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World of Warcraft

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What part of the game are you playing that you are getting wrecked as a ret pally? Are we talking arena or just general pvp?

All of my gear comes from heroics, honor, VoA and 10 man Naxx yet I have no problem staying ahead of the curve in battlegrounds and world pvp. I just started getting back into BGs about two weeks ago and I nabbed wrecking ball (20 KBs and 0 deaths in a single bg) while I didn't even have 400 resilience.

I haven't done arenas since TBC when Druid/Warrior made up 98% of all arena teams. I assume ret pallies would only find a spot in certain 5v5 teams due to lack of interrupts or MS effects.


Modesty becomes a woman
Xabora said:
Fight Start

Focus Shaman (Healer) -> Druid -> Rogue -> Shadow Priest -> Mage -> (If Shaman (Melee)) -> Hunter (Ignore Pet) -> Death Knight -> Warrior -> (Kill Pet too now) Paladin

Interrupt and Silence as needed.

I think it kinda overwhelmed us last night since it was towards the end. We tried 3 or 4 times and just gave up. It was decimating us, but I really think we just didn't have enough people get in the right mindset that they need to spread out and interrupt as much as possible.


Modesty becomes a woman
DarkMage619 said:
The bubble and the LoH are lazy man design concepts. Instead of giving pallys some real counters to things that could happen to them just have some 'oh crap' buttons and throw them on long cooldowns. People complain about the bubble and the LoH but if those things are on cooldown pallys have nothing. Just survive those and you're home free. And what does it say about a class that you can kill 2 or 3 times before he can kill you once.

Indeed. If you get a paladin to go through his Lay on Hands AND bubble, who is really overpowered in that fight? Sounds like paladins are there to make sure you get taken down.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Indeed. If you get a paladin to go through his Lay on Hands AND bubble, who is really overpowered in that fight? Sounds like paladins are there to make sure you get taken down.
Exactly. It's hard to buy an argument about OP from someone that burns out the equivalent of three health bars.

Then again, I have -10000000 skill in PvP. I always die pretty much instantly.
DarkMage619 said:
Why did Picasso sign his paintings? You are getting an original work of art with every one of my posts. If it isn't signed 'The Dark One' you are dealing with an imitation.

The Dark One

(Today, 03:37 AM)

My first tag quote! What an exciting GAF tradition to be a part of.
DarkMage619 said:
The bubble and the LoH are lazy man design concepts. Instead of giving pallys some real counters to things that could happen to them just have some 'oh crap' buttons and throw them on long cooldowns. People complain about the bubble and the LoH but if those things are on cooldown pallys have nothing. Just survive those and you're home free. And what does it say about a class that you can kill 2 or 3 times before he can kill you once.

The Dark One

They aren't that kind of class though. When it comes to combat a paladin is like a rogue with more armour. Rogues have crazy avoidance to help them, paladins have a bubble.

A paladin is supposed to be able to kill someone really fast but should die fast too. Then they bubble, heaal and go in for take 2, probably dying in a blaze of glory along the way. That's my understanding of their purpose, and at the moment they do it very well.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I wish I could shorten that fucking intro on Trial of the Champion.

The Banner of Victory (and for tanks The Black Heart) is quite enticing, but having to sit through that goddamn "Here's an Awesome Paladin we found in LFG" etc. drives me nuts.


I think Bubble and LoH are a bit outdated in the modern WoW. I would much rather have a Paladin that's able to survive longer all around than have their class mechanic/gimmick revolve around 2x/3x their health bar. One on one is annoying for sure, but in arena Bubble is just stupid. Having someone who can heal their teammate for 12 seconds with immunity is absurd. Not as bad as Wings and Bubble and shit they used to do that got patched quickly but still, total invulnerability is just an annoying mechanic for a game.

