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World of Warcraft

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I've never actually used my ignore list before but I can't fucking stand Angry Grimace and I have a fairly high tolerance level for douchebags.

edit: Cataclysm looks interesting if what MMO Champion posted is accurate. Tauren Rogues need to happen.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
So, logically, even if Kil'Jaeden was able to come to Azaroth (full power and all) he would still be destroyed by the Lich King.

Well duh, the Lich King is 10 levels higher than Kil'Jaeden.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
cubicle47b said:
I've never actually used my ignore list before but I can't fucking stand Angry Grimace and I have a fairly high tolerance level for douchebags.

edit: Cataclysm looks interesting if what MMO Champion posted is accurate. Tauren Rogues need to happen.
Go ahead and try it :lol You're just going to click the "show post" every time anyways, and then unclick it when someone else quotes posts. You'll see :lol

Besides, even if you hold out and try to stick with it, you'll either a) find the way it shows ignored posts to be ugly, or b) feel ashamed that you're going so far as to ignore someone for simply saying things you don't like, but not actually directly ever having talked to you.

See ya on the other side buddy!

Has anyone noticed that the picture of the Brood of Onyxia mount looks a bit....off? I mean, I dunno, regular Onyxia looks kind of menacing, whereas the mount looks a bit like a baby dragon in mascara.


VaLiancY said:
I like the part of Garrosh being the new Horde leader while Thrall takes backseat to be a mediator between both factions. It may sound lame to some but I'm loving it and it sounds very fitting of both characters.
I would be ok with this only if Varian Wrynn gets his punk ass taken out while he pleads for his life. He's like the biggest dick of every faction leader in the game.
firex said:
I would be ok with this only if Varian Wrynn gets his punk ass taken out while he pleads for his life. He's like the biggest dick of every faction leader in the game.

Fandral Staghelm comes close. And Garrosh will be his equal if MMO Champion is correct.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
cubicle47b said:
Fandral Staghelm comes close. And Garrosh will be his equal if MMO Champion is correct.
I'm not sure Fandral does much in-game though, other than that stupid quest to get roots. He does have unique dialogue, though. Garrosh and Varian are like the same guy if you watch the Ulduar intro video, while Jaina and Thrall are the "calm" voices of both sides.


I forgot that Fandral has been like the OG dickhead of all the WoW faction leaders. even the other Alliance leaders don't seem to like him.

also I need to lol at myself for hating on the shaman. I still think it's the worst class (but by no means bad, just worst in terms of overall value/fun for me) but at least resto is pretty nice right now. It needs work, but I can think of several other talent gripes I have with my other higher level characters, like improved scorch on my mage (why do I have to waste a glyph slot on this when imp. shadowbolt does the full debuff in one go?) and I think prot paladins could still use a tiny bit of talent reshuffling so they can pick up reckoning again (right now it is in a bad spot overall in the talent tree, and costs too many points) but I absolutely do not value riptide as a resto shaman beyond proccing haste for healing wave, and as a really fucking gimp instant heal. I also feel like mana tide totem should just be a massive health/mana restore cooldown, and not just 24% mana restored, because it only affects your group and I drop it when I need mana so I can pull off more healing. Plus it would help resto survive more in pvp. I do appreciate healing wave doing like 3k more healing for me than it did pre-patch, thanks to the new healing way. No more LHW spam necessary, which also addresses some of my mana issues.


Has problems recognising girls
Yeah Staghelm has probably got some important business later on. He has the Idol of Remulos after all so it wouldn't surprise me if he becomes something more sinister ala Druids of the Fang.
Scum said:
Is this a good rotation...

Curse of Doom -> Immolate -> Conflagrate -> Chaos Bolt -> Incinerate

...or am I just crap at it and doing it wrong?

