? How could you not know the answer to that. Anub'Arak is underneath.border said:This may sound dumb as hell, but is there anything "underneath" the Colosseum? On the test server I went into the 5-man instance once, and fell through the floor into this weird cave place with a bunch of ooze and stuff. This was in the instance itself, not the overworld.
The fall was so far that it killed me, so I couldn't walk around and see anything.....I had meant to go back in with a Soulstone and see what was up, but by the time I got around to it they'd patched the hole in the geometry.
I was thinking Xabora or one of the other resident hackers might know something about this.
Tons of people have killed em.Magnus said:Any kills of Northrend Beasts reported yet? Weird if not. Shit's definitely broken then?
Well, when I fell through the floor it was in the 5-man instance.....Anub'Arak isn't in that, is he?Son of Godzilla said:? How could you not know the answer to that. Anub'Arak is underneath.
Magnus said:Any kills of Northrend Beasts reported yet? Weird if not. Shit's definitely broken then?
Captain Blood said:Stay away from Thrall dude it was up for probably 20 min and is back down again.![]()
No reason to use a different set for 5/10/25 when they could... not. This is one of the cheapest content additions ever! Hell instead of making 10 different armor sets they did what, 4 and colored em?border said:Well, when I fell through the floor it was in the 5-man instance.....Anub'Arak isn't in that, is he?
I knew he was a boss for the 10/25-man raids, but I didn't think he was in some area below the Colosseum. I wouldn't expect that area would still be a part of the 5-man instance either.....maybe he'll be added to it later?
border said:Amusing exchange from my realm's forums (the only time I visit is of course when the server is down):
ATTN: Daggerspine Women
Was thinking of doing an all gurls ^.^ naxxramas 25woman. It would be fun to do a raid without boys being annoying, and making immature comment's PST me in-game if interested. =)
First reply:
I'm not sure a raid of 25 healers would get very far.
yes? Back in vanilla my old guild had a couple girls who played warriors.border said:It's probably unfair to say that all girls who play the game are healers, as I've seen plenty of female mages and hunters. But in 5 years I can't say I've met a single female tank....are they out there?
border said:It's probably unfair to say that all girls who play the game are healers, as I've seen plenty of female mages and hunters. But in 5 years I can't say I've met a single female tank....are they out there?
They share the same instance zone info and mesh, so the breaking animation is only triggered for the Anub'Arak intro.border said:I was thinking Xabora or one of the other resident hackers might know something about this.
border said:It's probably unfair to say that all girls who play the game are healers, as I've seen plenty of female mages and hunters. But in 5 years I can't say I've met a single female tank....are they out there?
The armor is 219 also. Unless both the game and RatingsBuster were lying :lolWeenerz said:The weapons are ilvl219.
I raid on Burning Legion. I'm GM of a 10man guild that's shutting down this week, but I also raid with a very good 25-man guild Hordeside. I'm Anohako and Sonohako, what's your main's name?VGChampion said:My alt is in Forgotten Coast and it always is one of the first servers back. My main is in Burning Legion and it seems like we're always in the back. Blizzard taunts me with their crazy ways. :lol
Took us exactly 4 attempts on 25. Doing it in 10-man actually seemed tougher.cubicle47b said:Yeah, Beasts are easy. We didn't look up the abilities going in and took maybe 4 attempts to kill them (25 man).
Gloomfire said:*pic*
Only took 3 eggs.
VaLiancY said:Anyone noticing an extra talent point in their talent window?
border said:It's probably unfair to say that all girls who play the game are healers, as I've seen plenty of female mages and hunters. But in 5 years I can't say I've met a single female tank....are they out there?
Seeds said:I'm guessing that as a new player, choosing a recommended player is the best thing I can do. Right?
Interfectum said:You mean recommended server? Nah... just go with a medium pop PvE server.
If you want to do PvP later on you can transfer over, but do NOT level on a PvP server.
TheExodu5 said:I quit WoW again. Wooo!
It's for people who don't have the flight path. Most players will probably use it only once, like the boat from Darnassus to Auberdine.ianswoody said:Okay, so the Zepp from Org to TB seems pretty useless to me. Unless you don't have 55 copper for the Flight Master...
Evlar said:So... as an 80 Disc Priest running around in sucky quest blues and greens what's a sensible upgrade path these days? Meaning, ideas on instances to run and/or rep to grind. Something I could do with PUGs, at least at first.
Why not? I've leveled two characters to 70+ and at least 5 more in the 30-60 range and ganking has cost me a grand total of about 10 minutes in corpse runs. I'm sure I've saved more time killing other characters at quest mob locations than I've spent running back to my corpse.Interfectum said:If you want to do PvP later on you can transfer over, but do NOT level on a PvP server.
Wrekt said:Why not? I've leveled two characters to 70+ and at least 5 more in the 30-60 range and ganking has cost me a grand total of about 10 minutes in corpse runs. I'm sure I've saved more time killing other characters at quest mob locations than I've spent running back to my corpse.
Stay away from Northern STV and you will be fine. Leveling in old world is boring. Don't make it mindless by rolling PvE.
Evlar said:It's for people who don't have the flight path. Most players will probably use it only once, like the boat from Darnassus to Auberdine.
It's not at all. I admit that I leveled a bit ahead of the curve in Vanilla and BC and I knew which areas to avoid from beta. I have multiple level 40 somethings that have never died to pvp and I don't think my Warrior in vanilla got ganked until he hit Un'Goro. My Pally in BC didn't get ganked until Felwood and didn't get ganked again until after he hit 70. I've never died in Tanaris so I don't know how bad the CR is.TheExodu5 said:That's a gross underexaggeration and you know it.
One corpse run in Tanaris will cost you 3+ minutes.