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World of Warcraft

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Neo Member
Kintaro said:
Newb Hunter Question/Advice: Just hit lvl 10 (playing on limited time lately) and, of course, going BM. Any good resources for BM specs that can help me decide which way to go? Also, choosing pets. Does it matter early on? I'm in Mulgore on Tauren. Any pet out there that will help me out big time early on?

I'd suggest a Ferocity pet specced into the dive ability. This way you can get your pet charging, doing damage, and generating threat while you loot. Once you hit level 44 things change and you can get a tenacity pet and start to aoe with volley.

Try a variety of specs and look online because apparently everyone has their opinion about what is right. I leveled with a paladin constantly from 35-60 and the way I went wont be best for someone else.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Zaro said:
Pretty sure complaining about the decline in quality with patches is just when you consider the fact that we still pay for the game. Welcome to the copy-paste fest that is Wotlk.
Well, you are who we thought you were :lol


Really Really Exciting Member!
Azwethinkweiz said:
I'm pulling like 8-9k as a DK and I'm in naxx gear. What the hell is this guy doing?

Autoattacking with Unholy presence, while having no gems or enchants or required talents.:D

Angry Grimace said:
Well, you are who we thought you were :lol

Yeah, he is definitely one of "those" on the Wow forums posting on lvl 1 alts or making "I quit" threads every time there's a change.


Junior Member
Azwethinkweiz said:
I'm pulling like 8-9k as a DK and I'm in naxx gear. What the hell is this guy doing?

Dunno, heaven forbid we question a healer or tank. I can tell when he's tanking whatever I'm hitting. I have to try like hell to pull threat from our warrior or pally tank, this guy I sneeze and I pull from.

It's like that with our healers too. Doing hardmode XT, getting hit with a light bomb was a death sentence because they couldn't be bothered to focus heal a raid member that wasn't the MT or an OT. If chain heal, PoM, CoH, etc didn't bounce off you, you got to stand there and watch yourself die. Took a number of wipes due to that and that alone before raid leadership said anything to the healers.

DPS screws up anything at all? They're getting browbeat over vent.


Wow people are really upset that they're ADDING something to the game? Maybe Blizzard should make like Sony and just make a billion expansions with negligible additions, bet you guys wouldnt complain because it would come with a box and manual to straddle at night.


VAIL said:
So, I decided I was sick of slow ass flying, as it makes for a bunch of suck when farming or trying to fly around Icercrown. I managed to get 4250g in one day, and I don't know how I could have ever waited this long.

What are some of the better flying mounts to get? I missed a roll on the drake in H CoS the other night, but the person who won is gonna run with me till I get it.
Netherwing drakes are factually the coolest, sleekest flying mounts in the game that aren't stupidly rare like Al'ar.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I still use Xab's threatmeter :lol

I'm the only one in our raids that runs one though, because the only fight in Ulduar I can think of where you can get threat capped without fucking up is Hodir if no one give the tank Storm Cloud.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Tamanon said:
If you're going to solo a lot, then a Tenacity pet would probably be best. Bears are good, Crocolisks are pretty nice. Pet choice isn't nearly as important as it used to be. You could also be unique and get a turtle, there's level 15/16 ones in the Barrens.

Sraza said:
I'd suggest a Ferocity pet specced into the dive ability. This way you can get your pet charging, doing damage, and generating threat while you loot. Once you hit level 44 things change and you can get a tenacity pet and start to aoe with volley.

Try a variety of specs and look online because apparently everyone has their opinion about what is right. I leveled with a paladin constantly from 35-60 and the way I went wont be best for someone else.

One thing I dig about this game is, so many different ways to go. Maybe I'll try both. :D I like the Turtles in the game. :lol


Interfectum said:
Minimal must haves:
Cartographer (map)
Recount (dps tracker)

I'll just add that Questhelper is a matter of taste; I strongly dislike the idea of using it myself. However, there's no denying its quality as a useful app.


