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World of Warcraft

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cubicle47b said:
You want rep with Sons of Hodir for the shoulder enchant, Wyrmrest for the spell power / mp5 head enchant and then whatever benefits your professions the most. You can run the easiest heroics (Utgarde Keep, the Nexus, etc.) for emblems which will upgrade you very quickly thanks to the 3.2 patch. A few pieces like http://www.wowhead.com/?item=45822 are extremely easy to get and go a long way in gearing you up.
Thanks, that's what I needed to know.


Wrekt said:
Why not? I've leveled two characters to 70+ and at least 5 more in the 30-60 range and ganking has cost me a grand total of about 10 minutes in corpse runs. I'm sure I've saved more time killing other characters at quest mob locations than I've spent running back to my corpse.

Stay away from Northern STV and you will be fine. Leveling in old world is boring. Don't make it mindless by rolling PvE.

I've leveled 3 characters on a PvP server (Hunter, Warlock, Death Knight) and I'd advise any new person to not bother at this point. There is no world PvP, it's bored higher level players ganking lowbies... that's it. I started a new character on a PvE server for shits and giggles and the experience is SO much better.

But sure, if you like wasting your time on corpse runs and bored 80s, then by all means roll on a PvP server.


Neo Member
Interfectum said:
I've leveled 3 characters on a PvP server (Hunter, Warlock, Death Knight) and I'd advise any new person to not bother at this point. There is no world PvP, it's bored higher level players ganking lowbies... that's it. I started a new character on a PvE server for shits and giggles and the experience is SO much better.

But sure, if you like wasting your time on corpse runs and bored 80s, then by all means roll on a PvP server.

I've only ever played pvp servers in wow. Started a month before wotlk and my experience lies somewhere between yours and Wrekt's.

There are frustrations and highlights. Last week I was ganked by a rogue when I was at 10% health (both of us level 34) and I was trying to finish one quest before the night ended. What should have been 5 minutes took me about 20.

2 months ago I repelled a level 54 pally with fear alone on my level 20 something priest. He simply gave up. My wife was playing for the first time and thought it was the most baddass thing she'd ever seen in a game. She was panicking and thought we were dead.

The highs are higher and the lows lower.


Oh my god......new cat form looks so awesome and with all the other changes leveling will be a lot of fun.

On the other end I have once again no idea how to skill my Death Knight. :/


Interfectum said:
I've leveled 3 characters on a PvP server (Hunter, Warlock, Death Knight) and I'd advise any new person to not bother at this point. There is no world PvP, it's bored higher level players ganking lowbies... that's it. I started a new character on a PvE server for shits and giggles and the experience is SO much better.

But sure, if you like wasting your time on corpse runs and bored 80s, then by all means roll on a PvP server.

I'll mirror these sentiments. I've leveled 7 characters past 60 on PvP servers and it's a total waste of time to do so on a PvP server.

Leveling is mindless regardless of the server you pick, PvP server leveling doesn't make it interesting, it makes it aggravating. Nothing like getting ganked by a bored 80 multiple times, only to have him leave when you try to chase them off or just sit their on the flying mount, unable to do anything about it (for the most part). PvE leveling in comparison is damn near relaxing.
Interfectum said:
I've leveled 3 characters on a PvP server (Hunter, Warlock, Death Knight) and I'd advise any new person to not bother at this point. There is no world PvP, it's bored higher level players ganking lowbies... that's it. I started a new character on a PvE server for shits and giggles and the experience is SO much better.

But sure, if you like wasting your time on corpse runs and bored 80s, then by all means roll on a PvP server.

This. World pvp in wow is all about lowbie ganking. Once the mains show up, the gankers usually leave.

If you still want to level on a pvp server, I suggest leveling in Kalimandor over Eastern Continent. Aside from Barrens and Tanaris, Kali is usually less crowded then Eastern and has far less gankers.

