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World of Warcraft

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So yeah, Ony mount, confirmed to be a random drop from 10/25 man.

It's like the Green Proto-drake (rng drake) and the Violet Proto-drake (welfare 310%) had a daughter, with all the prestige of the Red Proto/Bronze Drake (Bads think they're good drakes). In before innocent fun defense force.


Zaro said:
So yeah, Ony mount, confirmed to be a random drop from 10/25 man.

It's like the Green Proto-drake (rng drake) and the Violet Proto-drake (welfare 310%) had a daughter, with all the prestige of the Red Proto/Bronze Drake (Bads think they're good drakes). In before innocent fun defense force.
I mean, who would want to defend that.
Zaro said:
So yeah, Ony mount, confirmed to be a random drop from 10/25 man.

It's like the Green Proto-drake (rng drake) and the Violet Proto-drake (welfare 310%) had a daughter, with all the prestige of the Red Proto/Bronze Drake (Bads think they're good drakes). In before innocent fun defense force.
Speaking of proto-drakes...as a Hunter who solos all the time and isn't advanced enough to run shit with people (I'm not even in a guild), is there any way I can get my hands on one of these badass things? Or are they all crazy achievement rewards or rare dungeon drops?


Damn our way of me cheesing Vezax hard mode has been defeated due to PvP.

I'd spec Throwing Spec and spam Fan of Knives and Vezax would never get a cast off. This free'd up another interrupter to help DPS. Worked wonders. Shame.
Zaro said:
So yeah, Ony mount, confirmed to be a random drop from 10/25 man.

It's like the Green Proto-drake (rng drake) and the Violet Proto-drake (welfare 310%) had a daughter, with all the prestige of the Red Proto/Bronze Drake (Bads think they're good drakes). In before innocent fun defense force.

Oh god forbid people who want a cool mount (red or bronze drake) actually get it, those silly bads.


Evlar said:
I mean, who would want to defend that.
People who would consider rng more fun over a high risk/reward system and refer to it as a fair system. By fair and fun I mean /random chance > no chance.


The Lamonster said:
Speaking of proto-drakes...as a Hunter who solos all the time and isn't advanced enough to run shit with people (I'm not even in a guild), is there any way I can get my hands on one of these badass things? Or are they all crazy achievement rewards or rare dungeon drops?
There's the green rng proto drake from the Oracle egg and the china-camper rng proto drake from the rare spawn in storm peaks.


The Lamonster said:
Speaking of proto-drakes...as a Hunter who solos all the time and isn't advanced enough to run shit with people (I'm not even in a guild), is there any way I can get my hands on one of these badass things? Or are they all crazy achievement rewards or rare dungeon drops?

You can get green - that requires enough rep with the Oracles to purchase an Egg once a week and then sufficient luck when you open it. Time-Lost would also be an option, that's 'just' a case of being in the right place at the right time to take down a rare spawn - but an awful lot of other people are trying to do 'just' the same thing. Finally, there's the Violet, which does stem from a "crazy acheivement reward" but not one that requires significant amounts of instance running - that's the one for getting all the titles from the various seasonal world events. Trouble is, as well as requiring some 5-mans (albeit all trivially PuGgable, if I recall correctly), that also requires a full year's commitment. Violet has the advantage that it's probably the most achievable 310% mount for someone in your position.


That new Seal of Command is going to get nerfed so fast. They need to do something to differentiate it from Seal of Righteousness but a 3 target cleave? Really?


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Zaro said:
There's the green rng proto drake from the Oracle egg and the china-camper rng proto drake from the rare spawn in storm peaks.

I got the Time-Lost 2nd day after release when flying all alone in Storm Peaks. :p
mclem said:
You can get green - that requires enough rep with the Oracles to purchase an Egg once a week and then sufficient luck when you open it. Time-Lost would also be an option, that's 'just' a case of being in the right place at the right time to take down a rare spawn - but an awful lot of other people are trying to do 'just' the same thing. Finally, there's the Violet, which does stem from a "crazy acheivement reward" but not one that requires significant amounts of instance running - that's the one for getting all the titles from the various seasonal world events. Trouble is, as well as requiring some 5-mans (albeit all trivially PuGgable, if I recall correctly), that also requires a full year's commitment. Violet has the advantage that it's probably the most achievable 310% mount for someone in your position.
Thanks man!

kinoki said:
I got the Time-Lost 2nd day after release when flying all alone in Storm Peaks. :p
I'm going for it, wish me luck.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Zaro said:
People who would consider rng more fun over a high risk/reward system and refer to it as a fair system. By fair and fun I mean /random chance > no chance.


There's the green rng proto drake from the Oracle egg and the china-camper rng proto drake from the rare spawn in storm peaks.
It's no different than Al'ar because the drop rate will mirror Al'ar's and there are lockouts. Plus, "good" players can do it on both modes.

Stop whining, you whining baby. Nobody sympathizes with the whining about how good you are.

This matter is closed.


A mount modeled after Onyxia will be ugly as hell anyway.

