mario ate my burger
Does anything think Troll's catform will be any different? Like a tiger or something?
It'd be nice to see a markedly different approach to what the Trolls and Worgen believe in their Druidism. At least with the Trolls its easier to point towards the Loa as their inspiration and the forms will most likely perform the same but have a different makeup. Whether Blizzard bother with it though is another thing entirely.mario ate my burger said:Does anything think Troll's catform will be any different? Like a tiger or something?
mario ate my burger said:Does anything think Troll's catform will be any different? Like a tiger or something?
Not necessarily all of them; they are removing certain things, i.e. Spell Power from gear. I guess it's possible that it will still continue to exist as a stat (i.e. Bonus Healing still exists as a stat even though nothing seems to make a difference in healing vs. damage) .funkmastergeneral said:I assume they're redoing the gems if they're taking all these stats out of the game.
Retro said:11:06: Metzen shouts angrily for security after a paladin managed to sneak past their careful screening process and try to ask a question.
Apparently the Q&A is over now, and not a single Pally question. Seriously, all I've heard of Paladins from Blizzcon is that nobody likes them. Well, that's hardly news, isn't it?
Tamanon said:A couple retadins asked questions yesterday.
VaLiancY said:10:47AM Will Troll and Worgen Druids be getting unique feral forms? Chris Robinson hops on with a very clear "yes."
Ya' mon!
Retro said:It sounds like most of the lock's spells will have empowered versions; while a lot of them have instant casts, there's the potential for new, interesting mechanics here; on-demand Ssearing Pain crits, for example. Empowering a spell could do any number of Really Cool Things, and hopefully Instant Casts are the least interesting thing they'll do... if done correctly, it would give every spell in your arsenal a souped-up version.
Could be very interesting, if you ask me.
jim-jam bongs said:I like the way you think. Example: Empowered Soul Fire could turn into Chain Fire, bouncing targets but doing less damage each hop.
Retro said:Exactly. It would make Warlock play style feel very unique, because every spell has a souped up version that can do all sorts of scary things. Instant fears should be the least of your concerns when staring down a Lock with three shards up.
This is one thing I've always hated about WoW; they were content to drive gameplay with stats and theorycraft.Hopefully the changes to Talents that we're hearing about (Path of the titans, mastery system) and the changes to locks and hunters signal Blizzard's intent to finally shift gameplay to mechanic-driven rather than stat-driven, where the stats are there to empower the mechanics rather than vice versa.
It's a personal design philosophy of mine I'm glad to see them possibly adapting.
firex said:They tried to, but additional panels could not be launched at that time.
Retro said:Cross-server LFG was just announced, will allow you to find people within your battlegroup. Apparently there will be a rewards system for being the leader of a successful PUG. Good news for those of us who are just fucking done with guild drama forever.
mario ate my burger said:I seriously can't play WOW right now knowing I can make a Troll Druid with the expansion.
Jazzy Network said:Ugh I seriously hope I can race change my tauren to a troll. I love taurens, but they are too damn big.
Legjend said:So I decided to level in AV and kinda regret it because now I'm 79 with shit gear. I'm looking to do tanking & healing in PVE and healing PVP. My plan is to get honor healing gear along with some Saronite stuff and run heroics until I can tank/heal raids. What do you guys think?
XP leeching in AV is very popular on my realm :lolStormyTheRabbit said:How goes t he leveling in BG's?
I have a Paladin at 56 that I've put off leveling since I don't want to level the 2 levels in Azeroth until Outlands (I know, lazy.) How long would it take me to go 2 levels straight from BG's? He's rested all of those levels if it matters with BG exp.
There's a chance that Hunter Aspects will go away entirely.
They like the idea of hunters being able to tame their own mounts.
They like the way fishing works in Animal Crossing, and might look to that for inspiration on how to rework the process.
Legjend said:So I decided to level in AV and kinda regret it because now I'm 79 with shit gear. I'm looking to do tanking & healing in PVE and healing PVP. My plan is to get honor healing gear along with some Saronite stuff and run heroics until I can tank/heal raids. What do you guys think?
It is hardly leeching. On my battlegroup there are usually 10+ people afk at any given time in an AV anyways, with another ten not really afk, but sitting and typing how much they want an 80s only AV :lolAngry Grimace said:XP leeching in AV is very popular on my realm :lol
Tamanon said:One of my favorite WoW podcasters, Patrick from France is leaving. He's joining Blizzard and so has to give up all his podcasting. Just announced it on The Instance.
Tamanon said:Race changes are coming soon.
Proc said:Heroics are way too easy. It becomes mindless and grating pretty quickly...but I must get emblems for my chest piece now that I already have my helm....ahhhhh the insanity. I don't even think I'll start raiding, after I get my badge gear I'll probably just pug naxx/ulduar if possible