Azwethinkweiz said:
I'm pulling like 8-9k as a DK and I'm in naxx gear. What the hell is this guy doing?
We recently recruited a DK; he's an excellent player as DPS. However, we had one or two problems when we had to ask him to tank a fight.

I'm no expert on DKs, but I'm going to guess that Chains of Ice is not generally part of a normal tanking rotation, right?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Kintaro said:
One thing I dig about this game is, so many different ways to go. Maybe I'll try both. :D I like the Turtles in the game. :lol


mclem said:
I'm no expert on DKs, but I'm going to guess that Chains of Ice is not generally part of a normal tanking rotation, right?

If you're trying snare a mob from someone who got aggro maybe other than that no.

That's the reason I'm trying to tank on my DK, you throw a rock and you're bound to hit a DK who doesn't know how to tank on my server.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
VaLiancY said:
If you're trying snare a mob from someone who got aggro maybe other than that no.

That's the reason I'm trying to tank on my DK, you throw a rock and you're bound to hit a DK who doesn't know how to tank on my server.
The mark of the bad DK (tank and dps) is when you see a player using D&D as the "I win" button :lol


I didn't even reinstall Recount because I really don't care about how much dps I do (I will turn down groups for dps unless it's normal ToC, because I just hate ret dps that much now) but I wonder how much tps I do.

I've also come to the conclusion that glyph of righteous defense or w/e (the taunt glyph for pallies) sucks now because any time a boss is taunt-focused like the corpse eater in Naxx25 or other boss fights, they are specifically less resistant to taunt spells, and I'm near melee hit-capped in my tank set with all the upgrades I'm getting, which puts me over the level 82 spell cap. So in my case it's time to reapply glyph of hammer of the righteous!

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
TomServo said:
Dunno, heaven forbid we question a healer or tank. I can tell when he's tanking whatever I'm hitting. I have to try like hell to pull threat from our warrior or pally tank, this guy I sneeze and I pull from.

It's like that with our healers too. Doing hardmode XT, getting hit with a light bomb was a death sentence because they couldn't be bothered to focus heal a raid member that wasn't the MT or an OT. If chain heal, PoM, CoH, etc didn't bounce off you, you got to stand there and watch yourself die. Took a number of wipes due to that and that alone before raid leadership said anything to the healers.

DPS screws up anything at all? They're getting browbeat over vent.
It probably has something to do with the fact that Healing sucks and is boring compared to DPS.

Healing isn't really all that "fun," and it requires that you pay significant amounts of attention to essentially a series of bars, not even really the game. It's hard to stay focused, which is why I try to avoid healing if I can, although when I pay attention I think I'm quite good at it.


Junior Member
TomServo said:
Put corruption in there.

Don't think of destro as a "rotation". It's priority. Conflag is the thing that you need to hit almost immediately when it comes off of CD, chaos bolt right behind it. Never cast an incinerate if immo won't be on the target when the projectile hits. I personally use CoA, but that's an old habit from using it to trip Molten Core when that was still in the destro tree.

Get used to hitting your instant cast stuff when you need to move. For example, getting knocked up into the air on Ignis' flame jets is a perfect time to reapply corruption and/or CoA. If conflag is off of cooldown when you need to move, even better.

And don't let your imp die. Empowered imp got a buff big enough to offset the nerf Fire & Brimstone got in 3.2.
Cool. Cheers for the tip. I'm off to start getting used to this now.
Tamanon said:
If you're going to solo a lot, then a Tenacity pet would probably be best. Bears are good, Crocolisks are pretty nice. Pet choice isn't nearly as important as it used to be. You could also be unique and get a turtle, there's level 15/16 ones in the Barrens.
Speaking of Tenacity, I love my Warp Dragon :)

However, I believe their lowest level is 63.