Replace cod with coe for group buffing. You want to keep conflag up when its off cd to benefit from the haste increase. The filler will be incinerate, throwing in chaos bolt when its off cd. Eventually, conflag and cb will have equal cd, which you will then prioritize conflag over cb. I'll throw immolate after the 2nd or 3rd conflag to keep that up(usually when conflag cd is < 3 sec). Oh, you also want to squeeze in life taps somewhere in there. Still haven't figured the best place to use it, but I would guess using it before reapplying incinerate or when there is more then 3 sec of downtime.


I don't know what they did to the DK, but I lost all motivation to tank with him. All DK tanks just die in the new 5 man instance. :/


Won said:
I don't know what they did to the DK, but I lost all motivation to tank with him. All DK tanks just die in the new 5 man instance. :/

One of our three MT's is a DK. The other two are a druid and Paladin. He isn't what he used to be but he still tanks fine.


Won said:
I don't know what they did to the DK, but I lost all motivation to tank with him. All DK tanks just die in the new 5 man instance. :/
That new 5 man is a lot tougher to tank than it sounds on paper. The bosses are not difficult in terms of strategy but every one of them except Eadric hits like a truck. I mean, I have 31k unbuffed hp on my pally (so around 34k with blessing of sanctuary) and I still tend to have ardent defender go off on phase 3 of black knight/the paletress fight.


If they're expanding the class roster for the races I'm surprised and a little disappointed that the long-missing Dwarf Mages aren't making a return. I suppose Alliance really does need a second Shaman race, though. That combination seems much stranger to me than Troll Druids or Gnome Priests.


Evlar said:
If they're expanding the class roster for the races I'm surprised and a little disappointed that the long-missing Dwarf Mages aren't making a return. I suppose Alliance really does need a second Shaman race, though. That combination seems much stranger to me than Troll Druids or Gnome Priests.
They were on that list.


I just realized, undead hunter/blood elf warrior make so much sense even without any real lore justification. I mean the undead leader is Sylvanas and she's a dark ranger, and Nathanos Blightcaller is one of her higher-ups, so there is no reason why that race/class combo can't exist already, much less with some prodding in the expansion. Orc mage is a little intriguing but could be pretty op (and is an easy offshoot of orc warlock), and blood elf warrior was originally the option instead of hunter in TBC, and arcane torrent + warrior = awesome tank/potentially op in pvp. Troll druid makes tons of sense if you look at ZG and ZA and how the troll animal gods essentially made their highest followers into druids of a sort. I am assuming this means some trolls from either ZG or the Zandalar tribe actually willingly join up with the horde, or the Darkspear's own research into their enemy troll nations allows them to use animalistic power in the same way. Especially considering most classic/vanilla animal boss quests Horde-side are troll-related.

At this point I am just hoping the goblin classes are warrior, rogue, mage, warlock, and shaman or priest. I mean I don't really like how rogues play, but goblin rogue would be pretty sweet (or I could delete my freshly made orc warlock for a goblin one). I think I'm going to wind up dropping some of my unplayed alts for new race/class combos now, assuming I ever get engaged in their mechanics.


Has problems recognising girls
An Orc Mage and Troll Druid will rock.

And I'm sure many Alliance characters aren't alone in thinking that Dwarf Shaman will kick arse. It's been known for a long time that the Wildhammer clan dabble in the ways of a Shaman, so I'm expecting a small quest dealing with them soon.


Has problems recognising girls
I don't think data-mining really matters when there are two quests in-game so far that deal with the Tauren possibly taking faith in the Light and Night Elves considering the arcane.

Why else would Blizzard add two relatively easy quests that lead to nothing more than NPC interaction and lore debate?


Love how much resistance and "this is all fake bullshit" responses there are to all of these leaks and news. I can't remember a single time a leak this significant and big that was posted on the various wow sites (including mmo) turned out to be false.

Remember all the non-believers regarding Blood Elves joining the Horde, and the idea of the Alliance getting Shaman and Horde getting Paladin? And no one ever thinking they'd allow recustomization or faction transfers? I mean really...with that last one becoming a reality, anything's possible now.

