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World of Warcraft

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They aren't just patching up the holes in the world behind mountainscapes, they are revamping the fuck out of it. Post-Lich King plaguelands has got to have some cool quests. They didn't really go over any real leveling lines either, just vaguely touching horde's EK.

I'm fairly disappointed with the whole revamp thing though. Outside of the goblins stripmining Azshara, nothing really seemed that impressive. They have got to develop new fire/lava effects for this game, it looked like complete ass. Especially compared to WotLK's beautiful ass snow. New water is a good start too, it's easily the worst aspect of the game right now.


Woo! Archaeology will also allow you to discover new recipes for professions!

Although.....sounded like flying in Azeroth might not be until 85.


I'm disappointed but I'm not exactly sure what I was expecting anyway.

The world revamp just looks extremely meek. No new classes REALLY sucks. No real visual overhauls on this very, very aged looking game where it matters (water? how about making your fucking armor not look like complete shit) and after leveling, which I don't even like that much in WoW anyway, it just seems like it'll be back to raid, raid, raid, which I am forever burnt on under this games current systems.

Oh, and rated BGs, which should have been in a WotLK patch. Good thing I didn't stick around hoping for those in 3.3, I'd have been pissed off.

If you really dig the current element of WoW, it'll probably be great, I guess I just wanted something to maybe draw me back in. Log on, Ulduar, log off forever crushed my taste for it.


Lost all credibility.
Tamanon said:
Although.....sounded like flying in Azeroth might not be until 85.
I don't know, flying around Azeroth is pretty epic. It'd be pretty anti climactic to just drop that in players' laps.


Just installed this game again after more than 3 years. Only played like 1 or 2 months back in 2006. Am I making a huge mistake?


Worships the porcelain goddess
Alex said:
I'm disappointed but I'm not exactly sure what I was expecting anyway.

The world revamp just looks extremely meek. No new classes REALLY sucks. No real visual overhauls on this very, very aged looking game where it matters (water? how about making your fucking armor not look like complete shit) and after leveling, which I don't even like that much in WoW anyway, it just seems like it'll be back to raid, raid, raid, which I am forever burnt on under this games current systems.

Oh, and rated BGs, which should have been in a WotLK patch. Good thing I didn't stick around hoping for those in 3.3, I'd have been pissed off.

If you really dig the current element of WoW, it'll probably be great, I guess I just wanted something to maybe draw me back in. Log on, Ulduar, log off forever crushed my taste for it.

What exactly what have drawn you back in. From the sounds of it, you don't even know. =x
Kntj said:
Just installed this game again after more than 3 years. Only played like 1 or 2 months back in 2006. Am I making a huge mistake?
Probably. The only real reason to play right now is if you want to gear up in order to do Icecrown sometime this winter.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Is it just me, or does the expac seem very... complete? No new class and no new talents (in the traditional sense) means much less gameplay issues to balance. The new races and their starter zones seem mostly done in terms of art. The zone revamps seem mostly implemented, as well.

I'm not saying there's not a TON left for Blizz to do (mainly 1-60 quest changes), but it does seem, at least to me, that Cataclysm's details are much firmer and much less fuzzy than Wrath's were, when it was shown off for the first time.

I'm thinking we'll see Icecrown in late Nov - early Jan, and I bet Cataclysm will drop sooner than people are expecting. My official prediction is for June.


What exactly what have drawn you back in. From the sounds of it, you don't even know. =x

I'm not really sure, it's hard to make suggestions because they've got a winning forumula that people dig and I always get annoyed when people nitpick game mechanics when they could just try something else if it doesn't personally suit them

I got years out of the game and I had fun, so it's not like I can bitch, but there's no way I can ever do a raid with WoW's mechanics and such again. It's just burn out

Ulduar really did me in. Happened once before in Naxx 40 back in the day, but Ulduar really got me into that gross raid schedule rut.

Rated BGs sound good, but that really should've been in like 3.3. In fact, I thought it was supposed to be. I wouldnt go back until at LEAST that, and that'd mean finding a new guild, etc, I can't go through all that again.

Especially since my solution to cease raiding in WoW was to simply unsubscribe and never tell anyone anything. What an asshole move I made. :lol Especially as the healing lead.

I think in general, I just want a new game. The whole look of things, the thought of raiding more, just not for me.

But I do think if they had added in things to make leveling more challenging and rewarding feeling for small groups, or they had some new end game systems besides just more 10-25 man raids, some new armor graphics, etc I'd have resubbed. Oh, and Draenei Rogues!

