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World of Warcraft

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Junior Member
cubicle47b said:
How fucked up is your guild? Everyone involved sounds like assholes.

You should really try healing XT-002 hard mode, though.

Talented players, mostly laid-back. Tanks are all awesome (even the DK I mentioned is humble and trying to improve). DPS is competent and for the most part low-key.

Raid leader is just starting to grate on a lot of people. He's borderline abusive to DPS, but because getting competent healers on our backwater server is tough they get an absolute free pass to not only fuck up, but to shit all over the DPS. The same priest that died on void zones in Sarth3D and thought that the raid should move around her when she got any kind of AoE debuff always asks if someone has failbot running when we get to Hodir, because healing through three stacks of biting cold is soooo hard.

A few of us at the top of the meters are getting a little tired of it, that's all. Started out in tells back and forth between us, it's leaking over into raid chat and to a lesser extent, Vent.

EDIT: I do get jealous when XT goes into tantrum on hardmode. Watching the raid frames makes for some serious pucker factor. Since I'm usually on sparks I just try to do my part by nuking them fast so the incoming raid damage is as low as possible.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
TomServo said:
Yeah, I cringe when I see some of the stuff scrub 'locks do when I run heroics on my priest. Drain life? Voidwalkers? Alternating between shadow bolt and incinerate?

My recent favorite is still the rogue and kitty I mentioned before. What are the chances you get two 80 melee dps in the same heroic that don't know they're not supposed to stand in front of the boss?
The more annoying thing in PUGs is tanks that jitter enemies in and out of melee range over and over just to make it hard to hit them.


Has problems recognising girls
Angry Grimace said:
The more annoying thing in PUGs is tanks that jitter enemies in and out of melee range over and over just to make it hard to hit them.
:lol I used to back-tread around in circles on my lowbie Warrior for kicks if we had a Rogue in the party. I still remember tanking Deadmines and having Van Cleef follow me around the ship. Everyone didn't like that.


TomServo said:
Yeah, I cringe when I see some of the stuff scrub 'locks do when I run heroics on my priest. Drain life? Voidwalkers? Alternating between shadow bolt and incinerate?

My recent favorite is still the rogue and kitty I mentioned before. What are the chances you get two 80 melee dps in the same heroic that don't know they're not supposed to stand in front of the boss?

Alright then Mr. Amazing Warlock, whats your rotation then? Help me get my DPS up higher, I run between 2.5 and less right now. I'm not totally geared, mostly H ToC, R ToC, and some Naxx 10 stuff but help plz!
With H ToC I'm seeing a lot of undergeared people doing heroics, I'm talking greens here.

I think they're alts trying to gear up quick because so far they seem very competent players.

A lot of bad DPS out there. One of my last runs, an enhance shammy in mostly greens was #1 in DPS, beating out all other DPSers in mostly epics. My bear tank is #1 or #2 in DPS in some runs I do which is sad :lol

In my old guild I knew of one person who'd get kicked from heroics frequently for doing 800 DPS. Had a good laugh looking at their spec :lol Most bizarre talent build I ever saw.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Ralys said:
Alright then Mr. Amazing Warlock, whats your rotation then? Help me get my DPS up higher, I run between 2.5 and less right now. I'm not totally geared, mostly H ToC, R ToC, and some Naxx 10 stuff but help plz!
If you're destro - it's all priority. Always hit conflag as soon as its up and chaos bolt as soon as its up.

I start Immolate, Curse of Doom, Conflag, Chaos Bolt, Incin, Incin, Incin, Conflag, Immo, Chaos Bolt, etc.


dave is ok said:
If you're destro - it's all priority. Always hit conflag as soon as its up and chaos bolt as soon as its up.

I start Immolate, Curse of Doom, Conflag, Chaos Bolt, Incin, Incin, Incin, Conflag, Immo, Chaos Bolt, etc.

That's what I do and I still get that 2.5 dps number :(. I just don't do CoD unless it's a boss. Otherwise I do Immo > Conflag > Chaos> Incin x 4 > Conflag > Immo > Chaos etc etc. :( :( :(

I can do more DPS on my affliction build :(

smh, I hate how now a days raiding is all about DPS and hit rating where back in the days it was about having fun and having shadow resist gear and nature resist gear lol


One of the chief things I like about healing is that it's not competitive. I play a discipline priest, which even among healers is probably the the spec whose contribution is most difficult to quantify.

