naxx, and he was like way below the hit-cap, had a crit rating of like 27% and was fully gemmed for expertise rating. That guy was full of shit.
So I have a Pally at 60 and a Druid at 47. I want one of them to be a healer and one to be a tank. Keep in mind that my main is a lock so it's gonna be difficult for me to learn something that is drastically different. Which class should fill which role?


Legjend said:
So I have a Pally at 60 and a Druid at 47. I want one of them to be a healer and one to be a tank. Keep in mind that my main is a lock so it's gonna be difficult for me to learn something that is drastically different. Which class should fill which role?

Paladin tanking is generally considered to be the most boring of the four tanking classes, while Paladin healing is considered to be the most boring of... every class in the game.

Pay the 1000g and dual-spec your Druid for both, at least until Blizzard gets their head out of their asses as far as the Pally class is concerned.


Retro said:
Paladin tanking is generally considered to be the most boring of the four tanking classes, while Paladin healing is considered to be the most boring of... every class in the game.

Pay the 1000g and dual-spec your Druid for both, at least until Blizzard gets their head out of their asses as far as the Pally class is concerned.

Considering half the population now consists of Paladins I'd say they don't need to be made anymore fun.

Go with Druid for all 3 needs and you'll be good. :)


Interfectum said:
Considering half the population now consists of Paladins I'd say they don't need to be made anymore fun.

What used to be a challenging class to play because it had so few things it could do to improve DPS is now a faceroller class because it still has very few things to do, but can now produce respectable DPS.

See, that's one good thing about these constant nerfs; the people who played Paladins before WotLK made them flavor-of-the-month material are used to the constant soul-crushing and ham-fisted nerfing, and have weathered worse before. All of the people who jumped onto the class after seeing it's (unintentionally broken) damage potential in beta and on the PTRs are the ones crying the loudest. Those of us who remember when Blessing of Kings was at the top of the Retribution tree are just happy to be able to come to raids now.

The majority of old school paladins never asked for Ret to be the overpowered FotM class, they just wanted respectable DPS and reasonable, raid-worthy utility. Something to break free of the constant Retardin persona, but by no means did the old guard of Paladins want to have huntards rerolling Pally.


Flib said:
Also don't listen to most people on forums like mmo-champion, as they believe you should be pulling 4k dps in raids with quest blues at 80's or you're a terrible player. They all claim to do 12kdps on Hodir. These people are all completely full of shit.

Already beaten but I feel like I should still say....uhhhhhh dude that whole fight is based on large dps numbers. Our mages do 16k dps on that fight.

I myself, as a ret pally did 8.7k. I hate that fight as it is biased towards ranged :(


No One Remembers
Hodir is completely RNG based. Sometimes I'd be hitting 12k+ on my ele Shaman if I got the buffs within a decent range of each other or was able to keep them up at the same time. Other times I would do about ~7-8k if I had bad luck with the buffs.


Retro said:
Paladin tanking is generally considered to be the most boring of the four tanking classes, while Paladin healing is considered to be the most boring of... every class in the game.

Pay the 1000g and dual-spec your Druid for both, at least until Blizzard gets their head out of their asses as far as the Pally class is concerned.
No, Paladin tanking is considered the weakest of the four because they are missing a couple good survival cooldowns/generally less HP than Warriors/Druids/DKs. I know from my experience, warrior tanking is by far more boring and also more frustrating.

I can't say for Paladin healing because it bored me to death around 2.1 and I quit it forever.


Kyoufu said:
Already beaten but I feel like I should still say....uhhhhhh dude that whole fight is based on large dps numbers. Our mages do 16k dps on that fight.

I myself, as a ret pally did 8.7k. I hate that fight as it is biased towards ranged :(

Maybe you should look at my clarifying post before attacking me.
funkmastergeneral said:
Paladin healing is fun if you enjoy pressing your flash of light hotkey over and over and over

Ha, I used to have to roll shadowbolt spam spec so I know how that is.

I guess it's looking like I'm leveling my druid.


