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World of Warcraft

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J-Rzez said:
Get with it. I enjoyed those old instances back in the day when I would run them. I can enjoy them now if I really wanted to. What is wrong with complaining about things? What's wrong with expecting more from the most successful MMO of all time? I really enjoy the gameplay, it's the best-ever in a MMO, nothing comes close. Am I supposed to love everything else about the game then? No. I'm paying MONTHLY, thus would expect for some updates on content.

There is complaining about stuff that deserves it (lack of new armor and weapon models), there is complaining about stuff that doesn't deserve it ("where is ma trash in ma raid instance?!") and then there is saying "I quit!", because of a minor content patch.

Tamanon said:
Just give Death Knights the druid Tier 2 model also. Let them be Death Moose.

Oh please, yes! :D
TomServo said:
I did heal MC / ZG before I got tired of spamming healing wave and keeping totems up and quit for a couple of years...

But no, most of our healers who try to fill dps roles when needed (thanks to dual spec and free off-spec gear in raids) are terrible at it. We've got an amazing disc priest who can't dps as shadow to save his life (and he'll admit it, so I don't feel bad saying it). One DK went from being our MT to DPS and he's so far down the meters that I have to stretch the window to see his numbers. Etc, etc, etc.

I was obviously trolling. I don't understand how anyone can be bad at caster DPS, though, and not be a complete retard. It took me a whole week after I hit 80 to start topping meters in PuGs on my Warlock in Naxx 10 / Malygos gear (and beating most of the partially Ulduar geared players in my own guild). Now, I raided through AQ40 on a Warlock but it's not like anything about it is hard.

Healing hard modes and some tanking is about the only thing I find challenging.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
TomServo said:
Maybe they'll recycle the t7 models :p
Probably just give them Warrior models. My guess is that the gear she drops won't be class specific anymore.

They'll have to update the encounter somewhat, given that "run to the wall" isn't as compelling of a mechanic as it used to be, "DoTs, more DoTs/DPS....slowly," only made sense because being threat capped actually occurred on normal encounters back then.


cubicle47b said:
I was obviously trolling. I don't understand how anyone can be bad at caster DPS, though, and not be a complete retard. It took me a whole week after I hit 80 to start topping meters in PuGs on my Warlock in Naxx 10 / Malygos gear (and beating most of the partially Ulduar geared players in my own guild). Now, I raided through AQ40 on a Warlock but it's not like anything about it is hard.

Healing hard modes and some tanking is about the only thing I find challenging.

I'll actually tell you the main thing I've found that keeps a healer from excelling at DPS unless they get a lot of practice in. Resource management is such a huge part of healing, but not nearly as important in DPS. So a lot of times they're not used to blowing cooldowns and casting spells constantly.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Tamanon said:
I'll actually tell you the main thing I've found that keeps a healer from excelling at DPS unless they get a lot of practice in. Resource management is such a huge part of healing, but not nearly as important in DPS. So a lot of times they're not used to blowing cooldowns and casting spells constantly.
I had a lot of Holy Pallies in my guild going "WTF" when 3.2 came out and they actually ran out of mana :lol

I have the opposite problem, although I've never *actually* ran completely out of mana. I just didn't find mp5 a powerful enough stat to start going out of my way to wear/equip. If you know the encounters in an out, it's much simpler to simply time certain things, like an Inner Focus/Divine Hymn combo together to maximize mana.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Angry Grimace said:



Neo Member
cubicle47b said:
I was obviously trolling. I don't understand how anyone can be bad at caster DPS, though, and not be a complete retard. It took me a whole week after I hit 80 to start topping meters in PuGs on my Warlock in Naxx 10 / Malygos gear (and beating most of the partially Ulduar geared players in my own guild). Now, I raided through AQ40 on a Warlock but it's not like anything about it is hard.

Healing hard modes and some tanking is about the only thing I find challenging.

I don't understand how people can be bad at dps too. The sheer amount of abysmal dps I have seen p pugging is insane. I don't understand how a level 80 can consistently do less than 1k dps. But it happens.... a lot. And those are the same douchebags that win all the good gear that you want and need, even after bringing them through H ToC. Its ridiculous.


Junior Member
cubicle47b said:
I was obviously trolling.

Yup, that's why I wasn't offended.

cubicle47b said:
I don't understand how anyone can be bad at caster DPS, though, and not be a complete retard. It took me a whole week after I hit 80 to start topping meters in PuGs on my Warlock in Naxx 10 / Malygos gear (and beating most of the partially Ulduar geared players in my own guild)..

