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World of Warcraft

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Modesty becomes a woman
Can anyone give me a breakdown of the Tier 9 stuff? What level is from what raid and such?

Right now I only see the three armor vendors, I guess one for 10 man and two for 25 man? Why would they bother putting in a 10 man heroic if you don't even get better gear. Or is the 10 man heroic equal to the 25 man regular?

Whats a trophy of the crusade?
TurtleSnatcher said:
Oddly enough Ive had the most fun Ive had in WoW since Vanilla Beta in the past 4-5 days.

We just have diff definitions of fun. But I also had fun the other way. So yes your definition of 'fun' isnt the only.

Yes exactly. My comment was in response to you making an observation about the efficiency of someone else's play time from which I inferred that you were suggesting that they were "doin it rong". If that wasn't the case then my apologies.


Can anyone give me a breakdown of the Tier 9 stuff? What level is from what raid and such?

Right now I only see the three armor vendors, I guess one for 10 man and two for 25 man? Why would they bother putting in a 10 man heroic if you don't even get better gear. Or is the 10 man heroic equal to the 25 man regular?

Whats a trophy of the crusade?

ilvl: T9 10man regular
source: Triumph badges

ilvl: T9 10man heroic, 25man regular
source: Triumph badges combined with token

ilvl: T9 25man heroic
source: token


I like that I can eventually buy any piece of t9 I want if I do enough heroic dailies, although it sounds like the new 10man is easy enough to pug anyway.

also loving going from item level 200 blues to 226 epics thanks to conquest emblems. Did an OS10 pug earlier and won bag of spoils, so I got 5 free emblems nobody else got, haha.


Junior Member
firex said:
I like that I can eventually buy any piece of t9 I want if I do enough heroic dailies, although it sounds like the new 10man is easy enough to pug anyway.
Just make sure no one in the group has lead foot syndrome for the 3rd phase of the first encounter.


TurtleSnatcher said:
Oddly enough Ive had the most fun Ive had in WoW since Vanilla Beta in the past 4-5 days.

We just have diff definitions of fun. But I also had fun the other way. So yes your definition of 'fun' isnt the only.

I think the benefit to something like TourGuide though is that it will tell you to kill some units to receive an item which will be beneficial in another zone which it knows you are going to in say .. 3-4 levels. Just saves time from getting there then having to go "Oh fudge now I gotta fly back .. I was just there!" types of things.

But I agree. Some people do need to learn their east from west :lol

this ^^

I can understand not using tourguide the first go round, cause there is some fun in exploring and discovering how the world works. After you leveled a couple chars tourguide is a must have though.
I tamed Skoll last Thurday night. He's pretty cool but, I still like Loque'nahak the best. I'm glad he's 80 already. I really didn't want to level another pet. Expecially right now when there's so much other stuff to do.


After a couple of heroics and half a Naxx run after the patch I got my T8.5 helm to get the 4 piece bonus on my Rogue so, I've been trying to get my hunter geared in Ulduar level stuff. I got 28 emblems of conquest, I got the agility necklace and mail tunic from Heroic ToC and had the Boots of Living Scale made since the Runed Orbs are going for under 500g now.

I also made Jeeves. It was a real pain in the ass going to BRD to get the Shadowforge key so I could get the schematic for the first repair bot which I needed 2 of to make Jeeves.

We also ran the ToC raid on 10 and 25 and killed the Northrend Beasts. It took a few tries to learn it in 10 and then we 1 shot it on 25 tonight and got some new BS plans and a Crusader Orb. I hadn't even heard of that stuff.


with the cheap mounts now, I went around buying all the old faction mounts I didn't have, and I'm up to 48/50. not sure what to get for #49. I am thinking either I buy one of the tournament mounts for 400g and 5 champion seals, or I save up for the tournament flying mount, and let #50 be the red proto-drake now that I'm 3 achievements away from it.
iamblades said:
this ^^

I can understand not using tourguide the first go round, cause there is some fun in exploring and discovering how the world works. After you leveled a couple chars tourguide is a must have though.

I've just levelled my fourth character through classic and it was fantastic fun. Completely understand if you're in a rush to get to the end-game, I'm looking forward to doing some tanking on my new durid. :D

There is a lot to see and do about the place is all, and I'm still surprised that I find stuff that I haven't seen before. If I do decide to level another character I'd be worried that using a guide or a mod would almost guarantee that I'd be going over the same ground again.


I usually mix up zones I level in on characters, although there are some unavoidable points for me. But like my warrior has been doing way more leveling in STV than my shaman did, and I'll probably skip Feralas altogether but go for Hinterlands for the trinket. The only real exception is I level to 4 in the starting zone for my alt's race (since I don't make BEs aside from my paladin) and then go to the BE zones because they're better.