The lowbie ganking on pvp servers (as well as the elitist mentality) is why I'm on a pve server now. Since most pvp action happen in either bg or arena nowadays, Im not really missing much from the pvp servers.


border said:
It's probably unfair to say that all girls who play the game are healers, as I've seen plenty of female mages and hunters. But in 5 years I can't say I've met a single female tank....are they out there?

Our main tank is a female, Paladin.
I've leveled one 60 (back in Vanilla WoW) on a PvE server and I'll never do it again. It just wasn't fun for me. I'm a huge PVP fan, no arena's though :p , so I loved killing alliance on my way up to 80. Leveled a few people in PVP and would have it no other way.


I believe they removed it for the time being because it was buggy. Maybe we'll get it back before 3.3, but I'm doubtful. I'm looking forward to it thought because the recoding of QuestHelper made it worse, not better.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Is the new VoA boss implemented or is he on vacation until the next season launches?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
kinoki said:
Is the new VoA boss implemented or is he on vacation until the next season launches?
It appears as though his wing is there but he isn't.
border said:
It's probably unfair to say that all girls who play the game are healers, as I've seen plenty of female mages and hunters. But in 5 years I can't say I've met a single female tank....are they out there?

My GF (now wife) has mostly played a mage and warlock in the years I known her. She's tried a bit of the other classes too but they're too complicated for her (pally, shaman).

Healing is like a mini-game to her keeping all the green bars full. It's also really straightforward (she's Disc so Penance, FH, bubbles and the occasional POH and Dispel is all she has to worry about). It's simple and engrossing at the same time. She feels a lot of the other classes are too complex for her to enjoy.

Only downside is the pressure. She almost quit a few weeks ago when some idiots in Heroic Nexus blamed her for a few wipes and booted her from the group after the run.


Allowing multiple factions on a PVP server is nice...now I can keep all my characters on one server! I like the people on the server my Horde are on...but they are far too terrible at the game to consider raiding there.


No One Remembers
One of my closest in game female friends plays a Feral Druid that prefers to tank. She played a hunter previously. One of the guilds I used to be in, one of our MTs was a female(and was pushing her 40's I think).

I tanked the new 5-man last night. Reg mode about 3 times and Heroic once(obviously). It was nice and short, the loot is great. I've started to slowly build up a nice small casual 10-man raiding guild with another friend of mine.


Has anyone posted a good rundown of the Black Knight fight in Heroic?

We made it through after many wipes, but only barely. The healer kept demanding that I move him around all over the place and that we AoE the Phase 2 adds......but I didn't really see the point in running all over the place. It's also kinda hard as a warrior to tank like 5 things AND the boss around the room. Other people have said you are supposed to keep him still and single target the adds.....so I'm not really sure.

Also - how do you kill Eadric with his own hammer?
border said:
Has anyone posted a good rundown of the Black Knight fight in Heroic?

We made it through after many wipes, but only barely. The healer kept demanding that I move him around all over the place and that we AoE the Phase 2 adds......but I didn't really see the point in running all over the place. It's also kinda hard as a warrior to tank like 5 things AND the boss around the room. Other people have said you are supposed to keep him still and single target the adds.....so I'm not really sure.

Also - how do you kill Eadric with his own hammer?
I've done the ToC heroic both days and both times it's been more or less tank and spank. We aoed the phase 2 adds down and single targetted the stragglers.

Both my groups had more trouble transitioning from the jousting to the non-mounted trio mob than anything else.


you kill Eadric with his own hammer by cleansing the debuff on whoever he targets. they then get the hammer for a little bit on their action bar when he finishes casting (replaces the current bar, takes up the #1 hotkey, looks like thunderclap/hammer of wrath) and throw it at him for like 25k damage.


border said:
Has anyone posted a good rundown of the Black Knight fight in Heroic?

