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World of Warcraft

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Neo Member
Angry Grimace said:
The separation between first and last isn't designed to be 1%.

and it should be. therefor i=unhappy with my class=retiring until fixed. do you really think we are fine? because every priest who comments on ej or spriest.com is extremely unhappy with the class at the moment. once they removed dots base damage scaling with crit%, everything went pear shaped. sure, dots crit now, but that just means we are an rng class, and a horrible one at that.

is it too much to ask to be put in line with other hybrids? or do you disagree with that also. boomkins/ferals/ele/enh/DKs ALL outdps us and quite comfortably.

edit: im quite comfortable with rogues warlocks and mages and hunters being top, dps is all they can do, so i understand that they will just be designed better than hybrids for maximum dps output. but can you please tell me one class that a spriest can outdps, WITH equal gear, on a consistent basis?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
aryies said:
and it should be. therefor i=unhappy with my class=retiring until fixed. do you really think we are fine? because every priest who comments on ej or spriest.com is extremely unhappy with the class at the moment. once they removed dots base damage scaling with crit%, everything went pear shaped. sure, dots crit now, but that just means we are an rng class, and a horrible one at that.

is it too much to ask to be put in line with other hybrids? or do you disagree with that also. boomkins/ferals/ele/enh/DKs ALL outdps us and quite comfortably.
They ARE in line with other hybrids. I'm not trying to "prove you wrong," but check out a few high level guild's WWS reports. It's more likely that there's a gear or skill gap between you and them.


Neo Member
Angry Grimace said:
They ARE in line with other hybrids. I'm not trying to "prove you wrong," but check out a few high level guild's WWS reports. It's more likely that there's a gear or skill gap between you and them.

ok. if you say so. my old guild (ceased progression as of yesterday, was top50 oceanic, great group of guys) had amazing people there. the spriests i had the pleasure of playing with were amazing, and we always kept ties with other high end guilds (especially the #1 guild on our server, #2 oceanic overall NSB). every-single-spriest that i associated with said we are a completely underpowered hybrid. our WWS were always very close between the spriests. so i dont think the "gear gap" or "skill gap" is an issue. so if your not trying to "prove me wrong", what are you trying to do? also, im not epeen stroking. im just trying to explain, i dont know how long youve played an spriest for but judging from your "replacing my dk with my undergeared spriest", it doesnt sound like you have much endgame experience on an spriest. if im wrong, i apoligise.

if you are happy with the class, im happy for you. i dont know what kind of people you play with, but im telling you, not that you have to, or will listen, if you are outdpsing warriors, shamans, druids, consistently, they are bad at theyre class. plain and simple.


Neo Member
but regardless, i am not here to start a war of words. if you are happy with the class, more power to you. i wish i was too, because i enjoy the class a lot. my favorite class out of all the ones i have raided with, and the one i have the most experience with. if one day blizzard do decide to fix us, then i will return to her, very happily.

but i still would like opinions on warlock specs, endgame. ive heard that in naxx, afflic is king, but in ulduar, destro is. is this because of fight mechanics or because of gear changes between raids? also wanted to know if there was a shadowpriest.com equivilent site for warlocks that anyone could reccomend.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
aryies said:
ok. if you say so. my old guild (ceased progression as of yesterday, was top50 oceanic, great group of guys) had amazing people there. the spriests i had the pleasure of playing with were amazing, and we always kept ties with other high end guilds (especially the #1 guild on our server, #2 oceanic overall NSB). every-single-spriest that i associated with said we are a completely underpowered hybrid. our WWS were always very close between the spriests. so i dont think the "gear gap" or "skill gap" is an issue. so if your not trying to "prove me wrong", what are you trying to do? also, im not epeen stroking. im just trying to explain, i dont know how long youve played an spriest for but judging from your "replacing my dk with my undergeared spriest", it doesnt sound like you have much endgame experience on an spriest. if im wrong, i apoligise.

if you are happy with the class, im happy for you. i dont know what kind of people you play with, but im telling you, not that you have to, or will listen, if you are outdpsing warriors, shamans, druids, consistently, they are bad at theyre class. plain and simple.
I guess your shift key is broken?

