jim-jam bongs said:Has this always been in the Dalaran Sewers?
It appears that the turtles, under rat supervision, are planning something. Whether it will be a peaceful coup or a violent revolution remains to be seen, but I for one welcome our new furry/half-shelled overlords.
5% more cash from vendors when selling an item and 5% off when buying.firex said:I've been doing some goblin speculation since I don't care about worgen (lol furries) and I think/hope they should get this combo of classes:
Priest/Shaman (not sure which, neither one seems to fit existing lore but they are both possible)
As far as racials go I think they should get something like...
Engineering bonus (like gnomes, too obvious to pass up)
Agility bonus (similar to int/spi/hp bonuses from gnomes/humans/tauren)
Buy/sell bonus (being the merchant race, an extra 5% discount or being able to vendor stuff for 5% more would fit and be nice, but not game-breaking in any way)
Gun specialization
Some kind of active racial cooldown, though I have no idea what they could get that's unique and fits pre-existing goblin lore
that's 5 things, I know, but really a lot of races have more than 4 racials now, unless their standard 4 are way better.
firex said:I've been doing some goblin speculation since I don't care about worgen (lol furries) and I think/hope they should get this combo of classes:
firex said:As far as racials go I think they should get something like...
You make an excellent point and I like Merchant's Satchel more than my idea. ^_^Retro said:I was thinking Rogue, Warrior, Mage, Hunter, and Death Knight (of course). Goblins don't seem like they'd be too keen on being tied to demonic forces, so I didn't think Warlock would fit. Priest seems completely off as I can't really see Goblins following the Light either. Shaman would work, though, but just barely.
I don't think the buy/sell option would be a good idea; far too many people would mail all of their vendor crap to a goblin alt for the slightly better prices. I realize 5% isn't that huge, but... keep in mind what kind of cockstains are known to play the game. I was thinking instead that their merchant ways would translate better as a larger default backpack. Anyways, here's a few ideas I've had; not advocating all of them, just... pick whichever ones you like.
Expansive Mind: Increase Intellect by 5%.
Engineering Specialist: 15 point skill bonus to Engineering.
Gun Specialization: Your chance to critically hit with Guns is increased by 1%.
Merchant's Satchel: Starting Backback is 20 slots instead of the default 16.
Mechanical Gnome: Summons a small, mechanical, and most importantly, obedient gnome that can deliver mail, repair, or provide shopping to you. You may also choose to abuse it for comical value. One option per use, 1 hour cooldown.
Shortstuff:Reduces your chance to be hit by spells and ranged attacks by 1%.
Run away!: Increases movement speed by 60% for 15 sec. 5 min cooldown.
Angry Grimace said:Speaking of DPS woes, I'm having a hell of time trying to configure a DoT timer to do exactly what I want. I only need two things for a timer to do:
1. Display only the Timers for SW: Pain, Vampiric Touch and Devouring Plague.
2. Display them in a fixed color based on Debuff.
I've tried setting up DoTimer like 5 times but it just keeps giving unexpected behavior which causes me to go back to the super basic ones in Quartz (which I only don't like because it tracks junk debuffs like Mind Trauma and Misery and makes it harder to keep track of VT which needs to be cast between 1.4s and 0.0s).
I'm assuming that DoTimer CAN do those things, but I'm having a whale of a time getting it to actually do them.
These were obviously generalizations. I have never been in a Mal'Ganis pug that has failed and even back in the Naxx-is-endgame days, you would have to break 3.5k to even show up in the top 10 in most pugs I joined. Most of the pugs would make you list your VoA achievements and stats before they would invite you.Angry Grimace said:Wut? Really?
Most VoA I'm in, if I even manage 4K I'm the guy carrying everyone else. :lol
sykoex said:But with the DK, even with a lowly lvl 50 mob, I have to juggle 5 different buttons just cause everything seems to have a really long, relatively, cooldown.
Angry Grimace said:Got to Yogg tonight, although nowhere close to downing him since we had 30 min. on him. At least I got my /kiss Sara in Phase 2 achievement :lol
Still rocking that blue Runecaster's Mantle! Zero shoulder drops in many, many Ulduar runs :lol
If you value your sanity, just raise fishing by doing the fishing daily and then don't touch it again until the next day. I started out at 225 skill last month and I sat down for an extended fishing skill grind. I only got to 250 before I started hallucinating.speedpop said:Was going to try and up my fishing and cooking cause they seemed to be real easy and laid back, but I doubt I want to even bother with that now.
Angry Grimace said:Got to Yogg tonight, although nowhere close to downing him since we had 30 min. on him. At least I got my /kiss Sara in Phase 2 achievement :lol
Still rocking that blue Runecaster's Mantle! Zero shoulder drops in many, many Ulduar runs :lol
I've heard how terrible it can be to grind it up, my partner's sister went through the process awhile back and hated every moment of it after she finished.Wrekt said:If you value your sanity, just raise fishing by doing the fishing daily and then don't touch it again until the next day. I started out at 225 skill last month and I sat down for an extended fishing skill grind. I only got to 250 before I started hallucinating.
The reason you aren't seeing DPS shoulder drops is because there is only one in both 10 and 25 man, the ones off of Auriaya-25.DarkMage619 said:Well you are in a better position than I am. I don't think our guild will ever see Yogg. In regards to your shoulder woes I feel your pain. I have never seen any dps plate drops in Uld EVER. But there is hope. Simply save 30 triumph badges and you can buy tier 9. Better than the 25 man Yogg shoulder set drop and you get started on making your next set. Thank you Blizzard!