I really wish they had more exp pinata zones though. Best example I can think of is Ghostlands or Dustwallow Marsh for horde, maybe Duskwood for alliance. The quests aren't that engaging but you go from hub to hub with a shitload of quests nearby that you turn in en masse, which are both easy to get to (because they're all close by) and easy to mass up on and complete (because the mobs are all located in one section of the zone). Some zones forget that and wind up with crappy quests. I really, really wish next expansion would seriously make each zone into an exp pinata for faster leveling.


ACE 1991 said:
Is there anyway to get pitbull to display character portraits?
It's been a while but I'm sure you need to go into the modules and enable it specifically, I think it's disabled by default.

ACE 1991

I just switched over from using 3.0 to 4.0... It's way more intuitive, and had an easy to find portrait option.

EDIT: hm... I'm having trouble figuring out how to enable buffs/debuffs. I want to use the blizzard default buff/debuff display, but use pitbull's display on targets. I can't seem to disable it on my player without disabling it on the target as well.


So anyone that did the PTR ... are any of the fights in the Coliseum going to be hard? Looking at the abilities of the mobs, it doesn't really seem like they will be.

Which means that probably the only thing to separate top guilds from the rest will be the heroic 25m Coliseum ... especially with no hard modes?


ACE 1991 said:
I just switched over from using 3.0 to 4.0... It's way more intuitive, and had an easy to find portrait option.

EDIT: hm... I'm having trouble figuring out how to enable buffs/debuffs. I want to use the blizzard default buff/debuff display, but use pitbull's display on targets. I can't seem to disable it on my player without disabling it on the target as well.
Here's the key idea for understanding Pitbull 4: You create and define any number of unit frame templates, and then apply those templates to the various types of unit frames used in the UI. So, for instance, you can define a template called "Character" (or whatever name you want) that displays a certain size, uses a certain kind of portrait, has these bars with this text and buffs here or there or no buffs at all. THEN you apply that template to the "Self" unit frame type, and your character's unit frame will possess all those properties.

If you want your Target unit frame to have a slightly different set of features you simply create a new template (I would just copy the one you create for your character), give it a new name, and make the changes you need. I do exactly what you're trying to do: my Self unit frame and my Target unit frame look very much alike, are approximately the same size, carry most of the same information except the Target has a cast-bar, and only the Target frame has buffs and de-buffs. I do all that by having two similar templates and tweak the minor differences.

Once you have your second template ready you just apply it to the "Target" unit frame type and you're set. The great part about using templates is that you can then re-use that same layout for other similar unit frame types. For instance, my Focus unit frame uses the same template as my Target frame, so they display exactly the same set of information in the same way.
Macattk15 said:
So anyone that did the PTR ... are any of the fights in the Coliseum going to be hard? Looking at the abilities of the mobs, it doesn't really seem like they will be.

Which means that probably the only thing to separate top guilds from the rest will be the heroic 25m Coliseum ... especially with no hard modes?

I believe you get better gear with fewer wipes, so that will make your epeen feel good.


Neo Member
Leveling with Turtle has been insanely fun. We might be able to make it to outland by the end of the week. At 48 we almost killed a mage that I can only guess was 58-60. :D

Biggest problem for me is that my crocolisk kills too fast when I'm trying to aoe. By about the time I send him to pick up the seventh and eighth mob he manages to kill the first one or two. I suspected I could do better with my spec and I think I found it. I'm going to drop Unleashed Fury, Ferocity (1 point drop), and Frenzy to try and lower his single target dps. Fighting mobs our level we were able to kill 10-12 with two dying along the way and I'm trying to keep that more contained.

This is what I see my spec looking like at 80.

Thunderstomp has been excellent in generating threat and even taking it away from turtle's pally, without righteous fury of course. I'm wondering is if these changes will significantly reduce my pet's ability to generate threat. I'll respec and start trying it out tonight regardless. I am using tactics to make it easier, immolation/frost trap for more dps and to help contain mobs once we're ready to burn them down. I was using Disengage at first but since volley can be done at close range I've been standing in the middle of everything.


funkmastergeneral said:
I believe you get better gear with fewer wipes, so that will make your epeen feel good.

Yeah it's true, you do get better gear for not dying .. but I'm talking challenge level here. I don't care as much about gear as I do hard fights setting people apart.


Finally had a chance to do 25man Coliseum last night, and we two shot it. I agree, I really hope these encounters get harder.


Flib said:
Finally had a chance to do 25man Coliseum last night, and we two shot it. I agree, I really hope these encounters get harder.

Exactly. While I do enjoy the awesome gear that comes from instances. I enjoy killing HARD encounters that not everybody can faceroll to get the same loot that everyone else will have in a month much much more.

