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World of Warcraft

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Junior Member
Why is it that raid encounters may be tough for your group the first couple of times, but after that it's almost too easy?

We've done Hodir hardmode for the past month. Last three weeks were painful, ranging from four hours on our first night of real attempts to a couple hours last week (trash was about to respawn). Last night we two-shot it. Would have been a one-shot if we hadn't gotten a very unfortunately placed flash freeze near the 3min mark.

Same thing happened in our guild with Sarth+3D, six-minute Maly, FL+4 towers, XT hardmode, etc. It's like some people have to be shown that they're actually capable of something before they think they can do it, but after that they're OK.

Makes me really dread moving on to the next hardmode tonight (Council or Thorim).


Junior Member
Macattk15 said:
Lord Jarraxxus was very underwhelming last night.

Are any of the fights in there actually hard on normal mode?

Probably not. Although I'm sure a lot of people think having to interrupt is hard.


No One Remembers
Fuck it's really hard to use an ability that's not on the GCD and can only be used every 5-6 seconds(??).

The hardest part of that is usually getting people to coordinate...


I'm one of the 2 interrupting rogues on Vezax fights ... lemme tell you, that shit is tedious and boring. I hate blizzard for making the fight like that.


Junior Member
Macattk15 said:
I'm one of the 2 interrupting rogues on Vezax fights ... lemme tell you, that shit is tedious and boring. I hate blizzard for making the fight like that.

Isn't that exactly what melee on interrupt duty do on Vezax? Wasn't one tedious and boring fight for you guys enough?

Ranged DPS doesn't really have any super-tedious fights like that. I suppose XT could be, but as a destro 'lock the cooldowns on conflag / chaos bolt make me perfect for spark duty. Maybe Ignis? The rest of the stuff in Ulduar and 3.2 (so far) we're changing targets or hunting for safe zones / buffs.


TomServo said:
Isn't that exactly what melee on interrupt duty do on Vezax? Wasn't one tedious and boring fight for you guys enough?

Ranged DPS doesn't really have any super-tedious fights like that. I suppose XT could be, but as a destro 'lock the cooldowns on conflag / chaos bolt make me perfect for spark duty. Maybe Ignis? The rest of the stuff in Ulduar and 3.2 (so far) we're changing targets or hunting for safe zones / buffs.

Yeah when I heard we had to sit there and interrupt on Lord Jar I was mildy annoyed .... but he doesn't spam his fireball thing as much as Vezax spams his thankfully. Plus missing an interrupt on that fight doesn't seem like it could potentially wipe the raid.

ACE 1991

So I'm currently honor grinding... Would it make more sense for me to save up all of my honor and just buy the deadly gladiator set when that goes to the honor system at the start of season 7?


I got my Tier 8.5 head last night. Was a nice boost in stats since I went from my Tier 7 to the new one. One complaint though: I am an arcane mage, and these tier pieces are just DRIPPING with hit. I'm now 109 over my hitcap and it's really frustrating. I know I'm wasting potential in other areas. I need to replace my chest with my Tier 8.5 chest, which somehow doesn't have hit on it, that will shave 49 off my hit rating. Then with a new off hand and/or wand with no hit, I should be back to being much closer.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Gloomfire said:
I got my Tier 8.5 head last night. Was a nice boost in stats since I went from my Tier 7 to the new one. One complaint though: I am an arcane mage, and these tier pieces are just DRIPPING with hit. I'm now 109 over my hitcap and it's really frustrating. I know I'm wasting potential in other areas. I need to replace my chest with my Tier 8.5 chest, which somehow doesn't have hit on it, that will shave 49 off my hit rating. Then with a new off hand and/or wand with no hit, I should be back to being much closer.
If you need a quick fix on the way to the T8 chest, the Cloth Chest off of the Black Knight on heroic is 219 and has nothing but Spell Power, Critical Rating and two gem slots. The Conquest Belt also has Crit and no hit rating. H-ToC is very helpful in that regard in that you can juggle pieces with and without hit around.


