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World of Warcraft

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Well it has to potential to be awesome, especially to veteran players. Seeing Azeroth destroyed and especially Orgrimmar etc. could be amazing, but seems like thats a bit too much work for an expansion.


Plus it seems like a lot of stuff that people who don't even buy the expansion will get access to.

And I want my woodworking profession too!:(


Fucking yes. I have been eager to see a world event on this scale occur for ages. What would have been immeasurably cooler would be to log on and suddenly see this happen; destruction, reconstruction, transformed environments, the wake of a worldwide disaster, etc. Having it come with notice in expansion form dulls it a little, but it's still fucking awesome.

I love the idea that each level gained in Cataclysm will have more weight and meaning according to these reports.

I love the idea of the world changing, at last. A persistent world can't be convincing if it remains static for too long, and it's been years.

And I love the notion of the Old Gods being a recurring and over-arching threat that resurfaces over the years and are ultimately the prevalent antagonists. Seeing mortal and immortal beings on Azeroth corrupted to their will makes for interesting scenarios in lieu of just fighting the Old Gods and nothing but.

I truly hope for entirely new zones aside from the new starting areas though. As grand an undertaking as redoing all of Azeroth is, it'd be a little lame to not see any new higher level zones at all.

Fuck, I'm excited.


Actually, ya know, this might be all true, they are adding in some underwater stuff too. Balancing the leveling curve makes sense. 10 levels each time means that they end up designing content that folks just end up skipping once they hit max level.


Magnus said:
Fucking yes. I have been eager to see a world event on this scale occur for ages. What would have been immeasurably cooler would be to log on and suddenly see this happen; destruction, reconstruction, transformed environments, the wake of a worldwide disaster, etc. Having it come with notice in expansion form dulls it a little, but it's still fucking awesome.

Yea it kinda makes it dull and considering all the changes to lvling that will come out of it it's possible that eventhough it's an expansion it could be labeled as wow v.2. Not a complete sequel but a standalone reimagining of the world.
mclem said:
I still think it's extremely unlikely that they'd revamp the entire old world for flying mounts, which makes me sceptical about all the rest of it; it's not a trivial process.

I can't remember where, but I thought Blizz said that they could do it pretty easily, using "WotLK style art" or something. A lot of people speculated that all of the Emerald Dream would just be a Phased version of Azeroth using this instead of updating all of Azeroth all together. I dunno though.

Saying that, I feel like it would just be easier to update all of it, ED or not, and not only limit it to the phased or ED part.



Does anyone know where we can find relatively accurate subscriber numbers for most current MMOs? I'm wondering how many active subscribers/players are around for FFXI, Lineage II, EQ II, EVE Online, LOTRO, etc.

WoW's verging on either 13 or 14 million, right?


Has problems recognising girls
Oh MMO-Champ. I was hours ahead of you again.

speedpop said:
Sorry mate, too busy pouring myself over Warcraft lore and trying to read Blizzard's steps before they announce them. Still have to re-read the Arthas novel and the comics are still ongoing with their story of Med'an, the prophesied saviour of Azeroth.

I think this next expansion is going to blow people apart - the Lich King is just the tip of the iceberg. Blizzcon is going to be interesting this year.
speedpop said:
In retrospect it's quite amusing to see people bitch and complain about having to face off against Onyxia as a fun side-raid.

I'd hate to see their reaction when we have to face off against C'Thun again.
speedpop said:
Another reason why the "earth sundering" speculation may be true, Kalimdor being split apart and what have you. With water mounts things will be easier to traverse.
The hints have all been there since Ulduar, as well as the comics & novels.

Guys, expect a lot of this to be true.

I'm loving the fact that Thrall will be the new Guardian of Tirisfal. The Council of Tirisfal has been reformed, and with Thrall's actions/inactions since pre-WotLK, it all makes sense.


Man, if this is a total overhaul of classic WoW, that would be cool. Plus let's face it, the community has asked for that for awhile and I bet it would excite people a lot. Although... part of me wants this to be something that you don't see until you do a quest chain at 80, like Wrathgate.


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Yeah a lot of people are speculating that it'll be all done similar to the way Wrathgate was done, to tie in with continuity of the lore and such, but who knows.

In essence there'll be several servers for one continent.

And it's nice to see that my musings of the Worgen being from Gilneas was true.


