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World of Warcraft

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Weenerz said:
So you cleared all hard-modes with your magical pug and got your proto-drake?
Cleared everything on hard except Ulduar which I did 10 man.
And who the fuck cares about the protodrake. Certainly not me, i liked the unique, fat epics from the previous versions.

http://www.wowhead.com/?item=21134 - that was worth the grind, not a different colored mount to the other 90 you already have.
http://www.wowhead.com/?item=33809 - that was cool too, when there was only a few on our server.

The rewards for completing these "easy" raids mean shit all. I really do feel sorry for the people who have only played WOTLK and are into it. Vanilla and BC was just so much more meaningful, being in a guild and knowing everyone, having to stick it out through the tough wipes and through the crazy fun moments of getting a server first. There just isn't the same feeling, at all. If there is a classic server, i would probably play it (level 60 or 70, 60 preferred though). There is just so much fun in the experience of playing the ups and downs that give you something meaningful, not minor stat upgrades and useless mounts.

While it may be true that everything gets pugged lately, but how many pugs do you think that actually clears the instance?
On my server (Kul Tiras EU) there are pugs constantly, but I've never ran with a pug that was able to clear one wing in Naxx...
Seriously? Every pug at least clears one wing in naxx (both 10 and 25) on jubei'thos. I ran naxx 25 3 times and cleared it 3 times..picked up quite a bit of loot in there, only died a few times.


Puck said:
Seriously? Every pug at least clears one wing in naxx (both 10 and 25) on jubei'thos. I ran naxx 25 3 times and cleared it 3 times..picked up quite a bit of loot in there, only died a few times.


Its why I hate pugging, I love grouping and when you find a nice group, WoW is so much fun. But there are so many people that dont know what they're doing, I just dont get it.

Just a week ago, I was levelling my druid, and I joined a pug to Underbog. When suddenly the group leader changes the group to a raid. I ask him why, and explain him that its a 5 MAN instance, so the limit is 5 MAN. But he kept saying, nope, you can do it with more people, and he kept inviting. And all of the other people just rolled with it. At first I thought they were just goofing off, but I afk'd and stayed in the group, 15 minutes later, they were still trying...

On the other hand, my previous guild that I made with a couple of mates, we cleared ulduar in a week, and noone had experience there. We literally started on a monday, got Yogg down on friday.
No hard modes though, simply cause the mentality of a lot of players is: we want epix, no whiping. So when we started to do hard modes, noone showed up, and we just disbanded the guild.


Vanilla/TBC rose-tinted people are fucking idiots, period. Vanilla WoW sucked ass unless you devoted 60 hours a week to it, and even then, it sucked ass but you were spending too much time on it to admit such. TBC sucked ass unless you rolled FOTM arena class or devoted 20+ hours a week to it so you could do raids.

But the guy whining about this fully admits it's only about rarity/server first for him, aka epeen stuff no sane person with a life actually cares about. You want your epeen shit, go for achievements.


Modesty becomes a woman
Yeah, I guess having to spend more time on shit just to have fun IS way better than having to spend less time and still have fun.

Elitist dick holes are so stupid. I've done so much shit in a bunch of MMOs, the challenge never equals the reward. It's all the same no matter how much time you put into it.

p.s. Do Algalon + 0 keepers every week and then we'll talk about wotlk being 'easy'.


Weenerz said:
So you cleared all hard-modes with your magical pug and got your proto-drake? Didn't think so. Keep riding the "Hate WoW because it's so easy but I haven't cleared all of the content" bandwagon.

ok nice try justifying your devotion to the game to go get those hard modes done for your drake

what he said is true, its retardedly easy to gear up a toon, and non hardmode ulduar is puggable, ulduar isnt very difficult outside of the hardmodes, and most of those are just dps races

i hit 80 on my hunter 2 weeks ago, my toon is already 5/5 t7.5, and has 1/5 t8.5, with envoy and journey's, if that aint easy, i dont know what is, the fact is my toon is already ulduar 25m ready, and even doing that for a siren's cry or a runed edge isnt the biggest upgrade in the world, i'm just saying