So, last night we decided to do Naxx 10 since our normal Naxx 25 run on Tuesday was disrupted (RL had computer issues). Anyway, we had about 7 guildies/friends on, and 3 pug. It was an awesome run, no wipes and all, and after 3 wings we start talking about Undying. Spider goes down without a hitch, so does Saph. Just KT left, piece of cake, right? Our add tank is in the back of the room, gets iceblocked and the healers can't get to her in time. What a kick in the gut that was. Vent just went silent for a good 3-4 minutes :lol .


Lack of respect for good dps is even more annoying in Ulduar, especially in hard modes, since some of the enrage timers can be very tight. Unlike Naxx where you really had to try/have a really shitty group to hit the timers.


funkmastergeneral said:
I just wonder if they're gonna get nerfed, they all seem to have 100% uptime for the most part.

I hope not. They've left them alone til now, it would suck if they decided to suddenly nerf them, considering that these relics are for Hybrid classes who were/are falling behind on DPS compared to pure damage classes.


Interfectum said:
And you assume this other phantom MMO won't recycle some classic content from time to time? Get over yourself.

Idealy? No. I can always dream though.

GC: For our 6th anniversary, we want people to relive all of the greatness of World of Warcraft, thus we're deleting everyone's toons so they can experience all the fun and excitement all over again. Plus, you won't be able to level a new character until you get a rare drop token from the newly recyc-, newly realized 25 man hard mode SM! Also, to increase difficulty, if you die, there is a cooldown of 24hrs on all rez's. You will lose whatever gold, items, weapons, and armor you had. You must purchase a real scroll of resurrection, $5.49 through the store each time to rez. All dailies are now removed from the game, and vendors no longer will buy trash items. Also, there is one set of gear model, just colored to match your class, AND, the Ally and Horde armor set will be different!

LD's: OMG, thank you Blizzard! You can never-ever do any wrong.

Get with it. I enjoyed those old instances back in the day when I would run them. I can enjoy them now if I really wanted to. What is wrong with complaining about things? What's wrong with expecting more from the most successful MMO of all time? I really enjoy the gameplay, it's the best-ever in a MMO, nothing comes close. Am I supposed to love everything else about the game then? No. I'm paying MONTHLY, thus would expect for some updates on content.

They basically recycled every enchant effect in the game from TBC, though these are new enchants/runes. They recycle tons of items. They recycled a raid. They're recycling another. IF Naxx was the ultimate raid that everyone loved, so be it, it's a throw back. But now they're going to recycle Ony? They're recycling the armor models too? Come on. Where's the other things promised? Where are the new dances? No where.

It's a shame the gameplay is second to none, so great. It keeps me coming back, along with my RL friends and those that I made there. Get over yourself if you think customers don't deserve to complain.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Kyoufu said:
I hope not. They've left them alone til now, it would suck if they decided to suddenly nerf them, considering that these relics are for Hybrid classes who were/are falling behind on DPS compared to pure damage classes.
I can't imagine they are going to let you have 100% uptime on a proc that essentially gives you a static 550 attack power.


kinoki said:
Now that we have the mace we're never setting foot in Ulduar again if not to get our Iron-Bound Proto-Drakes. Hardmodes all the way.

We're a pretty tight crew (and me and a few others have been with the guild and championing its name since 2005 when we started playing), but I don't think any one person is loved enough to warrant ~4 extra weeks of an instance for their legendary weapon. I can't put them through that. :lol

If we fail to get it made, I'll probably be one of those people who throws together world pugs and tries to lead (in exchange for taking frags) or one of those douchebags who tries to buy his way into a guild that still repeat-farms the place. :lol


Junior Member
Kyoufu said:
I just got http://www.wowhead.com/?item=47661 and I orgasm'd after testing it.

I went from doing 3.6k DPS on a dummy to 4.2k! HOLYYYYYYY SHIT that is insane for a Ret Paladin. I can't wait to see how much I can do with it in a raid.
Its kinda broke atm. :lol
The scripting for it is bugged and it procs 100% of the time, everytime, with no internal cooldown.