Just check the reports of the top world guilds. Their shadow priests are not failing at all. The facts really don't bear out your argument. You, are not a "pure" DPS class. That is just the way it's going to be. Your DPS will be competitive with other hybrid classes if you do it right.

But I really can't reason with you on this since you're the one who's psycho enough to go to go re-roll cause you're not getting within 1% :lol


Neo Member
Angry Grimace said:
I guess your shift key is broken?

But I really can't reason with you on this since you're the one who's psycho enough to go to go re-roll cause you're not getting within 1% :lol

its not rerolling since my warlock is 75 at the moment. shocking isnt it. but yes, your reasoning and apparent lack of experience cant really convince me. are you ready to move on now?


Random post time:

Man, wanted to level a new char over the colder summer days, decided to finally do a Shaman, but like so often over the last 4 years I lose interest with him before I hit level 20. Stupid boring class. :(

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
aryies said:
its not rerolling since my warlock is 75 at the moment. shocking isnt it. but yes, your reasoning and apparent lack of experience cant really convince me. are you ready to move on now?
Again, not the point, and actually, completely irrelevant. Having experience with a class at a certain level has little to no bearing on anything, because one person's subjective experience isn't instructive, especially given we don't know anything about you or your playstyle. The game and class designers themselves have stated many times that they don't have hands-on experience playing each and every class, but they still design them and balance them accordingly.

a) Logs of raids from the top guilds in the EU and US show that Shadow Priests are at or above the marks being set by other hybrids that are not Death Knights or Feral Druids, both of which are receiving nerfs. It was unreasonable of you to expect to do Mage and Warlock damage while rolling a Priest in the first place.

b) Your expectations are faulty in the first place. You're upset about not coming within 1% of damage of pure DPS classes. This is unreasonable in the first place. You haven't even put up any numbers that others are putting up compared to yours, or anything like that for people to say what the problem is here. Presumably, that's on purpose.

c) The tired argument "Blizzard doesn't care about X class" is completely done to death and silly and if WotLK (and even TBC) has proved anything, just wrong. If Priest had NO viable raiding DPS class, it would be fixed and their DPS buffed. You'll notice there aren't any fixes to Shadow Priest in the new build beyond removing the cooldown on Devouring Plague. Why do you think that is? Do you think the designers are just incompetent?

d) There's no convincing you anyways, since you already stated that even if I show you a WWS or WoL report showing shadow priests coming in top 5 in the top guilds in the world, you're just going to shrug that off as "the other classes were bads."

The only reasonable assumption here is that there's a significant gulf between you and your guildmates's skill levels. The fact that you're incapable of typing even remotely correctly DOES reinforce the idea you're just some petulant kid with too much time on your hands.

Have fun with your warlock. I look forward to your "Warlocks aren't competing with Rogues!" post.


aryies said:
i think you completely missed my point. last would be ok if the seperation between first and last was 1%~. but its not. unless your other dps classes suck hard, spriests are always near the bottom. if not bottom. and by a lot more than 1%

Shrug ... most of my guild has their drakes on 10 man. We've downed 5 hard modes in 25 man and one of our shadow priests ... Kaliver .... actually does a ton of damage on non-melee stacked fights. I don't know what he does but he seems happy with his class.

My warrior ... I was full 226 (well one 219) with some 239's mixed in. No matter what I did I could not catch or even come close to evenly geared DK's / Feral druids on fights. Switched to rogue and got geared up and now I hang out with said DK/Feral on the meters.


No One Remembers
Won said:
Random post time:

Man, wanted to level a new char over the colder summer days, decided to finally do a Shaman, but like so often over the last 4 years I lose interest with him before I hit level 20. Stupid boring class. :(

It gets a lot more fun at 40! :D
Won said:
Random post time:

Man, wanted to level a new char over the colder summer days, decided to finally do a Shaman, but like so often over the last 4 years I lose interest with him before I hit level 20. Stupid boring class. :(

Shaman was by far my favorite class to level. I have 3 80's; Priest, warrior and shaman. I was just completely blowing through stuff without ever having to drink, taking on 3 or 4 mobs at once with no problem.


