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World of Warcraft

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Junior Member
Well, Barbarians just beat up Algalon [25] a little while ago on our server [Kilrogg]. That must have taken a while... o_O


Modesty becomes a woman
Scum said:
Well, Barbarians just beat up Algalon [25] a little while ago on our server [Kilrogg]. That must have taken a while... o_O

No more than an hour.

Our guild has everything down except Hard mode mimiron. We got him pretty close last night but hit the enrage. It was the one time we took about 30 extra seconds on phase 3 too, so we would have had it.


Junior Member
No more than an hour.
Our guild has everything down except Hard mode mimiron. We got him pretty close last night but hit the enrage. It was the one time we took about 30 extra seconds on phase 3 too, so we would have had it.
How do you guys do it? Seriously?!? Can you pass some of that fancy gear my way then?
An hour, eh? Must take your boys in the guild 15mins or less to runs Heroics then! Just about as long as I have to wait to get into the instance! :lol >;-(


Modesty becomes a woman
Scum said:
How do you guys do it? Seriously?!? Can you pass some of that fancy gear my way then?
An hour, eh? Must take your boys in the guild 15mins or less to runs Heroics then! Just about as long as I have to wait to get into the instance! :lol >;-(

Algalons only there for an hour, then he's gone.

Mimiron seems daunting at first, but the fire is really the least of the new problems. It's more of the emergency fire bots and the frost bombs.

It's a lot of random shit, and instead of being told where to go or what to do it's up to each individual person to use their best judgement to get him down, and you can probably guess how well that goes.

And yeah, one time me and some guildies 4 manned gundrak in less than 13 minutes


Junior Member
Oh yeah. I forgot that Algalon's only about for an hour. It's an hour a week as well, isn't it?

Algalons only there for an hour, then he's gone.


And yeah, one time me and some guildies 4 manned gundrak in less than 13 minutes


A question for those who keep multiple item sets.

Is there any kind of addon that will display in the item tooltip what sets (if any) I currently have that item a part of?

It'd be so much easier and faster than having to cycle between my item sets when trying to decide what quest rewards to vendor.
nataku said:
A question for those who keep multiple item sets.

Is there any kind of addon that will display in the item tooltip what sets (if any) I currently have that item a part of?

It'd be so much easier and faster than having to cycle between my item sets when trying to decide what quest rewards to vendor.

Outfitter does that (if I understand what you want correctly). Items have a "Used by set" tip at the bottom of the main tooltip.


Grandma's Chippy
So what do you guys think of the cross server LFG? I'm not sure if I like it...will have to see.

I can easily get into a lot of PUG runs now because there are not a ton of mages that pug on my server, and really not many good ones.

Cross server opens the door for people from other servers chasing down my spots ;P

Gonna force me to merge my guild with a bigger one just to keep up :lol

EDIT : Also been trying to find out why the quest features in patch 3.2 PTR did not make it to live. On the PTR, you quest objectives showed up on the world map.

Unless there is some option I am not seeing in 3.2 live? :p


Mr Pockets said:
So what do you guys think of the cross server LFG? I'm not sure if I like it...will have to see.

It's a nice idea. I've been in too many guilds that fell apart to want to go through the hassle of recruitment again. I've lost my taste for raiding completely, not because it was too hard or I didn't get what I wanted, but because I just don't have the time and energy for it anymore.

I like the idea of cross-server LFG because when I have a few hours to play, on my schedule, it is now much more likely I will find a PUG group for whatever I'm interested in running, be it heroics or, if I get interested again, raiding. I know I'll likely be disappointed by joining a PUG Raid full of 'bads' (god I hate that term), but I'm not that serious about it in the first place.

I dunno. I think the Mechanics > Stats approach WoW seems to be on, plus the lessons learned from Ulduar will make things more appealing to people like me (interested in raiding, but not in enlisting in a drama-ridden militant guild). In all honesty, if we just get plenty of fresh 5-mans and a smattering of decent 10-mans, and PVP gets serious again... I'll be happy.

As a side note (not really applying to your post, Pockets), I am so glad that BGs are going to be rated. No longer will we see fucktards saying "Guys, we lost this one, just give up so we can get our honor" anymore.