Sounds good. However, I have awful luck in that place. I'm the only clothie in our 5 man guild runs, and we have farmed normal about 10 times so far and heroic at least 8-10, and not one cloth item has dropped for me :lol . Mostly we are farming normal to get our 4 tanks/off tanks the new trinket.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Gloomfire said:
Sounds good. However, I have awful luck in that place. I'm the only clothie in our 5 man guild runs, and we have farmed normal about 10 times so far and heroic at least 8-10, and not one cloth item has dropped for me :lol . Mostly we are farming normal to get our 4 tanks/off tanks the new trinket.
I have insane luck in there. I literally have every single piece of caster gear other than the Healing Mace, which I've passed on already.

I have gotten out of there (in one week):

Spectral Kris (487 SP dagger with Crit/Haste/Blue slot)
Boots of the Crackling Flame (Crit/Hit/SP boots)
Gaze of the Unknown (Hit/SP/Crit hat)
Sinner's Confession (+hit/SP/Crit ring)
Embrace of Madness (Crit/SP/2 gem sockets)
Kurisu's Indecision (+hit/SP/Crit cloak)


As you can see, I'm still rocking my blue Runecaster's Mantle :lol


I lied. The Spectral Kris did drop last night, but I passed on it because I have Firesoul. I would really like that chest and ring though.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
6 drops of the Black Heart so far, and I've D/E'd it at least twice.

There is a purple shoulderpad in the normal mode, but no drops of it in 10 times running it. I've pretty much just given up on the idea I'll ever rock epic quality shoulderpads without Triumph farming (I have 6, so that let's you know how diligent I am about farming the emblems.) My initial plan is to get the Shoulders and the Hands, and then rock the 2 pc from Tiers 8 and 9.


I hate Ulduar now. With the release of the Coliseum now ... I feel Ulduar is pointless, other than for downing hard modes and progressing ... but why take loot from there when there are most likely bigger upgrades looming in the Coliseum instance.

I mean I know there are probably still some BiS from hard modes in Ulduar ... but we did FL+4, XT Hard mode and Hodir hard mode last night .... no one took ANY loot from the bosses.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Macattk15 said:
I hate Ulduar now. With the release of the Coliseum now ... I feel Ulduar is pointless, other than for downing hard modes and progressing ... but why take loot from there when there are most likely bigger upgrades looming in the Coliseum instance.

I mean I know there are probably still some BiS from hard modes in Ulduar ... but we did FL+4, XT Hard mode and Hodir hard mode last night .... no one took ANY loot from the bosses.
I understand what you mean. I'm in a very casual guild as a result of my GF; she wouldn't want me raiding more than twice a week, and we're basically finishing off Ulduar before committing to doing Coliseum which is annoying, because I'd love to get in there. We weren't able to get very far in our Coliseum attempt, but we're still really undergeared. Even a single week of ToC and Conquest gearing has probably vastly improved my gearscore (which helps because this is my second lvl 80 alt).


Whens the last time a raid boss didn't (eventually) die?

If we get a chance at the Lich King, he's too powerful to let live.
Ragnaros and C'Thun, and KJ and Archimonde. Plus Arthas is so popular he will either be killed by some NPC helping you (like Illidan is by Maiev) or he'll escape somehow but be massively weakened.


firex said:
Ragnaros and C'Thun, and KJ and Archimonde. Plus Arthas is so popular he will either be killed by some NPC helping you (like Illidan is by Maiev) or he'll escape somehow but be massively weakened.

I would assume everyone in the game will help kill Arthas .... Thrall, Jaina, Varian, Tirion ... everyone ... they all want him gone.
Angry Grimace said:
I understand what you mean. I'm in a very casual guild as a result of my GF; she wouldn't want me raiding more than twice a week, and we're basically finishing off Ulduar before committing to doing Coliseum which is annoying, because I'd love to get in there. We weren't able to get very far in our Coliseum attempt, but we're still really undergeared. Even a single week of ToC and Conquest gearing has probably vastly improved my gearscore (which helps because this is my second lvl 80 alt).