Junior Member
aryies said:
but i still would like opinions on warlock specs, endgame. ive heard that in naxx, afflic is king, but in ulduar, destro is. is this because of fight mechanics or because of gear changes between raids? also wanted to know if there was a shadowpriest.com equivilent site for warlocks that anyone could reccomend.

Last time I looked at EJ's simulationcraft section on warlocks, there's not that much spread between affliction (53/0/18) and destruction (3/13/55) in terms of dps with Naxx or Ulduar gear. Not enough that it doesn't fall out when the reality of raid encounters comes in.

It's really more of a preference. The rotations are very similar, with destro managing one more cooldown than affliction and affliction having an execute phase. I know next to nothing about demo specs, I hated having to be demo for a short time after the initial nerf to conflag in 3.1.

My advice would be to dual spec and figure out what works best for each encounter. The only fight in Naxx that really favors one over the other is Heigen, where having your DoTs ticking during the dance is nice.

Ulduar (at least to me) tends to favor destro because many of the fights have mechanics that favor burst damage, which is something destro has a leg up on. Go affliction for Yogg though, you spend nearly all of P3 in the execute phase and you can drain soul while facing away from him. Our mage (that pulled 20K dps on hardmode Hodir) is the only one that can break into the warlock group at the top of the dps meters on that fight.

funkmastergeneral said:
Shaman was by far my favorite class to level. I have 3 80's; Priest, warrior and shaman. I was just completely blowing through stuff without ever having to drink, taking on 3 or 4 mobs at once with no problem.

Funny how times change. I hated leveling my shaman in vanilla. My priest is a joke to level now, VE means single targets never drop my health below 100% and multiple mobs are easy to manage as well.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Yeah i avoided lvling a shaman in the past 2-3 years because i hated the whole totem thing and lightning/water shield having only 3 charges. But now that i lvled one, it wasn't so bad.

Shields now cost 0 mana so i can just spam them whenever i want and Mana shield helps making sure you never run out of mana, and if you lvl as Enhancement, Improve Stormstrike makes it even more ridiculous.


Junior Member
Flying at 60 and cold weather flying at 68 will make leveling alts ridiculous in 3.2.

I got epic / cold weather flying on my priest at 77 and it's night and day vs leveling on my main who couldn't epic flying until I had been 80 for weeks.


Entropia said:
It gets a lot more fun at 40! :D

Yeah, I know that, but getting there....damn. Too many passive elements in that class. :lol

I think I will do a Warrior or Druid instead for now.


Junior Member
I'm on Casualmine, which on the otherhand is lacking warlocks. :lol

Ignore me, look at the locks.

From a Yogg Fight, our DPS Druid was tanking because a Tank had DC'd earlier.

Uldaur is unique in some respects, due to many fights have certain classes excelling in dps due to some modifiers or an aoe fest. (WTB CC FIGHTS)
Yogg has a great modifier for warlocks on the last phase with dot rolling.

Anywho, I know Pallies that are going Warlock next patch. (3.Pally Approved)


Junior Member
funkmastergeneral said:
I think you wanted to post that just to show who's at the top :p
No, look at the two warlocks.
Which is strange because 80% of our raids lack warlocks. :lol

Our boomkin Boomerkins, can hit 13k sustained dps on the Gen Vezex fight.
Nothing but starfire spam! :|

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Blizzard said:
Only white attacks can stack the Sea of Vengeance / Corruption dot. However special abilities should still trigger the bonus weapon damage. I'm not sure the current PTR build you have reflects that last bit.