I think warlocks are one of the most gear-independent dps classes out there. I'm still rocking blue gems, don't have any of the neat 10-man hard mode weapons others do, still have an iLevel200 trinket, etc and I stay in the top three or four on just about every fight. I haven't noticed major changes in dps as I've gotten better gear (save for big jumps like 4pt8).

cubicle47b said:
Healing hard modes and some tanking is about the only thing I find challenging.

I still like healing easy content because there's a little bit of pressure on you.

Dps feels pressure dps on 25 man hard modes because most of those turn the fights into dps races, as Flib mentioned. Not saying the pressure isn't on the healers or tanks on those hard modes, but dps (at least the dps at the top of the meters) isn't facerolling through them either.
Xabora, whats the preferred raiding build for DK's now in 3.2? I can't do DW as I don't have the gear for it, so I guess I'm asking for the best 2H raiding build.


Junior Member
StormyTheRabbit said:
Xabora, whats the preferred raiding build for DK's now in 3.2? I can't do DW as I don't have the gear for it, so I guess I'm asking for the best 2H raiding build.
Blood is damn hot if you have enough ArP. (Easier to gear up than DW)
Unholy is awesome since you use Obliterate now, which is easier to gearup than DW. (Uses some ArP)
DW is a pita to gear up but you also need ArP.

Oh and wow...
Yes this IS my hunter.


Junior Member
Beq said:
I don't understand how people can be bad at dps too.

1.) Lack of understanding for how to spec / gem / enchant properly.
2.) Lack of understanding of what abilities they have at their disposal

That's where most bad puggers fall. Sad thing is that in less than 10 minutes on EJ they could have these basics down without even understanding why they're doing them.

After that, you've got guys who are stuck in the idea of a spell / ability rotation, as opposed to understanding that priority should drive their actions. They're not bad per se, but they're leaving a lot on the table (I have a feeling this is where most of our Recount bottom dwellers operate).

Ulduar has put a high value on mobility, so I'd also think anyone still clicking and/or keyboard turning is leaving a good chunk of dps on the table.


J-Rzez said:
Idealy? No. I can always dream though.

GC: For our 6th anniversary, we want people to relive all of the greatness of World of Warcraft, thus we're deleting everyone's toons so they can experience all the fun and excitement all over again. Plus, you won't be able to level a new character until you get a rare drop token from the newly recyc-, newly realized 25 man hard mode SM! Also, to increase difficulty, if you die, there is a cooldown of 24hrs on all rez's. You will lose whatever gold, items, weapons, and armor you had. You must purchase a real scroll of resurrection, $5.49 through the store each time to rez. All dailies are now removed from the game, and vendors no longer will buy trash items. Also, there is one set of gear model, just colored to match your class, AND, the Ally and Horde armor set will be different!

LD's: OMG, thank you Blizzard! You can never-ever do any wrong.

Get with it. I enjoyed those old instances back in the day when I would run them. I can enjoy them now if I really wanted to. What is wrong with complaining about things? What's wrong with expecting more from the most successful MMO of all time? I really enjoy the gameplay, it's the best-ever in a MMO, nothing comes close. Am I supposed to love everything else about the game then? No. I'm paying MONTHLY, thus would expect for some updates on content.

They basically recycled every enchant effect in the game from TBC, though these are new enchants/runes. They recycle tons of items. They recycled a raid. They're recycling another. IF Naxx was the ultimate raid that everyone loved, so be it, it's a throw back. But now they're going to recycle Ony? They're recycling the armor models too? Come on. Where's the other things promised? Where are the new dances? No where.

It's a shame the gameplay is second to none, so great. It keeps me coming back, along with my RL friends and those that I made there. Get over yourself if you think customers don't deserve to complain.

You are complaining about a fucking "3.2.2" patch. Most companies would give us NO content. Who gives a shit if Blizzard is letting 80s relive some older vanilla WoW content. Also I'd take retooled 60 instances over new dances.

Get over yourself.


TomServo said:
1.) Lack of understanding for how to spec / gem / enchant properly.
2.) Lack of understanding of what abilities they have at their disposal

That's where most bad puggers fall. Sad thing is that in less than 10 minutes on EJ they could have these basics down without even understanding why they're doing them.

After that, you've got guys who are stuck in the idea of a spell / ability rotation, as opposed to understanding that priority should drive their actions. They're not bad per se, but they're leaving a lot on the table (I have a feeling this is where most of our Recount bottom dwellers operate).

Ulduar has put a high value on mobility, so I'd also think anyone still clicking and/or keyboard turning is leaving a good chunk of dps on the table.
That last point is the hardest to fault people for. It takes a lot of work to train yourself for a good keybinding system, and the UI tools Blizzard provides out of the box offer poor support for that method of play. It requires motivation and tenacity to leave clicking behind for the whole range of abilities available to most level 80 specs.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Blizzard actually made a horrible mistake in their zeal to fuck up Unholy.