This doesn't mean I'm unwilling to know whether I'm making a difference to the party or raid. On the contrary: the healers spend more time than anyone brooding over the raid's health bars and debuff lists; I know how I'm helping, I can see the instant effects of it. When the main tank's health is bouncing up and down like a ping-pong ball I'm the one who is paying the closest attention and making the decisions that keep him alive second by second. And when I happen to get killed early in an encounter I can see how much impact I have by my absence. I don't need a HPS report to feel accomplished.

In any well-formed group there will be several DPS who end up essentially competing with each other over topping the DPS meters. There's nothing wrong with that, I understand lots of people thrive on that kind of friendly (or unfriendly) competition, but it's just not my style. On my DPS characters I find it hard to avoid that sense though I dislike it. With my Disc Priest even in groups with many healers I don't experience the same kind of "race for the top" motivation.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
KernelPanic said:
With H ToC I'm seeing a lot of undergeared people doing heroics, I'm talking greens here.

I think they're alts trying to gear up quick because so far they seem very competent players.

A lot of bad DPS out there. One of my last runs, an enhance shammy in mostly greens was #1 in DPS, beating out all other DPSers in mostly epics. My bear tank is #1 or #2 in DPS in some runs I do which is sad :lol

In my old guild I knew of one person who'd get kicked from heroics frequently for doing 800 DPS. Had a good laugh looking at their spec :lol Most bizarre talent build I ever saw.
The absurd part is that regular ToC is an faceroll employing, alt-fueled gear farm.

It's a joke even on heroic with more than 1 decent DPS. I have a funny personal goal to somehow find a way to break 5K DPS on my DK on the Black Knight encounter (generally by popping Army during the Black Knight's Army and having a ghoul-duel). I've gotten to around 4.8 as my best attempt so far. :lol

Ghostcrawler said:
Obliterate vs. Scourge Strike
I don't think that's the whole issue. If Obliterate just beat Scourge Strike, then Unholy DKs might be using Oblit in PvP. Instead they're going to Icy Touch and Death Coil. Death Coil is supposed to be a bonus, not the centerpiece of the class.
(If you read the thread, Ghostcrawler wasn't really understanding the basis behind the question, though). His thought is that they want to nerf Shadowfrost (ranged DK PvP), but the reason Unholy PvP uses its ranged attacks is less because IT and DC are overpowered, but more because there's not as much benefit to staying in melee range. I can't really see them nerfing Obliterate to compensate though because both classes that use Obliterate are comfortably behind Blood.
I'm a total MMO noob and usually have no interest whatsoever in them but after watching The Guild for the first time ever this week, I find myself interested in at least trying out WOW. The thing is, everything about this game confuses
me, reading the posts in here confuse me, it's like you guys are speaking a different language :lol

I know I shouldn't even get involved in this as I barely have enough time as it is but I can't resist for some reason. I have a Mac Pro if that matters, don't care about graphics much just as long as it runs smooth. Where do I begin after I download the 10 day trial? Do I join a guild or something? Is there any limitations on that trial? Go easy on me please. :D

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
criesofthepast said:
I'm a total MMO noob and usually have no interest whatsoever in them but after watching The Guild for the first time ever this week, I find myself interested in at least trying out WOW. The thing is, everything about this game confuses
me, reading the posts in here confuse me, it's like you guys are speaking a different language :lol

I know I shouldn't even get involved in this as I barely have enough time as it is but I can't resist for some reason. I have a Mac Pro if that matters, don't care about graphics much just as long as it runs smooth. Where do I begin after I download the 10 day trial? Do I join a guild or something? Is there any limitations on that trial? Go easy on me please. :D
You can't join a guild in trial, nor can you talk in Party chat or any other public chat channels. This restriction is mandatory for the reason that there are tons of temp. accounts started for the purpose of selling gold.
Angry Grimace said:
You can't join a guild in trial, nor can you talk in Party chat or any other public chat channels. This restriction is mandatory for the reason that there are tons of temp. accounts started for the purpose of selling gold.
Great info thanks a lot. Will download later and try it out for a bit. Any more
advice is appreciated.
Evlar said:
One of the chief things I like about healing is that it's not competitive. I play a discipline priest, which even among healers is probably the the spec whose contribution is most difficult to quantify.