The goal was not to nerf Ret for PvE. We do want the ramp up time to be significant for PvE or it won't solve the PvP problem we're trying to fix. However, once you get the stack up, your damage should be pretty decent. On very short kills (say trash or something like Thorim arena) you won't be able to get the full benefit from the dot, but any class with a finishing move typically loses that damage as well. Balance is important for both short and long fights, but it's normal to use different rotations or abilities for those two extremes. (In other words, we're okay with a long ramp up time for this ability.)

We will continue to monitor Ret numbers coming out of the PTR and even once the patch goes live and make changes if necessary.

And here I thought they were increasing PvE DPS for Retribution.

Liars :lol

MMO-Champion seems to think it's going live next week, but I have my doubts given the fact that half the abilities on there still don't seem to work right.


Junior Member
Xabora said:
Anywho, I know Pallies that are going Warlock next patch. (3.Pally Approved)

Dunno why, unless they genuinely want to play the class. We're one conflag nerf away from being middle of the pack again, assuming 3.2 keeps the priority on burst the way Ulduar does.

I don't understand the people that hop from class to class.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
TomServo said:
Dunno why, unless they genuinely want to play the class. We're one conflag nerf away from being middle of the pack again, assuming 3.2 keeps the priority on burst the way Ulduar does.

I don't understand the people that hop from class to class.
Because some people simply can't live if they aren't the best of the best on the vanity meter, because there's a faulty assumption that it's the only thing that matters.

Some people don't really understand the tradeoffs between classes. Like the Shadow Priest guy above. The reason Shadow Priests do less damage than Mages, Warlocks, Hunters and Rogues is because a) Disc kicks ass for Tank heals/PvP, b) Holy is the "standard" raid healing class, and c) because Shadow provides replenishment, Misery and Vampiric Embrace, which is quite good but occasionally forgotten about due to the fact that it sucked ass and pulled aggro in TBC.

It sounds to me like the Patch is going to launch without the new PvP stuff until a ways in(?) I mean, Season 6 isn't even over and has had no notice it's going to end, but it doesn't really look like they're gonna be waiting till September to launch 3.2 either.


funkmastergeneral said:
I think you wanted to post that just to show who's at the top :p

ooooooooh yeeeaaah!!!


wait.... this isnt a dps meter flexing thread? :(
aah the beginning of WoTLK raiding, when I could top dps meters with crappy dps gear
aryies said:
but regardless, i am not here to start a war of words. if you are happy with the class, more power to you. i wish i was too, because i enjoy the class a lot. my favorite class out of all the ones i have raided with, and the one i have the most experience with. if one day blizzard do decide to fix us, then i will return to her, very happily.

but i still would like opinions on warlock specs, endgame. ive heard that in naxx, afflic is king, but in ulduar, destro is. is this because of fight mechanics or because of gear changes between raids? also wanted to know if there was a shadowpriest.com equivilent site for warlocks that anyone could reccomend.

The Warlocks Den

Also elitistjerks.


my god Blizzard hates paladins again. If they could make seal of command worthwhile then it wouldn't be as big of an issue, but good luck with that. They can never make that anything more than a crappy leveling seal that you replace asap. and what the fucking christ this seal of corruption nerf is huge for paladin tanks. No more stacking corruption on mobs with hotr, which means way less chances of getting increased threat when the first mob is down.
I'm sick of my DK. To hard to get into raids now with melee DPS overflowing and I've never tanked although I'm willing to try it...just not on my DK. Time for him to take a break.

Whats the most fun class in your opinion to level and do endgame with? I'm feeling Drood but I'm just curious what others say.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
firex said:
my god Blizzard hates paladins again. If they could make seal of command worthwhile then it wouldn't be as big of an issue, but good luck with that. They can never make that anything more than a crappy leveling seal that you replace asap. and what the fucking christ this seal of corruption nerf is huge for paladin tanks. No more stacking corruption on mobs with hotr, which means way less chances of getting increased threat when the first mob is down.
Some testing on the PTR has shown Command to be pretty much the same DPS wise as Righteousness :lol


StormyTheRabbit said:
I'm sick of my DK. To hard to get into raids now with melee DPS overflowing and I've never tanked although I'm willing to try it...just not on my DK. Time for him to take a break.