Mr Pockets said:
EDIT : Also been trying to find out why the quest features in patch 3.2 PTR did not make it to live. On the PTR, you quest objectives showed up on the world map.

Unless there is some option I am not seeing in 3.2 live? :p

It was cut before it went live, which is kind of a shame. Hopefully it's not gone forever.

Completely unrelated edit:
The Furry Defense Force is already deploying on the major WoW sites... this is going to get pretty Yiffing ugly.


The one thing I want them to do is make the raids shorter in next expansion. I hate doing raids because they're really long, and all anyone looks for in them is the bosses. They don't have to be boss rush mode, but making them doable in 2 hours for a pug is fine by me. The key is to come up with unique fights, not lots of trash that is just tank and spank and might drop some epics people won't want anymore (unless they make all those epics boe, so they can flood the AH to help gear up alts/people with bad luck on drops/people who don't want to raid).

I think I'm going goblin hunter in the expansion. Since it sounds like hunters are getting a big overhaul, I'm going to have to try them out. I already bought the WG heirloom shoulders, so once my paladin is crusader rank in the tournament (2 more days!) I guess I'll get tokens for the chest, and then daggers/bow/haste trinket.


TomServo said:
Not using corruption (especially when you can throw it on when you have to move) makes baby jesus cry :p

I didn't see your spec, assuming it's 3/13/55 or 0/13/58. What glyphs are you using? What's your gear like? You are letting your imp spam firebolt (don't laugh, I've seen lots of warlocks with their pet on passive), aren't you?

Just getting around to this now, here's my infos:


Yeah I have my imp doin work and all that, still can't really get more than 2.5k :(


Zaro said:
If they do that we'll just be zoning in to single rooms with the boss corpse already there.
the shortest I've ever done Naxx before is 3 hours and that's honestly too much time for too little reward. maybe Ulduar is better but I never pug it. I just know I always hate raids compared to 5 mans because they are a timesink and the bosses usually aren't that much more exciting. But they could cut a lot of the fat by removing gigantic rooms that aren't intimidating or impressively detailed, cut back on the trash, and save the good stuff for bosses. I don't think anybody goes to a raid for new trash mobs, and if they do, they need to get their head checked.

I guess if they'd just make the heroics harder, without having to rely on specific group makeups like in TBC, then I'd have nothing to complain about.


Has problems recognising girls
I still don't know what Goblin class I will do. Probably go Rogue and use him in a small bank alt role at the same time.


Is leveling in bgs actually viable or should i just stick with quest helper? I have a warrior at 70 and a dk at 75...semi-afk xp farming sounds decent to me :lol


Supposedly Alterac Valley is great for leveling at 70 on up. They're talking about nerfing the XP there possibly. That seems to be the only BG where you can really gain substantial XP.


Tamanon said:
:( One of my favorite WoW podcasters, Patrick from France is leaving. He's joining Blizzard and so has to give up all his podcasting. Just announced it on The Instance.
I only heard him on The Instance; never listened to his "How I WoW" podcast. I thought his segments were usually pretty good, though not outstanding. Did he say whether he would be working for Blizzard Europe or Blizzard USA? Or what he'll be doing for them? Certainly this move will give hope to thousands of listeners who want a Blizzard gig (not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing).

Renata from the World of Warcast podcast is also hanging up her microphone.....fortunately Alachia from WoWCast will be replacing her. Should be nice to hear from her on a more regular basis.


Has problems recognising girls
Seeds said:
Anyone recommend any good mage UI addons? I'm having a hard time keeping track of all the spells/portals/teleport etc.
Would've been hilarious to see you manage with a Shaman then :lol

Took the modding community years to get any totem UI addon updating regularly through patches, and even then Blizzard didn't do shit till recently.

I'd say just check the usual UI mod websites or even ask in the WoW class forums.


Yeah, just found lunarsphere, which more or less was what I was looking for.

And here I though I could play the game with the normal UI...


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Seeds said:
Yeah, just found lunarsphere, which more or less was what I was looking for.

And here I though I could play the game with the normal UI...