We made it through after many wipes, but only barely. The healer kept demanding that I move him around all over the place and that we AoE the Phase 2 adds......but I didn't really see the point in running all over the place. It's also kinda hard as a warrior to tank like 5 things AND the boss around the room. Other people have said you are supposed to keep him still and single target the adds.....so I'm not really sure.

Also - how do you kill Eadric with his own hammer?

Its better to kite him in phase 2, as those adds exploding add up to a ton of dmg.


No One Remembers
firex said:
you kill Eadric with his own hammer by cleansing the debuff on whoever he targets. they then get the hammer for a little bit on their action bar when he finishes casting (replaces the current bar, takes up the #1 hotkey, looks like thunderclap/hammer of wrath) and throw it at him for like 25k damage.

Fuck I didn't know this. We just healed/DPS'd him down! :lol

Also the first boss is a friggin pain. You go right from mounted combat to an actual fight. I accidentally let 2 people die because of that. :\

For The Black Knight phase 1 - Kill the ghoul then focus down the Knight.

Phase 2 - AOE the adds down, watch out for the desecration that they do!

Phase 3(and 4? was there a fourth one?) - Tank and spank. When he turns into a ghost you have to move him around due to the desecration.


Yeah, the AoE on the Black Knight's adds is what I'm not really sure about.....if a bunch of those ghouls blow up at the same time and anyone is nearby they will probably go down instantly. They have something like 50K health so it's no small task to just AoE them.....but then again it's no small task to tank all of them.

Whether or not the boss needs to be kited I don't know. I imagine it's more to make sure the DPS'ers keep moving and don't just stand around while a ghoul is exploding next to them.

The ghost phase I do not remember much except that almost everyone died. He puts some debuff on you that increases spell damage by 200%...
border said:
Yeah, the AoE on the Black Knight's adds is what I'm not really sure about.....if a bunch of those ghouls blow up at the same time and anyone is nearby they will probably go down instantly. They have something like 50K health so it's no small task to just AoE them.....but then again it's no small task to tank all of them.

Whether or not the boss needs to be kited I don't know. I imagine it's more to make sure the DPS'ers keep moving and don't just stand around while a ghoul is exploding next to them.

The ghost phase I do not remember much except that almost everyone died. He puts some debuff on you that increases spell damage by 200%...
It increases damage 10% each time it hits... You must have had some stellar dps :lol


Junior Member
Masta_Killah said:
The lowbie ganking on pvp servers (as well as the elitist mentality) is why I'm on a pve server now. Since most pvp action happen in either bg or arena nowadays, Im not really missing much from the pvp servers.

Leveling on a PvP server just means that you stick to the less-frequented zones that are appropriate for your level. Anyone that tries to do do their 20's in Tarren Mill is going to spent a ton of time getting ganked, while doing the same levels over in Kalimdor will leave you largely unmolested.

The one thing I love about a PvP server is being able to kill opposite faction members that are competing for quest mobs / resource nodes / etc.

I don't gank much, if at all. The last few times I've killed a lowbie was when they were dumb enough to interfere with a daily quest. You'd think they'd want me to get my stuff and get out of the zone ASAP, but instead they'd make a dash for some quest item I'm going for and end up dead.


A properly geared group of guildmates shouldn't have to hard of a problem with Trials of the Champion. It's just been pugs that I've been running with though.

So infuriating to have to explain how to joust to people -- THIS SHIT HAS BEEN OUT HERE FOR LIKE 4 MONTHS! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?


The jousting stuff is boring shit though. I just get annoyed when someone doesn't change their weapon back and they're like "wtf why can't I use abilities?!"

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
firex said:
The jousting stuff is boring shit though. I just get annoyed when someone doesn't change their weapon back and they're like "wtf why can't I use abilities?!"
I personally think the Horses should automatically have the Lances on them and function like regular vehicles. We went into the heroic mode not knowing that you would have to actually fight afterwards. It's a pain in the ass to have to go find your weapon in your shitty-UI inventory.