i'm gonna finish leveling my dk, and i'm sure it will be just as easy to gear up


maybe if you want to tank, but there's so many melee out there already that I'm pretty annoyed at how impossible it is to get a group as dps on my shaman. It's a little easier on my paladin but that's just because the community at large doesn't like paladin tanks unless they overgear the content.
He wasn't justifying his devotion to the game. He was saying calling raid content easy when Puck didn't do any of the hard content is bullshit. And no, hard modes in Ulduar, aside from Hodir, are not DPS races. They have somewhat strict DPS requirements but that just means the whole fight isn't resting on your tanks and healers.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
People that whine about how Vanilla is better/easier/I hate how easy it is to gear up/whatever blow my mind. I mean, what do you think it WAS about original WoW that made it "hard?" That's right, massive amounts of grinding.

The really bizarro world part is that grinding by its very nature is not fun. This is a pretty basic fact. When people tell me they LIKED that aspect of original WoW, I just shake my head in disbelief that people actually can convince themselves that the true fun of Warcraft lies in what amounts to a pretty basic Pavlovian/Skinnerian scheme of infrequently scheduled rewards. This is a system that game developer Jonathan Blow once called "unethical." I honestly do not think that particular element of the game is what is fun at all.
Ugh. Spent 3 hours wiping at the Keepers last night :(. We got Freya to phase 5 of her adds, but just didn't have the coordination necessary to get everything down all at the same time, and then with her trash respawning we had to give up. That's a pretty lame mechanic, considering how hard her trash is. Then spent an hour wiping at Thorim, the arena team and the hallway team took turns wiping back and forth, so we never got anywhere. I do enjoy progression raiding, but not when we get jack shit done in 3 hours and I have a 100g repair bill.


funkmastergeneral said:
Ugh. Spent 3 hours wiping at the Keepers last night :(. We got Freya to phase 5 of her adds, but just didn't have the coordination necessary to get everything down all at the same time, and then with her trash respawning we had to give up. That's a pretty lame mechanic, considering how hard her trash is. Then spent an hour wiping at Thorim, the arena team and the hallway team took turns wiping back and forth, so we never got anywhere. I do enjoy progression raiding, but not when we get jack shit done in 3 hours and I have a 100g repair bill.

You'll always have nights like that; but if people learned from it, its all for the best.
(if you are still indeed learning the fights...)
profit said:
You'll always have nights like that; but if people learned from it, its all for the best.
(if you are still indeed learning the fights...)

Yea, most people, myself included, are learning the fights. It just sucks when I feel like we're not going anywhere after 3 hours. For instance, we were working on Hodir 2 nights ago and it felt like we improved on every attempt, less people being frozen, more people getting the damage buff, and less raid damage. However with Freya and Thorim we just failed for hours =/


i like how easy it is to gear up toons now

its your or your guilds prerogative to do hard modes, outside of a few pieces of loot, its not worth it imo

i still had the most fun in wow at lvl 60 tho, organized bgs, the hwl grind, camping emerald dragons and wiping other guilds attempting to do them, before cross server battlegrounds ruined the sense of community of individual servers, there were real rivalries on servers between guilds and what not, camping BRM, wiping MC and BWL raids, AQ gates opening, 2 shotting nubs w/my hand of rag, TM, and countless other things i cant remember

it may be nostalgia or rose tinted glasses or whatever u want to call it, but i had a shit ton of fun in vanilla wow, certainly more fun than i'm having now in game


funkmastergeneral said:
Yea, most people, myself included, are learning the fights. It just sucks when I feel like we're not going anywhere after 3 hours. For instance, we were working on Hodir 2 nights ago and it felt like we improved on every attempt, less people being frozen, more people getting the damage buff, and less raid damage. However with Freya and Thorim we just failed for hours =/

Well to be fair, you actually have to pay attention for those fights, if you have one or two people that are half asleep behind their keyboard or having irl problems, it will result in a whipe.