Just reading the mmo-champion comments on this. Looks like it is either the best thing ever or Blizzard's attempt to kill WoW. :lol
Jazzy Network said:
Seriously doubt the Troll Druid. That would make no sense.

The whole point of Zul'Aman are Troll Druids.

I can't remember where, but I thought Blizz said that they could do it pretty easily, using "WotLK style art" or something. A lot of people speculated that all of the Emerald Dream would just be a Phased version of Azeroth using this instead of updating all of Azeroth all together. I dunno though.
People speculated that's what ED would be because that's exactly what the ED is, the exact same content, on drugs.

Anyways I don't know what to think. It sounds interesting, but so did Lich King and all this expansion has done is completely castrate him as a villain and serve up handfuls of other half baked nonsense.


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Night Elf Mage is spot on due to the Highborne having to leave Dire Maul because of their foretelling of this cataclysm.


The only reason I think it might be Wrathgate-styled is a lot of the stuff in WoW follows a "story" right now anyway, even though it's not as easily discerned as FF11's. basically there is the classic story where you start out as a fledgling member of the horde/alliance and eventually uncover Ony, Ragnaros, and Nefarion all trying to take over the world, plus the AQ gates open. So it could maintain a progression of story if they want. However, if it works like they're saying, I can see them having it affect ALL players and it would be really cool, but then it would make the Outland and Northrend stuff feel dumb.

edit: maybe that seems redundant but none of the Northrend stuff really makes Outland's storyline feel pointless to me. It still happens/happened and it's pretty cool.

That said, I am hoping they really do at least allow flying in Azeroth. They said it would just require remodeling the skyboxes and some other stuff in the capital cities. I also hope one feature they add is taking flight paths on your flying mount for free. Like a simple check to say "oh, you have 300 riding skill" and when you use a flight master, it just uses your own flying mount and you fly there for free. Would save the hassle of repetitive travel and some time.


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Not only Outland and Northrend, but the original intent of Wailing Caverns as well... perhaps the first ever reason of evidence behind what is about to happen.


Flying in Azeroth means I can finally check out that damn troll village I always see flying between towns where they're all dancing!


Tamanon said:
Flying in Azeroth means I can finally check out that damn troll village I always see flying between towns where they're all dancing!

Ive been there ^_^ Had to climb all the way through wintersprings mountains to get there >.<

I like the sounds of it, but... wait a week and see. It sounds too good to be true.

Also, Thrall cant be the next guardian >.> he is a smelly orc shaman not a mage!


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markot said:
Also, Thrall cant be the next guardian >.> he is a smelly orc shaman not a mage!
That is true, but I think Jaina Proudmoore has a lot to do with this.. as well as (stated on MMO-Champ) Malfurion Stormrage who has come back from the Emerald Dream.

There is a kid called Med'an who is the son of Garona and Medivh, who has the powers of the arcane, shaman and is learning the ropes of the Light, and he seemed the likely position for the Guardian but I'm suspecting that the new Council of Tirisfal believes he is far too young at the moment.


Thrall is honestly too cool to be a guardian if that crap is supposed to be restricted to humans. He should take the job and then chain lightning the council for being pricks.


but ever so delicious
Tamanon said:
Flying in Azeroth means I can finally check out that damn troll village I always see flying between towns where they're all dancing!

You can still get there without any major issues today. Just requires a mount and some running / jumping. Slowfall would be nice for the big big big big drop down into the troll village.


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I'm just relieved that someone out there with a great reputation has echoed my thoughts on what will happen, and that the shape of the next expansion is finally out in the open. The Burning Legion will forever be the bad guys due to Sargeras, but the Old Gods are just as important. There's still at least one Old God unaccounted for, and with C'Thun's resurrection, their supposed combined power is going to be intense. Deathwing and Azshara will fall to the old whispers again.

Don't be surprised if Cairne Bloodhoof is killed by a scheme plotted by Magatha Grimtotem - a Tauren with connection to the Old Gods, and the shit hits the fan in Darnassus with Archdruid Fandral Staghelm going nuts due to abuse of the Idol of Remulos.


but ever so delicious
I have no idea what the fuck you just said speedpop and i have been playing this game for years. :lol

Story, in general has never been one of my strong suits.

This does all sound very interesting. Makes me wanna read about the Warcraft universe, lore, so i can understand it better.


