Daante said:
I dont like the fact that they dont have exclusive classes combined with a faction. I thought it was cooler back in the days where Alliance had Paladin and Horde had Shamans. Also it was better from a lore perspective.
What my point being is that whatever faction you decide to play i think it should offer unique and diffrent classes compared to the other faction.
Also i think the game would benefit if they implemented some sort of age-restriction on certain servers.
on paper it sounds good, but in theory this is how it worked in vanilla WoW:
Horde was massively underpowered in raiding because shamans were flat out worse for raids than paladins back then.
Alliance had a slight pvp disadvantage because paladins didn't bring burst damage with WF and WF totem (and the dps increase horde had back then in raiding didn't counteract the 30% dps increase
every alliance dps class got from the old blessing of salvation, or the 10% stamina/intellect increase every tank/healer got from kings, or the boatload of mp5 every healer got from wisdom).
To try and put the factions on equal footing, they had to give halfass versions of different buffs to each of the "unique" classes and the end result was they were going to wind up doing the same things if they kept it up. So instead they decided to find a way to allow paladins/shamans for both sides and the end result is much better balanced pve and pvp content.
It's really hard to complain about unique and different classes when instead you get 60+ levels of unique quests (not counting the stretch of neutral goblin stuff in STV/Tanaris/Winterspring).