Chris R

Sucks that arena season is ending this week :( I just did my first 0-10 for 261 points, but I'm 89 shy of 350 and then need a 700 rating (currently @ 0) for the 4nd best PvE totem Enh shamans can get :( Guess I just have to keep doing the daily heroics for 2 of the new badges to buy a totem :lol

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Hero said:
I think Bubble and LoH are a bit outdated in the modern WoW. I would much rather have a Paladin that's able to survive longer all around than have their class mechanic/gimmick revolve around 2x/3x their health bar. One on one is annoying for sure, but in arena Bubble is just stupid. Having someone who can heal their teammate for 12 seconds with immunity is absurd. Not as bad as Wings and Bubble and shit they used to do that got patched quickly but still, total invulnerability is just an annoying mechanic for a game.
The problem with that is without that functionality they are completely underpowered.

If you make them have that survivability WITHOUT Bubble and LoH, they are just completely overpowered by default.
Hero said:
I think Bubble and LoH are a bit outdated in the modern WoW. I would much rather have a Paladin that's able to survive longer all around than have their class mechanic/gimmick revolve around 2x/3x their health bar. One on one is annoying for sure, but in arena Bubble is just stupid. Having someone who can heal their teammate for 12 seconds with immunity is absurd. Not as bad as Wings and Bubble and shit they used to do that got patched quickly but still, total invulnerability is just an annoying mechanic for a game.

Mass Dispel > Bubble

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
jim-jam bongs said:
Disc priest + Warrior > A level 10 paladin finishing off a mob?

Ok, enough of this thread-game :lol

OMG: I'm so happy, I finally got an Aledar's Battlestar! It only took literally 11 tries.


Paladin gameplay is so built around the bubble (LOH doesn't count, since it's not usable in arena) that there's no way to remove it without giving them some counter against getting locked down indefinitely. And that's only for holy paladins.

The priest Dispersion, or the mage's Ice Block, are good examples of invulnerability (or near invulnerability) done right. What's overpowered about bubble is that they can cast for 12 seconds within it. What's underpowered is that outside of the bubble, they only have a expensive 6-second cooldown instacast heal they must rely on to avoid getting interrupted. Juking doesn't work anymore against smart opponents.

It also doesn't help that it's really, really easy for a geared ret to steamroll people in bg's, which is also where most of the complaints about paladins come from.
We cleared all three bosses available in the Trial of the Crusader raid tonight. Honestly the hardest part about the entire thing was the second phase of Northrend Beasts. Those two worms are annoying. Of course once you get by them it's basically a cake walk since Icehowl is easy

Lord Jaraxxus is a long ass fight, we two shotted him. Seemed like OTing the adds would be fun, I want to do that next time; I was on boss so I could tank/interrupt his fireball attack.

The Faction Champions is one of the coolest raid fights I've come across. Maybe it's because I rarely pvp so a lot of the strategies were relatively new to me. We wiped three times, each time making progress. On the fourth try we had the CC/dispells/interrupts/etc down and totally destroyed it.

Almost every armor drop was plate, which pissed our casters off ha. In fact Northrend Beasts dropped the exact same dps plate belt/gauntlets that dropped last week. An awesome tanking trinket dropped tho, but I didn't get it (I don't see it on wowhead)

So yea, we were definitely surprised we cleared the place, without our top tier 10 man group. After that we went to ulduar and one shotted General Vezax. So in two days we cleared Ulduar and the available bosses in ToC. Now we can focus on Yogg for rest of week


25m ToC last night: we owned the Champions on the 3rd try after two long, solid attempts.
Proceeded to enter 10m and do the same, and found the encounter harder and more frustrating than the 25m version :lol Nonetheless, 3-shotted again.

Headed off to Ulduar and got our first Hard Mode down ever :lol XT-002. And tonight, our second, Hodir! Solid amazing progress, I'm happy. I know we should have gotten some of these hard modes down a month ago, but I don't care. Both kills were fairly clean and exciting. The i239 drops from both were complete and utter ass. We could have had a Constellus or a Staff of Endless Winter, but no; had to be the fucking leather spellpower gloves, with no boomkin or tree around to claim them. How depressing.

Both hard kills yielded a fragment, so I'm chugging forward again, FTW. 24/30.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Magnus said:
25m ToC last night: we owned the Champions on the 3rd try after two long, solid attempts.
Proceeded to enter 10m and do the same, and found the encounter harder and more frustrating than the 25m version :lol Nonetheless, 3-shotted again.