Also my server crashed again or something. Screw my Warlock. :(

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Won said:
A mount modeled after Onyxia will be ugly as hell anyway.

Also my server crashed again or something. Screw my Warlock. :(
Zaro said:
So yeah, Ony mount, confirmed to be a random drop from 10/25 man.

It's like the Green Proto-drake (rng drake) and the Violet Proto-drake (welfare 310%) had a daughter, with all the prestige of the Red Proto/Bronze Drake (Bads think they're good drakes). In before innocent fun defense force.
It's probably just closer to the Blue Drake, moron.

Bisnic said:
Everything dragon mounts are ugly for you or what? First the Netherwings, now Onyxia?
Can't fault the guy for that, all the drake mounts are ugly as hell. Netherwings, Protos, and straight. They all look retarded.

Snowy Gryphon, Red Wyvern, CE Hippo. and Ashes. All the other flying mounts are ugly.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Zaro said:
Was whining about how bad everyone else is, but yeah, I'm awesome.
You were just whining in general.

You literally don't even have a point or argument why an Onyxian Broodling is somehow, in some universe, bad. 310% mounts have never been the mark of "awesome." They are just rare because they either require significant amounts of a) time or b) luck. Besides, there isn't, and there never was a specific "prestige" attached to 310% speed mounts as a class of mounts. It's a minor speed increase over the regular Epic fliers.

You're just whining for the sake of doing it.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Son of Godzilla said:
It's probably just closer to the Blue Drake, moron.

Can't fault the guy for that, all the drake mounts are ugly as hell. Netherwings, Protos, and straight. They all look retarded.

Snowy Gryphon, Red Wyvern, CE Hippo. and Ashes. All the other flying mounts are ugly.
Ashes of Al'ar has no legs


Bisnic said:
Everything dragon mounts are ugly for you or what? First the Netherwings, now Onyxia?

It's the same model, just now with Onyxia's ugly color scheme! Well it looks okish, still nothing I really want. Still going to roll on it and posting screenhots everywhere of it!

But yeah, I don't like them. Mostly because they are too big. Always sticked to my Wyvern in BC and now I'm using the gyrocopter.


Really Really Exciting Member!
PatzCU said:
Oh thank God Fan of Knives was nerfed! Really, really, REALLY out of hand in Arenas, especially 5s.

Speaking of that... how is the rogue forum right now? I bet some of them have crazy excuses to keep it like it is currently.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
funkmastergeneral said:
DPS can get away with clicking very easily, as long as they know their rotation or priority system.
The only one I click is Mind Sear, primarily because if I'm using mind sear, I'm probably planning to spam it.

My raid keeps putting pressure for me to use my DK instead of my Shadow Priest. I just happen to like the fact that virtually every fight favors ranged over melee.


Son of Godzilla said:
Will be. It's so fucking stupid right now there are no words. And the worst part is that fucking sound effect.

I hate the Fan of Knives sound effect even more than I hate the sound of Mana Burn.


Lost all credibility.
Fan of Knives: The damage done by this ability has been reduced by 30%.
Throwing Specialization: This talent no longer causes Fan of Knives to interrupt spellcasting.
WTF? I'm busting my ass to get to 80 so I can finally have ONE AoE attack and then they go and nerf the hell out of it? Ah well, I mostly wanted it for brushing off multiple low level mobs anyway.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
sykoex said:
WTF? I'm busting my ass to get to 80 so I can finally have ONE AoE attack and then they go and nerf the hell out of it? Ah well, I mostly wanted it for brushing off multiple low level mobs anyway.
Eh. FoK was overpowered in the first place, and Rogues are already topping meters on bosses.


That seal of command change seems pretty retarded on paper but it might be better in aoe situations or something. Depends upon what they mean since it should trigger off all the melee specials. Although that still only makes it better than righteousness for solo farming.


Angry Grimace said:
310% mounts have never been the mark of "awesome."They are just rare because they either require significant amounts of a) time or b) luck.
Angry Grimace said:
Besides, there isn't, and there never was a specific "prestige" attached to 310% speed mounts as a class of mounts
There was. Then nerfs happened. This applies to the only existing rng 310 (al'ar) too, Kael got his ass fisted back in the day with the nerfbat cause people like handouts, then they removed the full clear requirement, then they didn't remove the mount ZA bear style like they should have.

Now with the 310 mounts are still available from Ulduar 3.2, the Ony mount being rng-tastic and the upcoming Brewfest opening up the first wave of log-in welfare drakes, guess you could say the 'prestige' or rarity has officially gone. That's probably the source of the whining, dunno, reading is hard like this game. Rng isn't fun or rewarding.


Junior Member
Zaro said:
Now with the 310 mounts are still available from Ulduar 3.2, the Ony mount being rng-tastic and the upcoming Brewfest opening up the first wave of log-in welfare drakes, guess you could say the 'prestige' or rarity has officially gone. That's probably the source of the whining, dunno, reading is hard like this game. Rng isn't fun or rewarding.

Who cares?

