Well what I mean is they shouldn't remove BL, but change it a little and redo the core class mechanics so they feel strong even when BL isn't up. BL should be like rogue cooldowns where you feel overpowered as fuck while they're up, but the class is still really good even when it's not up. I am surprised people say shamans are the worst dps classes though. Enhance is pretty awesome. Maybe more people play elemental now, which is no doubt worse caster dps than mage/warlock but above boomkin/shadow priest, I think (not totally sure on this).
I guess my biggest problem with enhance is it has a boring, though simple rotation. Elemental's rotation is also pretty simple, but thunderstorm is a really fun spell and you get huge crits with it, which makes it appealing to shaman mains at least, as I've noticed any other dps I play gets big number crits too, outside of the enhance shaman (they get tons of crits, but they're all lower for the most part). Both shaman dps specs seem to have more mana issues than shadow priest/boomkin druid/warlock, but are about on par with maybe mages (unless recent changes fix a lot of their mana problems). I think mana issues are probably not a problem in any raid situation since they would get replenishment and all 3 shaman specs use int pretty heavily as a stat (it's like 2nd most important main stat for enhance, primary for resto and ele) but it's still an issue in 5 mans.
I fucking love resto now though. Crit healing for 15k with 1800ish spell power is nice, plus between improved water shield, the healer trinket from ToC, and the soul preserver trinket from regular CoS, I can sometimes cast a healing wave for a net of like single digit mana, or get a free chain heal (even though I'll replace that trinket later).