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Yeah the only reason why I play these damn games is due to the story. Call it being a geek or the Warcraft lore being all over the place, but it's still there and in relative order somewhat.

You just need to dig deeper than WoW to find the real story and put the pieces together, such as C'Thun being resurrected in the comics.. who we'll most likely have to battle again next expansion.


speedpop said:
That's the thing.. all this info is practically out there in official Warcraft media :lol
You mentioned this in the Gaming forum thread. Could you go into more specific detail though? I don't doubt, I'm just curious....and at the same time unsure how much of the expanded universe stuff really counts as Official Lore.


Modesty becomes a woman
I'm keeping an open mind to this stuff, but I always live by a 'believe it when i hear it' creed. No reason to start the wild speculation before the real announcement.

I'd love it if Blizzard finally got wise to the dataminers and put a lot of this stuff in there as a red harring of sorts. Tauren Paladin? It just sounds ridiculous to me at the moment. Even a team of evil with Deathwing, Azshara, and some Old Gods wouldn't really scare me since we've already killed two. If it's true then so far there's no mention of the Lich King, assuming we beat him it's kinda hard to care about these lesser bosses.

As far as I'm concerned; Sargeras > Lich king > Kil'Jaeden > Illidan > etc.

How can Deathwing be any more powerful than Malygos? As far as I know all the Dragon Aspects are about the same. And there are still three dragons on our side. So...weak.

Azshara is probably about as strong as illidan, only instead of gaining demonic power she gained the power of the Old gods. It's semantics either way, but the Lich King has been the most powerful being on Azaroth for some time now.


Modesty becomes a woman
Son of Godzilla said:
wow's story is fanfiction. It's more or less pathetic what they've been focusing on for the past, what, 5 years?

Uh up until Wotlk the story has basically been a Warcraft 4. They haven't really gone that far out of what was established by the end of Warcraft 3. We're only just now getting to the final part of the story in WC3, that's why I'm so skeptical of everything that's rumoured to be after the Lich King. That's where they left on in Frozen Throne.

Basically everything is checked off our lists except Arthas.



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border said:
You mentioned this in the Gaming forum thread. Could you go into more specific detail though? I don't doubt, I'm just curious....and at the same time unsure how much of the expanded universe stuff really counts as Official Lore.
King Varian was "re-introduced" through the comics, and many characters from the novels have been woven into the game itself or things become fleshed out much more prior to an expansion where these events or characters become important. i.e. Day of the Dragon with Rhonin before he became leader of Dalaran, Night of the Dragon with Krasus delving into Grim Batol's secrets, Arthas: Rise of the Lich King came out after WotLK but it details the past that we were never told (and perhaps a chance for Arthas to become human again), and now Stormrage coming out early next year dealing with Malfurion's plight in the Emerald Dream.

Since the Blizzcon '07 Lore Panel, Metzen talked about the importance of the Emerald Dream not being in this expansion but it will be coming up very soon and something game-changing when it comes along.

There's been hints of the sundering of Azeroth, a "cataclysm", both in the Arthas book when he dreamed of Azeroth being broken apart, as well as a globe showing the destruction of Kalimdor in the Halls of Lightning where Loken resides showing it here and here.

A new quest was added for the Tauren in 3.2 that was short and many people assumed bugged. You merely grabbed it from a Tauren near the Thunderbluff portal in Dalaran, transporting to the end quest with two Tauren in Thunderbluff itself, one being healed from the fights in Northrend. The questline ends here and a discussion between the NPCs ensues, essentially questioning Druidism and possibly the race accepting Elune/Mu’sha into their belief.. basically meaning that Taurens will be able to power the Light; Priests and Paladins.

In 3.2.2 PTR, the Night Elves get to do their own quest, similar to the above.. however this time it leads to Darnassus and a Highborne from Dire Maul requesting audience with Tyrande. Remember the Highborne were the entire reason why the Maelstrom exists. The dialogue exchanged by the NPCs states three times that something will happen, a change, and that the Kal'dorei (aka Night Elves) need the Highborne's knowledge and arcane power. Night Elf Mages.

I'm assuming that every race will possibly have the same very small questline until the very end of WotLK, detailing the reasons why this:
* Human Hunter
* Orc Mage
* Night Elf Mage
* Dwarf Mage
* Blood Elf Warrior
* Dwarf Shaman
* Undead Hunter
* Tauren Paladin
* Tauren Priest
* Gnome Priest
* Troll Druid
will happen.