High 5! Our contribution is easily quantifiable though imo; if the main tank survives we did a good job.

This does't mean I'm unwilling to know whether I'm making a difference to the party or raid. On the contrary: the healers spend more time than anyone brooding over the raid's health bars and debuff lists; I know how I'm helping, I can see the instant effects of it. When the main tank's health is bouncing up and down like a ping-pong ball I'm the one who is paying the closest attention and making the decisions that keep him alive second by second. And when I happen to get killed early in an encounter I can see how much impact I have by my absence. I don't need a HPS report to feel accomplished.

In any well-formed group there will be several DPS who end up essentially competing with each other over topping the DPS meters. There's nothing wrong with that, I understand lots of people thrive on that kind of friendly (or unfriendly) competition, but it's just not my style. On my DPS characters I find it hard to avoid that sense though I dislike it. With my Disc Priest even in groups with many healers I don't experience the same kind of "race for the top" motivation.

My other spec is holy as I mentioned previously in the thread. While I agree that heals aren't competitive across the whole raid like DPS, I do enjoy going holy and having meter races on fights that we all know, especially now that I'm healing with a durid and a shammy so beating them is particularly sweet.

Basically when I'm disc all I care about is the tank surviving, but holy is capable of juicy group heals and generally has the potential for a massive amount of raw healing output, so if you're not using it and you're ignoring recount then you're not doing your job.


It took me 4 years but after all those times I was farming in Tyrs Hand minding my business.


Evlar said:
One of the chief things I like about healing is that it's not competitive. I play a discipline priest, which even among healers is probably the the spec whose contribution is most difficult to quantify.

This doesn't mean I'm unwilling to know whether I'm making a difference to the party or raid. On the contrary: the healers spend more time than anyone brooding over the raid's health bars and debuff lists; I know how I'm helping, I can see the instant effects of it. When the main tank's health is bouncing up and down like a ping-pong ball I'm the one who is paying the closest attention and making the decisions that keep him alive second by second. And when I happen to get killed early in an encounter I can see how much impact I have by my absence. I don't need a HPS report to feel accomplished.

In any well-formed group there will be several DPS who end up essentially competing with each other over topping the DPS meters. There's nothing wrong with that, I understand lots of people thrive on that kind of friendly (or unfriendly) competition, but it's just not my style. On my DPS characters I find it hard to avoid that sense though I dislike it. With my Disc Priest even in groups with many healers I don't experience the same kind of "race for the top" motivation.

You know what's the sad part? The the extreme theorycrafters behind the constant drive to change healing into a numbers game no longer understand this. Pray you don't get one as an Officer...
SatelliteOfLove said:
You know what's the sad part? The the extreme theorycrafters behind the constant drive to change healing into a numbers game no longer understand this. Pray you don't get one as an Officer...

And as an officer of a guild, and one of our main heals group, if we're not getting something done because people keep dying and someone is way down on heals then questions shall be asked. If a healer is assigned to the main tank and they can't keep them alive then questions shall be asked. Privately, but they will be asked, just as they were of me when I was still getting the hang of things.

I'm not going to be a dick about it, and I'm not going to piss on someone's effort if they're at the bottom of the heals but we still got stuff done. But to me it's just the same as if a tank is supposed to tank something and the something is off killing squishees at the back of the raid. In that situation you'd say something right?
jim-jam bongs said:
And as an officer of a guild, and one of our main heals group, if we're not getting something done because people keep dying and someone is way down on heals then questions shall be asked. If a healer is assigned to the main tank and they can't keep them alive then questions shall be asked. Privately, but they will be asked, just as they were of me when I was still getting the hang of things.

I'm not going to be a dick about it, and I'm not going to piss on someone's effort if they're at the bottom of the heals but we still got stuff done. But to me it's just the same as if a tank is supposed to tank something and the something is off killing squishees at the back of the raid. In that situation you'd say something right?

