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World of Warcraft

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Also thinking of picking up a Mass of McGowen (roughly ~500g but dropping).

It would allow me to go back to being a mace rogue, but's it's not that great of a mace (no proc) and is pretty much comparable to a Krol blade (BLECH). Unfortunately the only better 1h maces are Ironfoe (super rare epic from BRD emp), Emprearan Destroyer or whatever (from Kazzak....not happening anytime soon) or a 1h Pally hammer from MC (i wouldn't roll on it since it's not much better than Mass, and is ALOT better for pallies).

Though if I do get the Mass and go Combat I wouldn't be able to be a backstabby bastard as much, I'd still do tons of damage... just not as in quick as bursts. Well it's something to think about


Most people dislike it, but I've found mixing a third of Spirit in with my typical Stamina and Intelligence for my Mage really helps. I'm sure it's not earth shattering, but it's done quite well for my Evocation rate and seems to be a solid crutch for instances and, well, anything over time really.


One more post, but a rant.

What is blizzard's malfunction with fist weapons. THey're way to damn slow, even the fastest one isn't as fast as the fastest dagger. Hell the slowest 1h weapon in the game is a fist weapon.

I really wish they'd lower the speeds down a lot, along with the max damage in order to keep the same DPS. THis would give fists something that'd seperate them from all the other 1h weapons. RIght now they're just gimped swords (do crap damage, and can't parry with them.)

Hell if you lowered the speed, you could have some interesting rogue builds. Rogue's SS would suck ass, but hell if you had two .7 fists with default procs, crusader on both, and instant poison on both, then activate blade fury and slice and dice, you'd be a proccing machine. You'd be hitting with each every .35 seconds....

It would suck hardcore in PvP, but would be very interesting in PvE.


Alex said:
Most people dislike it, but I've found mixing a third of Spirit in with my typical Stamina and Intelligence for my Mage really helps. I'm sure it's not earth shattering, but it's done quite well for my Evocation rate and seems to be a solid crutch for instances and, well, anything over time really.

SPI is considered more valuable than INT in stuff like Onyxia or molten core.

Stupid bitch:


When tanking, do you switch stances often? The loss of rage kinda turns me off from switching alot, until i get a chance for overpower or execute. Also, when you talk about switching weapon betwwen 1h/2h, do you just put your weapons in the toolbar to switch? Or is there a macro command or anything?


Grandma's Chippy
Anyone have some good tips on getting money?

I grind as it is now but money comes slow...I really want to get my epic mount ;P

Lvl 60 rogue with deep empty pockets!

Of course being the leader of a guild I spend a lot of cash on my guildmates but I plan to dedicate to getting my mount.

Right now I grind 55+ monsters both elite and non-elite. I farm instances for loot to sell. And I make & sell enchants and tailoring items.

I know people make a lot of cash with skinning & mining...but not wanted to take either of those on my rogue so kinda pointless.

I have friends that are in their 40's and have 1500+ and more gold! Crazy!
luvaboi217 said:

When tanking, do you switch stances often? The loss of rage kinda turns me off from switching alot, until i get a chance for overpower or execute. Also, when you talk about switching weapon betwwen 1h/2h, do you just put your weapons in the toolbar to switch? Or is there a macro command or anything?

Early and often. I don't store much, even if I'm in one stance. 5/5 Tactical Mastery makes it stick. And I have them in my Backpack for easy clicking. *click ax, click shield, Shield Bash, click 2h ax, continue Astarothin' it up*


luvaboi217 said:

When tanking, do you switch stances often? The loss of rage kinda turns me off from switching alot, until i get a chance for overpower or execute. Also, when you talk about switching weapon betwwen 1h/2h, do you just put your weapons in the toolbar to switch? Or is there a macro command or anything?

Five points in Tactical mastery is a must and anger management is worth the point, IMO.

Get the weapon switch macro from Click here . Makes your life a whole lot easier. I use sword/shield all the time, but switch to two-hander for Overpower, execute, mortal strike, etc. I find it works very well.


My server.

Here is me, Marrow. 60 warrior. Gear below picture. :)



My armor:

Enchanted Thorium Helm - with 100HP libram
Will of the Martyr
Spaulders of Valor
Redoubt Cloak - with +70 armor enchant
Breastplate of Valor - with 100HP enchant
Fel Hardened Bracers - with +9 stamina enchant
Gauntlets of Valor - with +40 armor
Brigam Girdle
Cloudkeeper Legplates - with 100HP libram
Boots of Valor - with +7 stamina enchant
Band of Flesh
Band of the Ogre King

Plus a huge assortment of trinkets and armor for different situations that always change. Here's the weapons:

Teebu's Blazing Longsword with a Crusader enchant
Draconian Deflector with +7 stamina enchant
Ancient Bone Bow with the +7 damage scope

Also a host of other weapons that change from time to time. Hopefully we can down Onyxia this weekend so I can get my Quel'Serrar made. :)
thank you so much for the link. Much appreciated. Can't way to try it out tonight. I also noticed the Stance Set mod. Would it be safe to say i could set the defensive stance set to equip shield and 1h at default? And battle to 2hander? I was thinking it would work so i could charge with a 2hander, and if need, switch to 1h/shield in defensive, so I could get my shield block.