The world changes described and in the screens are really unimpressive though, I would've bought it just to relevel in a "new" world had it been significant. I mean I figured they'd tear the place apart, sink zones entirely, and wind up with a smaller, but more intimate world.

A friend of mine (who I quit the game with) summed it up perfect


Maybe it'll wind up better in the end, or maybe I'm just expecting too much, bleh. I won't derail further with my whining though :lol


venison crêpe
GDJustin said:
Is it just me, or does the expac seem very... complete? No new class and no new talents (in the traditional sense) means much less gameplay issues to balance. The new races and their starter zones seem mostly done in terms of art. The zone revamps seem mostly implemented, as well.

I'm not saying there's not a TON left for Blizz to do (mainly 1-60 quest changes), but it does seem, at least to me, that Cataclysm's details are much firmer and much less fuzzy than Wrath's were, when it was shown off for the first time.

I'm thinking we'll see Icecrown in late Nov - early Jan, and I bet Cataclysm will drop sooner than people are expecting. My official prediction is for June.

My guess is that there's still a fair amount they haven't told us about.
GDJustin said:
Is it just me, or does the expac seem very... complete? No new class and no new talents (in the traditional sense) means much less gameplay issues to balance. The new races and their starter zones seem mostly done in terms of art. The zone revamps seem mostly implemented, as well.

I'm not saying there's not a TON left for Blizz to do (mainly 1-60 quest changes), but it does seem, at least to me, that Cataclysm's details are much firmer and much less fuzzy than Wrath's were, when it was shown off for the first time.

I'm thinking we'll see Icecrown in late Nov - early Jan, and I bet Cataclysm will drop sooner than people are expecting. My official prediction is for June.
No additional talent tiers, but I'm sure there will be plenty of new talents. Also the new zones seem to be almost as sizeable as Northrend. And yea, summer for sure. I would assume a fall release for SC2.


Yeah, they said new talents, just nothing more than 51 points. Also the new Path of the Titans and each character will be getting 3 new abilities just like Wrath, just at 2 or 3 level intervals.


Im a little meh on it honestly. Sounds awesome for sure, but I just think the 5 yrs has drained me and perhaps theres nothing that can be done to get me to want to seriously play it again.

Ive been saying that if the rated BG's are fun and are handled right then Id react. But I think I might just be kidding myself. Perhaps Ive just simply had enough. Best MMO out however, and what a way to shit in the mouth of everyone calling them lazy by completely RE-DOING everything in the largest zones of the game. Holy shit its like damn near starting from nothing. Fucking amazing task right there. How the hell do you even announce that to your staff without sucking the morale out of them on the sheer magnitude of the work needed to reform all of that content? Jesus.

No phasing, nothing, just completely redid Azeroth for EVERY toon. Thats fucking insane.


I must do better.
have they announced any way that you can pay to change your wow characters race?

I’m so pissed at myself for picking Gnome for my warlock and I would love to have a Worgen or Goblin as my main. I’m not opposed to levelling one of the new races in the new content but I just made a dumb decision with my current characters race and would like an option to have him not look dumb and at the same time keep all the mounts and trinkets I’ve collected over the years.

The really unfortunate part now is that just like when the last two expansions were announced my desire to play the game seems to have completely dried up until it’s released.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Son of Godzilla said:
No additional talent tiers, but I'm sure there will be plenty of new talents. Also the new zones seem to be almost as sizeable as Northrend. And yea, summer for sure. I would assume a fall release for SC2.

That's kind of my point - a summer launch is a smaller announcement --> launch window than Wrath.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I'm guessing we're looking at a Holiday release schedule for Icecrown, and then a late spring release for the new Expansion. But this is Blizzard. We might be playing this Expansion with our children, just like Diablo III :lol


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Attack power, spell power, defense, armor pen... they're all going away o.0

Edit: Stamina is being increased across the board... everyone will have the stam of a plate-wearer....


So, to recap, they just revealed that;

~ Hunters no longer use mana (now use Focus)
~ AP is being removed
~ Defense being removed
~ Armor Penetration being removed
~ MP5 being removed (it's effects are being implemented into Spirit)
~ Spell Power is being removed

I say good :)

*Edit: half-beaten :D


Loxley said:
So, to recap, they just revealed that;

~ Hunters no longer use mana (now use Focus)
~ AP is being removed
~ Defense being removed
~ Armor Penetration being removed
~ MP5 being removed (it's effects are being implemented into Spirit)
~ Spell Power is being removed

I say good :)

*Edit: half-beaten :D

Condensing stats is always good, IMO. Hunters having mana was ultimately fairly pointless. Blizzard probably got sick sick of Mages linking Aspect of the Viper and screaming "F U BLIZ".