The fact that the 41 pt. talented Strike for Unholy is shittier than the trained strike used for Frost is a pretty grievous error on thier part.

Who wants to take bets on whether they will fix Scourge Strike by nerfing Obliterate? :lol
TomServo said:
Dps feels pressure dps on 25 man hard modes because most of those turn the fights into dps races, as Flib mentioned. Not saying the pressure isn't on the healers or tanks on those hard modes, but dps (at least the dps at the top of the meters) isn't facerolling through them either.

I think Blizzard did a good job with hard modes in Ulduar in that regard. There are a couple fights in particular, Hodir and Yogg+1, where the fight is shouldered more by the DPS than the tanks / healers and most fights at least require a much higher level of competence. I don't think DPS gets the kind of stress you experience trying to heal through XT's Tantrum with 5 people or Steelbreaker last, though.


Neo Member
cubicle47b said:
You have to be a terrible Holy Paladin to truly run out of mana (in PVE) if you're in epic gear.

Trolling again I hope....:lol

For a large portion of my time in ulduar I was having to constantly heal. I couldn't even drop my 4pc t7.5 due to the holy light bonus. I was almost always topping the charts and constantly going oom. It was just a matter of extending how long it took before I went oom. We picked up some great healers and tanks while others starting getting better. There are too many factors to make a blanket statement like this.

we could even get into issue with people not moving out of fire, eyebeams, or any other fight where the dps can't just stand and flail their arms.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
cubicle47b said:
You have to be a terrible Holy Paladin to truly run out of mana (in PVE) if you're in epic gear.
The problem is/was that in 3.1 you could gear for 0 mp5 and all for Intellect and Crit, and that is pretty ineffective now.
Sraza said:
Trolling again I hope....:lol

For a large portion of my time in ulduar I was having to constantly heal. I couldn't even drop my 4pc t7.5 due to the holy light bonus. I was almost always topping the charts and constantly going oom. It was just a matter of extending how long it took before I went oom. We picked up some great healers and tanks while others starting getting better. There are too many factors to make a blanket statement like this.

we could even get into issue with people not moving out of fire, eyebeams, or any other fight where the dps can't just stand and flail their arms.

No, not trolling this time. My main is a Holy Paladin.

There are situations where you could legitimately go out of mana but they're few and far between. Unless your tank has absolutely terrible gear or you're fighting Algalon you simply don't need to spam Holy Light and even with nearly-constant casting you can get Seal of Wisdom procs in at some point as long as you can stay in melee range (most fights in Ulduar).


Neo Member
cubicle47b said:
No, not trolling this time. My main is a Holy Paladin.

There are situations where you could legitimately go out of mana but they're few and far between. Unless your tank has absolutely terrible gear or you're fighting Algalon you simply don't need to spam Holy Light and even with nearly-constant casting you can get Seal of Wisdom procs in at some point as long as you can stay in melee range (most fights in Ulduar).

Maybe I'm the odd case then. I could last about 1 and half to 2 minutes on steelbreaker 25 man. I know I was carrying the healers because a couple months later we got a good healer for backup and I was fine.

Yes, I use the SoW proc as much as I can. XT is a breeze because of it.
Sraza said:
Maybe I'm the odd case then. I could last about 1 and half to 2 minutes on steelbreaker 25 man. I know I was carrying the healers because a couple months later we got a good healer for backup and I was fine.

Yes, I use the SoW proc as much as I can. XT is a breeze because of it.

I just sit on Steelbreaker's ass and take small breaks between casts when the tank is topped off to guarantee I get melee hits in. You just have to make sure you step it up immediately if a Rune of Power spawns under him because the tank can get gibbed before he's moved Steelbreaker completely out of it.

I solo heal it if we're doing it the normal way. If we're doing Steelbreaker last I assign another healer to the tank as I need to go into Phase 3 with nearly full mana (and if your tank is undergeared I'd do this anyway).

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
1up said:
There's gotta be achievements called "Hit it like you mean it" and "THAT'S A 50 DKP MINUS!!!1"
It would hilarious if all the achievements were like:

More DoTs - Defeat Onyxia while she is under the effect of more than 30 Damage over time effects.
50 DKP Minus - Defeat Onyxia after defeating 50 Onyxian Whelps.
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK - Wipe after bringing Onyxia below 3% health.