Anyone who resists believing news of such new combos because of "lore" is deluding themselves. I'm a huge lore junkie (as compared to most of my guild anyway), and sadly, lore and story will never get in the way of them making a gameplay change like new race/class combinations. If they want any race to have paladins as an option, they can introduce a quest that allows that race to "follow the Sun" or "follow the Light" or whatever other semantic nonsense you please, just as they did with the Tauren in 3.2.


Won said:
I don't know what they did to the DK, but I lost all motivation to tank with him. All DK tanks just die in the new 5 man instance. :/

Eh? DK tank for pretty much all the fights are excellent. Incredibly good AoE threat for the champions, cooldowns for ANY combination you get. Eadric is irrelevant, such an easy fight. Again Paletress we have AMS/Lichborne which makes it easy and the last fight just pop AoD which makes phase 2 a 'stand there and taunt when hes on 10%' fight. Then phase 3 you just pop AMS again. Its such an easy instance to tank, but its one of the very few heroics that requires a decent healer.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
HixxSAFC said:
Eh? DK tank for pretty much all the fights are excellent. Incredibly good AoE threat for the champions, cooldowns for ANY combination you get. Eadric is irrelevant, such an easy fight. Again Paletress we have AMS/Lichborne which makes it easy and the last fight just pop AoD which makes phase 2 a 'stand there and taunt when hes on 10%' fight. Then phase 3 you just pop AMS again. Its such an easy instance to tank, but its one of the very few heroics that requires a decent healer.
I've found every tank trivial to heal in the new 5 man unless they stand in the obvious green poison cloud.


speedpop said:
And I'm sure many Alliance characters aren't alone in thinking that Dwarf Shaman will kick arse. It's been known for a long time that the Wildhammer clan dabble in the ways of a Shaman, so I'm expecting a small quest dealing with them soon.
I was kind of against the idea at first, but then a friend reminded me that shaman draw their power from spirits already. Dwarves, therefore, are a perfect fit.


Angry Grimace said:
I've found every tank trivial to heal in the new 5 man unless they stand in the obvious green poison cloud.

My guild is full of idiots (we haven't killed Malygos and our Ulduar 'progress' extends as far as Auriaya :lol ) so I use decent in the loosest sense possible.

Edit: misread your post. Its not the tanks they complain about, its phase 3 of Black Knight and if you get Paletress they bitch about not being able to just stand there and pick their arse or whatever they get up to normally.


Junior Member

..\Data\Lichking.MPQ - ..\World\Expansion02\Doodads\Ulduar\UL_Azeroth_Map.blp


..\Data\Lichking.MPQ - ..\World\Expansion02\Doodads\Ulduar\UL_Planet05.blp [90degree angle]


..\Data\Patch.MPQ - ..\World\Expansion02\Doodads\Ulduar\UL_WorldMap_01.blp


..\Data\Lichking.MPQ - ..\World\Expansion02\Doodads\Ulduar\UL_WorldMap_01.jpg

Side Notes: Lichking.MPQ has not been modified since the release of WoTLK.
Patch.MPQ is modified all the time with new patches.

50%/50% cross over map

EDIT: Found 1 more map!


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
I never really like swamp of sorry, won't be missed by me for sure.

EDIT: Fuck me that was some disjointed english.

I never really liked the swamp of sorrow, won't be missed by me in all honesty.



Woah, hold the fuck on. They're cutting Westfall?! Hope Deadmines isn't affected although I'm quite interested in the dungeon revamp mentioned in the rumours. Hmm.

Or am I looking in the wrong place? :lol

Chris R

HixxSAFC said:
Woah, hold the fuck on. They're cutting Westfall?! Hope Deadmines isn't affected although I'm quite interested in the dungeon revamp mentioned in the rumours. Hmm.

Or am I looking in the wrong place? :lol
Looks like a good portion of it will be gone, same with Desolace, Silithus, and The Barrens


HixxSAFC said:
Eh? DK tank for pretty much all the fights are excellent. Incredibly good AoE threat for the champions, cooldowns for ANY combination you get. Eadric is irrelevant, such an easy fight. Again Paletress we have AMS/Lichborne which makes it easy and the last fight just pop AoD which makes phase 2 a 'stand there and taunt when hes on 10%' fight. Then phase 3 you just pop AMS again. Its such an easy instance to tank, but its one of the very few heroics that requires a decent healer.