In our guild, the officers just had a job to look around during the fight and see who is making mistakes, talk to that person, ask whats up and try to help them.
As I said earlier, we cleared Uld 25 in 5 days (no hard modes), raiding from 19.00 till 00.00.
As long as you're human against your fellow raiders, things will work out.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Finally cracked 350 on my enchanting the other day. It feels so good do actually be able to do mildly useful enchants. No more +3 Int enchants for me, no sir! :p


Has problems recognising girls
yacobod said:
i still had the most fun in wow at lvl 60 tho, organized bgs, the hwl grind, camping emerald dragons and wiping other guilds attempting to do them, before cross server battlegrounds ruined the sense of community of individual servers, there were real rivalries on servers between guilds and what not, camping BRM, wiping MC and BWL raids, AQ gates opening, 2 shotting nubs w/my hand of rag, TM, and countless other things i cant remember

it may be nostalgia or rose tinted glasses or whatever u want to call it, but i had a shit ton of fun in vanilla wow, certainly more fun than i'm having now in game
You aren't alone. The sense of community on a single server went a long way to create rivalries between guilds and was the essence of faction vs faction. Heck even before Battlegrounds was around, raiding a town was the norm after an hour or two of leveling in the evening. Back when a Southshore vs Tarren Mill battle would commence every hour on the weekend just because someone got the shits over being ganked and complained to their guildies :lol

Yeah I loved the fact that cross-server Battlegrounds meant quicker queues, but there was always a reason why everyone got excited about coming up against an old same-server premade because it was a lot more competitive and nostalgia was starting to seep into us. People wanted bragging rights, and even though my guild at the time was part of it, I still had a reputation for being a clean and friendly gamer and was rarely ever hassled in world PVP unless I instigated it. I still remember being helped by an old Alliance PVP guild in the Ring of Blood quest in Nagrand merely because I was in the server's vent at the time asking for some help.

Things like that have dissipated and it makes me somewhat sad. I feel sorry for those who never got to experience WoW in a PVP element before cross-server BGs hit or even before Honor was established. We pillaged and fiddled around for "fun" - a description that has disappeared off a game that I love.

Chris R

Vanilla WoW was hard because Blizzard had no clue in hell how to itemize PvE gear :lol

Farming resistance sets wasn't a pain in the least, and getting 40 people to jump out of the bright red fire is harder than getting 10 people to. Raiders in general were smarter back then as well, because you had to be. Joined a AQ40 pug a week ago, and there was NO planning on any boss, just ZERG ZERG ZERG, because that is what regular Naxx/OS/VoA pugs do now. Unsurprisingly we wiped on Twin Emps over and over until I hearthed :lol

My guild was never elite by any means, the alliance dominated the PvE scene, and our "guild" was the 2nd to clear everything Horde side after about 5 alliance guilds had done it. Still, we eventually were able to clear every raid (well I quit about half way into Naxx). And wouldn't ya know it, but that guild is still around in some shape or form, and is now the #1 guild on the server, and probably top 30 in the US.

You needed to have 40 good players who were decently geared, knew each of the fights, and then didn't screw up. If you had that, then vanilla content was easy (hell, by the time the AQ opening event came around, getting the red shard was easy, were as we couldn't imagine doing it when BWL came out).

In conclusion, too easy to get too good of gear that doesn't really get that upgraded in comparison to vanilla. Will have to see what 3.2 brings.
I remember in Vanilla, on my first toon, a NE druid. I FINALLY after months of playing (This was maybe 4 months after the game came out and I had NO idea what I was doing. I to this day have no idea how I managed to get to 40 back then.) I managed to get to level 40 and buy my black striped kitty mount. One of the happiest days of my life when it comes to video games. I stayed up until 4 AM to do it because I was so close to leveling up.
Any tips on the initial pull for Auriaya 25 man? When we do it, tanks grab the adds at top of stairs and separate them, which means melee dps wind up running around from sentry to sentry and things get messy. I've seen videos where they're just stacked on the boss and aoe'd, but the GL doesn't want to try that. I might accidentally wipe the raid a couple times tomorrow until we can try a different strategy

edit: forgot to mention we have a hunter set a trap in her walking path to start things. Non-tanks are behind the pillar things at top of stairs (to the right)


No One Remembers
PhoenixDark said:
Any tips on the initial pull for Auriaya 25 man? When we do it, tanks grab the adds at top of stairs and separate them, which means melee dps wind up running around from sentry to sentry and things get messy. I've seen videos where they're just stacked on the boss and aoe'd, but the GL doesn't want to try that. I might accidentally wipe the raid a couple times tomorrow until we can try a different strategy

edit: forgot to mention we have a hunter set a trap in her walking path to start things. Non-tanks are behind the pillar things at top of stairs (to the right)

Have tanks blow cooldowns.