The Joust itself is quite easy. Just mark the Champions ahead of time and get them down fast because on Heroic they focus-fire one target's shield charges pretty fast.

Also, on normal mode, the stuff D/E's into Abyss Crystals and can be run 100 times in a row if you really feel like it. This either a) will change in 3.2.1, or b) will completely tank the market for Abyss Crystals.


Angry Grimace said:
Also, on normal mode, the stuff D/E's into Abyss Crystals and can be run 100 times in a row if you really feel like it. This either a) will change in 3.2.1, or b) will completely tank the market for Abyss Crystals.

I'm predicting b. Which sucks if you're trying to sell them, but as a reroll, this is great for me for enchant mats.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
FLEABttn said:
I'm predicting b. Which sucks if you're trying to sell them, but as a reroll, this is great for me for enchant mats.
I'm pretty much out of Infinite Dust 100% of the time. They need a fucking Abyss/Dream Shard to Infinite Dust exchange program :lol
cubicle47b said:
You want rep with Sons of Hodir for the shoulder enchant, Wyrmrest for the spell power / mp5 head enchant and then whatever benefits your professions the most. You can run the easiest heroics (Utgarde Keep, the Nexus, etc.) for emblems which will upgrade you very quickly thanks to the 3.2 patch. A few pieces like http://www.wowhead.com/?item=45822 are extremely easy to get and go a long way in gearing you up.

I'd also add that the Kirintor head chant (30 spell + 20 crit) is a good option to have as a disc priest. My exalted rep with those guys was mostly accidental being a cooking and fishing obsessive.

Also keep an eye out for Naxx/OS 10 runs; Sartharion is 5 badges a clear and it takes 20 minutes so it's worth doing once a week. The people doing them by now will mostly just be there for badges so you can clean up on a lot of good starter epics while earning the badges that you'll need to replace said starter epics.


Hellsing321 said:
Umm I trying to download 3.2 and NOD32 keeps telling me its a threat and is deleting it. Anyone know anything about this?
That's your anti virus trying to lookout for your best interest. Quit now.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Weenerz said:
Its better to kite him in phase 2, as those adds exploding add up to a ton of dmg.
Healing that fight when you don't know what's going on is hardcore :lol nobody knew where the damage was coming from or how to prevent it.

The Black Knight fight is hilarious; it's just like fighting a Death Knight on steroids. Protip: When the Black Knight casts Army of the Dead in P2, the best counter is having yoru own DK cast Army of the Dead.

Ghost Phase seemed like just a shitton of damage. All I was doing as a Holy Priest was trying my best to get off as much Prayer of Healing as I could muster, since it seemed like steady, heavy AoE damage.

Also, from Gaming:

Captain Smoker said:
Activision Blizzard - Apr - Jun 2009 Earnings

Net Income: $ 195,000,000

GAAP Net Revenues by Segment/Platform Mix
System			Revenue		% of Total

[B]MMORPG 			$ 324,000,000	31 % [/B]
Microsoft Xbox 360 	$ 231,000,000	22 %
PlayStation 3 		$ 152,000,000	15 %
Nintendo Wii 		$ 118,000,000	11 %
Nintendo DS		$ 48,000,000	5 %
PlayStation 2 		$ 44,000,000	4 %
PC and other 		$ 41,000,000	4 %
PlayStation Portable 	$ 17,000,000	2 %

Total			$ 975,000,00	100 %

GAAP Net Revenues by Geographic Region
Region			Revenue		% of Total

North America 		$ 557,000,000	54 %
Europe			$ 408,000,000 	39 %
Asia Pacific 		$ 73,000,000	7 %

Total 			$ 1,038,000,000 100 %
$324,000,000.00 from WoW in three months - woo

Chris R

H ToC is kinda hard, but fun if you know what you are doing. We got Shaman Hunter Mage for our faction guys, DPSed them down in that order, then Edric, just turn around when it says to turn around, and cleanse the hammer. Final boss was close, lucky for me and the other guy who stayed alive to tank the final phase, I was spamming chain heal instead of lightning bolt. P3 is all about aoe heals.