Neo Member
cubicle47b said:
I just sit on Steelbreaker's ass and take small breaks between casts when the tank is topped off to guarantee I get melee hits in. You just have to make sure you step it up immediately if a Rune of Power spawns under him because the tank can get gibbed before he's moved Steelbreaker completely out of it.

I solo heal it if we're doing it the normal way. If we're doing Steelbreaker last I assign another healer to the tank as I need to go into Phase 3 with nearly full mana (and if your tank is undergeared I'd do this anyway).

Fusion punches are the easy parts for me. Easy to predict and I can one shot the tank with a holy light precasting so it lands right after the hit. It's the hits in between that screwed us. If I cast a holy light after the tank is hit I've had him die before it goes off, if I Holy Shock + instant FoL it isn't always enough.

My solution was to spam holy light. I can solo heal it that way but if the dps are not fast enough I go oom.

When you are soloing healing is your tank not taking bursts of damage in between fusion punches, enough to two shot him within Holy Light's casting time? Or do you have another solution?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The Lamonster said:
Some of these quest titles are hilarious. I just picked up "Kickin' Nass and Taking Manes" :lol
The silly part about that quest is that you can tell the entire Quest and it's gimmick is just a means to make that Title appropriate to the quest.


Finally got some levels into my Warlock without having the server go offline. Woooo!

Now I have stupid amount of low level characters and can't decide on what to focus. I hate that. :/
Angry Grimace said:
I'd avoid raiding on that toon. Blizzard put it right in your Armory that you're untalented.


I can tell that was a joke, but thats why I'm asking what spec. Haven't specced him since the 3.2 reset for DKs.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
StormyTheRabbit said:
I can tell that was a joke, but thats why I'm asking what spec. Haven't specced him since the 3.2 reset for DKs.
2H I would say Blood. If you're planning for both specs to be DPS, then Unholy/Blood. The raid buffs/comp you bring + your ArP will determine which spec to use.

For the most part, in a 25 man, your buff (Ebon Plague or Abomination's Might) will just be redundant with a Warlock/Boomkin and/or MM hunter.

Otherwise, just pick whichever one you like better, but be aware that Unholy is in a weird place. It's either going to get buffed or nerfed even more because the math is showing that Obliterate is better DPS than it's "signature strike," Scourge Strike.

You can go Frost, but you'll need 2 1H weapons, good quality of which can be found in H-ToC in Aledar's Battlestar.
thatbox said:
Do you even raid on a Holy paladin? Doesn't sound like it.


Sraza said:
When you are soloing healing is your tank not taking bursts of damage in between fusion punches, enough to two shot him within Holy Light's casting time? Or do you have another solution?

I'm not trying to reactively heal, I'm just allowing a small pause between casts when the tank is topped off. At this point the tank on Steelbreaker will not get 2 shot and he's a Paladin anyway so I have the new Ardent Defender backing me up. If getting 2 shot is still a possibility for your tank I'd suggest not solo-healing it.


Wow I was comparing my spell damage to other guild members and thought I was doing really well getting my warlock geared, until I realized that The Armory does not display the effects the buffs you had on yourself when you logged out (I swear it used to). So without Fel Armor and the Demonology buffs I'm only at like 1800 spellpower. Damn.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
border said:
Wow I was comparing my spell damage to other guild members and thought I was doing really well getting my warlock geared, until I realized that The Armory does not display the effects the buffs you had on yourself when you logged out (I swear it used to). So without Fel Armor and the Demonology buffs I'm only at like 1800 spellpower. Damn.

I can break 3000 Spell Power in Holy if I use Illustration of the Dragon Soul in a raid. (I never do as heals, though) :D
Evlar said:
That last point is the hardest to fault people for. It takes a lot of work to train yourself for a good keybinding system, and the UI tools Blizzard provides out of the box offer poor support for that method of play. It requires motivation and tenacity to leave clicking behind for the whole range of abilities available to most level 80 specs.

DPS can get away with clicking very easily, as long as they know their rotation or priority system.

Chris R

TomServo said:
1.) Lack of understanding for how to spec / gem / enchant properly.
2.) Lack of understanding of what abilities they have at their disposal
Gear also can help, as well as exactly what they are speccing for. On my mage for instance, I'm dual specced for two different fire specs, one for 5/10 man shit, and another for 25 mans. The gear is the same for both, but my performance in 5 man heroics is usually shit compared to 25 man bosses due to how quick fights are in heroics. I mean I can pull 4k easy in my shitty gear in 25OS on the main boss, but fight to put up even 3k on trash/bosses in heroics just because my gear isn't stacked with haste/sp. Having an almost 2 second cast is just silly in heroics because shit is dead almost before my spell even gets there.


