kinoki said:30 fragments now. And then all out of the blue people got strangly convicted to the idea of killing Assembly of Iron hardmode (which would mean progress) so I never got to hand in the quest last night. Let's hope that people's sanity is restored until sunday's raid.
Love the "buff" to XT-002 which they said they fixed. Normal mode is now harder than hard mode. And healing as a paladin for the first time in a 25-man setting was... annoying. I kind of liked the idea of paladins being the healer for retarded people. Kind of proves you need more monitoring addons running now.
Overall I didn't really enjoy the changes to mana-regen because it was so much more unpredictable. Not looking forward to fights like Vezax, although the FoL changes will help alot in that fight.
kinoki said:Love the "buff" to XT-002 which they said they fixed. Normal mode is now harder than hard mode.
cubicle47b said:Speaking of fragments, I'm still sitting at 29 with only General/Yogg up. Thanks rng.
Nobiru said:
Nobiru said:Gonna reinstall, can I just install Wotlk? or do I have to start from scratch?
Yup annoying as hell, been going on on Tich for months now...still doesn't stop -_-Xabora said:Catchup instance. :lol
And this shit here is getting annoying day after day after day.
GMs come in, remove them, 5m-30m later. BAM! Right back again.
Don't go to the sites, gold resellers / danger of the loggers of yon keys.
Epics never were really all that amazing; the ilvl is a lot more important than quality. Although the items in the new instance are of very good quality, and the loot tables are very large.DarkMage619 said:I am still stunned that the new Trial of the Crusader 5 man on heroic drops loot as good as 10 man Ulduar loot! It is a bit of a challenge but its way easier than getting 10 together for Ulduar. And you can run it everyday?!? That is amazing. I guess epics aren't such a big deal anymore to them.
The Dark One
You're a Shaman. Blizzard doesn't care.funkmastergeneral said:What I think is bullshit is all the new mail dps gear has armor penetration on it, which is a unwanted stat as a enhancement shaman. I have no qualms with them wanting to load up the gear with armor pen for hunters, but at least make it useful for us too.
Macattk15 said:Why would ArP ever be BAD? Sure it may not be as useful as crit or something .... but you add that ArP up little by little and you'll see your DPS numbers skyrocket.
funkmastergeneral said:Because only half of enhancement shaman dps is physical damage, the other half is spell damage. So it's not worth as much as hit, expertise, crit, or attack power. Ever since Ulduar came out they've been loading up pieces with armor pen, which I would have no problem with if it was useful to me.
I had WoW and BC already installed and just installed WotLK.Nobiru said:
I don't want to imagine trade chat if they had "penetration rating"Weenerz said:Next expansion I'm guessing they'll change spell penetration and armor penetration to just penetration, like they did with WotLK and crit/hit.
"I'm penetration capped."Angry Grimace said:I don't want to imagine trade chat if they had "penetration rating"
The problem with that is that in PvE is that most mobs and bosses have static spell resist values. I don't think Spell Pen. works on it.
Angry Grimace said:You're a Shaman. Blizzard doesn't care.
Epix said:"I'm penetration capped."
DarkMage619 said:I am still stunned that the new Trial of the Crusader 5 man on heroic drops loot as good as 10 man Ulduar loot!
Son of Godzilla said:Strictly speaking, the hunter gloves that come from H TotC are better than anything in Ulduar, including the ones from hardmode XT. I'd even place em above the entry tier 9 ones.
That shit might be lvl 212, but most shit in there is fucking itemized like a hoss.
219Son of Godzilla said:Strictly speaking, the hunter gloves that come from H TotC are better than anything in Ulduar, including the ones from hardmode XT. I'd even place em above the entry tier 9 ones.
That shit might be lvl 212, but most shit in there is fucking itemized like a hoss.
Stop doing it on normal :lolkinoki said:Tried getting my tanking trinket on my warrior and thus doing the ToC5-man for the first time. Damn, it was boring. I remember when MgT launched. That was so much fun. This was an uninspired mess with a few bosses that didn't have anything special. I had really high hopes for the boss that was going to spawn memories.
Trinket didn't drop in half a dozen tries so I'll come back tomorrow.
Angry Grimace said:Stop doing it on normal :lol
I've seen it like 4 times, because that's the number of times it dropped in 5 tries.funkmastergeneral said:Have you seen the tanking trinket that drops? It's awesome, and finally an upgrade for Essence of Gossamer.
They're frozen for like 5 seconds before auto-aggro.Angry Grimace said:They need to change the heroic Trial of the Champion so that you don't just get picked off the second the Joust ends and the champions are fought on foot on the grounds you tank can't pick up mobs with no main hand weapon.
Angry Grimace said:Stop doing it on normal :lol
ZombieSupaStar said:so i had 3 games of like 15 on 40, ally/horde on the isle of conquest, shouldnt it auto close with that imbalance? and also why do no alliance queue for it?
arhra said:
Puncture said:mmmmmm is that a new bug in the patch? Thats a lot of fucking bots, way more than normal, I suppose thats what your referring to though, but wow.