Whats the most fun class in your opinion to level and do endgame with? I'm feeling Drood but I'm just curious what others say.
Well I'm levelling a druid to "replace" my warrior tank. I still love my warrior, but I've been a dpser, a tank, and I have never been a healer. Just want to try raid healing now.

Maybe you should just ask yourself, what roll do I want to perform? Do I want to be a caster/melee?


honestly I remember having fun leveling my lock in vanilla WoW, but that was with some shittacular talents, so they might be a million times better now. Recently I have had tons of fun leveling an Arms Warrior and before that, I had some fun leveling my shaman as ele/enhance (swapped out of ele when I realized gearing up for it would suck and orcs are meant to be enhance) but I wouldn't level a melee without heirloom weapons, honestly. although feral druids are a special case and don't need heirloom weapons (until 3.2 when they get fucking awesome finkle's lava dredger).

Angry Grimace said:
Some testing on the PTR has shown Command to be pretty much the same DPS wise as Righteousness :lol

5/5 Seals of the Pure apparently makes Righteousness better since neither one will crit very often now, and obviously makes Corruption/Vengeance way better. Still pissed about this indirect pally tank threat nerf though. They should at least make HotR a specific exception to the "melee specials don't stack the dot" rule since it absolutely does not deal significant damage compared to ret's specials.

Oh well. I already pretty much pre-specced my paladin for tank/dps next patch, but I'm sticking with tanking, period. Just glad that the new 5 man drops ilevel 200 normal, 213 heroic, because that means doing the heroic will get blues on the level of 10m naxx epics and the boss will drop something equivalent to KT/Maly10.


aryies said:
ok. if you say so. my old guild (ceased progression as of yesterday, was top50 oceanic, great group of guys) had amazing people there. the spriests i had the pleasure of playing with were amazing, and we always kept ties with other high end guilds (especially the #1 guild on our server, #2 oceanic overall NSB). every-single-spriest that i associated with said we are a completely underpowered hybrid. our WWS were always very close between the spriests. so i dont think the "gear gap" or "skill gap" is an issue. so if your not trying to "prove me wrong", what are you trying to do? also, im not epeen stroking. im just trying to explain, i dont know how long youve played an spriest for but judging from your "replacing my dk with my undergeared spriest", it doesnt sound like you have much endgame experience on an spriest. if im wrong, i apoligise.
Guessing you're from Serious Players? Anyway, Shadow Priests perform fine for the most part with obvious weaknesses on single target fights in comparison to other classes. Different classes excel on different fights and I'd say the balance in Ulduar is pretty good when it comes to letting classes carry on certain fights. Plus you can always be a pindick and DoT Iron Constructs, Freya, Steelbreaker, Constellations etc. In the end, Priests are a hybrid with 3 strong specs and certainly in a better position than Pallys, Shamans and Moonkins.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The idea, I guess, is that you would use Seal of Command for short fights and Vengeance for long fights, but the problem is that Seal of Command's damage sucks ass (it does more per swing than Righteousness but less judgment damage than Righteousness).

Everyone just assumed that Vengeance not stacking the debuff other than white swings was a bug, but apparently not.

My guess is that Paladins are not going to be particularly pleased, although the QQ on the official forums is legendary (i.e. "I hate Crusader Strike's 4 sec. CD cause I have to push the button more!")


StormyTheRabbit said:
Whats the most fun class in your opinion to level and do endgame with? I'm feeling Drood but I'm just curious what others say.

Of all the classes I've leveled to 70 or higher, in terms of fun, I'd be:

1) DK
2) Ret Paladin
3) Warrior (Draenei + Herbalism, so 2 heals most don't have, otherwise I'd flip this with the rogue)
4) Rogue
5) Mage
6) Shadow Priest

Of all the classes I have done at endgame:

1) DK
2) Rogue
3) Ret Paladin
4) Holy Priest


I hate the new Crusader Strike because it's worse than any DK strike except maybe Plague Strike.