Got an upgrade for my off spec, just need to faceroll my way through a naxx 10 and 25 this week to get my 8.5 chest piece :D

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
rhfb said:
H ToC is kinda hard, but fun if you know what you are doing. We got Shaman Hunter Mage for our faction guys, DPSed them down in that order, then Edric, just turn around when it says to turn around, and cleanse the hammer. Final boss was close, lucky for me and the other guy who stayed alive to tank the final phase, I was spamming chain heal instead of lightning bolt. P3 is all about aoe heals.

Got an upgrade for my off spec, just need to faceroll my way through a naxx 10 and 25 this week to get my 8.5 chest piece :D
The Paladin is stupid easy. The Confessor is annoying and was reasonably difficult on heroic when we didn't know what to do. I imagine she isn't as difficult if you knew what you were supposed to be doing. :lol

The Black Knight's Corpse Explosion will fuck you up if you don't know what to do, and his "stupid ghost attack" (guildmate's term) mostly requires keeping everyone within range to get spammed with AoE heals and hope they burn the ghost down before you go OOM. I'm sure some other strategy might work better, but I don't know of it.


Holy fuck we just did Gothik on 25 man, the adds were running through the doors, there were a million of them, and shades were coming in from outside :lol .


Gloomfire said:
Holy fuck we just did Gothik on 25 man, the adds were running through the doors, there were a million of them, and shades were coming in from outside :lol .
From what I've heard Ulduar is mad bugged as well.

Re: Holy paladins - my regen sucks huge donkey dicks, but dear god, new Beacon is overpowered.
thatbox said:
From what I've heard Ulduar is mad bugged as well.

Re: Holy paladins - my regen sucks huge donkey dicks, but dear god, new Beacon is overpowered.

Deconstructor completely made us his love-slaves last night. The scrapbot numbers were INSANE, at least everyone got Nerf Scrapbots. Apparently it's been hotfixed since then.


Junior Member
hmm, I think I found an interesting use of an API to gather a 100% accurate server census for faction. (Except for 60day < logins)


Has problems recognising girls
Xabora said:
hmm, I think I found an interesting use of an API to gather a 100% accurate server census for faction. (Except for 60day < logins)
I'd be very interested in this.


Lord Phol said:
How's the exp rate in bgs? And is there any exp gains when engaing in world pvp? (yeh right) I'm guessing not.

Just in bg's, since xp gains are only from completed objectives, like capping flags.

The xp gain from pvp seems very slow, though. After a 20 minute match, I got a bar... but I also had double xp, and it was a 3-0 victory for us in WSG. You get far less if you lose, I believe. As it stands right now, it might be nice to cap off the last level till 40, 50, etc, but it just isn't fast enough to level completely through it.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
thatbox said:
From what I've heard Ulduar is mad bugged as well.

Re: Holy paladins - my regen sucks huge donkey dicks, but dear god, new Beacon is overpowered.

Resocketed for mp5 and am now sporting 400mp5 unbuffed. It's not bad, it's far from good. And like I thought the most annoying way to heal is to stack up as many FoL-hots as possible on the raid keeping the beacon'd target hotted with +7 hots or something. Annoying as hell to maintain. I'd never thought I'd say this but I miss Holy Light spamming.

Lord Phol

Dresden said:
Just in bg's, since xp gains are only from completed objectives, like capping flags.

The xp gain from pvp seems very slow, though. After a 20 minute match, I got a bar... but I also had double xp, and it was a 3-0 victory for us in WSG. You get far less if you lose, I believe. As it stands right now, it might be nice to cap off the last level till 40, 50, etc, but it just isn't fast enough to level completely through it.

Ah I see, read some other posts stating about the same.
Guess I won't bother then, thanks :p.
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