Idealy? No. I can always dream though.
GC: For our 6th anniversary, we want people to relive all of the greatness of World of Warcraft, thus we're deleting everyone's toons so they can experience all the fun and excitement all over again. Plus, you won't be able to level a new character until you get a rare drop token from the newly recyc-, newly realized 25 man hard mode SM! Also, to increase difficulty, if you die, there is a cooldown of 24hrs on all rez's. You will lose whatever gold, items, weapons, and armor you had. You must purchase a real scroll of resurrection, $5.49 through the store each time to rez. All dailies are now removed from the game, and vendors no longer will buy trash items. Also, there is one set of gear model, just colored to match your class, AND, the Ally and Horde armor set will be different!
LD's: OMG, thank you Blizzard! You can never-ever do any wrong.
Get with it. I enjoyed those old instances back in the day when I would run them. I can enjoy them now if I really wanted to. What is wrong with complaining about things? What's wrong with expecting more from the most successful MMO of all time? I really enjoy the gameplay, it's the best-ever in a MMO, nothing comes close. Am I supposed to love everything else about the game then? No. I'm paying MONTHLY, thus would expect for some updates on content.
They basically recycled every enchant effect in the game from TBC, though these are new enchants/runes. They recycle tons of items. They recycled a raid. They're recycling another. IF Naxx was the ultimate raid that everyone loved, so be it, it's a throw back. But now they're going to recycle Ony? They're recycling the armor models too? Come on. Where's the other things promised? Where are the new dances? No where.
It's a shame the gameplay is second to none, so great. It keeps me coming back, along with my RL friends and those that I made there. Get over yourself if you think customers don't deserve to complain.