Maybe all healers on my server suck. (No healers were available today anyway for some reason.) It was just irritating too watch how at first I die as tank in the first fight, then another DK tried and dies in the first fight, but after we grab a Paladin tank we make it through without problem. (he was even standing in the green poison.)

Just feels like I can't tank in a random group at the moment, which kinda sucks.


Subconscious Brolonging
Son of Godzilla said:
It's all he's done as the Lich King. That's it. His bad-assery is the utter definition of informed ability. Hell, they even took away his cool voice actor for his decent into pansyhood.

It's true, they completely pussyfied Arthas. The first time most people encounter him is when he gets his ass kicked at the end of the Death Knight starting area. Then leveling through Northrend you run into him 4 or 5 times and each time he just tells one of his minions to kill you and then runs away through a portal. The intrigue and bad-assedness of Arthas is totally gone.


Junior Member
Spire said:
It's true, they completely pussyfied Arthas. The first time most people encounter him is when he gets his ass kicked at the end of the Death Knight starting area. Then leveling through Northrend you run into him 4 or 5 times and each time he just tells one of his minions to kill you and then runs away through a portal. The intrigue and bad-assedness of Arthas is totally gone.
Am I the only one that remembers him shooting some weird Death Coil at me when I flew by him?

But as for the voice actor, they tried to rehire him but ran into a payment dispute.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Spire said:
It's true, they completely pussyfied Arthas. The first time most people encounter him is when he gets his ass kicked at the end of the Death Knight starting area. Then leveling through Northrend you run into him 4 or 5 times and each time he just tells one of his minions to kill you and then runs away through a portal. The intrigue and bad-assedness of Arthas is totally gone.
He does kill you in Howling Fjord if you try to head towards Utgarde Keep while under the effects of the "incense" that the shaman guy gives you.


As usual, I'm calling bullshit on all of the "leaked" expansion info (including the "Cataclysm" name) until I hear it from Blizzard's mouth. Everything that just came out of the most recent bunch of, again, "leaked" info sounds like fanboy wish-dreams to me (Tauren Paladins and Troll Druids? Really?). I don't care how good people claim their sources are, I've learned enough about Blizzard over the years to suspect that there's just as likely a chance that they are the ones who have been leaking this false info as much as anyone else. One of the things Blizzard is known for more than anyone else in the industry is how closely they've been able to guard their secrets. They managed to keep SC2 in the dark for five years before anyone knew it even existed. I have serious doubts they'd be sloppy enough to let some friggin' expansion info slip.

While the idea of Kalimdor and EK being revamped sounds incredible to me, it definitely falls under the "too good to be true" category. Okay, I'll give you Goblins and Worgen, new races are definitely doable in an expansion as we've seen. But outside of that, if you total up everything that is rumored to be in the next expansion, as someone else has said; it sounds like an obscene amount of work for one expansion.

Of course, we'll find out next week ;) Should be an interesting Blizzcon indeed.


Junior Member
Loxley said:
As usual, I'm calling bullshit on all of the "leaked" expansion info (including the "Cataclysm" name) until I hear it from Blizzard's mouth. Everything that just came out of the most recent bunch of, again, "leaked" info sounds like fanboy wish-dreams to me (Tauren Paladins and Troll Druids? Really?). I don't care how good people claim their sources are, I've learned enough about Blizzard over the years to suspect that there's just as likely a chance that they are the ones who have been leaking this false info as much as anyone else. One of the things Blizzard is known for more than anyone else in the industry is how closely they've been able to guard their secrets. They managed to keep SC2 in the dark for five years before anyone knew it even existed. I have serious doubts they'd be sloppy enough to let some friggin' expansion info slip.