I guess one tiny advantage Command has over Corruption is it can proc itself if you judge in melee range, even on the PTR, but the damage, even pre-3.2, of dpsing with Corruption and Seals of the Pure, outweighs it.

One other slight advantage of the new change is the Corruption/Vengeance glyph becomes useful for both specs as free expertise, something ret paladins don't get in their talents and usually don't get a lot of in tier gear, either. So it makes gearing up a bit easier.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
firex said:
honestly I remember having fun leveling my lock in vanilla WoW, but that was with some shittacular talents, so they might be a million times better now. Recently I have had tons of fun leveling an Arms Warrior and before that, I had some fun leveling my shaman as ele/enhance (swapped out of ele when I realized gearing up for it would suck and orcs are meant to be enhance) but I wouldn't level a melee without heirloom weapons, honestly. although feral druids are a special case and don't need heirloom weapons (until 3.2 when they get fucking awesome finkle's lava dredger).


5/5 Seals of the Pure apparently makes Righteousness better since neither one will crit very often now, and obviously makes Corruption/Vengeance way better. Still pissed about this indirect pally tank threat nerf though. They should at least make HotR a specific exception to the "melee specials don't stack the dot" rule since it absolutely does not deal significant damage compared to ret's specials.

Oh well. I already pretty much pre-specced my paladin for tank/dps next patch, but I'm sticking with tanking, period. Just glad that the new 5 man drops ilevel 200 normal, 213 heroic, because that means doing the heroic will get blues on the level of 10m naxx epics and the boss will drop something equivalent to KT/Maly10.
What? Don't really understand what you mean here.

The only reason to even bother running Naxx 10 after this will be mass Conquest badge/Abyss Crystal farming. (The whole dungeon could probably be 7 or even 6 manned at this point, of course.) Another issue is if the "normal" version of Trial of the Crusader dungeon drops are non-disenchantable or D/E into Dream Shards rather than Abyss. Because if you could D/E them into Abyss Crystals (since it's normal, you could run it 10000 times a day), Abyss Crystals would lose 90% of their value.

As for the Seal, isn't Righteousness the tanking seal? The problem with Vengeance for me is that it doesn't do ANYTHING special up until the 5th stack is applied, which takes 15 sec. to do with only white attacks. I would think a better, non-game breaking choice (since Blizzard seems to find yellow attacks stacking Vengenace to be PvP-breaking), would be to let the damage increase up to 33% with each stack, i.e. 6/12/18/24/33% extra damage per application? The ramp-up time for SoV seems pretty onerous for anything short of a long-ish single target boss fight.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
firex said:
I hate the new Crusader Strike because it's worse than any DK strike except maybe Plague Strike.

I guess one tiny advantage Command has over Corruption is it can proc itself if you judge in melee range, even on the PTR, but the damage, even pre-3.2, of dpsing with Corruption and Seals of the Pure, outweighs it.

One other slight advantage of the new change is the Corruption/Vengeance glyph becomes useful for both specs as free expertise, something ret paladins don't get in their talents and usually don't get a lot of in tier gear, either. So it makes gearing up a bit easier.
That is true (ish), but we also can't use our strikes every 4 sec. either. I think the math was that if you use all those crusader strikes, the overall damage is higher. (i.e. 6 CS in 24 sec. vs. 4 is more DPS even with CS's damage being less). Of course, it really depends on how able you are to actually use every Crusader Strike.
StormyTheRabbit said:
I'm sick of my DK. To hard to get into raids now with melee DPS overflowing and I've never tanked although I'm willing to try it...just not on my DK. Time for him to take a break.

Whats the most fun class in your opinion to level and do endgame with? I'm feeling Drood but I'm just curious what others say.

My main is a pve discipline priest which is easily the most fun I've had playing the game, but I raided classic with a hunter so ymmv. Priest levelling is easy enough, stuff dies fast with shadow (or disc honestly) and the regen talents are designed to keep you moving.