PhoenixDark said:
Any tips on the initial pull for Auriaya 25 man? When we do it, tanks grab the adds at top of stairs and separate them, which means melee dps wind up running around from sentry to sentry and things get messy. I've seen videos where they're just stacked on the boss and aoe'd, but the GL doesn't want to try that. I might accidentally wipe the raid a couple times tomorrow until we can try a different strategy

edit: forgot to mention we have a hunter set a trap in her walking path to start things. Non-tanks are behind the pillar things at top of stairs (to the right)
The way we did it was group up on each other, then let one hunter MD, the tanks grab the adds and then spread them out.


rhfb said:
Farming resistance sets wasn't a pain in the least, and getting 40 people to jump out of the bright red fire is harder than getting 10 people to. Raiders in general were smarter back then as well, because you had to be. Joined a AQ40 pug a week ago, and there was NO planning on any boss, just ZERG ZERG ZERG, because that is what regular Naxx/OS/VoA pugs do now. Unsurprisingly we wiped on Twin Emps over and over until I hearthed :lol

You needed to have 40 good players who were decently geared, knew each of the fights, and then didn't screw up. If you had that, then vanilla content was easy (hell, by the time the AQ opening event came around, getting the red shard was easy, were as we couldn't imagine doing it when BWL came out).

In conclusion, too easy to get too good of gear that doesn't really get that upgraded in comparison to vanilla. Will have to see what 3.2 brings.
Screw sets, Grave Moss would like to speak to you.

Vanilla raiding was pretty much tuned around 25, just had to fill the other 15 slots with non-tanks that spam their job till they died. Idiots would hide in the shadows till fights like C'thun and Thaddius made it obvious. Raids weren't smarter, just more reliant on the tanks if anything since you could avoid relying on the idiots for the most part. Plus you could still get pretty far with shit gear itemisation, no consumables bar titans on tanks and laughable specs.

Probably the same deal today though, you can get away with around 10/12 idiots for easy mode stuff, 5/4 for hardmodes.


Plus it kinda helped that even hybrid classes werent' really hybrids. If you had a warrior in your 40-man, 9 out of 10 times he was a tank. Paladins were healers, shadowpriests were imaginary and that was that.


Guildie went on vacation and had his account hacked. They changed servers and apparently changed names, and they merged it with a Battle.net account so he doesn't even know his account name now.


Gloomfire said:
Guildie went on vacation and had his account hacked. They changed servers and apparently changed names, and they merged it with a Battle.net account so he doesn't even know his account name now.

They can track it down, get him basically all his gear and gold back too. They've done it before, they can do it again.

The only thing tough anymore though really are the hard-mode contents. And while a few are easy, some are just cheap bs that makes them "hard". The thing that keeps "pugs" out of the equation are said full "hard-hard modes" like Mim. There is a quasi-attunement process in Ulduar, which is Algalon.
PhoenixDark said:
Any tips on the initial pull for Auriaya 25 man? When we do it, tanks grab the adds at top of stairs and separate them, which means melee dps wind up running around from sentry to sentry and things get messy. I've seen videos where they're just stacked on the boss and aoe'd, but the GL doesn't want to try that. I might accidentally wipe the raid a couple times tomorrow until we can try a different strategy

edit: forgot to mention we have a hunter set a trap in her walking path to start things. Non-tanks are behind the pillar things at top of stairs (to the right)

Did it for the first time yesterday. The off-tanks all stood at different corners for the pull with the rest of the raid grouped opposite the stairs that you come down from Kologarn, with Auriaya's tank nearby at the top of the stairs. The pull was all misdirection though, it makes the whole thing much easier but does obviously depend on hunter numbers (we had one for each tank on that run).

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I wish I could have a special filter that would replace whining from people saying Vanilla was so awesome and WotLK sucks because they like shitty grindfests and "difficulty" based on shitty grindfests to get people gear, it would get filtered down to "Get off my lawn!"