Tamanon said:
Starting myself a Tauren shaman on Feathermoon for an alt. Any tips on where I should start with my talents?:)

Enh through parry (21 points, you'll be a 31 then) Take either Ancestral knowledge or the shield Talent, it's up to you, if you want grab 2h axes (depends on your preference) and then if you grab it you'll need to take 22 points in Enh to get parry.

Then go rest through ILW and decide if you want to go Enh/Rest now (fastest for leveling, I was enh/ele, with a respecc to 22/7/22 balance at 55, holding on Elemental Fury until I hit 59 (I'm a 60 now).

Ele/Enh is a bit overrated for PvP.

Now that I have Nature's Swiftness, I don't think I could ever spec away from it. It has far too much utility both solo and in groups.

When I finish my Invulnerable Mail this week, I'll probably drop enh all together and go 30/0/21 ele/rest. Tons of good info in this thread: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/board.aspx?forumName=wow-shaman

Any questions, just PM me.


Seems blizzard is pulling some bullshit with the hunters, bad bad blizzard. I don't even have one, but it's a horrible horrible thing to do.


Ferrio said:
Seems blizzard is pulling some bullshit with the hunters, bad bad blizzard. I don't even have one, but it's a horrible horrible thing to do.


Also, I'm a level 33 hunter night elf on shattered hand (trying to get back into the game) any suggestions where to go to level up? where is a meeting stone i can get on to do instances?



Ferrio said:
Seems blizzard is pulling some bullshit with the hunters, bad bad blizzard. I don't even have one, but it's a horrible horrible thing to do.

Read the stickies on the site. No bullshit being pulled.


Azwethinkweiz said:
Damn, that sucks Ferrio. My guild beat her for the first time this Wednesday. Here's the killshot:


Well first we weren't a full raid group. Second we're lacking mages.. which we need for that first wave of welps.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Alex said:
When abouts are Battlegrounds susposed to be patched in? Any estimate?

Hopefully tomorrow, although I suppose it is possible it will be next week.

I'm to lazy to get my screenshots but we did a pvp raid on Thunderbluff to kill Cairne last night. Instead, we met heavy horde resistence on the bridge next to him and crashed the server so we took that as a victory in itself. When the server came back up we got back together and rolled Kargath (their was a Horde MC raid about to leave so it was a good fight) and then split up into groups of 5 (more honor points that way) and went off thoughout the world to look for fights.


Fear the Reaper!


Also managed to get the stuff together for this:


26 arcanite bars, 6 essence of earth, 6 enchanted leather, 8 dense stones, 2 large opals, 16 enchanted thorium bars, and 1 azerothian diamond.


That was a lotta stuff to get. Now to work on my enchanted thorium leggings.



can anyone tell me why i keep getting disconnected?

i re-installed XP so i just re-installed WOW and when i pick my character to log in with, after it loads up i get "disconnected from server".

i restarted my computer and i tried again and i actually got into the game but before i could actually move around i got the same "disconnected from server" message again.

any suggestions please?

edit: i let my friend use my account for a couple weeks and we're in different states. did blizzard take notice and suspend my account? i gave another friend of mine my login information just now to see if he could log on and he couldnt, kept getting disconnected but his own account works just fine.


God...! Stupid auction house, I just spent like half my paltry level 30 newbie money =( Basicly, 7g down the drain because I wanted different looking armor.

At least in WoW its easy enough to make it back, but I have no self control


Joe said:
can anyone tell me why i keep getting disconnected?

i re-installed XP so i just re-installed WOW and when i pick my character to log in with, after it loads up i get "disconnected from server".

i restarted my computer and i tried again and i actually got into the game but before i could actually move around i got the same "disconnected from server" message again.

any suggestions please?

edit: i let my friend use my account for a couple weeks and we're in different states. did blizzard take notice and suspend my account? i gave another friend of mine my login information just now to see if he could log on and he couldnt, kept getting disconnected but his own account works just fine.