Headed off to Ulduar and got our first Hard Mode down ever :lol XT-002. And tonight, our second, Hodir! Solid amazing progress, I'm happy. I know we should have gotten some of these hard modes down a month ago, but I don't care. Both kills were fairly clean and exciting. The i239 drops from both were complete and utter ass. We could have had a Constellus or a Staff of Endless Winter, but no; had to be the fucking leather spellpower gloves, with no boomkin or tree around to claim them. How depressing.

Both hard kills yielded a fragment, so I'm chugging forward again, FTW. 24/30.

We did ToC10 with 2 groups and alot of drama (since 23 people wanted in the groups). The first group, the one I was in, did the best pull ever on the Champions. Everyone in the group was expecting the champions to enter from the main gate so we jumped around like giddy nelfs in the back of the room. All of a sudden the warlock yells "fuck, I pulled them" and to everyone's surprise they came out from the upper part of the room.

A few minutes and two combat resses later (feral and boomkin) they were dead without much trouble. Took a while to get adjusted to that we were fighting a skirmish so the tactic was improvised to: "Uhm... let's kill... uhmm... Banish the tree... and let's kill the... is that a Shaman?" - Yea! "Okay, we kill that then." Really simple and server first by a couple of hours. :p

Gratz on your fragments.


i'm thinking of taking a leave of absence from wow again, i think i'm terribley bored with raiding atm, the guild i am in is fairly casual, we raid 9 hours a week (usually less as we clear content faster in the allotted raid times), farming ulduar is boring and we've got 5 hardmodes down and 3/5 25m TOC, i guess im tired of playing dress up

that or lvl an alt, which would bring me back to the above problems i'm having with the game, might take 2 months off, and come back refreshed idk


Junior Member
yacobod said:
i'm thinking of taking a leave of absence from wow again, i think i'm terribley bored with raiding atm, the guild i am in is fairly casual, we raid 9 hours a week (usually less as we clear content faster in the allotted raid times), farming ulduar is boring and we've got 5 hardmodes down and 3/5 25m TOC, i guess im tired of playing dress up.

I really don't like Ulduar. From a ranged dps perspective, the fights are all nearly identical. They seem to fall into three groups:

1.) Stand there and go balls out
2.) Run into the damage buff and go balls out
3.) Kill the adds then go balls out

From a boss design standpoint I think Naxx absolutely destroys Ulduar. Leave difficulty out of it, the fight mechanics in Naxx were almost all unique. So much of Uldaur runs together for me, even after we started hard modes (we've got four down, have killed Yogg with watchers missing and Freya with some trees up as well).

I can't wait to be done with Ulduar.

yacobod said:
that or lvl an alt, which would bring me back to the above problems i'm having with the game, might take 2 months off, and come back refreshed idk

I've never been an alt person, but I love my 80 priest now. Hell, even leveling mining and JC on my 58 DK is an interesting distraction. Last night was the first time in over a month that I did dailies on my main, and only because I was on waitlist and didn't want to bail on a group on my alt if I got called in.
yacobod said:
i'm thinking of taking a leave of absence from wow again, i think i'm terribley bored with raiding atm, the guild i am in is fairly casual, we raid 9 hours a week (usually less as we clear content faster in the allotted raid times), farming ulduar is boring and we've got 5 hardmodes down and 3/5 25m TOC, i guess im tired of playing dress up

that or lvl an alt, which would bring me back to the above problems i'm having with the game, might take 2 months off, and come back refreshed idk

My guild broke up last night having never doing much with Ulduar. I guess everyone is having different experiences. I have never really participated with a guild that did big things.

The Dark One
Left my guild today because they waste too much damn time and get nothing done. We've been on the Watchers in 25 Ulduar for months now and we're not doing anything about it. Not only that but raids have been being pushed back later and later, used to start at 10:00 and now the group isn't even forming until 11:30. Ugh

Anyone Horde side need an enhancement shaman? :)


Junior Member
Kyoufu said:
TomServo prefers Naxx to Ulduar.

Now I think I've seen it all.

Not difficulty-wise, just the actual mechanics of the fights. Probably because of my role.