Well there is a good thing about new encounters being added slowly to the coliseum. With only 2 fights being up right now, you should have more than enough time to go back to Ulduar and get some other items. I am still trying to get some items out of Ulduar 25. I have NEVER seen the shoulders drop off Auraia. We have killed her about 12 times now.

The Dark One

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
DarkMage619 said:
Well there is a good thing about new encounters being added slowly to the coliseum. With only 2 fights being up right now, you should have more than enough time to go back to Ulduar and get some other items. I am still trying to get some items out of Ulduar 25. I have NEVER seen the shoulders drop off Auraia. We have killed her about 12 times now.

The Dark One
Well, when since we only raid twice a week, we'd never reach the last boss without lockout extensions, so we're planning to lockout extend until we get to Yogg-Saron. We have Mimiron, General and Vezax left and I doubt we'll start over (or even do Ulduar again) if and when we get past Yogg, especially given that for the most part, Conquest and ToC gear mostly replaces the need to get the gear from Ulduar's earlier bosses.

The truth is, I think 10 man raiding gets kind of a bad name for being easy, when for the most part, the guys who trumpet that idea are usually guys who grossly outgear the encounters in 25 man gear on offnights to do the hard modes.


No One Remembers
10 man raids are tuned for guilds that ... do 10 mans. Of course a lot of people are 25-man raiders and then plow through the 10 man content. But, there are some BiS pieces from the 10man hard modes, so it works out.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Entropia said:
10 man raids are tuned for guilds that ... do 10 mans. Of course a lot of people are 25-man raiders and then plow through the 10 man content. But, there are some BiS pieces from the 10man hard modes, so it works out.
I'm not denying that it's appreciably easier. But I'd argue a significant amount of the "easy" factor comes from the fact that you only need 10 guys doing the right thing as opposed to 25. Obviously that's a pretty big issue. It's also much easier to identify who is failing, and you don't need/get every cool buff.

The common perception is that it's tuned especially easy, but it's tuned just right for 10 guys at the appropriate gear level. Most of the fights I've done on the 25 man level weren't any "harder," they 're just tuned with the idea that 25 guys are doing the right thing as opposed to 10.

I'm more of expressing frustration with the fact that occassionally, like last week, our normal guild members are busy and we'll take a guy who's sitting out his normal 25 man Ulduar, and he remarks how horribly easy it all is and how it's dumb. But it's not necessarily easy for me when I'm sitting in a bunch of ilvl 200 gear.
Well I guess then technically you should be in Naxx and follow the natural raid progression. It's cool though you are able to "out play your gear", so to speak, and are clearing Ulduar even if it is a bit more of a challenge. By and large though mistakes in 10-man don't seem as "costly" in 25 to me. Stuff that would put me on the brink of death in 25s seem to only take me just below half on 10. The only thing significantly harder is friggin' Yogg on 10 having to dance around greens clouds and also in and out of Immortal Guardian exploding range is hell as a melee. Makes me wish I had Sprint on like a 20 second cool down.

On the topic of the Coliseum, do we know anything about the so-called Heroic mode? Is it the same fight but with more damage or are there going to be actual new tactics? I welcomed the idea of actually being somewhat challenged again in Ulduar but it seems like the new place is on par with Naxx.
There's a huge difference in difficulty between some 10 and 25 man fights that go beyond gear. On Iron Council hard mode, for example, Steelbreaker hits twice as hard at the beginning and Meltdown has half the duration resulting in more Steelbreaker damage multipliers as tanks blow up. After the second tank blows up you start using tank and healer cooldowns just so the tank doesn't get gibbed. This simply isn't a factor on the 10 man version, even in ilvl 219 gear. The margin of error is dramatically different. Freya 3G is similar. So many ways to gib a player on the 25 man version of the fight compared to the 10 man version.

The normal modes are probably fairly equal, though.
Manick Joe said:
On the topic of the Coliseum, do we know anything about the so-called Heroic mode? Is it the same fight but with more damage or are there going to be actual new tactics? I welcomed the idea of actually being somewhat challenged again in Ulduar but it seems like the new place is on par with Naxx.