Ah, so we're in aggrement. Good. Less in control of the type I mentioned. Good.


just to weigh in on this a bit, I've tried melee dps, healing, and tanking all in Naxx and let me say that I find tanking the most fun, healing second, and melee the least fun. Part of it's probably that ret paladin just isn't that fun to play, part of it's also that tanking isn't very hard but it's fun because you're staring down a big boss and trading punches. The only thing I don't like is healing pretty much requires a mic and Vent while the other roles, not so much. You need a quick and easy way to say you're oom or dropping mana tide or some other regen cooldown, or that someone is out of healing range, while tanking is obvious if you aren't holding aggro and dps is, well... the only thing that really needs to be said on Vent for dps is if a specific add is up (which DBM is great at doing for you) or "bloodlust now."


Before i quitted i played a druid (tauren FEMALE ftws) :p

I lvl:ed as feral, once 80 i switched to moonkin, raided a bit with that. After a while i switched to Resto and found it very very enjoyable, as long as i played with guild ppl who understanded that i was "new" to healing, and hence therefore didnt count with "zomg you must have perfect performance , if you miss one heal we kick you kthxbye".

Iv played ranged dps mostly trough my years of Wow, warlock, spriest and now moonkin. If i return to the game again i will prob stick to a healer.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Ralys said:
That's what I do and I still get that 2.5 dps number :(. I just don't do CoD unless it's a boss. Otherwise I do Immo > Conflag > Chaos> Incin x 4 > Conflag > Immo > Chaos etc etc. :( :( :(

I can do more DPS on my affliction build :(

smh, I hate how now a days raiding is all about DPS and hit rating where back in the days it was about having fun and having shadow resist gear and nature resist gear lol

I think it's your mindset that's got you boggled down. On my warlock I have one clear focus, getting 100% on the dps box on top of the target's frame. And now you tell me "but that's threat I shouldn't be high on that" and I'll reply: "sure, it might get me killed but I'm not that stupid (most of the time) but it's a good indication that you're doing good dps by getting that number higher."

My gf hates tanking when I'm dpsing since I show little to no respect about the 5-second rule when it comes to aggro (what used to be called "wait for 3 sunders") but then again I do more dps than some of our main warlock despite wearing lesser gear.

Also, make sure you have the right buffs for high dps. I've been trying alot of this new buff but it doesn't give the same dps increase.


TomServo said:
The same priest that died on void zones in Sarth3D and thought that the raid should move around her when she got any kind of AoE debuff always asks if someone has failbot running when we get to Hodir, because healing through three stacks of biting cold is soooo hard.

To be fair, if you're having to heal through three stacks of biting cold, that means that pretty soon you're going to be having to heal through four stacks of biting cold, then five.

Three stacks might be healable, but if someone gets *that* high they'll probably let it get higher.

EDIT: I do get jealous when XT goes into tantrum on hardmode. Watching the raid frames makes for some serious pucker factor. Since I'm usually on sparks I just try to do my part by nuking them fast so the incoming raid damage is as low as possible.

Heh. Not half as terrifying as it is when I bubble and Divine Sacrifice to alleviate some of the damage... so he turns and looks at a DPSer (generally our ret pally) for a bit. That always causes half our raid to shit a brick.

I remember to cancel the bubble, of course. Most of the time.


Trial of the champion is a good reminder why I didn't bother with pugs in instances the last 3 years. Some really really really bad players out there. And then they walk away with stuff I would have needed. :/


So today's the day of Blizzcon info'z. Is there a dedicated thread in the gaming section, or is all the exciting new content and features going to be found here?


Won said:
Trial of the champion is a good reminder why I didn't bother with pugs in instances the last 3 years. Some really really really bad players out there. And then they walk away with stuff I would have needed. :/

I avoid pugs at all costs...too much bitching and loot stealing for my liking.

I finished off Darnassus for the Argent tourney, next up Stormwind...and I got grandmaster cooking which is good because I had 3 of the mood food recipes sitting in my bank.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I'm glad i'm not on your servers. Pugs for H ToC aren't too bad where i am. I think i got 3 or 4 crappy pugs since the patch went live(you know, those pugs who can't beat the 1st boss fight), and i did it almost every day. No one stole any loots either. All greed unless it's an upgrade or offspec.

Of course we run out all the time after the jousting since aggro is all over the place, same for the 3 leaders.


Bisnic said:

Of course we run out all the time after the jousting since aggro is all over the place, same for the 3 leaders.