Mimiron for example, everyone talks about how much they love this fight. If I'm not tanking the head I simply stand there and dps for all four phases, moving only for barrage or missles (and I've had plenty of kills where I didn't have to move for either). Tanking the head is even more boring, simply spamming searing pain instead of actual worrying about DoTs and cooldowns.

I ask to be assigned to sparks on XT hardmode because otherwise it's another fight where you just stand there and go balls out. With 25 people in the raid I've had kills where I didn't get light or gravity bombed a single time.

Ignis, Razorscale, Kologarn, Auriaya are all facerolls. Non-hardmode keepers are facerolls, with Freya havinig the only interesting mechanics. Keeping trees up has only made the fight more annoying, not any more fun. Hodir hardmode is simply a dps race with no real changes to the mechanics of the fight (which simply falls into the "stand in the buff and go balls out" group).

I don't know, most of the fights in Naxx felt unique. Sure they were easy, but not to the point where you could ignore the mechanics (achievements like Spore Loser not withstanding) so the fights themselves all felt different to me. Maybe if I was a tank or a healer I'd feel different about Ulduar.


Kyoufu said:
TomServo prefers Naxx to Ulduar.

Now I think I've seen it all.

he does have a point there is quite a bit of variety to the bosses in naxx, but its a 3 year old dungeon, so it got old after like 2-3 weeks in naxx at lvl 80

now that ulduar is nerfed, you have to admit most of the encounters are pretty easy, even hardmodes, 4 towers, xt-heartbreaker, and hodir speed kill are easy

from a melee perspective there is not a lot of variety to any of the fights, lately i go on total autopilot during raid and watch tv, last night i did my fantasy draft during raid, the only fight that require some attention on my part are hodir, general since i'm always on interrupt duty, and yogg, granted i havent done freya or mimiron h-modes

and the new 25m raid instance is a joke so far, we 2 shot the 3rd boss last night
You guys are complaining about an instance you've been running for months, is no longer challenging because of a combination of nerfs and better gear, and playing roles that are rarely important or varied.


cubicle47b said:
You guys are complaining about an instance you've been running for months, is no longer challenging because of a combination of nerfs and better gear, and playing roles that are rarely important or varied.

i'm just explaining why i canceled my sub this morning, gametime expires sept 18th

now carryon and trumpet your own self improtance in a videogame because you heal :lol


yacobod said:
i'm just explaining why i canceled my sub this morning, gametime expires sept 18th

now carryon and trumpet your own self improtance in a videogame because you heal :lol
Meh, I really like Ulduar. While most of it is pretty straight forward and easy to me (Mimiron still gives me some trouble), I still enjoy the fight mechanics and trying new things. We've only done a few hard modes so we'll start more soon.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
yacobod said:
i'm just explaining why i canceled my sub this morning, gametime expires sept 18th

now carryon and trumpet your own self improtance in a videogame because you heal :lol
Healing isn't even fun. It's generally just stressful and annoying. Then again, I get easily discouraged when a player dies when I'm healing.
Angry Grimace said:
Healing isn't even fun. It's generally just stressful and annoying. Then again, I get easily discouraged when a player dies when I'm healing.
Really? I don't give the slightest fuck if someone dies while I'm healing, so long as the shit gets killed.

I do agree that healing sucks though. I've got a holy pally and that shit is *far* too reactionary to be enjoyable.
yacobod said:
now carryon and trumpet your own self improtance in a videogame because you heal :lol

I wasn't trumpeting my self-importance. I was saying your role was rarely important (or varied) which impacts how long content stays fresh or interesting which is what you were complaining about.

I'm certainly not shy about saying that tanking and healing is a lot more important than DPS, though. It's not like I was sitting in BWL wanding Broodlord thinking good thing they have me here.


Junior Member
cubicle47b said:
You guys are complaining about an instance you've been running for months, is no longer challenging because of a combination of nerfs and better gear, and playing roles that are rarely important or varied.

FWIW, I was bored with Ulduar within a few weeks. The hard modes present a challenge that Naxx never did, but for the most part the core mechanics of the fights don't change, and it's those core mechanics that I find lacking.

I still love the "DPS isn't important" bit though, especially in Ulduar where the limiting factor on most hard modes is DPS.
Son of Godzilla said:
Really? I don't give the slightest fuck if someone dies while I'm healing, so long as the shit gets killed.

