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World of Warcraft

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Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
OriginX said:
So I just linked my account with battle.net, but I don't really see the point to it...Is it supposed to enhance account security or something?
The benefits were never made clear to me.


OriginX said:
So I just linked my account with battle.net, but I don't really see the point to it...Is it supposed to enhance account security or something?
It might not even be anything useful until Starcraft 2 or Diablo 3, but it at least gave me a free link to re-download all the WoW clients for linking my accounts.


Junior Member
TomServo said:
For the three add phase we do:

1.) Stormlasher to 50%
2.) Water Spirit to 50%
3.) Kill Snaplasher
4.) Kill Water Spirit
5.) Kill Stormlasher

Goes extremely fast. Only thing to watch out for are too many DoTs on Storm and Water Spirit killing them before you switch. If you do it right the DoTs will take the first two adds to ~10% by the time you kill Snaplasher.

As for the game getting easier... I'm getting older, so I don't mind.

It does seem a little off to bitch about the ease of the game though if you're not doing Ulduar25 hard modes. Ulduar10 stuff is kind of a joke even on hard mode, and the normal mode content on Ulduar25 has been nerfed so many times that it's getting down to Naxx25 levels of difficulty.
We just AOE the living hell of out them with some Melee DPS on the Snaplasher.
BAM, problem solved.


Xabora said:
We just AOE the living hell of out them with some Melee DPS on the Snaplasher.
BAM, problem solved.

Anytime we put melee DPS on Snaplashers ... they get one shot. But that's likely because we don't tank them and the melee pulls hate off the ranged people kiting the things.
Hey guys!

I'm returning to WoW, but I'm not into hardcore raiding and all that jazz... I'm only level 40.

However, I always used Light headed and TomTom. Are there other Add-on I need?

Edit : Also, for a reason unknown, my Talents have been reset to 0. I'm level 40, what build is best for me?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
TomServo said:
What's melee DPS?

We had five locks and four mages in our last Ulduar25.


Unless you did it because you actively dislike Melee Classes :lol

I'm not sure what melee classes need to exist at the moment beyond Death Knight and Rogue, given than Fury Warriors do lots of damage...if they are minimum dual wielding Aesir's Edge and all 226s, and Retribution's contribution is the same as DK, but shittier.


Junior Member
Angry Grimace said:


Unless you did it because you actively dislike Melee Classes :lol

Our raid leadership has something against melee dps. Generally unless you're awesome they don't want you. We've got two great rogues, a great ret pally (OMG NERF HIM) and a solid DK. We've got a kitty with spotty attendance, but he's a solid player. There are also a couple of dps warriors that do well when they're in the raid.

The thing with the warlocks... we all have good attendance, proabably the best of any class in our guild. We had one quit and then I needed time for some personal stuff, so the guild master freaked out and recruited two new ones that have good attendance as well. We rarely raid with fewer than four, and almost never with fewer than three. Two of us are consistantly at or near the top of the meters on every fight, a third gets up there every once in a while.

Kind of sucks for some people on the server, since the other Horde raiding guild is failing and there's zero room for their warlocks with us. I know a couple of their locks and they're solid players.


profit said:
No hard modes though, simply cause the mentality of a lot of players is: we want epix, no whiping. So when we started to do hard modes, noone showed up, and we just disbanded the guild.

I feel you on that. My guild of the last two years died. Naxx would have 17 people showing up for our 10 man runs of it. Then we'd hit a boss we'd wipe a number of times on to come back to the next day/next weekend and that number would dip to 11. We'd kill the boss and the next weekend that number would be back up to 17. Then Ulduar hit and they 17 dropped to 11 off the bat. Pre-nerf Razorscale and XT seemed to take that 11 down to 8 with grabbing the occasional couple to try and get stuff done. After about 3 months and having zoned into Ulduar maybe 5 times, that myself and the 7 other said we were done there and were rerolling elsewhere. Magically the people who stopped showing up said that elitist carebears had killed the guild, and then a number of them joined a 25 man guild who was ahead of us.