All of that complete with the reforming of the Council of Tirisfal in the comics, Cho'gall resurrecting C'Thun whilst the armies of the Horde and Alliance are too busy dealing with the Scourge in Northrend, and Stormrage stating to Remulos that an Old God is behind the "Nightmare" in the Emerald Dream.. whether that is C'Thun, or the still speculated Ula-Tek, no one knows. I imagine if it is Ula-Tek, we'll know some answers when we hit the South Seas and land at Zandalar.


Modesty becomes a woman
markot said:
the Lich King has been the most powerful being on Azaroth for some time now.

Says who?

The actions of Kil'Jaeden and Illidan. I could probably find somewhere where someone says that, but it's all just me guessing. Since they haven't said otherwise however, it's just what I believe until someone says different. Even then it will be disappointing.

The Lich King was sent in the Frozen Throne to Azaroth to weaken it for the Burning Legion, when they summoned Archimonde he put some other demon in charge of the Scourge and gave the finger to the Lich King. The Lich King didn't take kindly to that and got himself a shiny new body. Kil'jaeden was surprised and somewhat afraid of the Lich king since he was out of his control, KJ sent illidan after the Lich King to destroy him while he was weak but was stopped by Malfurion.

So, logically, even if Kil'Jaeden was able to come to Azaroth (full power and all) he would still be destroyed by the Lich King.

It's easy to figure that he was stronger than Illidan when they fought in front of Icecrown. Hell he wasn't even fused yet, it was just Arthas with Frostmourne that beat him. Illidan wasn't exactly a slouch.

'The Burning Legion is but a shadow of his terrible darkness. Trust in me when I say that we have hope even if every demon who serves him comes through, but no hope if we destroy all only to have him step into the world.' - Krasus

Sounds like a wager to me.


I like the part of Garrosh being the new Horde leader while Thrall takes backseat to be a mediator between both factions. It may sound lame to some but I'm loving it and it sounds very fitting of both characters.


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VaLiancY said:
I like the part of Garrosh being the new Horde leader while Thrall takes backseat to be a mediator between both factions. It may sound lame to some but I'm loving it and it sounds very fitting of both characters.
Indeed. Past dialogue and even a movie showed Thrall's disillusion over what the Horde were becoming, he has always seemed to be more intent on wanting to keep the peace and bridge the differences between every race. Garrosh wants to prove that his father was a hero to himself, becoming Warchief of the Horde is the next logical step to him, and in his own mind bringing back the "glory of the Horde" is the way to do it.

People are going to hate it but Varian wants retribution for the underground dealings he saw within the Horde whilst he was a gladiator, as well as the treachery he perceives by the Forsaken with the death of Bolvar Fordragon. Thrall won't fight him, so he needs someone who wants to.


speedpop said:
Indeed. Past dialogue and even a movie showed Thrall's disillusion over what the Horde were becoming, he has always seemed to be more intent on wanting to keep the peace and bridge the differences between every race. Garrosh wants to prove that his father was a hero to himself, becoming Warchief of the Horde is the next logical step to him, and in his own mind bringing back the "glory of the Horde" is the way to do it.

People are going to hate it but Varian wants retribution for the underground dealings he saw within the Horde whilst he was a gladiator, as well as the treachery he perceives by the Forsaken with the death of Bolvar Fordragon. Thrall won't fight him, so he needs someone who wants to.

I was never brought in the lore and the most I got was from reference from the game and I would look up at WoWWiki but I love the dialogue between Thrall and Garrosh throughout this expansion. Both of them are sitting on a powder keg of emotions. I like the part of Thrall's character who wants to seek peace and not go back to the savage Old Horde standards but still have some form of authority. I also like the arrogance of Garrosh, hot headed and always using brawn over brains. They're a perfect foil for each other. I maybe wishing for something too extreme but I would like to see a fight to death between both characters.


Junior Member
This is interesting.

Hothgor said:
With the imminent announcement of World of Warcraft - Catacylsm, it only seems fitting that some attention is paid to the 'clues' already placed in the game.  Perhaps the most glaring example of what Azeroth will look like can be found in HoL and Ulduar.


This is the Eastern Kingdoms.  This area of the world does not seem to be affected very much by the events to come.