I do agree that healing sucks though. I've got a holy pally and that shit is *far* too reactionary to be enjoyable.

I don't give a shit if it's their fault like when one of our rogues got Legion Flame and never moved which caused all the melee stacked behind Jaraxxus to die in ~2 seconds. Losing a DPS who was light bombed on tantrum or letting a tank die, though, that hurts.

I think it's fun or I wouldn't do it. Tanking is the only role I'm a little wary of.


Junior Member
KernelPanic said:
I'm baffled to this day how players can find (raid) healing fun. It's horribly stressful to me.

I think most of them get to the point where they think they're so important that they just don't care anymore.

It took us literally laughing at / taunting the healers for letting light-bombed players and/or the MT die on hard mode XT this week before they finally got their shit together. One of them sounded like she was on the verge of tears in Vent because people dared assume that letting the MT die is somehow not the fault of the DPS.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
TomServo said:
FWIW, I was bored with Ulduar within a few weeks. The hard modes present a challenge that Naxx never did, but for the most part the core mechanics of the fights don't change, and it's those core mechanics that I find lacking.

I still love the "DPS isn't important" bit though, especially in Ulduar where the limiting factor on most hard modes is DPS.
Well there will always be healer-self importance. :lol

Healing is stressful but in terms of overall raid difficulty, healing is probably easier to cover than DPS because you only really need 2 really good healers (and everyone else can get away with mediocrity) to cover an entire raid.

I personally found tanking the easiest role of all, primarily because you don't rely on anyone other your personal healer and in current mechanics it's almost impossible to lose aggro as a fault of your own.


Junior Member
Angry Grimace said:
The difficulty with those DPS burns is that it requires 15 players to all do the same thing and not die. I personally found tanking the easiest role of all, primarily because you don't rely on anyone other your personal healer and in current mechanics it's almost impossible to lose aggro as a fault of your own.

Please tell that to our new DK tank.

I pulled aggro once during all of our time in Naxx / OS / EoE. Double-sparked on Maly, had every proc I had going off (dying curse, sundial, molten core, etc) and strung a half dozen 40K+ incinerate crits under bloodlust to turn Maly on me.

When our new DK tank is on a mob myself, our top mage, our boomkin, and our top hunter are all threat capped.

Of course, it's our fault and not his.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
TomServo said:
Please tell that to our new DK tank.

I pulled aggro once during all of our time in Naxx / OS / EoE. Double-sparked on Maly, had every proc I had going off (dying curse, sundial, molten core, etc) and strung a half dozen 40K+ incinerate crits under bloodlust to turn Maly on me.

When our new DK tank is on a mob myself, our top mage, our boomkin, and our top hunter are all threat capped.

Of course, it's our fault and not his.
I pulled aggro from a good tank once in all of Wrath, when spamming Frost Strike from 130 RP down to 0 with all three buffs on Thorim.

I haven't tanked on my Death Knight, but it seems even easier to hold aggro with one. Then again, I (used to) have a very well trained Heroic Strike-spam finger, which would probably translate to a good Rune Strike finger. :lol
TomServo said:
I still love the "DPS isn't important" bit though, especially in Ulduar where the limiting factor on most hard modes is DPS.

I didn't say DPS was never important. I said DPS is rarely important which is true. Tanking, healing, and DPS are fairly even in importance on most Ulduar hard modes which is a nice change.


Junior Member
cubicle47b said:
I didn't say DPS was never important. I said DPS is rarely important which is true. Tanking, healing, and DPS are fairly even in importance on most Ulduar hard modes which is a nice change.

I'd agree with you there. One good DPS can carry the other two through any heroic. Given the sheer number of them in a raid a few exceptional dps (of which I do not consider myself) can carry a scary number through non-hardmode raid content.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
One good DPS can carry the other two through any heroic.
O rly

I ragequit healing a Heroic Trial of the Champion run on the three Faction guys (which was the daily) because a Ret Pally in there was doing SEVEN HUNDRED DPS. The other two guys around 2000 couldn't nearly cover it. :lol

If you PUG any heroic daily for badges, you'll be *amazed* at the bizarro world specs you see guys trying to run, especially Death Knights.