People make me hate WoW.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
TomServo said:
Our raid leadership has something against melee dps. Generally unless you're awesome they don't want you. We've got two great rogues, a great ret pally (OMG NERF HIM) and a solid DK. We've got a kitty with spotty attendance, but he's a solid player. There are also a couple of dps warriors that do well when they're in the raid.

The thing with the warlocks... we all have good attendance, proabably the best of any class in our guild. We had one quit and then I needed time for some personal stuff, so the guild master freaked out and recruited two new ones that have good attendance as well. We rarely raid with fewer than four, and almost never with fewer than three. Two of us are consistantly at or near the top of the meters on every fight, a third gets up there every once in a while.

Kind of sucks for some people on the server, since the other Horde raiding guild is failing and there's zero room for their warlocks with us. I know a couple of their locks and they're solid players.
I'm considering replacing my Death Knight with my (ungeared for now) Shadow Priest, since 3.2 will make it relatively simple to "catch" up my S-Priest gear wise. They seem to be in demand, even though their damage output is lower than other ranged classes and their buffs are redundant :lol


Littleberu said:
Hey guys!

I'm returning to WoW, but I'm not into hardcore raiding and all that jazz... I'm only level 40.

However, I always used Light headed and TomTom. Are there other Add-on I need?

Edit : Also, for a reason unknown, my Talents have been reset to 0. I'm level 40, what build is best for me?

What class are you?:p

And talents have been reset a lot of times when they do big changes.


I'm actually considering retiring my DK until the next expansion and pulling out my undergeared Huntard. I'm sick of seeing DKs, I'm sick of being 1 of 3 dks in a group (thus very limited gear choices), no one wants or needs melee DPS in pugs, etc. I love the class but I think I'll get more group playtime with the Hunter. I hopped online the other day with him, said "ranged dps lf heroics" got like 4 tells right in a row. :lol


I got some heroic groups pretty easily on my pally yesterday, as a tank. Frustrating, though, because I want to gear up my shaman and all I could do is maybe buy valor bracers next patch since there's nothing else you can trade with emblems.
Tamanon said:
What class are you?:p

And talents have been reset a lot of times when they do big changes.

Oh, DUH!

I'm a Warrior!

I don't currently Dual Wield, but I think that's because I was doing Scarlet Monastery the last time I logged in.

I'm probably gonna go to Badlands this week, what a trip. (I'm Horde)

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
firex said:
I got some heroic groups pretty easily on my pally yesterday, as a tank. Frustrating, though, because I want to gear up my shaman and all I could do is maybe buy valor bracers next patch since there's nothing else you can trade with emblems.
Well, just take the shaman next patch. When Conquests start pouring out of heroics the number of people running them will increase probably 5x.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Interfectum said:
Next patch is going to be amazing for gear. I'll have both in high level purples ready for the Cataclysm. :lol
The itemization for cloth on Conquest loot is infuriating.

i.e. everything has haste and critical rating just so they only have to have one piece of gear instead of a healer set AND a DPS set. :lol


Littleberu said:
Oh, DUH!

I'm a Warrior!

I don't currently Dual Wield, but I think that's because I was doing Scarlet Monastery the last time I logged in.

I'm probably gonna go to Badlands this week, what a trip. (I'm Horde)

I just leveled an alliance warrior to 80, and started dual wielding at 20. I don't know if it's the best way to level, but I did it and I didn't have any problems. I was also draenei and an herbalist, so having two heals most warriors probably don't may have helped.

As far as needed mobs, I'm a fan of QuestHelper for leveling and Proculus to tell when my instant Slams proc.


FLEABttn said:
I feel you on that. My guild of the last two years died. Naxx would have 17 people showing up for our 10 man runs of it. Then we'd hit a boss we'd wipe a number of times on to come back to the next day/next weekend and that number would dip to 11. We'd kill the boss and the next weekend that number would be back up to 17. Then Ulduar hit and they 17 dropped to 11 off the bat. Pre-nerf Razorscale and XT seemed to take that 11 down to 8 with grabbing the occasional couple to try and get stuff done. After about 3 months and having zoned into Ulduar maybe 5 times, that myself and the 7 other said we were done there and were rerolling elsewhere. Magically the people who stopped showing up said that elitist carebears had killed the guild, and then a number of them joined a 25 man guild who was ahead of us.

