Littleberu said:No more instances can be created at this time. Please try again later.
Wrekt said:I just transferred my main to a server with a couple RL friends and I forgot to take all my BoA gear with him. Son of a bitch.
Now to decide if $25 for a second transfer (of a level 45) is worth 155 badges worth of Heirloom items.
VGChampion said:Woah that's crazy. How'd it happen? Do they not transfer over your bank or something? I'd be kicking myself but I think I'd end up doing another transfer to get my items back if I wasn't going to play in that server anymore.
Gloomfire said:Got my T8.5 chest piece last night. Now I just need either my legs or shoulders to get my 4 piece bonus.
Yeah, I had a 45 Mage with a Headmasters Charge, 10% xp shoulders and one of the trinkets. I was in such a hurry to get off of Black Dragonflight that it never occurred to me that I could send my main the items for use on the new server.Tamanon said:He probably had the BoA items on an alt for leveling![]()
Eitherway looks like your 25bux is in need of spending.Wrekt said:Yeah, I had a 45 Mage with a Headmasters Charge, 10% xp shoulders and one of the trinkets. I was in such a hurry to get off of Black Dragonflight that it never occurred to me that I could send my main the items for use on the new server.
Now I have a 64 DK (that I don't enjoy playing) with 10% xp shoulders and chest + the pvp 2 hander on my current server. A 70 Warrior that used to be my main on Mal'Ganis with no heirloom items. Or a 45 Mage with the caster heirloom stuff on Black Dragonflight. Now I'm trying to figure out what the hell I should do. :lol
Tamanon said:He probably had the BoA items on an alt for leveling![]()
The chance that they let you transfer your max level character over into an expansion race is somewhere in the vicinity of 0.PatzCU said:I'm totally moving my Human Alliance Mage to my horde server and transforming it into a Goblin Mage (if they let me). That would be sooooo sweet, and cost me like $50 =(
sykoex said:Seriously, does anyone else feel like freaking Batman playing a rogue? I just got to Outland and my favorite thing to do is hover my flying mount a high above an enemy base, dismount in mid-air dropping into the center of a group of mobs, and be stealthed before I hit the ground. So awesome.
Bisnic said:Do VOA like i did. I got both the T8 gloves and pants with VOA 10. Since i was the only mage in the group each time it dropped, they were only for me. :lol
Then i got the T8.5 chest & helm with conquest emblems.. easy 4 piece bonus!![]()
And i can get the T9 shoulders tomorrow... i'm still stuck with the T7 one lol.
Now if only i could get a better offhand than the Heroism one.![]()
Gloomfire said:We do VoA 10 and 25 every week. I got my 8.5 hands from there, but no luck on anything else yet.
I've never seen PvE gear drop from VoA :lol ALWAYS shitty pvp gear.Gloomfire said:We do VoA 10 and 25 every week. I got my 8.5 hands from there, but no luck on anything else yet.
Agreed. Emphatically.DarkMage619 said:I do VOA everyweek. I've never seen a peice drop for my main spec. I WISH I could get the gloves.
The Dark One
TomServo said:I'm just amazed you guys can pug VoA. Trying to do it on my alt has been painful, anything outside of a guild run is complete fail on my server.
A couple of heroic runs ago I had to explain to both a kitty druid and rogue that the reason they were taking damage wasn't because they were pulling aggro, but because they were getting cleaved while attacking from the front. The parry hasting they caused also made it great fun to heal the tank.
yacobod said:i hit 80 on my hunter on 7/7/09, like 5 weeks later my hunter is better geared than my main, 4/5 8.5, conquest neck and belt, marrowstrike, hardmode 10m xt gun etc
its retarded how easy it is to gear toons now, more incentive to finish lvling my dk to 80 i guess, never stepped into 25m ulduar on my hunter
Wut? Really?Wrekt said:My experiences with VoA by server:
Mal'Ganis - We 1 shot both bosses but you only did 4.2k dps. I'm putting you on my permanent black list.
Black Dragonflight - We 1 shot both bosses but the tank died at 3% on Emalon and the tanks never bothered to move Archavon out of the cloud.
Blackwing Lair - Leeeeeeerrrrrooooooyyyyyyy
Tamanon said:Yup, always been there, one of the many easter eggs Blizz throws in there.:lol
jim-jam bongs said::lol
I can't believe I never noticed that before, I always check there for underbelly elixir and only noticed their little convention today.
EDIT: And duh, I only just got the TMNT reference too. Awesome.