However I have this (http://www.wowhead.com/?item=47673), it procs 80% of the time after the 10 second cooldown. :p

Angry Grimace said:
I still use Xab's threatmeter :lol
It hasn't broke yet, but this patch added new icons. XD

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
J-Rzez said:
Idealy? No. I can always dream though.

GC: For our 6th anniversary, we want people to relive all of the greatness of World of Warcraft, thus we're deleting everyone's toons so they can experience all the fun and excitement all over again. Plus, you won't be able to level a new character until you get a rare drop token from the newly recyc-, newly realized 25 man hard mode SM! Also, to increase difficulty, if you die, there is a cooldown of 24hrs on all rez's. You will lose whatever gold, items, weapons, and armor you had. You must purchase a real scroll of resurrection, $5.49 through the store each time to rez. All dailies are now removed from the game, and vendors no longer will buy trash items. Also, there is one set of gear model, just colored to match your class, AND, the Ally and Horde armor set will be different!

LD's: OMG, thank you Blizzard! You can never-ever do any wrong.

Get with it. I enjoyed those old instances back in the day when I would run them. I can enjoy them now if I really wanted to. What is wrong with complaining about things? What's wrong with expecting more from the most successful MMO of all time? I really enjoy the gameplay, it's the best-ever in a MMO, nothing comes close. Am I supposed to love everything else about the game then? No. I'm paying MONTHLY, thus would expect for some updates on content.

They basically recycled every enchant effect in the game from TBC, though these are new enchants/runes. They recycle tons of items. They recycled a raid. They're recycling another. IF Naxx was the ultimate raid that everyone loved, so be it, it's a throw back. But now they're going to recycle Ony? They're recycling the armor models too? Come on. Where's the other things promised? Where are the new dances? No where.

It's a shame the gameplay is second to none, so great. It keeps me coming back, along with my RL friends and those that I made there. Get over yourself if you think customers don't deserve to complain.
Virtually none of what you're saying even has a shred of merit, unfortunately.


Ran a Naxx10 last night because the guild wanted to try for Undying. Gothik is bugged to hell :lol Mobs just appear wherever they want to on either side.....and will run to whatever side they want to. We had the group split and my side got basically everything Live and everything Undead. It would've been hilarious had it not screwed up an otherwise perfect run. :lol

Eventually it took 3 tanks and 3 healers to bring down Gothik, with the entire raid crammed into one small corner of the room. Has Blizzard mentioned what causes this or when it will be fixed?

J-Rzez said:
We've had Naxx recycled, now this. And it's the lapdogs that's allowing this to happen.

What percentage of people that whine about this stuff actually saw (let alone cleared) Naxxramas in the first place?


"Allow this to happen"? What, precisely, could we do to stop it? Armed revolution? In case no one's noticed, WoW is not a democratically run institution.


Really Really Exciting Member!
J-Rzez said:
Idealy? No. I can always dream though.

GC: For our 6th anniversary, we want people to relive all of the greatness of World of Warcraft, thus we're deleting everyone's toons so they can experience all the fun and excitement all over again. Plus, you won't be able to level a new character until you get a rare drop token from the newly recyc-, newly realized 25 man hard mode SM! Also, to increase difficulty, if you die, there is a cooldown of 24hrs on all rez's. You will lose whatever gold, items, weapons, and armor you had. You must purchase a real scroll of resurrection, $5.49 through the store each time to rez. All dailies are now removed from the game, and vendors no longer will buy trash items. Also, there is one set of gear model, just colored to match your class, AND, the Ally and Horde armor set will be different!

LD's: OMG, thank you Blizzard! You can never-ever do any wrong.

Get with it. I enjoyed those old instances back in the day when I would run them. I can enjoy them now if I really wanted to. What is wrong with complaining about things? What's wrong with expecting more from the most successful MMO of all time? I really enjoy the gameplay, it's the best-ever in a MMO, nothing comes close. Am I supposed to love everything else about the game then? No. I'm paying MONTHLY, thus would expect for some updates on content.