There are plenty of other "hard" grindfest MMOs, you know.


remember me
Puck said:
The rewards for completing these "easy" raids mean shit all. I really do feel sorry for the people who have only played WOTLK and are into it. Vanilla and BC was just so much more meaningful, being in a guild and knowing everyone, having to stick it out through the tough wipes and through the crazy fun moments of getting a server first. There just isn't the same feeling, at all. If there is a classic server, i would probably play it (level 60 or 70, 60 preferred though). There is just so much fun in the experience of playing the ups and downs that give you something meaningful, not minor stat upgrades and useless mounts.

Seriously? Every pug at least clears one wing in naxx (both 10 and 25) on jubei'thos. I ran naxx 25 3 times and cleared it 3 times..picked up quite a bit of loot in there, only died a few times.

What are you complaining about? Easy raids are easy? Yeah, they are. T7 content has been around for 8 months, it's fucking ancient So quit doing it and join a guild working on Ulduar hard modes and that'll be working on the Colosseum and Icecrown while it's stlil new.

The problem here is you, not the game.


Angry Grimace said:
I wish I could have a special filter that would replace whining from people saying Vanilla was so awesome and WotLK sucks because they like shitty grindfests and "difficulty" based on shitty grindfests to get people gear, it would get filtered down to "Get off my lawn!"

There are plenty of other "hard" grindfest MMOs, you know.

I agree. Even in vanilla wow, up until naxx, very few bosses were hard at all, there were maybe half a dozen fights that I'd consider challenging, and 4 of them were in AQ40. The rest were fairly straightforward TnS fights or 'get the resist gear' or 'spam decursive' fights.

People begging for TBC style attunements can go to hell too. That was a total pain in the ass if you were slower to 70 than other people in your guild.

IMO the only argument that has partial merit is the nullification of CC, but I'll accept that over being unable to get into a group for anything because you took longer to 70 so you either aren't attuned or aren't geared for what all your guildmates are running, so your stuck trying to find pugs to catch up. That shit ain't fun.


Has problems recognising girls
Angry Grimace said:
I wish I could have a special filter that would replace whining from people saying Vanilla was so awesome and WotLK sucks because they like shitty grindfests and "difficulty" based on shitty grindfests to get people gear, it would get filtered down to "Get off my lawn!"

There are plenty of other "hard" grindfest MMOs, you know.
Same could be said towards your broken record status of rebuking against any criticism towards WoW's expansions.

I don't enjoy the people who look fondly back on 40-man grinds, mainly due to the fact that I hardly ever touched end-game PVE back then because it was mindnumbing crap, but you cannot deny that PVP (be it world PVP or organised BGs/Arenas) has lost its original meaning somehow.

And trying to play the Grand Marshal/High Warlord grind card is a bit ridiculous when I relatively speak of the days before there was such a thing called Honor.

Yes PVE is a different thing altogether and I enjoy the fact that Blizzard have changed their stance towards a more general acceptance of the wide range of consumers, rather than the poopsockers or number-crunching elitists, but there is/was more to WoW than running through a dungeon and hoping for an item to drop off a boss.
With regard to classic versus expansion WoW, I was in a raiding guild that got halfway through AQ40 before the overcrowding on our server caused half the guild to transfer off to avoid 30 - 60 minute login queues.

After spending 14 weeks at 12 hours a week inside BWL before I got a drop I was waiting on I can safely say that I prefer the way things work now. The trouble was that so much of what made things hard was just plain silly; making a key raiding buff exclusive to a faction. Decursers all using decursive so fights were balanced around a mod. Oh and resist-check fights; boy do I not miss those.

The raiding challenges these days are mostly about coordination, with the obligatory gear checks to make it progression appropriate. If you really want a challenge, you need to seek it out. My casual raiding guild started our weekly Ulduar 10 the other night and took down Flame Leviathan with a couple of towers up for the first time. Was fun!

As for gear being too easy to get, that reminded me of a chat I had with our off-tank last night. He's the most undergeared player in the guild, and he commented that gearing will be TOO easy when everyone is grabbing conquest, just shortly after complaining that he has crappy gear.

I think it's a matter of perception though. People on either end of the spectrum think it's the other extreme; the undergeared people think that getting H Ulduar loot is impossible, the geared people think it's too easy.