I really like the condensing of stats again, especially Int giving spell power. Thank god for the no spell ranks, leveling as a mage that was painful to go 6 levels between frostbolt ranks.


New zone level list:

Northern Eastern Kingdoms - Zone Level Range Changes
Tirisfal Glades: 1-10
Gilneas: 1-10
Silverpine Forest: 10-20
Alterac Mountains: 20-25 (25-30)
Hillsbrad Foothills: 20-25
Arathi Highlands: 25-30
The Hinterlands: 30-35
Western Plaguelands: 35-40
Eastern Plaguelands: 40-45 & 45-50



I guess that's going to make searing gorge and burning steppes more of the 50-60 level ranges then. Or more likely 50-55.



* Mana/5 sec is gone. Spirit now regenerates mana.
* All healers will get a Meditation like skill. (In combat regeneration)
* Mages and Warlocks won't have to deal with Spirit on their gear anymore.
* Spell Power is also gone. Intellect now provides mana AND Spell Power
* Hunters and Enhancement Shamans won't have to worry about intellect anymore
* Attack Power is also gone.
* Agility now provides 2 AP for rogues, hunters, shaman, and druids. Plate-wearers won't steal your gear anymore!
* Defense is gone. No more juggling around the cap. Tanks will receive the needed anti crit from talents (Survival of the Fittest)
* Armor Penetration is gone. It was too confusing and is now replaced with a mastery.
* Mastery makes you better at what you do. (more on this later)
* Haste now increases rate which you gain energy, runes, rage, and focus.
* Talents for Enhancement and Retribution will make this work.
* Block value goes away. A block mitigates a percentage of damage. It is now a real mitigation stat.
* With No Defense, Spell Power, Attack Power = more Stamina for all.

Keep it Simple = AWESOME!


Ripclawe said:
Keep it Simple = AWESOME!

FUCK! this plus all the other stuff actually managed to excite me. I was fucking snoring a minute ago, but their turning it into damn near a new game. It would feel like something totally new.

We are getting our fucking ENERGY BACK! Holy fucking SHIOT for hunters, fucking WOW! So fucking over due. Soooo fucking insane.
Anyone listen to the Instance last week? They pretty much got all of this spot on albeit with a bit of obvious clues. Gonna be awesome. I want a goblin priest so bad.


Junior Member
VaLiancY said:
I want to give Blizzard's artists major head.


If I went back to play I think I'd do a Gnome Priest. I love Priests and I love Gnomes. Pissed me off when they'd always use the ALL GNOMES ARE ATHEISTS HURR response everytime someone asked for a Gnome Healer.

Shoulda gave Gnome Hunter too, and Draenei Rogue. Then again, I think everyone should be able to be everything, except maybe Druid./
Alex said:
If I went back to play I think I'd do a Gnome Priest. I love Priests and I love Gnomes. Pissed me off when they'd always use the ALL GNOMES ARE ATHEISTS HURR response everytime someone asked for a Gnome Healer.

Shoulda gave Gnome Hunter too, and Draenei Rogue. Then again, I think everyone should be able to be everything, except maybe Druid./

Undead paladins plz


Gloomfire said:
Thank god for no more +19 and +23 SP gems to deal with. Although the +19 Intellect gem will now probably skyrocket.

Not really, since the stat changes won't be until 4.0 most likely, and nobody will be gemming up then.
Is it safe to say Cataclysm is WoW2? With the redoing of Azeroth, it seems more like a brand new game then an xpac. I was ready to quit wow but Cataclysm has me excited. I hope that there will be a large portion of the community leveling, which will lead to more world pvp. =D

I cant wait till 2010. I'll probably quit Lich once my sub ends, but will definitely come back for Cataclysm and level a brand new toon. Goblin Rogue is going to be so much fun to level. :)


Bah Blizzard says with lich King Casters will get the next legendary after healers now Hunters get a Legendary again instead and casters pushed til next expansion. I mean wtf they just got a Legendary with Sunwell


I sincerely doubt Blizzard even bothers to look at it's competition. Well, at least "competition" like an NCSoft game, which will assuredly be fully irrelevant a month or two after release.

But I'm sure NCsoft will put out another 4-5 MMO's for Blizzard to "rip off" over the course of the next 12 months.
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