I haven't heard anything yet. Hopefully it's a *lot* harder than the normal mode or we'll all be running around in ilvl 258 gear in a month bored off our asses waiting for new (real) content. We had issues with Jaraxxus killing people with chain lightning because of his buff not being dispeled quickly, lost a couple healers, then missed an Incinerate Flesh, and still killed it fairly easily on our first attempt. That's just sad.


Worships the porcelain goddess
I read this thread and other threads about discussions on WoW and I scratch my head at times. What is the true problem of this game? A lot of long time players are mad because its now more accessable to more people and not as balls hard or...hell, I honestly don't know.

I've tried find a ton of different opinions and explanations but I don't see it. If you look at other games forums (like, Aion's for example) the complaint is that it is too hard and you no longer "earn" anything and how it's no fun. At least, that's what I get out of it among the fantards. Do people want the grind back? Do they...want more balls hard bosses (if I recall, that was the initial complaint years ago, too few people could see these things and they got mad)?

People's reactions to this game really confuses me. Blizzard supports this thing better than any other MMo company out there BY FAR so it can't be that. I guess I don't get it.

In clear terms, can anyone explain this to me? Are people now taking the game for granted since its been out so long (5 years soon) or are they just tired of it?

Update: My hunter is lvl 8, haven't had time to play. First time playing since upgrading some parts in my PC and thegame is just gorgeous at 1080p with everything on ultra. Mulgore is beautiful.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Manick Joe said:
Well I guess then technically you should be in Naxx and follow the natural raid progression. It's cool though you are able to "out play your gear", so to speak, and are clearing Ulduar even if it is a bit more of a challenge. By and large though mistakes in 10-man don't seem as "costly" in 25 to me. Stuff that would put me on the brink of death in 25s seem to only take me just below half on 10. The only thing significantly harder is friggin' Yogg on 10 having to dance around greens clouds and also in and out of Immortal Guardian exploding range is hell as a melee. Makes me wish I had Sprint on like a 20 second cool down.

On the topic of the Coliseum, do we know anything about the so-called Heroic mode? Is it the same fight but with more damage or are there going to be actual new tactics? I welcomed the idea of actually being somewhat challenged again in Ulduar but it seems like the new place is on par with Naxx.
Well if I already have 200s there's nothing left in Naxx. Well other than shoulders :lol

Besides, I already cleared Naxx on every one of my toons, there's almost literally no reason to do Naxxramas. As you can see from my armory, my gear NOW is way too good for Naxxramas now, but even when it wasn't good enough for Ulduar, I'm fine with being carried for the sake of playing catch up because, fuck that noise, I'm officially sick of Naxxramas.

3.2 has completely and utterly invalidated any reason to run Naxxramas for anyone who's even reasonably coordinated, imo. The gear is shittier than H-ToC, and you can farm badges faster by just doing heroics. I mean, the only reason I could even see bothering was if you were trying to set some record for badges farmed in a single day. I don't know anyone that's ever reached the 50 per day limit by doing every heroic in the first place.

The following heroics I almost never do:

Old Kingdom
Utgarde Pinnacle

Angry Grimace said:
Well if I already have 200s there's nothing left in Naxx. Well other than shoulders :lol

Besides, I already cleared Naxx on every one of my toons, there's almost literally no reason to do Naxxramas. As you can see from my armory, my gear NOW is way too good for Naxxramas now, but even when it wasn't good enough for Ulduar, I'm fine with being carried for the sake of playing catch up because, fuck that noise, I'm officially sick of Naxxramas.

3.2 has completely and utterly invalidated any reason to run Naxxramas for anyone who's even reasonably coordinated, imo. The gear is shittier than H-ToC, and you can farm badges faster by just doing heroics. I mean, the only reason I could even see bothering was if you were trying to set some record for badges farmed in a single day. I don't know anyone that's ever reached the 50 per day limit by doing every heroic in the first place.

The following heroics I almost never do:

Old Kingdom
Utgarde Pinnacle


Conqueror's Badges. You can really rack those things up running old heroics and raids. You can get hundreds a week. With that you can accumulate tons of gems, sell them on the AH and be flush with gold and have your own gear gemmed out. The one thing I really like about the new patch it that it gives reasons to run old content again. Yay.

