Gloomfire said:I never got a chance to run Scholo, either.
Gloomfire said:I never got a chance to run Scholo, either.
Gloomfire said:I never got a chance to run Scholo, either.
Retro said:Paladin tanking is generally considered to be the most boring of the four tanking classes, while Paladin healing is considered to be the most boring of... every class in the game.
Pay the 1000g and dual-spec your Druid for both, at least until Blizzard gets their head out of their asses as far as the Pally class is concerned.
cubicle47b said:Paladin healing is only boring if all healing in the instance or on the fight is boring or if you've had your role narrowed down to mindlessly spamming Holy Light on the tank (which is only necessary on Algalon and on certain parts of a couple hard modes like Thorim / Steelbreaker). Otherwise it's fine now (post-Beacon).
In BC we spammed Flash of Light (or down-ranked Holy Light) and healed through spikes with Holy Light. On top of that we used BoP and cleansed debuffs. That's about it. It was just how fast can you react and how well can you prioritize.
The spec opened up a lot in Wrath of the Lich King. We gained Sacred Shield, Beacon of Light (huge), Enlightened Judgments, Holy Shock's cooldown was drastically reduced and its range and healing increased, and a bit of utility in Divine Sacrifice and (recently) Aura Mastery. We also gained a lot of mana regen at a price (50% healing reduction for Divine Plea, being in melee range and not healing for Seal of Wisdom procs). We're still limited to single target heals and still spam almost non-stop but we have so many more choices (Beacon alone added a ton).
For all the talk of Holy being easy to play I've seen the biggest difference between good and bad Holy Paladins in 5 mans than in any other healer.
Forgotten_Taco said:Ugh UBRS and LBRS if I never go back to either of them I will die a happy man.
BRD and UBRS are fine dungeons, LBRS is an absolute nightmare to go through. There's absolutely no clear path whatsoever and you could be lost for hours. Oh well, I've got all my D1 from there, just need the chest and helm so I can make one of the better looking rogue sets (D2).iamblades said:I actually liked UBRS, LBRS can go to hell though, along with BRD.
Gary Whitta said:I had actually been working on this for the past two years. Had to keep it under wraps at the time but it doesn't really matter now.
I worked very closely with Legendary and Blizzard to come up with a screenplay that distilled the sprawling Warcraft mythology into a narrative that was easily accessible to the non-player, and everyone was really pleased with the results - I personally thought my last draft of the script in particular was really kick-ass and did a good job of introducing the Warcraft world to non-players while also satisfying hardcore players who knew every nook and cranny of the universe. When Sam expressed interest in the property, however, he had his own pretty specific vision of what he wanted to do story-wise so that's the version they're now pursuing. I'm no longer involved but I wish them all the best with it; so far as I'm concerned Raimi is the best possible director for this.
firex said:I hate warrior tanking because rage is just too fucking frustrating to get in defensive stance. My opinion might change if I was deep prot instead of arms and I was higher level, but it's just so frustrating where I am now, even if tanking shit is easy as hell in the mid/low 40s. Then again it seems like Blizzard agrees with me and they will make rage easier to generate in defensive stance. They just need to redo the rage formula so 1h + shield gives more rage/swing and then don't touch the rage generation for any other form of attacking. Or give defensive stance a passive rage bonus per hit instead of rage bonus on block/parry/dodge. I mean, I imagine fully prot specced and at level 80, it's not as frustrating, but it still sucks getting rage in defensive stance compared to battle while leveling.
Anyway with the old vanilla 60 instance talk, they were all pretty brutal outside of DM. DM is still rough but only because the fights are tuned to be better. LBRS is pretty much my most-hated instance in the game from back at 60 because it was like a 4 hour clear, with way too much shit to do, and insane trash.