It's not only that for the reason to run out of there. We've had many times where the NPC's would glitch out either trying to get back on a mount after all 3 have been defeated, or a NPC will just bug out and reset to 100% hp after downing them in the ground fight afterwards. If you run out, you never have to deal with that (at least we haven't).


Bisnic said:
I'm glad i'm not on your servers. Pugs for H ToC aren't too bad where i am. I think i got 3 or 4 crappy pugs since the patch went live(you know, those pugs who can't beat the 1st boss fight), and i did it almost every day. No one stole any loots either. All greed unless it's an upgrade or offspec.

Of course we run out all the time after the jousting since aggro is all over the place, same for the 3 leaders.

Normally it is only one bad player, so it is ok, but if the bad player is the healer.....and somehow every healer on my server sucks. Why can't I heal with my DK? :/


Really Really Exciting Member!
Won said:
Normally it is only one bad player, so it is ok, but if the bad player is the healer.....and somehow every healer on my server sucks. Why can't I heal with my DK? :/

Reroll healer? :lol Paladin or Druid if you want to cover every role. :D


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Won said:
I have a level 80 paladin, but he is ugly. :(

You've probably just spent too much time in the bubble. You're not ugly, it's called "personality" and a sex change can really spice it up.


Junior Member
dave is ok said:
If you're destro - it's all priority. Always hit conflag as soon as its up and chaos bolt as soon as its up.

I start Immolate, Curse of Doom, Conflag, Chaos Bolt, Incin, Incin, Incin, Conflag, Immo, Chaos Bolt, etc.

Not using corruption (especially when you can throw it on when you have to move) makes baby jesus cry :p

Ralys said:
That's what I do and I still get that 2.5 dps number :(. I just don't do CoD unless it's a boss. Otherwise I do Immo > Conflag > Chaos> Incin x 4 > Conflag > Immo > Chaos etc etc. :( :( :(

I can do more DPS on my affliction build :(

I didn't see your spec, assuming it's 3/13/55 or 0/13/58. What glyphs are you using? What's your gear like? You are letting your imp spam firebolt (don't laugh, I've seen lots of warlocks with their pet on passive), aren't you?


Already did a sex change on my paladin and it made things only worse. I went from "what choice do I have?" to "dear god what was I thinking?" since the BC release. Stupid weird Blood Elves. :(

I still hope they announce a healing "hero" class today. :lol


TomServo said:
You are letting your imp spam firebolt (don't laugh, I've seen lots of warlocks with their pet on passive), aren't you?

Back in vanilla wow and burning crusade I played a lock (now's stuck at 70) and my pet was always passive while raiding or pvp. I just wanted them to do what I ordered them to do.

I think it's not a bad choice as long as you're an active player and don't forget about them. Maybe things have changed since back then.

Anyways, I never considered myself even a good player, just a "not-that-bad player" :lol .


We wiped on General Vezax (25) hard mode last night with him at 7334 HP .... SEVEN THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND THIRTY FOUR HP.

The tank died when he was around 300k ... I was sprinting around interrupting as he was chasing people down and killing them.

What a kick in the fucking balls.

We also wiped on Iron Council hard mode when he was at 100k hp .... due to the fact that the Warrior tank for some reason ... even though he didn't fucking need to rez as we had plenty enough time to kill the boss ... brezzed and died almost immediately to High Voltage thus healing him to around 10% HP.

We've killed IC hard mode before ... but not Vezax.

3 hours, 0 kills ..... 2 VERY close calls. So mad at raiding last night.
Won said:
Trial of the champion is a good reminder why I didn't bother with pugs in instances the last 3 years. Some really really really bad players out there. And then they walk away with stuff I would have needed. :/

I don't pug ToC. If I don't do it with the guild, I'll do it with people on my friends list. And if I don't know the healer/not confident about him, I don't go. But then again you need smart dps for the P2 of the Black Knight, and good dps for P3 to kill the damn thing before it kills you.
Ralys said:
smh, I hate how now a days raiding is all about DPS and hit rating where back in the days it was about having fun and having shadow resist gear and nature resist gear lol

I feel you. I have 2 80s I currently play, both on different servers. My lock is on a pve casual server, while my rogue is on Blackrock US. The difference in mentality is night and day. On my lock server, everyone just calls for people to run stuff. Rarely do people ask for gear score, even on the higher end raids. On Blackrock, you have to be geared just to run a heroic 5man. Just yesterday, someone on trade got laughed at for looking for a group. He said he had 2.5 dps and was looking for a heroic 5man group.