The Dark One
The number of Valor emblems required to get them is stupid high, like 60 if I recall right. I had other things I wanted, although to be fair, I did most of our regular scheduled Ulduar runs on my DK.Bisnic said:You never bought the T7.5 shoulders with emblems? If you really did many, many Ulduar runs, you should have enough. :lol
Myself, i'm still stuck with the T7 ones. But, thanks to the daily heroic quests, i can buy the T9 later today after work.I've done that quest every days since the patch went live. :lol
Angry Grimace said:The reason you aren't seeing DPS shoulder drops is because there is only one in both 10 and 25 man, the ones off of Auriaya-25.
My plan for now is to go 2 pc. T8.5 from badges and 2 pc. T9 while I wait for the other set. I'm behind on Triumph badges at the moment, but not too bad. The bonus isn't amazing on T9 but it's definetely a DPS increase (6 sec/2 ticks extra per VT)
lakesideflight said:anyone want to recruit me for RaF? I want to get a quick 60, we could probably do it in a week or so, maybe less depending on how we level (questing or getting instance runs?). I got bailed on at 28 by someone else I tried RaFing with, so I'm looking for someone that will stick with me to 60, and we can get this done quick. I'm in EST, U.S., so I'll play on any american server. I'll buy vanilla key, you recruit me. Either PM me or contact me at lakesideflight @ gmail.com
Bisnic said:You never bought the T7.5 shoulders with emblems? If you really did many, many Ulduar runs, you should have enough. :lol
Myself, i'm still stuck with the T7 ones. But, thanks to the daily heroic quests, i can buy the T9 later today after work.I've done that quest every days since the patch went live. :lol
funkmastergeneral said:I'm tempted to buy the Tier 9 shoulders myself sometime this week, but I I kind of want to save my emblems up for when I can finally get myself a Trophy of the Crusade. It'll probably take awhile but that gear is awesome.
Macattk15 said:Yeah there isn't any way I'm wasting badges on buying the Tier 9 when I can get the 9.25(no idea wtf to call it) with badges + trophy .... heck I may just wait until Heroic 25m unlocks and wait for the 9.5 or whatever it may be.
What level are you? 37 gold at 80 is like 2 daily quests. :lolAdent said:Does anyone here use Auctioneer? How much gold do you have. I've had it for 3 days and I'm at 37 gold. That's from just selling my own stuff.
speedpop said:I've heard how terrible it can be to grind it up, my partner's sister went through the process awhile back and hated every moment of it after she finished.
Are you using a beta version or something? I thought there wasn't a 3.2 compatible version yet.Adent said:Does anyone here use Auctioneer? How much gold do you have. I've had it for 3 days and I'm at 37 gold. That's from just selling my own stuff.
I have Auctioneer running at the moment... I updated quite a few add-ons right as the patch was being released but I don't remember if Auctioneer was one of them. It might be beta or the old version may just work. I'll check when I get home.sykoex said:Are you using a beta version or something? I thought there wasn't a 3.2 compatible version yet.
Angry Grimace said:3-4K isn't average on my server either. More like 2K to 2.5K (and those people believe they are fucking hot shit, btw.) Honestly, most PUGs of more than 5 people generally fall to 1 or 2 guys that are good to carry everyone else. As long as those one to two guys pay attention, Emalon isn't hard in the least. I'd say, maybe 3/10 difficulty.
Speaking of DPS woes, I'm having a hell of time trying to configure a DoT timer to do exactly what I want. I only need two things for a timer to do:
1. Display only the Timers for SW: Pain, Vampiric Touch and Devouring Plague.
2. Display them in a fixed color based on Debuff.
I've tried setting up DoTimer like 5 times but it just keeps giving unexpected behavior which causes me to go back to the super basic ones in Quartz (which I only don't like because it tracks junk debuffs like Mind Trauma and Misery and makes it harder to keep track of VT which needs to be cast between 1.4s and 0.0s).
I'm assuming that DoTimer CAN do those things, but I'm having a whale of a time getting it to actually do them.
I dunno, I just find it easy to track them by color. I tend to associate them by the color of their icon, i.e. VT is blue, DP is red, and I want SW: P to be yellow.johnsmith said:Dotimer can't do different color for each buff. It goes based off time. Well, you CAN, but it involves setting up a separate anchor and timer for each individual dot and then setting the long medium short time color the same, and all that's just way too much fucking work.
I was a dotimer fan for a long time, but fortexorcist blows it away.
It's easy to setup colors for each individual dot and easy to ignore the ones you don't need. I also like how it handles multiple mobs better, and has made it much easier for me to keep multiple dots up on multiple targets.
firex said:I can basically see goblins as any class with very little lore justification except for priest/shaman/druid/paladin. That's just because goblins don't really have any kind of church or worship the light or anything, and in general aren't that religious in any kind of way (including animism) so basically they would lean more towards the arcane magic or the non-magical classes. But then I can see a reason to have goblin healers, and if they join the horde I can see priest/shaman as possibilities for sure.
Look into Full Moon :lolAngry Grimace said:I dunno, I just find it easy to track them by color. I tend to associate them by the color of their icon, i.e. VT is blue, DP is red, and I want SW: P to be yellow.
sykoex said:So is anyone here thinking about buying the Blizzcon stream and then flipping the murloc pet on ebay?
I see there's already a few there now.
rhfb said:Someone hasn't ever farmed Icecrown. Greys from a single session can total in the hundreds of gold.
If you value your sanity, just raise fishing by doing the fishing daily and then don't touch it again until the next day. I started out at 225 skill last month and I sat down for an extended fishing skill grind. I only got to 250 before I started hallucinating.