Call it an e-peen or whatnot ... I enjoy beating bosses that others have trouble with. I don't go boasting about my gear and putting other people down (unless they are clearly retarded).

ACE 1991

Evlar said:
Here's the key idea for understanding Pitbull 4: You create and define any number of unit frame templates, and then apply those templates to the various types of unit frames used in the UI. So, for instance, you can define a template called "Character" (or whatever name you want) that displays a certain size, uses a certain kind of portrait, has these bars with this text and buffs here or there or no buffs at all. THEN you apply that template to the "Self" unit frame type, and your character's unit frame will possess all those properties.

If you want your Target unit frame to have a slightly different set of features you simply create a new template (I would just copy the one you create for your character), give it a new name, and make the changes you need. I do exactly what you're trying to do: my Self unit frame and my Target unit frame look very much alike, are approximately the same size, carry most of the same information except the Target has a cast-bar, and only the Target frame has buffs and de-buffs. I do all that by having two similar templates and tweak the minor differences.

Once you have your second template ready you just apply it to the "Target" unit frame type and you're set. The great part about using templates is that you can then re-use that same layout for other similar unit frame types. For instance, my Focus unit frame uses the same template as my Target frame, so they display exactly the same set of information in the same way.

Awesome, thank you. This is why I love NeoGAF. That makes a lot more sense :D


Macattk15 said:
Call it an e-peen or whatnot ... I enjoy beating bosses that others have trouble with. I don't go boasting about my gear and putting other people down (unless they are clearly retarded).

Just wait, we'll give you a thorough strat soon enough! Oh the irony of such posts, lol


Sraza said:
Leveling with Turtle has been insanely fun. We might be able to make it to outland by the end of the week. At 48 we almost killed a mage that I can only guess was 58-60. :D

Biggest problem for me is that my crocolisk kills too fast when I'm trying to aoe. By about the time I send him to pick up the seventh and eighth mob he manages to kill the first one or two. I suspected I could do better with my spec and I think I found it. I'm going to drop Unleashed Fury, Ferocity (1 point drop), and Frenzy to try and lower his single target dps. Fighting mobs our level we were able to kill 10-12 with two dying along the way and I'm trying to keep that more contained.

This is what I see my spec looking like at 80.

Thunderstomp has been excellent in generating threat and even taking it away from turtle's pally, without righteous fury of course. I'm wondering is if these changes will significantly reduce my pet's ability to generate threat. I'll respec and start trying it out tonight regardless. I am using tactics to make it easier, immolation/frost trap for more dps and to help contain mobs once we're ready to burn them down. I was using Disengage at first but since volley can be done at close range I've been standing in the middle of everything.

If you plan on raiding, you'll need to switch away from beast master to survival at 80 (marksman is helpful too, but doesn't scale above survival until you have certain gear/stat requisites, but it does bring useful raid buffs)


Fularu said:
Just wait, we'll give you a thorough strat soon enough! Oh the irony of such posts, lol

Oh look, another douche bag post from Fularu ... what a surprise.

There is no fucking irony in my post, all the abilities of all of the bosses were known before the patch came out so anyone could begin formulating strategies based on how each boss ability had the possibility to interact with each other.

Get the fuck over yourself. Douche bag.


Neo Member
Flib said:
If you plan on raiding, you'll need to switch away from beast master to survival at 80 (marksman is helpful too, but doesn't scale above survival until you have certain gear/stat requisites, but it does bring useful raid buffs)

Thanks for the tip. The purpose of my hunter is making gold and having fun with pvp. Between conquest dropping in heroics and the champion seal dailies I plan to avoid raids. My main holy pally is for that.

I'm going to copy a really good MM in my guild and do what he does at first. After I get comfortable I'll start trying to make improvements if there are any that I can find.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Fularu said:
Just wait, we'll give you a thorough strat soon enough! Oh the irony of such posts, lol
Uproarious as usual.

Aren't you the guy that got all raving psychotic like 100 pages back and went on a spittle emitting rant about how everyone "owes" you for figuring out how to do boss encounters?


Angry Grimace said:
Uproarious as usual.

Aren't you the guy that got all raving psychotic like 100 pages back and went on a spittle emitting rant about how everyone "owes" you for figuring out how to do boss encounters?

That's the one!

Reminds me of an ex-guildmate. Elitist of the elite. Could never be told he was wrong, could never be told he did something wrong.

His wife ran away from him and ended up getting a divorce and marrying another dude she met in another guild on the server. I laughed my ass off at this because the guy was such a huge douche and honestly deserved it.

Chris R

What is the best DK tanking talent built. It looks like you can basically choose a tree now and go with it, but what is the BEST?


rhfb said:
What is the best DK tanking talent built. It looks like you can basically choose a tree now and go with it, but what is the BEST?