Has problems recognising girls
In retrospect it's quite amusing to see people bitch and complain about having to face off against Onyxia as a fun side-raid.

I'd hate to see their reaction when we have to face off against C'Thun again.
anyone want to recruit me for RaF? I want to get a quick 60, we could probably do it in a week or so, maybe less depending on how we level (questing or getting instance runs?). I got bailed on at 28 by someone else I tried RaFing with, so I'm looking for someone that will stick with me to 60, and we can get this done quick. I'm in EST, U.S., so I'll play on any american server. I'll buy vanilla key, you recruit me. Either PM me or contact me at lakesideflight @ gmail.com

Chris R

lakesideflight said:
anyone want to recruit me for RaF? I want to get a quick 60, we could probably do it in a week or so, maybe less depending on how we level (questing or getting instance runs?). I got bailed on at 28 by someone else I tried RaFing with, so I'm looking for someone that will stick with me to 60, and we can get this done quick. I'm in EST, U.S., so I'll play on any american server. I'll buy vanilla key, you recruit me. Either PM me or contact me at lakesideflight @ gmail.com


just use your free levels on one or create another character with RAF bonus (unless it only works on one character, but I thought it worked based on accounts and time).


That was unexpected. 3.2.2 is on the PTR.

World of Warcraft PTR Patch 3.2.2

The latest test realm patch notes can always be found at: http://www.wow-europe.com/en/patchnotes/

The latest patch notes can always be found at: http://www.wow-europe.com/en/info/underdev/testrealm.html

The Brood Mother Returns
After years of lurking in her lair battling the many brave adventurers who travelled from afar to challenge her, Onyxia returns to commemorate World of Warcraft’s five-year anniversary.

Onyxia has been scaled to offer new challenges to level 80 players and is now available for testing in 10- and 25- player modes.
Adjustments have been made to the encounter to keep it fit for modern raiding, but the fundamental experience of fighting the Brood Mother will remain, as will the horror of the Deep Breaths!
Some classic items Onyxia offered level 60 players will have their stats adjusted appropriately for level 80 players.
Brood of Onyxia, a very rare 310%-speed mount modeled after Onyxia herself will be available for the luckiest of challengers.

Death Knight
Gnaw: This death knight ghoul ability now has a 1-minute cooldown.

Moonkin Form: This form now also reduces the damage the druid takes while stunned by 15%.
Typhoon: The knockback distance from this spell has been increased to match Thunderstorm.

Feral Combat
Predatory Strikes: This talent now also causes the druid’s finishing moves to provide a 7/13/20% chance per combo point to make the next Nature spell with a cast time below 10 seconds instant cast.

Arcane Blast: The buff from using this ability now stacks up to 4 times instead of 3, and each application increases mana cost by 130% instead of 200%.
Missile Barrage: The effect from triggering this talent now removes the mana cost of Arcane Missiles. In addition, the chance for Arcane Blast to trigger this talent is now 8/16/24/32/40%. All other listed spells continue to have a 4/8/12/16/20% chance to trigger it.

Righteous Fury: The bonus threat from Holy spells caused by this talent has been reduced from 90% to 80%.
Judgements of the Just: The reduction in cooldown to Hammer of Justice provided by this talent has been reduced to 5/10 seconds instead of 10/20 seconds.
Touched by the Light: This talent now provides 20/40/60% of the paladin’s strength as spell power instead of 10/20/30% of the paladin’s stamina.

Seal of Command: This ability now chains to strike up to 2 additional targets when it is triggered by an attack.

Fan of Knives: The damage done by this ability has been reduced by 30%.
Throwing Specialization: This talent no longer causes Fan of Knives to interrupt spellcasting.
Honor Among Thieves: A 1-second cooldown is now enforced on how often a rogue can gain combo points from his party via this talent.

Dungeons & Raids
Shadowfang Keep
Wailing Guardsman: Screams of the Past will no longer have multiple applications on a target. Recast time has been increased.

Glyph of Mind Flay: This glyph no longer reduces the magnitude of the movement reduction on the Mind Flay victim.

User Interface
The size of the Focus Frame can now be adjusted via the Interface Options menu.

Bug Fixes
Balance of Power: Misleading tooltip reworded. The tooltip previously reported an incorrect value for the increased chance to hit with spells. The actual benefit of the talent is unchanged.
Divine Aegis: Ranks 1 and 2 now work with Holy Nova.
Trap Mastery: Tooltip now states the correct amount of snakes summoned.


firex said:
just use your free levels on one or create another character with RAF bonus (unless it only works on one character, but I thought it worked based on accounts and time).
Yeah, RAF works on all characters in both accounts under level 60 for 90 days.
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