I actually wish they would go back to tough instances at max level, but save it for heroics, and make them pretty short. Or at least do that for a few instances next expansion if they don't want to do it for all of them.
firex said:Definitely get that 2h sword. It's free and comparable to the other kind of "starter" epic 2h weapon, Titansteel Destroyer. As far as a lot of your gear goes, you can replace some pieces with a little crafted stuff if you want.
edit: just to be clear, there is Vambraces of the Vengeance Bringer (probably differently named since it looks like you are on a Spanish server) which is an awesome crafted blue wrist slot that provides the 2 ratings you want (hit/crit) and a lot of your green slots are easy enough to upgrade. If you want a good blue relic, do the pvp quests in vengeance bay or something like that in grizzly hills and get the divine storm libram. A lot of your quest greens can be upgraded, but that first trinket you have (AP + expertise proc) is worth keeping.
Kyoufu said:What makes Frost DK good compared to the other melee specs on that fight?
Tamanon said:It was a bit of a pain since you had to do a questline to even get the key to enter. And it was an expensive one back in the days before dailies and quests giving gold at max level instead.
Kyoufu said:There is an undocumented change on Seal of Vengeance/Corruption on the latest PTR build. Basically only Ret paladin's auto attacks apply the seal's damage/dot instead of all attacks. I'm guessing its a bug because they actually say they wanted to boost Ret PVE dps rather than nuke it to the ground, which is what has happened with the latest build. :/
Heh, while the Frost DK Scales extremely well there.Puncture said:Because of the way the storm buff and singed debuff on Hodir scales frost strikes. Opening recount after our kills show our frost dks with back to back to back to back to back to back 57k Frost strike crits. Its completely ridiculous. Its just one of those fights that fits that particular spec very well.
Macattk15 said:Not selling my account currently but I am a little curious ...
How much do you guys think an account with both these characters on it would run?
Some people from my guild have been selling their accounts as of late due to extreme boredom but they are only getting like $200 for one pretty damn well geared character (talking 4pc t8.5 and ulduar loots aplenty)
I remember when I sold my Alliance warrior WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY back in TBC SSC/TK days ... I sold it for $1500 ... no joke.
Take it bit by bit, or just dive into WoWWiki for a few hours like I had to do with EVE Online. (EvE Wiki for it)Hellsing321 said:I just recently got back into WoW after a two year hiatus but all this new shit is completely overwhelming. Socketed Items, dual speccing, glyphs, heirloom gear, the list goes on. It's like jumping into the middle of the ocean after just learning how to swim. Anyone have tips for someone like me?
Macattk15 said:Ahhh no one answered me! No one has any idea?![]()
Rhino said:So GAF what server do most of you play on? I'm getting back into WoW after FINALLY getting a char to lvl 55 so I want to roll a DK and play with some Gaffers![]()
Also should I spec Blood, Frost or Unholy?
Pick whatever class you like and get it to 80 first before worrying about any of that stuff. You won't be able to get heirloom gear on a new account right away, socketing items doesn't really come into play until 80 (although you can get sick ass pants with 3 socket slots in Outlands that will last forever if you just socket them with the correct crap wotlk gems :lol ) You probably wouldn't have 1k spare gold at level 40 either so dual speccing is out, and as for glyphs that really depends on what class and spec you choose.Hellsing321 said:I just recently got back into WoW after a two year hiatus but all this new shit is completely overwhelming. Socketed Items, dual speccing, glyphs, heirloom gear, the list goes on. It's like jumping into the middle of the ocean after just learning how to swim. Anyone have tips for someone like me?
StormyTheRabbit said:Don't roll DK. You'll regret it. I managed to roll one right when WotLK came out and managed to get into a decent raiding guild. But now, NO ONE wants DK's let alone Melee dps for that matter.
StormyTheRabbit said:But now, NO ONE wants DK's let alone Melee dps for that matter.
StormyTheRabbit said:So, I have an addon that lets me turn my camera like 720 degrees in any direction. Allowing me to do flips on my drake and such without using the key tricks...
Well...I do it in Naxx today and look what is still under Naxx when isntanced:
Lazy Blizzard lol
On a shaman I would think yes. I don't know the specifics, but most of the hybrid classes aren't really set up to do that kind of sustained damage unless at pretty extreme gear levels.funkmastergeneral said:Hey guys I was wondering how much dps I should be doing at my gear level, with all raid buffs except the feral druid crit aura. I was pushing a little over 5k last night but my GM said I should be hitting at least 6k dps -_- This is my armory
do you think he's asking too much?