I'll probably be quitting the game in Oct once my sub ends. WoW has been fun, but the game has changed quite a lot since I first played back in BC. The lack of any type of pvp besides arena has put me off and the endgame has gotten stale.


funkmastergeneral said:
I have pugged ToC 8 or 9 times since it came out and never had problems finishing the instance. Your guys servers must be horrible.
same here. tanked it on my pally a ton (still no new tank sword), healed it on my shaman, dpsed it on my shaman, and only didn't finish it when I got bugged out on a runback and stuck in a wall as a ghost (with unstuck not even working) and when I had a group with a serious asshole elitist DK. only found out later that this douchebag also spams trade chat and is a gigantic piece of shit nobody likes since I never even look at trade/general anymore.
I mostly PuG H ToC with little problems, although I try and fill the slots with guildies. So it's only 1-2 ppl from LFG at most.

Never seen gear checks for heroics on any of my servers. I see them for PuG raids all the time though. I think one time some did state they're doing gear check for 5man and they got laughed at.

We took down Freya and Hodir for the 1st time last night. Tried Mimiron having little knowledge of the fight. That was a wipe :lol That's gonna be fun ....

Sure enough, someone's alt Blood DK topped the DPS meter. I came in #2.

It's hard to be motivated for Ulduar when H ToC drops the same level of stuff.
KernelPanic said:
I mostly PuG H ToC with little problems, although I try and fill the slots with guildies. So it's only 1-2 ppl from LFG at most.

Never seen gear checks for heroics on any of my servers. I see them for PuG raids all the time though. I think one time some did state they're doing gear check for 5man and they got laughed at.

We took down Freya and Hodir for the 1st time last night. Tried Mimiron having little knowledge of the fight. That was a wipe :lol That's gonna be fun ....

Sure enough, someone's alt Blood DK topped the DPS meter. I came in #2.

It's hard to be motivated for Ulduar when H ToC drops the same level of stuff.

Indeed. My guild was on General in 10 man Ulduar and once ToC came out we didn't go back =/

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
funkmastergeneral said:
Indeed. My guild was on General in 10 man Ulduar and once ToC came out we didn't go back =/
The General fight is pretty annoying. It's just a huge gimmick that if everyone "gets" makes the fight pretty easy. Now hard mode, fuck that shit. I'm never attempting that. :lol


So any place to follow the news for blizzcon? will be someone there streaming video from his iphone or camera or whatever?

Or at least do you guys know a good places to have a live blog or anything?

Or should I just get a twitter account in order to follow the news.
Wow at reading this thread about TOC. I play horde on Demon Soul...crappy realm and Alliance on Tich (tons of morons) but still...never ever had trouble in TOC at all. Just wow that people are.. its a free loot give away, I didn't even think it was possible to die in there.
itxaka said:
So any place to follow the news for blizzcon? will be someone there streaming video from his iphone or camera or whatever?

Or at least do you guys know a good places to have a live blog or anything?

Or should I just get a twitter account in order to follow the news.
Just read mmo champion they post the news there fast.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"

Live Blog of everything happening.

Edit: World of Warcraft: Cataclysm confirmed. Also confirmed that the internet can pre-ruin EVERYTHING :lol Pretty much all info we knew already :lol

The Diablo Class was leaked before BC, and we already knew everything about the ex pack :lol

Edit2: Goblins for the horde
Edit3: Worgen for the Alliance.

At this point, just presume everything that MMO Champion told you is true.


Junior Member
Angry Grimace said:

Live Blog of everything happening.

Edit: World of Warcraft: Cataclysm confirmed. Also confirmed that the internet can pre-ruin EVERYTHING :lol Pretty much all info we knew already :lol

The Diablo Class was leaked before BC, and we already knew everything about the ex pack :lol

Edit2: Goblins for the horde
Edit3: Worgen for the Alliance.

At this point, just presume everything that MMO Champion told you is true.
Even the lvl cap too! :lol


Has problems recognising girls
Angry Grimace said:
At this point, just presume everything that MMO Champion told you is true.
Anyone who denied it was stupid. The information has been available in player's hands for weeks, if not months. You just needed to put the keys in the right holes.
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