Having said that, I'm levelling a durid as my tanking character and it is amazing. Feral durids have NO downtime at all, and completely destroy mobs. If you get hurt, tap lifebloom twice then shapeshift and stealth. Improved leader of the pack regens all your mana while you fight. Rinse and repeat.

Stealth classes also have an obvious advantage in being able to choose fights too, making "go here and find my lost shovel" quests much faster. Only major problem is itemisation, but you level through classic and TBC so fast you won't even notice.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
jim-jam bongs said:
My main is a pve discipline priest which is easily the most fun I've had playing the game, but I raided classic with a hunter so ymmv. Priest levelling is easy enough, stuff dies fast with shadow (or disc honestly) and the regen talents are designed to keep you moving.

Having said that, I'm levelling a durid as my tanking character and it is amazing. Feral durids have NO downtime at all, and completely destroy mobs. If you get hurt, tap lifebloom twice then shapeshift and stealth. Improved leader of the pack regens all your mana while you fight. Rinse and repeat.

Stealth classes also have an obvious advantage in being able to choose fights too, making "go here and find my lost shovel" quests much faster. Only major problem is itemisation, but you level through classic and TBC so fast you won't even notice.
Of course, Lifebloom isn't really a leveling talent since you don't get it until lvl 64 =P

I'm not sure what the story is with the new patch, but my GF is really into the idea of playing Aion, and it's going to fit very neatly in that downtime between Trial of the Grand Crusader and Icecrown. Hopefully Icecrown Citadel will be the best dungeon Blizzard's ever come up with.


Angry Grimace said:
What? Don't really understand what you mean here.

The only reason to even bother running Naxx 10 after this will be mass Conquest badge/Abyss Crystal farming. (The whole dungeon could probably be 7 or even 6 manned at this point, of course.) Another issue is if the "normal" version of Trial of the Crusader dungeon drops are non-disenchantable or D/E into Dream Shards rather than Abyss. Because if you could D/E them into Abyss Crystals (since it's normal, you could run it 10000 times a day), Abyss Crystals would lose 90% of their value.

As for the Seal, isn't Righteousness the tanking seal? The problem with Vengeance for me is that it doesn't do ANYTHING special up until the 5th stack is applied, which takes 15 sec. to do with only white attacks. I would think a better, non-game breaking choice (since Blizzard seems to find yellow attacks stacking Vengenace to be PvP-breaking), would be to let the damage increase up to 33% with each stack, i.e. 6/12/18/24/33% extra damage per application? The ramp-up time for SoV seems pretty onerous for anything short of a long-ish single target boss fight.
ilevel of stuff in the new 5 man is 200 normal, 213 heroic, so it should drop some pretty good gear. I really couldn't care less about shards because they're cheap for either version, but getting 213 ilevel blues should be on the level or slightly above naxx10 gear, plus then the last boss will drop an ilevel 213 epic, so for a heroic, you have a shot at an epic on the level of KT10/Maly10. I don't think they'll make the epics off the last boss of the new 5 man as specifically good as KT's/Maly's, but I think they will be better than most Naxx10 drops.
and no, righteousness is a garbage seal. Tanks use corruption because it stacks with HotR hits and the judgement increases in damage with each stack of the dot, so it can be pretty potent. So the joke of how crappy command is, is that it's literally only useful as a leveling talent until level 66 or you get 5/5 seals of the pure in your talent build, whichever comes first. Righteousness is basically used maybe by leveling holy paladins for some extra dps, since it scales better with spell power and is based off spell crit (unless that changed with 3.0, but I never saw it mentioned as changing with 3.0 compared to all the other seals) and by low level paladins before they get seal of command.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
firex said:
ilevel of stuff in the new 5 man is 200 normal, 213 heroic, so it should drop some pretty good gear. I really couldn't care less about shards because they're cheap for either version, but getting 213 ilevel blues should be on the level or slightly above naxx10 gear, plus then the last boss will drop an ilevel 213 epic, so for a heroic, you have a shot at an epic on the level of KT10/Maly10. I don't think they'll make the epics off the last boss of the new 5 man as specifically good as KT's/Maly's, but I think they will be better than most Naxx10 drops.
and no, righteousness is a garbage seal. Tanks use corruption because it stacks with HotR hits and the judgement increases in damage with each stack of the dot, so it can be pretty potent. So the joke of how crappy command is, is that it's literally only useful as a leveling talent until level 66 or you get 5/5 seals of the pure in your talent build, whichever comes first. Righteousness is basically used maybe by leveling holy paladins for some extra dps, since it scales better with spell power and is based off spell crit (unless that changed with 3.0, but I never saw it mentioned as changing with 3.0 compared to all the other seals) and by low level paladins before they get seal of command.
There are no blue drops in the new dungeon (Trial of the Champion, or "CC5" for short) on either mode. Both modes of the new 5 man drop all epics of ilvl 200 in regular and 213 in Heroic.