In reality, the truth probably lies somewhere in between. And if Blizzard decides that not enough people reside in that space between, they'll retune content to allow more people to see it. And I think that's pretty cool.


Has problems recognising girls
That's the good thing. The days of old EQ-inspired design has been thrown out the door and forgotten about.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
speedpop said:
Same could be said towards your broken record status of rebuking against any criticism towards WoW's expansions.

I don't enjoy the people who look fondly back on 40-man grinds, mainly due to the fact that I hardly ever touched end-game PVE back then because it was mindnumbing crap, but you cannot deny that PVP (be it world PVP or organised BGs/Arenas) has lost its original meaning somehow.

And trying to play the Grand Marshal/High Warlord grind card is a bit ridiculous when I relatively speak of the days before there was such a thing called Honor.

Yes PVE is a different thing altogether and I enjoy the fact that Blizzard have changed their stance towards a more general acceptance of the wide range of consumers, rather than the poopsockers or number-crunching elitists, but there is/was more to WoW than running through a dungeon and hoping for an item to drop off a boss.
I'm not really sure what you're talking about.


Raided Uld for the first time since I returned and we downed Flame Leviathan, the child voiced XT-002, Razorscale, Hodir, Auriyana and the guy with the two arms. So far my favorite fight is Hodir, so much shit going on it drives me crazy. :lol


I feel like pvp in WoW died as soon as honor was introduced, and since then the only thing to make it interesting again is battlegrounds (which don't make it interesting enough).


Man fuck Ulduar and its well-designed boss encounters, I wish I could just endlessly fight other players in Tarren Mill


No One Remembers
VaLiancY said:
Raided Uld for the first time since I returned and we downed Flame Leviathan, the child voiced XT-002, Razorscale, Hodir, Auriyana and the guy with the two arms. So far my favorite fight is Hodir, so much shit going on it drives me crazy. :lol

Wait till Freya and Mimiron! :p
PhoenixDark said:
Any tips on the initial pull for Auriaya 25 man? When we do it, tanks grab the adds at top of stairs and separate them, which means melee dps wind up running around from sentry to sentry and things get messy. I've seen videos where they're just stacked on the boss and aoe'd, but the GL doesn't want to try that. I might accidentally wipe the raid a couple times tomorrow until we can try a different strategy

edit: forgot to mention we have a hunter set a trap in her walking path to start things. Non-tanks are behind the pillar things at top of stairs (to the right)

If you have a rogue or two you can use distract to split 2 cats away from the rest of the group and then have a hunter MD pull and buy the tanks more time to pick up the cats


speedpop said:
That's the good thing. The days of old EQ-inspired design has been thrown out the door and forgotten about.

This. With every patch Blizzard is throwing out the old EQ design docs and the game is a lot more fun because of it.


Dual specc'ed PvP - Mutilate on my rogue and even though I have pretty craptastic daggers compared to my Combat weapons ... I absolutely wreck casters and have a fighting shot against plate wearers as long as I get the jump.

Much more fun PvP'ing on my Rogue as opposed to my Warrior.


Junior Member
funkmastergeneral said:
Ugh. Spent 3 hours wiping at the Keepers last night :(. We got Freya to phase 5 of her adds, but just didn't have the coordination necessary to get everything down all at the same time, and then with her trash respawning we had to give up. That's a pretty lame mechanic, considering how hard her trash is.

For the three add phase we do:

1.) Stormlasher to 50%
2.) Water Spirit to 50%
3.) Kill Snaplasher
4.) Kill Water Spirit
5.) Kill Stormlasher

Goes extremely fast. Only thing to watch out for are too many DoTs on Storm and Water Spirit killing them before you switch. If you do it right the DoTs will take the first two adds to ~10% by the time you kill Snaplasher.

As for the game getting easier... I'm getting older, so I don't mind.

It does seem a little off to bitch about the ease of the game though if you're not doing Ulduar25 hard modes. Ulduar10 stuff is kind of a joke even on hard mode, and the normal mode content on Ulduar25 has been nerfed so many times that it's getting down to Naxx25 levels of difficulty.


So I just linked my account with battle.net, but I don't really see the point to it...Is it supposed to enhance account security or something?
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