This is Kalimdor.  Notice how the entire central area of the continent has been devastated, presumably by the Cataclysm.  You can pick out Azshara fairly easily, as well as Winterspring, Teldrassil and the Azure/Bloodmyst Isles.  What is missing, however, seems to be The Barrens, Stonetalon Peaks, and PARTS of Dustwallow Marsh.  The big island on the right seems to be located approximately where Theramore is now, so perhaps Jania is safe...for now...

Of course, none of this is probably new to most of you guys, but in Ulduar, there is a 'hidden' easter egg/treat:


This is Azeroth.  No really, it is!  Take a look.  Its in the hallway leading to Algalon's room.  You can see Azshara, Dun Morogh, Lake Lordamere and other important land marks.  Want a better view?


Once again you can clearly see 'northern' Azeroth.  Winterspring and Azshara are clearly visible from Kalimdor, Quel'Danas and Eversong Woods can also be seen, and Lake Lordamere is clearly visible.  In Northrend, you can clearly see Icecrown Glacier, and careful examination reveals the Caldera and Grizzly Hills.  Now from the other side...


You can easily see Ungoro, Tanaris, 1k Needles, and the Isle of Dread.  You can also barely make out the last portion of Durotar, and across the ocean you can see the edge of Dun Morogh and Stranglethorn Vale.

Now yes, I know the world is on its 'side', but perhaps that is simply part of the story line.  Conspicuously absent is the Maelstrom...perhaps its 'vanishing' is a direct cause of the Cataclysm.  We will find out next week, hopefully!  In the meantime, I present to you the 'corrected' new world of Azeroth from WoW-Cataclysm:


Uh up until Wotlk the story has basically been a Warcraft 4.
Not even close. WoW's storyline is little more than player avatar blowjobbery without an ounce of plot connecting anything.

The fact that they've tried so hard to rectify that recently but still came up laughably short is alarming. Yogg is a black hole of story content, and Malygos the biggest joke of the game. How did they manage to build up Deathwing's stupid children so much better than the fucking Aspect of Magic?

the Lich King has been the most powerful being on Azaroth for some time now.

Says who?

I unno, but WotLK has shown that the LK is the biggest buffoon on Az. Pick your stupid, trying to blow up Sholazar for the sole reason of... getting the keeper of life annoyed with you? Killing off Drakuru after one little mistake despite him proving to be the best fucking henchmen he's ever had, yet resurrecting evergreen failures like KT? Getting curbstomped oh so many times by Tirion? I'm sure there are a fuckton more things. He might as well set up shop in Dalaran and have a chat toggle that reminds people no matter how completely we foiled his recent little scheme (Last I checked the Ebon Blade wiped out every single one of his forces in Icecrown save the citadel and the Crusade currently stable horses outside of it), we should totally be scared of him.


Modesty becomes a woman
Son of Godzilla said:
Not even close. WoW's storyline is little more than player avatar blowjobbery without an ounce of plot connecting anything.

The fact that they've tried so hard to rectify that recently but still came up laughably short is alarming. Yogg is a black hole of story content, and Malygos the biggest joke of the game. How did they manage to build up Deathwing's stupid children so much better than the fucking Aspect of Magic?

I unno, but WotLK has shown that the LK is the biggest buffoon on Az. Pick your stupid, trying to blow up Sholazar for the sole reason of... getting the keeper of life annoyed with you? Killing off Drakuru after one little mistake despite him proving to be the best fucking henchmen he's ever had, yet resurrecting evergreen failures like KT? Getting curbstomped oh so many times by Tirion? I'm sure there are a fuckton more things. He might as well set up shop in Dalaran and have a chat toggle that reminds people no matter how completely we foiled his recent little scheme (Last I checked the Ebon Blade wiped out every single one of his forces in Icecrown save the citadel and the Crusade currently stable horses outside of it), we should totally be scared of him.

You don't really have a lot of substance to back up whatever you're claiming. Most of the stuff is just there from a gameplay point of view. They put in so many "HAHA you beat my minions but I'll see you in Icecrown!" So you'd get at least one of those while levelling. I don't think him doing that a few times is something to complain about.
They put in so many "HAHA you beat my minions but I'll see you in Icecrown!" So you'd get at least one of those while levelling. I don't think him doing that a few times is something to complain about.
It's all he's done as the Lich King. That's it. His bad-assery is the utter definition of informed ability. Hell, they even took away his cool voice actor for his decent into pansyhood.
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