Tamanon said:Don't forget to check out Segacedi the Sewer Shark too.
Wowhead said:What I found interesting is his name - in my language it means "It's dripping"
Tamanon said:Don't forget to check out Segacedi the Sewer Shark too.
Loot is pretty irrelevant at that level though, because you just level so fast you never keep it for too long.ianswoody said:Man, had a GREAT morning with WoW. Did 6 instances with the same group. We meshed so well that we just kept going till someone had to leave. All 4 SM's, RFD and then Uld. Went from 36 to 38 3/4 and it was my first time I REALLY felt like I was doing something as a Resto druid. Didn't pick up much loot, but the experience was more than worth it.
Angry Grimace said:Wut? Really?
Most VoA I'm in, if I even manage 4K I'm the guy carrying everyone else. :lol
3-4K isn't average on my server either. More like 2K to 2.5K (and those people believe they are fucking hot shit, btw.) Honestly, most PUGs of more than 5 people generally fall to 1 or 2 guys that are good to carry everyone else. As long as those one to two guys pay attention, Emalon isn't hard in the least. I'd say, maybe 3/10 difficulty.johnsmith said:Seriously, what kind of super server are you on where the majority of your pugs can do 4k dps. 3-4ks is average on what I've seen on icecrown and draka.
But yeah, on both servers pugging VoA hasn't been a problem. Emalon was a wipe fest for the first month, but after that everyone learned the fight and even with crappy dps the adds died in time.
Really? DK is kind of a faceroll class, to be honest. When you're still in the 50s you really should spec 100% Blood. The self healing + the fact that you have all your major skills even without 51 talent points is pretty key.sykoex said:I just started a Death Knight, this class is pretty tough to play. With my rogue, all I have to do is spam the Sinister Strike button and I'll kill pretty much any mob in my level range. But with the DK, even with a lowly lvl 50 mob, I have to juggle 5 different buttons just cause everything seems to have a really long, relatively, cooldown. Doesn't feel very "mighty". I'm not really complaining though, I guess I was just spoiled with the rogue (which IMO should be the true hero class).
I have ALL my points in unholy since I read it skews toward AoE, since AoE is pretty rare with a rogue.Angry Grimace said:Really? DK is kind of a faceroll class, to be honest. When you're still in the 50s you really should spec 100% Blood. The self healing + the fact that you have all your major skills even without 51 talent points is pretty key.
All specs of DK revolve around putting up both diseases with IT and Plague strike and then hitting your most damaging attack as often as possible; with Blood this is Heart Strike. You need to play with it a bit but DK is a very overpowered class to level with, imo.
Ew.sykoex said:I have ALL my points in unholy since I read it skews toward AoE, since AoE is pretty rare with a rogue.
nowaiyacobod said:hunter might be arguably better geared
yacobod said:ya here's my warrior main
and here's my hunter alt
hunter might be arguably better geared
Try NeedToKnow. It's what I use on my priest - my warlock brother introduced me to it.Angry Grimace said:I only need two things for a timer to do:
1. Display only the Timers for SW: Pain, Vampiric Touch and Devouring Plague.
2. Display them in a fixed color based on Debuff.
I've tried setting up DoTimer like 5 times but it just keeps giving unexpected behavior which causes me to go back to the super basic ones in Quartz (which I only don't like because it tracks junk debuffs like Mind Trauma and Misery and makes it harder to keep track of VT which needs to be cast between 1.4s and 0.0s).
I'm assuming that DoTimer CAN do those things, but I'm having a whale of a time getting it to actually do them.
Same thing has happened to me in the past where we used to 4-man instances every night, at times inviting a stranger in the form of the 5th person if we needed them. When things are working perfectly well in an instance, you know you gotta try and hang on to those same players.ianswoody said:Man, had a GREAT morning with WoW. Did 6 instances with the same group. We meshed so well that we just kept going till someone had to leave. All 4 SM's, RFD and then Uld. Went from 36 to 38 3/4 and it was my first time I REALLY felt like I was doing something as a Resto druid. Didn't pick up much loot, but the experience was more than worth it.
sykoex said:Is there an addon that will save chat logs and make it make it easier to notice and keep track of your whispers?
I downloaded Prat 3.0 but can't find how to do either in the settings.
Looks awesome, thanks.Macattk15 said:I use Cellular.
Don't know if it keeps logs ... but it pops open IM windows for tells and stuff ... with tabs for multiple people.
edit : and yes it apparently does have a history log.