Quote from Blizzard staff
Death Knight (3.1 Skills List / 3.1 Talent + Glyph Calc.)
* Blood Strike now has its total damage increased by 12.5% for each of your diseases on the target. (Down from 25%)
Hunter (3.1 Skills List / 3.1 Talent + Glyph Calc.)
* Explosive Trap now lasts for 30 sec. (Down from 1 min)
Paladin (3.1 Skills List / 3.1 Talent + Glyph Calc.)
* Exorcism now deals damage to any enemy target instead of non-player enemy targets only.
Because the BS Glyph was still useful. Gotta nurf it so its not. :|Angry Grimace said:Now on the PTR:
StormyTheRabbit said:So, I have an addon that lets me turn my camera like 720 degrees in any direction. Allowing me to do flips on my drake and such without using the key tricks...
Well...I do it in Naxx today and look what is still under Naxx when isntanced:
Lazy Blizzard lol
yacobod said:ya acct prices have plummeted in wotlk, even back in BC it was pretty easy to get 500-600 for a character
200-300 seems reasonable, i think the big problem is how easy the content is now & how easy it is to pug shit, idk
They will come up in the months prior to the next exp so people can start it right away.ILOVEASIANS said:Damn. Really? I was thinking about selling mine after quitting a few weeks ago but I guess I won't if they are selling that low.
I'm sure I'll end up coming back at some point anyway.
Puck said:Ok, i have just completed a 3 week stint playing my friends paladin while i was working FT during my uni holidays (return tomorrow), and wow. WOTLK totally sucks.
There's no hook in the game anymore. Seriously. I played the shit out of vanilla and BC and was thoroughly addicted when I shouldn't have been. I raided 3-4 nights a week for mc->naxx in vanilla on multiple servers on multiple level 60's and raided on 3 different oceanic servers for majority of server firsts in BC.
The main reason why it sucks, is because there isn't any intimacy. It's all pug shit. The only content that requires a guild is 25 ulduar, and i see quite a few groups pugging that. There's no intimacy because there isn't any difficulty. There's no cockblocks, no attunements, no difficulty - everything is so easily accesible. I don't see a reason to be in a guild. It's so easy to get into a "raid" and be carried (especially voa/eoe/os/naxx (both 10/25 for them)). Gearing up is so simple,
Puck said:Ok, i have just completed a 3 week stint playing my friends paladin while i was working FT during my uni holidays (return tomorrow), and wow. WOTLK totally sucks.
There's no hook in the game anymore. Seriously. I played the shit out of vanilla and BC and was thoroughly addicted when I shouldn't have been. I raided 3-4 nights a week for mc->naxx in vanilla on multiple servers on multiple level 60's and raided on 3 different oceanic servers for majority of server firsts in BC.
The main reason why it sucks, is because there isn't any intimacy. It's all pug shit. The only content that requires a guild is 25 ulduar, and i see quite a few groups pugging that. There's no intimacy because there isn't any difficulty. There's no cockblocks, no attunements, no difficulty - everything is so easily accesible. I don't see a reason to be in a guild. It's so easy to get into a "raid" and be carried (especially voa/eoe/os/naxx (both 10/25 for them)). Gearing up is so simple,
Puck said:Ok, i have just completed a 3 week stint playing my friends paladin while i was working FT during my uni holidays (return tomorrow), and wow. WOTLK totally sucks.
There's no hook in the game anymore. Seriously. I played the shit out of vanilla and BC and was thoroughly addicted when I shouldn't have been. I raided 3-4 nights a week for mc->naxx in vanilla on multiple servers on multiple level 60's and raided on 3 different oceanic servers for majority of server firsts in BC.
The main reason why it sucks, is because there isn't any intimacy. It's all pug shit. The only content that requires a guild is 25 ulduar, and i see quite a few groups pugging that. There's no intimacy because there isn't any difficulty. There's no cockblocks, no attunements, no difficulty - everything is so easily accesible. I don't see a reason to be in a guild. It's so easy to get into a "raid" and be carried (especially voa/eoe/os/naxx (both 10/25 for them)). Gearing up is so simple,