The final boss of the Trial of the Champion
___The Black Knight!____
drops the same ilvl epics as the other 3 bosses.

An example item from heroic mode:


As you can see, it's borderline overbudgeted for ilvl 213, actually, or rather than overbudgeted, a lot of the stuff out of the heroic mode contains significantly less "junk" stats and thus most of it seems better than the average Naxx-25 and Maly/KT10 stuff.

Another example:

http://ptr.wowhead.com/?item=47569 - Spectral Kris (last boss, Heroic CC5)


http://www.wowhead.com/?item=39423 - Hammer of the Astral Plane (Kel'Thuzad, Naxx10)

The Heroic Crusader's Coliseum item is indisputably better given that all spell classes can equip daggers and the socket + an epic gem significantly outclasses the KT item.
Angry Grimace said:
Of course, Lifebloom isn't really a leveling talent since you don't get it until lvl 64 =P

I'm not sure what the story is with the new patch, but my GF is really into the idea of playing Aion, and it's going to fit very neatly in that downtime between Trial of the Grand Crusader and Icecrown. Hopefully Icecrown Citadel will be the best dungeon Blizzard's ever come up with.

There are no levels between 64 and 80?!? :p


He measures in centimeters
Xabora said:
I'm on Casualmine, which on the otherhand is lacking warlocks. :lol

Ignore me, look at the locks.
From a Yogg Fight, our DPS Druid was tanking because a Tank had DC'd earlier.

Uldaur is unique in some respects, due to many fights have certain classes excelling in dps due to some modifiers or an aoe fest. (WTB CC FIGHTS)
Yogg has a great modifier for warlocks on the last phase with dot rolling.

Anywho, I know Pallies that are going Warlock next patch. (3.Pally Approved)
Yeah DPS meters on yogg are just stupid for many reasons. And, yeah, you want your affliction locks rollin dots in p3. Lock damage is great for a few fights (assembly, general, yogg) and solid on other bosses. In our guild most bosses seem to go feral/rogue, then dks, then locks, then other. Mages great on hodir and general meh (feel sorry their class is balanced around these two gimmick fights).


oh, I didn't realize they were going full-on Magister's Terrace mode with the new 5 man. that just makes it even better.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
thatbox said:
As of last night on the PTR every item that dropped in the new heroic 5-man was ilvl219.
Unless they changed it in the last build, they are still 213. Considering a Blizzard post was put out on the subject like a week ago, I don't think they changed it.

Blizzard said:
Here's a basic breakdown of the item levels for each dungeon:

Trial of the Champion (5-player) normal mode: Item level 200
Trial of the Champion (5-player) Heroic mode: Item level 213
Trial of the Crusader (10-player) normal mode: Item level 232
Trial of the Crusader (25-player) normal mode: Item level 245
Trial of the Grand Crusader (10-player) Heroic mode: Item level 245
Trial of the Grand Crusader (25-player) Heroic mode: Item level 258

In addition, successful tribute runs (Trial of the Grand Crusader only) will result in higher item level rewards from the tribute chest at the end.
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