While the idea of Kalimdor and EK being revamped sounds incredible to me, it definitely falls under the "too good to be true" category. Okay, I'll give you Goblins and Worgen, new races are definitely doable in an expansion as we've seen. But outside of that, if you total up everything that is rumored to be in the next expansion, as someone else has said; it sounds like an obscene amount of work for one expansion.

Of course, we'll find out next week ;) Should be an interesting Blizzcon indeed.
Begs to differ.

Heh, around the same time of the year too.



Xabora said:
Begs to differ.

Heh, around the same time of the year too.


Sorry if I'd rather here it from Blizzard before I get my hopes up, my bad. The fact that a German website leaked Wrath content...isn't enough to convince me that any info regarding the supposed "Cataclysm" expansion that has been "leaked" thus far is real.

Again, until I hear it from the horse's mouth, I'm not holding my breath for anything. If it all ends up being true, then great :D If it isn't? I wouldn't be surprised.


Has problems recognising girls
All the more power to those who wish to wait for Blizzcon for things to unfold, but don't be surprised if it is everything you've already heard. As Xabora has shown, WotLK was "unveiled" a week before Blizzcon, so Blizzard themselves aren't immune to leakages.

For lore nuts the whispers have been boiling at the top, and MMO-Champion let the bag out. I've said it before but a lot of information there was known weeks ago.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Loxley said:
Sorry if I'd rather here it from Blizzard before I get my hopes up, my bad. The fact that a German website leaked Wrath content...isn't enough to convince me that any info regarding the supposed "Cataclysm" expansion that has been "leaked" thus far is real.

Again, until I hear it from the horse's mouth, I'm not holding my breath for anything. If it all ends up being true, then great :D If it isn't? I wouldn't be surprised.
So far the only exciting thing to me is new zones, which I already knew/guessed.

Part of the problem with getting excited about Dwarf Shamans is that the racial choice is non-trivial but rarely of particular importance. I can already play those classes (not that I could even consider re-rolling a 4th.)


Goddamn, Old Gods Did It has become the most tired thing in this game.

If anyone of any importance in any way goes mildly crazy, an Old God did it.

So damn uncreative.


Leak sounds believable with the lorelol aside. Revamp would be good if they put as much effort into the old zones as they did with the new expansion areas, especially with half the work done already in a sense.

Gonna be a clusterfuck on their end trying to make sure the new changes don't affect other things implemented. Kinda hope they revist the old race models and touch them up, age is starting to show.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Zaro said:
Leak sounds believable with the lorelol aside. Revamp would be good if they put as much effort into the old zones as they did with the new expansion areas, especially with half the work done already in a sense.

Gonna be a clusterfuck on their end trying to make sure the new changes don't affect other things implemented. Kinda hope they revist the old race models and touch them up, age is starting to show.
My question is how they even manage it for people that don't buy the expansion if that's how it goes.

Seems hard to do; I guess they could phase it, but that would be awfully weird.
Duki said:
Goddamn, Old Gods Did It has become the most tired thing in this game.

If anyone of any importance in any way goes mildly crazy, an Old God did it.

So damn uncreative.

I'm pretty certain Cataclysm will be Revenge of The Villains or some shit.

No way they are putting both Azshara and Deathwing under Slimy Eyeball control. If anything I would expect the both of them to have manipulated the fuck out of whatever creepy thing is still lurking out there and are really running the show themselves. Sure both of them went crazy because of Old God manipulation, but they both seem the type strong enough to eventually get bored with that.
Angry Grimace said:
My question is how they even manage it for people that don't buy the expansion if that's how it goes.

Seems hard to do; I guess they could phase it, but that would be awfully weird.

Yea, I wonder how they would deal with that. How would someone help out their lowbie friend in the barrens or powerlevel alts by multiboxing when your high level character is in another phase? How could anyone who has the expansion do anything with anyone who doesn't? Changing the old world would work if the new Azeroth was some alternate dimension you warp to or something but, they're specifically talking about low level zones being changed and created in these reports.


but ever so delicious
If the new races are true. I wonder if you can pay the character transform fee into one of them.

My draen priest becomes a worgen, woot!
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