Evlar said:
And now a note from casual-land... I went through two quarters of Naxx last night for the first time (Military and Construct in 10-man) and had a great time. It was a blast. I get the sense from reading a lot of WoW forums that players become jaded with existing content very quickly which is sometimes discouraging when you haven't yet had a chance to see it. That same content looks fantastic when viewed with fresh eyes.
Yeah I did 10 man Naxx for the 1st time a few weeks ago. It was a smooth run with very few wipes.
The zone shows its age though, compare it to Ulduar and it's like night and day.
I did 25-man Naxx for the first time and I didn't like it as much. 15 more people to screw things up, go LD, AFK etc. It's just shocking to see bosses that you destroy on 10-man give you problems on 25-man because you have more people who can't pay attention.
I'm doing 25-man Ulduar this weekend and I'm dreading it. At this point I think 10-man raiding is much more fun.
Angry Grimace said:
I've never lost in DPS totals on my Death Knight to anyone other than rogues, other than gimmick fights. I'll freely admit that at least Blood DK is overpowered. At a certain level of ArP, it becomes pretty ridiculous. Heroic 5 man boss fights are the funniest, because they always last about the exact amount of time it takes to blow all your damage cooldowns.
Yeah I imagine Blood DKs do great DPS. I just don't run into them in PuGs. All DKs in my guild are alts so they're not well geared and rarely come out to raids (plus we're stacked on melee DPS).
Did the first seven bosses of Ulduar last night and my boomkin finished at #1 with a rogue close behind, and a destro lock #3.
Elemental shamans, rogues and ret pallies typically match or beat me but they did outgear me (I only have 3pc T8).