Then again, I've been using the "of the Undercity" title for months because I don't give a shit about e-peen in WoW. I like killing (or trying to kill) hardmode shit because it's more fun and rewarding than doing it the easy way. I don't need loot / trinkets / titles / mounts to let everyone else know I did.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Zaro said:
There was. Then nerfs happened. This applies to the only existing rng 310 (al'ar) too, Kael got his ass fisted back in the day with the nerfbat cause people like handouts, then they removed the full clear requirement, then they didn't remove the mount ZA bear style like they should have.

Now with the 310 mounts are still available from Ulduar 3.2, the Ony mount being rng-tastic and the upcoming Brewfest opening up the first wave of log-in welfare drakes, guess you could say the 'prestige' or rarity has officially gone. That's probably the source of the whining, dunno, reading is hard like this game. Rng isn't fun or rewarding.
Gimme a fucking break, dude. There is no magic "prestige" attached to 310% speed mounts. It doesn't flag a giant "I HAVE A HUGE DICK" flag over your head when your mount is 30% faster than the vendor bought ones. It's a personal decision to be impressed by a specific mount of not.

The problem is, every one of your posts looks like a random amalgamation of the words "nerf" "casual" "lame" "rng" "welfare" etc., but you're simply not getting it; the game isn't designed solely from the perspective of jacking off poopsockers. Read: there's a reason why Blizzard is completely filthy rich and people like you aren't designing the game. Because the terrible design ideas you float out appear to be premised on the idea that the game should be made non-fun for people that don't devote their entire lives to it.

Memo: The reason they didn't remove Ashes of Al'ar is because it's so exceedingly rare it's retarded because you can only run the instance one a week, i.e. 52 times in a given year and the chance of a mount with less than 1% drop rate dropping in 52 runs is still exceedingly low. I've only met one player that even has Ashes of Al'ar, and that's with the level cap being 10 higher. The idea you've got floating around in your head that a bunch of DKs that spam D&D as their primary attack are going to sitting around Krasus's Landing all rocking Onyxia Broodlings is just delusional.

Besides, your argument about the Amani War Bear is so flawed it's ridiculous; the difference between the Amani War Bear and the Ashes of Al'ar is because the AWB was skill based on performing a timed run which would be trivial in WotLK gear. They aren't even remotely the same thing and you know it.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
The Lamonster said:
Thanks man!

I'm going for it, wish me luck.

The only thing you're garantued is time lost.

I think the devs were aware of that pun when they named it.


Junior Member
Zaro said:
There was. Then nerfs happened. This applies to the only existing rng 310 (al'ar) too, Kael got his ass fisted back in the day with the nerfbat cause people like handouts, then they removed the full clear requirement, then they didn't remove the mount ZA bear style like they should have.

Now with the 310 mounts are still available from Ulduar 3.2, the Ony mount being rng-tastic and the upcoming Brewfest opening up the first wave of log-in welfare drakes, guess you could say the 'prestige' or rarity has officially gone. That's probably the source of the whining, dunno, reading is hard like this game. Rng isn't fun or rewarding.

Look at it as such, flying mounts are getting a class twist.
(Paladins and warlocks should get theirs, hopefully)

Also if the rumors are correct with the next expansion, I highly doubt you will be using a flying mount there.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
In the end, I think I just wasted my time getting filled with nerd rage at Zaro. In retrospect, I literally can't recall a single post of his that wasn't an attempt to redirect the discussion to talking about "bads." (even though he apparently never plays with "bads.")
Xabora said:

Look at it as such, flying mounts are getting a class twist.
(Paladins and warlocks should get theirs, hopefully)

Also if the rumors are correct with the next expansion, I highly doubt you will be using a flying mount there.
plz explain. what do we know so far about the next expansion?


Has problems recognising girls
The Lamonster said:
plz explain. what do we know so far about the next expansion?
Depends on who you want to listen to.

Basically it boils down to a few things:

WoW: Cataclysm

Most likely concentrated on the South Seas and the Maelstrom. Isle of Kezan, Zandalar, Kul Tiras, Broken Isles, etc, possibly Gilneas. Reports suggest that two new races will be playable; Goblins and Worgen. Undetermined who is who but certain sources believe Golbins = Horde and Worgen = Alliance.

If Maelstrom is involved, we're going to be diving deep underwater. Flying mounts are going to be useless.

There is also strong connections within other sources of Warcraft lore atm that the Emerald Dream is going to be quite involving with the new expansion as well.... and that "cataclysm" is related to that, and not the Maelstrom.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Zaro said:
Selective reading FTW!
In the end you seem like the worst type of player; the kind that only plays the game as a thinly veiled means of expressing aggression. In other words, the wettest of the wet blankets.

In the end, I doubt anyone is buying the "magic 310% mount" argument. If you really want to believe that Onyxia's Broodling is somehow equatable to say, Mimiron's Head, then you go right ahead.


Has problems recognising girls
Xabora said:
Another reason why the "earth sundering" speculation may be true, Kalimdor being split apart and what have you. With water mounts things will be easier to traverse.
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