They basically recycled every enchant effect in the game from TBC, though these are new enchants/runes. They recycle tons of items. They recycled a raid. They're recycling another. IF Naxx was the ultimate raid that everyone loved, so be it, it's a throw back. But now they're going to recycle Ony? They're recycling the armor models too? Come on. Where's the other things promised? Where are the new dances? No where.

It's a shame the gameplay is second to none, so great. It keeps me coming back, along with my RL friends and those that I made there. Get over yourself if you think customers don't deserve to complain.

You are whining too much. It's alright to complain sometimes, that i understand. But to complain about a BONUS for the 5th anniversary? We got alot of new stuff last week, we have Icecrown Citadel coming later this year (hopefully), and you complain that we get some old raid back for 80s in a minor patch? Really? All we got last year was a freaking baby bear companion, they give us more this year and you complain about that?

"Give us more? It's recycling!"
I know that reply is coming.
Kyoufu said:
I just got http://www.wowhead.com/?item=47661 and I orgasm'd after testing it.

I went from doing 3.6k DPS on a dummy to 4.2k! HOLYYYYYYY SHIT that is insane for a Ret Paladin. I can't wait to see how much I can do with it in a raid.

I was over 4200 dps last night in Ulduar on my ret pally. I actually came out #3 on the meters which is either sad or great depending on who you ask. I have not had the chance to check out things in PVP but I guess things will be ok PVE wise for ret.

The Dark One


Junior Member
Flib said:
Lack of respect for good dps is even more annoying in Ulduar, especially in hard modes, since some of the enrage timers can be very tight.

Yup, like I said go off on the folks living at the bottom of the meters all you want. They're expendable.

I think it's just a shift in our guild's strengths. Into WotLK it was our healers that were pro. Only one of them is still consistently raiding with us now. It's the dps that's really improved and is probably pulling more than its own weight in the raids now, and the guild leadership doesn't seem to want to realize that.

Even back when we were learning Sarth+3D the dps was getting crapped on, despite the fact that we were doing it with six healers and four tanks (because both of our pally tanks at the time completely failed at add tanking).

RL: "Dps, the tankspot video has Tenebron dying before the next drake comes down."
Me: "The tankspot video also has two more dps in the raid."
RL: "..."


man, I just hope her redone t2 helms are going to fit all specs, because even though I have the 219 helm from h-toc, I could totally use a tank helm that looks like judgement crown.


Junior Member
cubicle47b said:
Good DPS are all former tanks / healers who burned out and decided to face-roll. True story.

I did heal MC / ZG before I got tired of spamming healing wave and keeping totems up and quit for a couple of years...

But no, most of our healers who try to fill dps roles when needed (thanks to dual spec and free off-spec gear in raids) are terrible at it. We've got an amazing disc priest who can't dps as shadow to save his life (and he'll admit it, so I don't feel bad saying it). One DK went from being our MT to DPS and he's so far down the meters that I have to stretch the window to see his numbers. Etc, etc, etc.


Junior Member
firex said:
man, I just hope her redone t2 helms are going to fit all specs, because even though I have the 219 helm from h-toc, I could totally use a tank helm that looks like judgement crown.
Death Knights have no T2. :lol


StormyTheRabbit said:
Do Pallys still need to do the quest chain to gain their charger? Or can we just learn it from a trainer now, if so, what level?
trainer, level 40. Same with the lock mount.

and to go to this dps discussion, I found playing a lock in vanilla WoW that dps was easy, but so was tanking, and healing was the hardest raid job. I find in WotLK that healing is still probably the hardest/most stressful. dps is easy because you really don't do shit and especially now you don't even have to watch omen. It's still important but it's just the plethora of dps + the general easiness of the role (even though it takes skill to be better at it than average) that makes it looked down on by most tanks/healers.
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