KernelPanic said:
I'm baffled to this day how players can find (raid) healing fun. It's horribly stressful to me.

I won't lie; being a coveted player and being desirable for many runs/events in the game is part of it. And when you build a reputation as a good-to-great healer, you're always asked to come to the stronger 10m group, the stronger heroics, the stronger pugs (made up from higher end guilds, like the Naxx/Ulduar-25s that have started in the last couple of months).

But honestly, healing's so....in my blood now, from years of raiding with it, that I find dps boring in comparison when I switch to that for a run or two. I mean...not boring, but I'll enjoy it for a bit, and then am eager to switch back to healing, because it's what I do, and what I've become accustomed to.

We've grown to enjoy seeing a life-saving bomb heal a tank or FF'd DPS as much as others enjoy some 5-digit crit on a boss. Healing also just makes me feel in control, like I can make a major difference on a fight. I know I saved X and Y and Z so that they could complete the encounter and make something happen. I almost instinctively reach for healing while in shadowform sometimes when I see someone linger at low health for too long.

And I know that when I'm dps'ing, the meter can show me that my damage is having a good impact on a boss coming down, but it's tough to perceive that just looking at the raid. If I stop dps-ing for a few seconds, the boss goes down almost as quickly, because 15 others are thrashing him too. If I stop healing for a few seconds, people die. It's a very palpable difference. I guess what I'm saying is...healing provides me with more immediate effects and results for my actions? I feel like I'm contributing much more? Does that make sense? :lol
TomServo said:
It took us literally laughing at / taunting the healers for letting light-bombed players and/or the MT die on hard mode XT this week before they finally got their shit together. One of them sounded like she was on the verge of tears in Vent because people dared assume that letting the MT die is somehow not the fault of the DPS.

How fucked up is your guild? Everyone involved sounds like assholes.

You should really try healing XT-002 hard mode, though.


Junior Member
Angry Grimace said:
If you PUG any heroic daily for badges, you'll be *amazed* at the bizarro world specs you see guys trying to run, especially Death Knights.

Yeah, I cringe when I see some of the stuff scrub 'locks do when I run heroics on my priest. Drain life? Voidwalkers? Alternating between shadow bolt and incinerate?

My recent favorite is still the rogue and kitty I mentioned before. What are the chances you get two 80 melee dps in the same heroic that don't know they're not supposed to stand in front of the boss?
Magnus said:
I won't lie; being a coveted player and being desirable for many runs/events in the game is part of it. And when you build a reputation as a good-to-great healer, you're always asked to come to the stronger 10m group, the stronger heroics, the stronger pugs (made up from higher end guilds, like the Naxx/Ulduar-25s that have started in the last couple of months).

But honestly, healing's so....in my blood now, from years of raiding with it, that I find dps boring in comparison when I switch to that for a run or two. I mean...not boring, but I'll enjoy it for a bit, and then am eager to switch back to healing, because it's what I do, and what I've become accustomed to.

We've grown to enjoy seeing a life-saving bomb heal a tank or FF'd DPS as much as others enjoy some 5-digit crit on a boss. Healing also just makes me feel in control, like I can make a major difference on a fight. I know I saved X and Y and Z so that they could complete the encounter and make something happen. I almost instinctively reach for healing while in shadowform sometimes when I see someone linger at low health for too long.

And I know that when I'm dps'ing, the meter can show me that my damage is having a good impact on a boss coming down, but it's tough to perceive that just looking at the raid. If I stop dps-ing for a few seconds, the boss goes down almost as quickly, because 15 others are thrashing him too. If I stop healing for a few seconds, people die. It's a very palpable difference. I guess what I'm saying is...healing provides me with more immediate effects and results for my actions? I feel like I'm contributing much more? Does that make sense? :lol

Good post. I feel exactly the same way. I started out as DPS but with BC I switched to healing and haven't looked back. I leveled my Warlock from 70 to 80 a couple months ago, geared up in a few weeks, and spent a week or two topping the meters in various PuGs and VoA 10 guild runs, then got tired of it and stopped playing.
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