People make me hate WoW.
Blegh, I recognize the entire story.
Thats why I decided to start a 10 man guild, only mates, just have fun during the raids, no presure.
If someone is on the Kul Tiras EU server, just give a /w to Soraxas if you're interested.

Chris R

FLEABttn said:
I just leveled an alliance warrior to 80, and started dual wielding at 20. I don't know if it's the best way to level, but I did it and I didn't have any problems. I was also draenei and an herbalist, so having two heals most warriors probably don't may have helped.

As far as needed mobs, I'm a fan of QuestHelper for leveling and Proculus to tell when my instant Slams proc.
That is the problem I'm running into with my warrior. I basically HAVE to bandage at every single opportunity I have or I'll be dying. Maybe some warriors can give spec advice because I'm wanting to level a tank (doing a druid now since I know how to level those :p ) Warrior is 30ish and druid is too right now


Has problems recognising girls
Warriors shouldn't have to bandage after every mob encounter. You should at least be steam rolling through 5 before you have to bandage up. Things may have changed since I took my Warrior through, but as far as I know you should be heading down the Fury line.


rhfb said:
That is the problem I'm running into with my warrior. I basically HAVE to bandage at every single opportunity I have or I'll be dying. Maybe some warriors can give spec advice because I'm wanting to level a tank (doing a druid now since I know how to level those :p ) Warrior is 30ish and druid is too right now
When I was levelling my warrior, I levelled fury. I also read some levelling threads with a guy that levelled an arms warrior and a fury warrior at the same time, and concluded that fury was much faster.

But if you say you want to tank and you hate your current downtime, prot levelling seems to be pretty decent; plus you have the advantage that you can always run some instances and you can tank them without any problems and you get to practice tanking.
FLEABttn said:
I feel you on that. My guild of the last two years died. Naxx would have 17 people showing up for our 10 man runs of it. Then we'd hit a boss we'd wipe a number of times on to come back to the next day/next weekend and that number would dip to 11. We'd kill the boss and the next weekend that number would be back up to 17. Then Ulduar hit and they 17 dropped to 11 off the bat. Pre-nerf Razorscale and XT seemed to take that 11 down to 8 with grabbing the occasional couple to try and get stuff done. After about 3 months and having zoned into Ulduar maybe 5 times, that myself and the 7 other said we were done there and were rerolling elsewhere. Magically the people who stopped showing up said that elitist carebears had killed the guild, and then a number of them joined a 25 man guild who was ahead of us.

People make me hate WoW.

Yeah I had a frustrating chat with a guildie last night who is good but only shows up on nights that aren't full of wipes. For most guilds on my server Kologarn is the new Razorscale, and I'd imagine a lot of it is the attendance patterns you described.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
speedpop said:
Warriors shouldn't have to bandage after every mob encounter. You should at least be steam rolling through 5 before you have to bandage up. Things may have changed since I took my Warrior through, but as far as I know you should be heading down the Fury line.
Arms would be pretty atrocious to level as, although perhaps in the 40s bracket it might work ok given that Mortal Strike becomes available at 40.

I would personally think it would be a much better option to go Fury since the whole build is pretty much the same from there to Titan's Grip at 60 other than you cant' use 2H'ers. It's really easy since you have a ton of white damage and just use Whirlwind and Bloodthirst whenever you feel like pressing buttons. You'll take more damage as a result of being in Berserker Stance, but that will be compensated for by the fact that past 40 you are replacing mail with plate.

Leveling Protection is fun, and in my opinion just as viable as Fury, but almost certainly not until you get devastate at 50.


Really Really Exciting Member!
rhfb said:
That is the problem I'm running into with my warrior. I basically HAVE to bandage at every single opportunity I have or I'll be dying. Maybe some warriors can give spec advice because I'm wanting to level a tank (doing a druid now since I know how to level those :p ) Warrior is 30ish and druid is too right now

Lvl a Draenei Warrior. :lol It's crazy how their racial healing helped my warrior while lvling.