Blood gives you a lot of self healing, Unholy lets you AoE mobs, Frost is okay but the formers are the best.

On the Hunter leveling spec, BM + Tenacity Pet = Easy Leveling.


Junior Member
This is from last night.
Testing a new unorthodox DW build and its not too bad on ignis.
Hell, I was 1st - 3rd all night. (Except when I DC'd on Auriaya, then I came in 5th or 6th)



2 new races means 2 new classes right? I mean, there isn't a class currently in-game that is exclusive to a faction.

I wonder what they will do to make the new classes unique/enticing to play as.


Kyoufu said:
2 new races means 2 new classes right? I mean, there isn't a class currently in-game that is exclusive to a faction.

I wonder what they will do to make the new classes unique/enticing to play as.

Huh? There's not even a new class guaranteed. Last time two races were added, all they did was give the other factions' class to them.


Kyoufu said:
2 new races means 2 new classes right? I mean, there isn't a class currently in-game that is exclusive to a faction.

I wonder what they will do to make the new classes unique/enticing to play as.

Why would it mean no new classes? It didn't in BC, and after all the DK balancing I'd be suprised even if they added one new class.


Worships the porcelain goddess
So, if Goblins are Horde, would that change the affiliation of Goblin towns/cities? How would Worgen be Alliance...perhaps you're actually human, then when it's full moon in game you transform? =D


Kintaro said:
So, if Goblins are Horde, would that change the affiliation of Goblin towns/cities? How would Worgen be Alliance...perhaps you're actually human, then when it's full moon in game you transform? =D

Nah, I assume they'll just be a different sect of goblins, like how there are alliance dwarves and eviler dwarves.


Junior Member
Kintaro said:
So, if Goblins are Horde, would that change the affiliation of Goblin towns/cities? How would Worgen be Alliance...perhaps you're actually human, then when it's full moon in game you transform? =D
Most likely its going to have a branch of Goblins that are assoiated with one of the trade princes that are still loyal to the horde rather than the Neutral Goblins you see now.



Kyoufu said:
2 new races means 2 new classes right? I mean, there isn't a class currently in-game that is exclusive to a faction.

I wonder what they will do to make the new classes unique/enticing to play as.
why would they add 2 new classes? The TBC races added "new" classes (pre-existing ones, but formerly faction exclusive) to each faction but that doesn't mean they have to come up with new classes for new races.


Kintaro said:
So, if Goblins are Horde, would that change the affiliation of Goblin towns/cities? How would Worgen be Alliance...perhaps you're actually human, then when it's full moon in game you transform? =D
It may be a goblin faction such as the Venture Company that joins the Horde, as opposed to the larger, wealthier Trade Coalition which is currently neutral. Since Undermine is controlled by the Trade Coalition it could still be neutral and serve as Cataclysm's Sanctuary city as everyone expected.

Or not.

I'm a little disappointed. Given the ambivalent nature of both races I was hoping goblin and worgen characters might have the unique ability to choose which faction they wanted to join. They could have a series of quests in their homelands that guide them up to level 20 or so and then be given the option to permanently choose either Horde or Alliance. That would fit in with the existing goblin lore, at least.


I bet somehow both the Worgen and Horde will be neutral and they'll go whatever side you pick them to be.

Otherwise there would be a good amount of mad people that they can't play Worgen or Goblin. This would be a much bigger deal than Draenai / Blood Elf I am guessing.

Edit : ooooo guy above me said the same thing.
firex said:
I usually mix up zones I level in on characters, although there are some unavoidable points for me. But like my warrior has been doing way more leveling in STV than my shaman did, and I'll probably skip Feralas altogether but go for Hinterlands for the trinket. The only real exception is I level to 4 in the starting zone for my alt's race (since I don't make BEs aside from my paladin) and then go to the BE zones because they're better.

I really wish they had more exp pinata zones though. Best example I can think of is Ghostlands or Dustwallow Marsh for horde, maybe Duskwood for alliance. The quests aren't that engaging but you go from hub to hub with a shitload of quests nearby that you turn in en masse, which are both easy to get to (because they're all close by) and easy to mass up on and complete (because the mobs are all located in one section of the zone). Some zones forget that and wind up with crappy quests. I really, really wish next expansion would seriously make each zone into an exp pinata for faster leveling.

I agree, although I try to mix it up a bit it's hard not to end up in certain places every time just because they're the only option for the last half of a level, or they're just the most interesting place to spend the time. My favourite areas have a story thread running through one quest line in the area and then a bunch off little "oh while you're at it..." quests in the same general vicinity.

The best part about making all the zones xp pinatas is that you can skip some entirely. If you have the opportunity to pick and choose chances are that you can get to level cap without doing everything, meaning that there is more new stuff to do next time.
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