The Dark One

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
DarkMage619 said:
Conqueror's Badges. You can really rack those things up running old heroics and raids. You can get hundreds a week. With that you can accumulate tons of gems, sell them on the AH and be flush with gold and have your own gear gemmed out. The one thing I really like about the new patch it that it gives reasons to run old content again. Yay.

The Dark One
Naxx isn't a particularly expedient way to farm those badges if you ask me. Besides, I simply don't have enough free time to be wanting to run that hellhole for the 10 billionth time.
Ah okay I had 25-man Naxx gear numbers in my head and thought you had just heroic stuff on. Well you haven't been the first person I've heard talk about the jump in difficulty from 10-man Naxx to 10-man Ulduar. Maybe it's because the smaller guilds tend to skip the harder challenges like Sartharion with drakes up and Malygos the higher difficulty (as stated before release) of Ulduar seemed like a big leap. It's also entirely possible (and likely) they just didn't tune the dungeon right for the gear people following 10-man progression are wearing.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Ghostcrawler says Icecrown doesn't really have 31 bosses and says he was being "sarcastic."

Homer, Mr. Burns can't see you winking over the phone.


TomServo said:
Probably not. Although I'm sure a lot of people think having to interrupt is hard.

I was tanking him and basically handled the interrupts myself. That fight was absolutely pathetic. So far I'm very underwhelmed of the new raid, outside of the dodge the yeti mechanic.


Junior Member
Is this a good rotation...

Curse of Doom -> Immolate -> Conflagrate -> Chaos Bolt -> Incinerate

...or am I just crap at it and doing it wrong?


Kintaro said:
I read this thread and other threads about discussions on WoW and I scratch my head at times. What is the true problem of this game? A lot of long time players are mad because its now more accessable to more people and not as balls hard or...hell, I honestly don't know.

I've tried find a ton of different opinions and explanations but I don't see it. If you look at other games forums (like, Aion's for example) the complaint is that it is too hard and you no longer "earn" anything and how it's no fun. At least, that's what I get out of it among the fantards. Do people want the grind back? Do they...want more balls hard bosses (if I recall, that was the initial complaint years ago, too few people could see these things and they got mad)?

People's reactions to this game really confuses me. Blizzard supports this thing better than any other MMo company out there BY FAR so it can't be that. I guess I don't get it.

In clear terms, can anyone explain this to me? Are people now taking the game for granted since its been out so long (5 years soon) or are they just tired of it?

Update: My hunter is lvl 8, haven't had time to play. First time playing since upgrading some parts in my PC and thegame is just gorgeous at 1080p with everything on ultra. Mulgore is beautiful.

With a userbase that big there will always someone, who needs to complain about "something". At the moment people seem to think that the game is too good, too polished, too much fun, so they want "classic" servers. Weird stuff. You just have to live with that.


Has problems recognising girls
Kintaro said:
People's reactions to this game really confuses me. Blizzard supports this thing better than any other MMo company out there BY FAR so it can't be that. I guess I don't get it.

In clear terms, can anyone explain this to me? Are people now taking the game for granted since its been out so long (5 years soon) or are they just tired of it?
I don't really understand it either. I go in and out of subscriptions mainly because I don't see the point in having a game being paid for sit in idle status, I'll play it when I feel like it.

I enjoy this fresh approach Blizzard are taking the game, making things more accessible to those who don't have the desire to ram through a dungeon countless times. I think some of the older vets just dislike the fact that regular joe can get the same armor/weapons that they used to slave over. The keyword used to.

The funniest thing about it is if a scenario happened such as Blizzard throwing in a dungeon like MC back into the ring, people would still complain. Too much vocal minority, not enough silent and paying majority.


So this patch has been pretty good in terms of getting geared up on my paladin and having fun tanking, but I am slightly sad because for now I don't like playing my shaman at all (any spec, though part of the problem is gear so I might just have to run the new 5 man over and over and over again until I get all the healer/dps gear) and I don't like the retribution changes at all really. I find my arms warrior to be a more fun melee dps than either my enhance shaman or my paladin's offspec.