Chris R

Bisnic said:
Lvl a Draenei Warrior. :lol It's crazy how their racial healing helped my warrior while lvling.
Horde for life :p

Warriors shouldn't have to bandage after every mob encounter. You should at least be steam rolling through 5 before you have to bandage up. Things may have changed since I took my Warrior through, but as far as I know you should be heading down the Fury line.
I'm not doing it every mob, doing it every time the bandage cd is down, which is about 4-5 mobs.

My current spec is Fury, and I guess it will be even easier in 3.2 with the new chest heirlooms. Only downside is I'm wanting to DW but there aren't any good heirloom weapons to do it with :|

edit: I guess there are new maces coming in for 3.2 as well :O


i never had a problem leveling warriors, i think you might be facing mobs that are too high a level, or doing something wrong

hard to say

arms, fury, or prot should all work fine

Chris R

I just hopped on again after not playing my warrior for a long time, and it wasn't as bad as I remembered it. Still I did need to use quite a few bandages in my 30 or so mins of playtime. As for mob level it was +/- 2 levels, so yellow only. Should I be thunderclapping/shouting ect to reduce my damage in? Doesn't really seem to be that useful as the mobs die in like 15 seconds.


I've been leveling my warrior alt as arms, but that's with all 3 melee heirlooms (axe, shoulders, haste trinket) so I have hardly any downtime. But arms leveling is pretty easy.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
rhfb said:
Horde for life :p

I'm not doing it every mob, doing it every time the bandage cd is down, which is about 4-5 mobs.
Try going protection spec for leveling once you hit level 40 and get shield slam. It's a fun way to level up, and it'll cut down on a few of the consumables, but at the end of the day that's just what leveling up a warrior requires. You need to be eating or bandaging after a lot of fights unless you're protection, where you can hold out longer and against more mobs.

If you do go prot for leveling at forty go with a spec similar to this(and pick up glyph of Revenge and then Heroic Strike when you can):

If you want to be a tank you'll be more ready to go once you hit 80 if you've been leveling protection.
Probably not. We would know by now. Blizzard will say when the new arena season will begin one week in advance (so that people can spend their arena points before the reset) and that's when the patch will go live.


Dance In My Blood said:
Try going protection spec for leveling once you hit level 40 and get shield slam. It's a fun way to level up, and it'll cut down on a few of the consumables, but at the end of the day that's just what leveling up a warrior requires. You need to be eating or bandaging after a lot of fights unless you're protection, where you can hold out longer and against more mobs.

If you do go prot for leveling at forty go with a spec similar to this(and pick up glyph of Revenge and then Heroic Strike when you can):

If you want to be a tank you'll be more ready to go once you hit 80 if you've been leveling protection.
If he wants to tank, I would say to do that, but if he doesn't, he should just go Arms or Fury because people will take either of those warrior dps builds along for instances since they bring mostly unique debuffs/buffs. I think personally if I get enough extra gold for it, I might get dual spec on my warrior, but then it seems pointless since I would rather just stay Arms and dps/pvp as Arms (since shamans/paladins both suck in pvp next patch so far).

Chris R

Oh I want to tank. Had a feral tank in TBC for quite a while and enjoyed it very much. 40 is coming up very soon, probably by the end of the week so I'll get dual spec and try it out. What major glyphs should I be using right now though? Rend?


yacobod said:
feral druids are insane right now, if your guild has a good one, he's usually toppin the meters
I play rogue so you know, I don't have anything to whine about. Great single target dps and amazing aoe = win. 3.0 sucked for rogues, but 3.1 kind of fixed us, and I'm quite happy with the current state of the class.


Littleberu said:
Soooo, if I use a Fury build, will I be useless in Instance?

You'll be fine in instances, but many guilds these days tend to already be full on melee for raids, and there are higher dps melee for them to draw from. Arms might give you a better shot in some guilds.

Overall though, it comes down to individual ability.
Flib said:
You'll be fine in instances, but many guilds these days tend to already be full on melee for raids, and there are higher dps melee for them to draw from. Arms might give you a better shot in some guilds.

Overall though, it comes down to individual ability.

And, what about Glyphs? They weren't there last time I played.

Where do I get them?


Buy them on the Auction House or get an Inscriptionist to make them for you. Just do the research on what glyphs are best for your build (I don't play a warrior, so I'm not sure).