Tanking is only role you can play with the standard UI without feeling handicapped. Any form of dps needs a better way to highlight debuff durations, buffs and cooldowns. Healers need alot of addons just to monitor the information they need to decide what spell to cast.

When I level my chars I start out with no addons and over time I enable the addons I need or download addons that might be helpful along the way until I've organicly found a playing style that suits me.
Mr Pockets said:
So what do you guys think of the cross server LFG? I'm not sure if I like it...will have to see.

I can easily get into a lot of PUG runs now because there are not a ton of mages that pug on my server, and really not many good ones.

It should help my server, it's hard to find a healer and almost impossible to find a tank, even at peak times.

All you see is DPS LFG, although that's the situation on all the servers I've been on. And it's usually melee DPS, it's rare to see a lock, mage etc. LFG.

Funny how Blizzard added DKs to make more tanks available and sure enough, none of them actually want to tank :lol



KernelPanic said:
It should help my server, it's hard to find a healer and almost impossible to find a tank, even at peak times.

All you see is DPS LFG, although that's the situation on all the servers I've been on. And it's usually melee DPS, it's rare to see a lock, mage etc. LFG.

Funny how Blizzard added DKs to make more tanks available and sure enough, none of them actually want to tank :lol

Tanking on DK is way more fun than DPS got to 75 or so with him then I quit due to the stupid amounts of time I spent raiding on my main Hunter.
Johnlenham said:
Tanking on DK is way more fun than DPS got to 75 or so with him then I quit due to the stupid amounts of time I spent raiding on my main Hunter.

Oh I agree. I love tanking in general.

However almost every single DK I ever grp only wants to DPS (and they're all blood .. hmm).

Some of them roll on tank gear for offspec but I wonder how many of them actually use it. I usually ask if anyone else wants to tank but no one takes me up on it.

I'm kinda of down on my bear tank. He blows through heroics but he's getting eaten alive in hTotC. I have to blow my cooldowns to stand a chance at tanking the 3 champions. The last time I couldn't do it, I'd die before the healer could do anything. Even with cooldowns down and pain suppression on me I went down. Usually it's extremely close whether I survive long enough until one of them goes down.

My Guild Leader offered to help and brought his prot warrior in and we did it first try. I watched another one of my guildies tank it no problem on his prot pally.

Ppl tell me I had the unlucky combo of the AoE rogue and warrior but even with me moving out of the AEs I could not do it. Is H ToC that much harder than other heroics ?

I was playing my prot pally alt and he seems far better at tanking. I'm thinking of leveling him to 80 now.

AS hits 3 targets for instant aggro.
HotR hits 4 targets.

I have trouble holding aggro on my bear since all I can do is spam swipe. If I group with well geared DPS they almost always pull aggro.

Of course they should be obeying the kill order I set but almost nobody seems to do so anymore. DPS just pick a random target and do their thing.


So, my guild took a break from any progression in Uld 10 for a while because one of our two healers was gone for a month. Anyway, last night we finally got to Freya for the first time. Holy crap. So much going on in that fight. Pointers from those who have done it a ton?
Gloomfire said:
So, my guild took a break from any progression in Uld 10 for a while because one of our two healers was gone for a month. Anyway, last night we finally got to Freya for the first time. Holy crap. So much going on in that fight. Pointers from those who have done it a ton?

We did it for the first time last week. Got her down on the 3rd try.

Whole raid needs to understand the 3 types of waves that will spawn and their role. They will spawn every minute regardless how well (or how bad) you are doing. Freya is unkillable until you fight 6 waves.

Snaplasher, Stormlaster, Water Spirit wave - Snaplasher needs to be kited and burned down by ranged DPS since it becomes untankable eventually (the more dmg you do it the slower it moves but the more damage it does). The other 2 need to be offtanked and interrupted. All 3 need to die with 12s of each other, so watch the health on all 3 and speed up/slow down DPS on each as needed.

Detonating Lasher Wave - A whole bunch of these will spawn. They explode when they die so AoE them at once is bad. We pulled them all onto Freya, AoE'd them to weaken them and then spread them out and finished them individually.

Conservator wave - A big tree will spawn, off-tank and kill it. Stand under a mushroom when you get the debuff.