Try changing your password and see if you still get disconnected. If you don't, then either your friend gave your login info to someone else or either him or you have a keylogger infecting your system and someone is logging in.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Razoric said:

Also, I'm a level 33 hunter night elf on shattered hand (trying to get back into the game) any suggestions where to go to level up? where is a meeting stone i can get on to do instances?

If you ever need a group, my guild's alts are all around 33ish on Shattered Hand.

Pokey - 30 warrior
Hattie - 34 priest
Flintheart - 29 mage

umm, theres some more. But whisper one of them.


Getting close to 56 on my Priest now. Hopefully if battlegrounds goes in tonight everyone will go into them (or at least be trying). I'm sure there will be tons of wait queue's and instance crashing.

Possibly while everyone is distracted with that I can actually do some of the quests in WPL. Which is normally a complete warzone around chillwind :\


Patch is definitely today it looks like. HELLO BATTLEGROUNDS MY GOOD FRIEND!

Maybe that'll mean the guild won't be called up to defend Sun Rock Retreat again tonight. :lol

I'm having a blast with my rogue. He's only 29 but I don't really care. I was bored with my 60 pala... doing the same stupid high lvl instances and get outrolled everytime something drops...

Anyways my brother has a 54 rogue on same server so we stealth through low lvl instances and kill the boss for drops. This is great fun for me. Black Fantom Deeps in 10 min.

Where can I find some great drops for rogue? 29-34-ish stuff...


I just saw a video of a warrior fighting and he had this thing that showed combat text above his head like "Rage +1" "Dodge" "Evade" "-38" "+139" etc.. etc..

Anyone know what mod this is?


Malakhov said:
I just saw a video of a warrior fighting and he had this thing that showed combat text above his head like "Rage +1" "Dodge" "Evade" "-38" "+139" etc.. etc..

Anyone know what mod this is?

Scrolling Combat Text.
Isnt battlegrounds still all buggified?

Ive been playing my warlock alt lately, level 20 now. No clue why no one plays this class. Weaksauce I guess. Phyacia is almost 49 then she'll be cruisin to 50 in short time. Wooo!


MrAngryFace said:
Isnt battlegrounds still all buggified?

Ive been playing my warlock alt lately, level 20 now. No clue why no one plays this class. Weaksauce I guess. Phyacia is almost 49 then she'll be cruisin to 50 in short time. Wooo!

Been in testing for 3...4 weeks now? They even patched it once during the testing.


Wow, rather sizable patch for Warlocks and Warriors. Almost nothing for my Mage, but we got a slight boost last time:) They fixed the Tailoring bug at least!


I too am downloading the patch. I wish they'd make the patch notes readable while the thing downloads. Give me a good way to pass the time.

Priest is at 59, and he'll be 60 soon! My first 60 charcter!


Rock nothing out... seems like all servers are down including the WoW website.

Could be me... but... I don't think so. Anyone else?


The message board claims all will be back up by 11am PST, but I'm not holding my breath. It'll probably take at least another hour.


Feathermoon is still down so I can't go to Alterac, but I logged onto my Shammy on Illidan to try Warsong and so far no one has gotten past the queue:


Everytime a new patch comes out I get more installation problems. This time, after trying everything the tech support suggested, still problems. Now im reinstalling the game and once again, more errors. I usually have to try and install about 10-15 times before it works, takes hours and hours and hours. Im sick of it. IM only going to try a little longer and then im cancelling my account. I know its something on my end, but im not in the position to put down any funds to fix it right now whatever it may be(its probably new RAM or HD). Its funny though, because everyone of the other 50 PC games I have run fine, except for WoW. I love WoW, its a great game but it isnt worth all this trouble. Ive never been so frustrated with a game.
I need some advice on the rogue. People tell me all kind of diff. things.

I use ambush/backstab so I need to have a dagger in main hand. Is it better to have a sword than a dagger in the off hand? Swords usually are slower but have higher dmg. If I use two daggers should I then have the high dmg (usually the slowest) in main hand? What seems to be the best combination?


kinda sucks that BGs are out though. I mean, what are we susposed to bitch about now? What's the point of an MMO where you can't annoy your peers with chants of "OSI/Sony Online/Square Enix/Mythic/Blizzard SUXXX!!!11"

Also; Wands rock now. =o
Alex said:
kinda sucks that BGs are out though. I mean, what are we susposed to bitch about now? What's the point of an MMO where you can't annoy your peers with chants of "OSI/Sony Online/Square Enix/Mythic/Blizzard SUXXX!!!11"

Also; Wands rock now. =o

Heh, plenty to bitch about still. Nevermind that introducing the bg's is only going to bring a whole new layer of whining.

I thank Blizzard for releasing them at this time. I didn't think I'd get a taste before my account runs out on the 12th.
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