I think in general I am tired of shamans being the worst class. They had a brief window where they were good in late TBC, but it was really just stacking bloodlust in Sunwell for the dps race fights and being able to spam chain heal for easy raid heals. Next expansion better bring some serious shaman buffs/overhauls so they get at least a brief window of being the most overpowered class and totally fotm, because that hasn't been the case since the game went retail. I don't even really think shamans are bad now. I just feel like there are better designed classes for every shaman role, and they are stuck in the worst place for gear because they require 2 types of mail and have no competition whatsoever. The same I guess could be said of druids, but druids are amazing outside of balance (which is still pretty good).


Has problems recognising girls
Awesome. We even get a little Onyxia pet!

firex said:
I think in general I am tired of shamans being the worst class.
I suppose that could explain the reasons why I never bother going full-on with WoW because my main is a Shaman and the closest class I have towards 80 are lvl 30s; Warrior, Warlock, Hunter, Paladin, Druid, and Priest. Throw in the usual lvl 60 Death Knight and that's about it.

Had a desire earlier today to resub and just start something anew. I enjoyed the heck out of Hunter (as I always do) in the PTR premades, so I'm thinking of just grabbing one and going for the cap.

Is it hard to get the heirlooms?


Evlar said:
The last dialogue from Frozen Throne is "You and I are one." Perhaps Nerzhul can be separated from Arthas- it's WoW lore, Blizzard will do whatever serves the story- but there's no reason to believe that will happen. The current state of the lore is that Arthas IS the Lich King.

No, the current state of the lore is that the Lich King is a "perfect fusion" of Ner'zhul and Arthas, with Arthas being the dominant essence. Ner'zhul wan't expecting this; he knew that he had to merge with Arthas' body and spirit to survive, but he thought that doing so would leave him in charge.

Poor guy exchanged one prison for another, of sorts. One can only speculate about how much he may resent his other half after all these years...

Chris Metzen has always described them as being one, but still refers to the separate entities that make up the whole. Arthas serves as the superficial part of the Lich King; the personality and the exterior. Ner'zhul is somewhere deeper than the physical form, and the source of the wisdom that guides and the evil that corrupts him.

I just wouldn't be surprised if one of the halves survives the battle. The Lich King is described as a force of unimaginable power. In WOW that type of power can usually be contained but never destroyed.


Has problems recognising girls
In the Arthas: Rise of the Lich King book, they talk about 3 entities within the Lich King.

There is Arthas as he is now, the Lich King. There is Ner'zhul, who has lost his body form but lives on in spirit. And then there is the boy Matthias Lehner, an anagram of Arthas Menethil, and is the last remaining shred of humanity within the Lich King.

Whether Arthas can be saved or not, WoW has said otherwise during the questline involving Matthias.


Zaro said:

Can't wait for them to turn Scarlet Monastery into a new and exciting 10-25 man raid. They just can't control themselves anymore. Did they reach the limits of the talent they have at that office? And they need to gtfo with recycling the tier stuff. It's pushed my buttons for a while now, but this maybe the final bump I need to finally cancel my subscription, pending on the rest of the new and exciting content for new and veteran players.


No, it is not going to be fun. New content should be just that. We've had Naxx recycled, now this. And it's the lapdogs that's allowing this to happen. It's a shame there isn't another MMO out there with as fun/refined gameplay.
Weenerz said:
Get over yourselves, renewing Onyxia is going to be fun.

Seriously. What fucking MMO has this many patches and expansions with this many new stuff? They reuse some stuff because some people want it and people are complaining. I guess when you have 12+ million subscribers, you'll always find idiots that will complain about everything and anything.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
J-Rzez said:
Can't wait for them to turn Scarlet Monastery into a new and exciting 10-25 man raid. They just can't control themselves anymore. Did they reach the limits of the talent they have at that office? And they need to gtfo with recycling the tier stuff. It's pushed my buttons for a while now, but this maybe the final bump I need to finally cancel my subscription, pending on the rest of the new and exciting content for new and veteran players.
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