Once you do 6 waves simply kill Freya, she drops some glowing green bombs all around. If it lands under you, move away. If you made it this far then you've won.

Through the whole fight a tree will spawn (Gift of Eonar I think). It starts growing and will heal Freya and her friends if you dont kill it fast enough. All DPS target it (make a macro) and kill it quick.

It's chaos at first but once you and the raid gets it, it's pretty easy.


Modesty becomes a woman
KernelPanic said:
We did it for the first time last week. Got her down on the 3rd try.

Whole raid needs to understand the 3 types of waves that will spawn and their role. They will spawn every minute regardless how well (or how bad) you are doing. Freya is unkillable until you fight 6 waves.

Snaplasher, Stormlaster, Water Spirit wave - Snaplasher needs to be kited and burned down by ranged DPS since it becomes untankable eventually (the more dmg you do it the slower it moves but the more damage it does). The other 2 need to be offtanked and interrupted. All 3 need to die with 12s of each other, so watch the health on all 3 and speed up/slow down DPS on each as needed.

Detonating Lasher Wave - A whole bunch of these will spawn. They explode when they die so AoE them at once is bad. We pulled them all onto Freya, AoE'd them to weaken them and then spread them out and finished them individually.

Conservator wave - A big tree will spawn, off-tank and kill it. Stand under a mushroom when you get the debuff.

Once you do 6 waves simply kill Freya, she drops some glowing green bombs all around. If it lands under you, move away. If you made it this far then you've won.

Through the whole fight a tree will spawn (Gift of Eonar I think). It starts growing and will heal Freya and her friends if you dont kill it fast enough. All DPS target it (make a macro) and kill it quick.

It's chaos at first but once you and the raid gets it, it's pretty easy.

Stack on her until bombs spawn, then move. Makes the bombs all be in one tiny spot.


Ugh, I really need to level a tank/healer alt for when my normal group isn't online. Its hell finding groups as dps. Will have to decide between my 75 dk or 70 warrior.
Tamanon said:
Supposedly Alterac Valley is great for leveling at 70 on up. They're talking about nerfing the XP there possibly. That seems to be the only BG where you can really gain substantial XP.
No way! I didn't realize you get substantial XP in AV. I'm a 75...so maybe I'll just spend the next few hrs in AV and see what happens.


Man, I hate myself. I'm trying to start a Rogue the last 2 weeks, but still can't decide on a race. Sometimes I hate being member of the awesome looking horde. :/


Won said:
Man, I hate myself. I'm trying to start a Rogue the last 2 weeks, but still can't decide on a race. Sometimes I hate being member of the awesome looking horde. :/

I actually deleted my old rogue, hunter and druid alts so I can possibly try out the new race/class combos for them.
firex said:

I actually deleted my old rogue, hunter and druid alts so I can possibly try out the new race/class combos for them.
Yea, Blizzcon killed off any desire for me to level my 16 rogue. Also can't make a druid and miss out on the troll awesomeness.

Which leaves... DK? ick. Or shaman! double ick. Or shaman, ick.


if I didn't already have an 80 orc shaman I would make a goblin shaman. but I'm going to make a goblin hunter. possibly a rogue, too, just depends upon how they change the heirlooms for rogues.


firex said:

I actually deleted my old rogue, hunter and druid alts so I can possibly try out the new race/class combos for them.

deleted my rogue and now I am actually interested in playing the horde as a Goblin


firex said:

I actually deleted my old rogue, hunter and druid alts so I can possibly try out the new race/class combos for them.

Well, the plan is to change him into a Goblin if possible, but I can't wait for all my twinks till the expansion. Already deleted my druid and I probaly going to do a Goblin priest. Just need something to carry me over till CC/Cat/Ysm/whatever it will be called. :lol

That Blizzcon sure fucked up all my plans. :(

I think I will take a female BE rogue, even if there are way to many BE already on my server. The rest is to slow/shows to many bones.


I'm going to level an Alliance alt so I can see how it is on the other side of the fence. I have a Tauren Druid who just hit the Outlands which I'll most likely delete in favor of a Troll Druid. Meanwhile, I'm going to level either a Shaman or a Warlock and when Cata hits I'll level a Goblin Rogue.
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