Neo Member
after nerf after nerf to my class (shadowpriest) ive decided to retire her and start raiding on my warlock. how are the in terms of general dps output. i always considered myself a great spriest, was always in high end guilds, clearing sunwell before any nerfs, but i just cant compete anymore. also what is the best raiding spec for maximum dps output for a warlock?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
VaLiancY said:
My Warrior guildies make me want to drop my DK and just level a Warrior instead. The numbers they put up are insane. :lol
I bet your Warrior guildies are armed to the teeth though. They are designed in such a way that they scale better and better with gear since damage = rage. If your gear isn't so hot, it sucks.

aryies said:
after nerf after nerf to my class (shadowpriest) ive decided to retire her and start raiding on my warlock. how are the in terms of general dps output. i always considered myself a great spriest, was always in high end guilds, clearing sunwell before any nerfs, but i just cant compete anymore. also what is the best raiding spec for maximum dps output for a warlock?

Shadow Priests are good for raids though.

The only buff besides a bit more damage I really want as a shadowpriest is Vampiric Embrace to be raid-wide.


Neo Member
Angry Grimace said:
I bet your Warrior guildies are armed to the teeth though. They are designed in such a way that they scale better and better with gear since damage = rage. If your gear isn't so hot, it sucks.

Shadow Priests are good for raids though.

The only buff besides a bit more damage I really want as a shadowpriest is Vampiric Embrace to be raid-wide.

except theyre really not.

the only fight i can compete in dps is yogg, vezax and hodir. everything else is gg. and its not just me. every high end raiding spriest says especially on focus fire fights or with fights with little to no aoe, we struggle. i dont get destroyed, but id like to see top 5-7 consistently. which doesnt happen with rogues/mages/warlocks pushing out 8-9k on a lot of fights.

trust me i LOVE the class, and its hurt a lot to finally say im done with her. but its the sad truth. until they are in line with other hybrids, i wont be raiding with her again =(


CassSept said:
I play rogue so you know, I don't have anything to whine about. Great single target dps and amazing aoe = win. 3.0 sucked for rogues, but 3.1 kind of fixed us, and I'm quite happy with the current state of the class.

I must agree. I switched from 4pc Conq Fury Warrior dps to 4pc Conq Rogue dps and the difference is astonishing. I was consistently the best warrior in the guild time and time again ... through Hyjal, through BT, through Sunwell, Naxx .. you name it. Then came the Titan's Grip nerf and everything started to suck.

So I went Arms and did decent DPS but was still a good bit behind ferals and rogues. So I said screw it and leveled a rogue. Went combat, got 2 - 232 weapons (Masticator / Combatant's) and I simply destroy single target.

Time to get me some offspec daggers so I can try out mutilate.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
aryies said:
except theyre really not.

the only fight i can compete in dps is yogg, vezax and hodir. everything else is gg. and its not just me. every high end raiding spriest says especially on focus fire fights or with fights with little to no aoe, we struggle. i dont get destroyed, but id like to see top 5-7 consistently. which doesnt happen with rogues/mages/warlocks pushing out 8-9k on a lot of fights.

trust me i LOVE the class, and its hurt a lot to finally say im done with her. but its the sad truth. until they are in line with other hybrids, i wont be raiding with her again =(
Well SOMEONE has to come in last in DPS, right?


Neo Member
Angry Grimace said:
You do realize that SOMEONE has to come in last in DPS, right?

i think you completely missed my point. last would be ok if the seperation between first and last was 1%~. but its not. unless your other dps classes suck hard, spriests are always near the bottom. if not bottom. and by a lot more than 1%


Angry Grimace said:
I bet your Warrior guildies are armed to the teeth though. They are designed in such a way that they scale better and better with gear since damage = rage. If your gear isn't so hot, it sucks.

Yeah they're geared. And they are waiting for that badass sword off the General-25M hard mode to drop.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
aryies said:
i think you completely missed my point. last would be ok if the seperation between first and last was 1%~. but its not. unless your other dps classes suck hard, spriests are always near the bottom. if not bottom. and by a lot more than 1%
The separation between first and last isn't designed to be 1%. I think you're barking up the wrong tree here.
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