Neo Member
Huh, I actually enjoy paladin healing. Only when there are bad tanks or bad support healers do I have to spam Holy Light. We're relegated to spamming holy light for hard modes so far that I've read, but no personal experience. I use Holy Shock and Flash of Light often to snipe heal the raid. Infusion of Light proc is so high I can put out some decent heals on the move. Looking forward to the 3.2 changes that will eliminate sniping when I'm trying to raid heal and proc beacon.

I'm so excited!
Paladin healing is only boring if all healing in the instance or on the fight is boring or if you've had your role narrowed down to mindlessly spamming Holy Light on the tank (which is only necessary on Algalon and on certain parts of a couple hard modes like Thorim / Steelbreaker). Otherwise it's fine now (post-Beacon).

In BC we spammed Flash of Light (or down-ranked Holy Light) and healed through spikes with Holy Light. On top of that we used BoP and cleansed debuffs. That's about it. It was just how fast can you react and how well can you prioritize.

The spec opened up a lot in Wrath of the Lich King. We gained Sacred Shield, Beacon of Light (huge), Enlightened Judgments, Holy Shock's cooldown was drastically reduced and its range and healing increased, and a bit of utility in Divine Sacrifice and (recently) Aura Mastery. We also gained a lot of mana regen at a price (50% healing reduction for Divine Plea, being in melee range and not healing for Seal of Wisdom procs). We're still limited to single target heals and still spam almost non-stop but we have so many more choices (Beacon alone added a ton).

For all the talk of Holy being easy to play I've seen the biggest difference between good and bad Holy Paladins in 5 mans than in any other healer.


So is faction switching gonna be around the next patch? I'm dying to play again but I want to start fresh with an 80 blood elf death knight(currently have an 80 night elf death knight on my account).
If anyone is interested in rerolling Alliance " Arthas "

A bunch of us rerolled Alliance from Shattered hand Horde yesterday, just throwing it up for anyone interested. Hopefully bringing back pvp premades/world pvp etc, we cleared most of ulduar cept for Yogg. Got fed up with the elitist attitude growing on shattered hand .

My druids name is Mutashi on ally side :D


Weenerz said:
Melee are the ones getting screwed for that fight.

:lol Ever seen what a Frost DK can do on that fight?

Absolute absurdity. But aside from them, yeah its the casters doing the big numbers.


I'm not a big resto shaman fan honestly, but part of that is crappy gear with no good upgrades coming soon for me, and part of that is being fixed in 3.2. Riptide is kind of lame... I honestly only use it for healing on the run and to proc hasted LHW/HW (next patch I will actually use HW, maybe even as my main heal over LHW). But after next patch, it's going to be better because there will be uses for healing wave beyond NS, chain heal will be good, and LHW's nerf isn't going to be too bad.


Has problems recognising girls
SuperAndroid17 said:
If anyone is interested in rerolling Alliance " Arthas "

A bunch of us rerolled Alliance from Shattered hand Horde yesterday, just throwing it up for anyone interested. Hopefully bringing back pvp premades/world pvp etc, we cleared most of ulduar cept for Yogg. Got fed up with the elitist attitude growing on shattered hand .

My druids name is Mutashi on ally side :D
Man I'd love to join in but I just don't know if I can stomach leveling another character to 80 again.


Puncture said:
:lol Ever seen what a Frost DK can do on that fight?

Absolute absurdity. But aside from them, yeah its the casters doing the big numbers.

What makes Frost DK good compared to the other melee specs on that fight?


A guildie and I ran some of his alts through Stratholme yesterday......holy fuck. I never could get a group for that place when I was leveling, and I think I now might know why. Is it as brutal for the appropriate level range as it seems? Hell, even at 80 it wasn't a walk in the park considering the amount of shit you pull.
Gloomfire said:
A guildie and I ran some of his alts through Stratholme yesterday......holy fuck. I never could get a group for that place when I was leveling, and I think I now might know why. Is it as brutal for the appropriate level range as it seems? Hell, even at 80 it wasn't a walk in the park considering the amount of shit you pull.

Back in the day it used to be 10 manned until they nerfed that, then people didn't run it as much. It was shitty.
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