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World of Warcraft

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Chalk another one up for Twin Valkyrs being easy. We one-shotted it on 10-man without most of the people even knowing what was going on, thanks to to some uncharacteristically good listening skills.

I think the fight needed just one more mechanic to make it hard, but it is fairly fun.


Junior Member
DarkMage619 said:
Had the exact opposite issue on our raids. We were always getting caster gear, and staffs. We had ONE Worldcarver drop and maybe 3 Stormrune edges. About 15 caster and dps staffs though. I guess loot really is random and in many cases not for the best. On the postive the way ToC is designed you will eventually get what you want if you keep collecting badges. And that is oh so awesome.

It absolutely rains plate in our raids. Boomkin gear too.

We cleared Naxx25 every week from the first week in December to the release of Ulduar. Had one Turning Tide drop and one Haunting Call. I think three Life & Death.

Belfast said:
Chalk another one up for Twin Valkyrs being easy. We one-shotted it on 10-man without most of the people even knowing what was going on, thanks to to some uncharacteristically good listening skills.

I think the fight needed just one more mechanic to make it hard, but it is fairly fun.

I have a feeling the heroic version will put more emphasis on the spheres that are floating around, both to minimize raid damage and to boost DPS to beat the enrage timer.


With the blessing of sanctuary changes I am beginning to think they should just remove it and make the 21 point talent in prot make your BoK give you 3% damage reduction when cast on yourself (maybe everybody, don't know if that would be too OP for dps/heals in raids though) and self-only passive mana return on block/parry/dodge regardless of which blessing you have up.

also, with this gear talk, did anyone bring up the Reforging thing Blizz said they're going to add in the expansion? It sounds pretty awesome to me and a way to change gear like I always thought they should, so they can accomodate specs that have a pretty unique gear niche without having to add it to loot tables that the majority of players won't want.

I think it was in a panel discussion but MMO-Champion had it, and basically they said BS, Tailor, LW, JC and Engineering would all be able to "reforge" items based upon their profession and slots, and those items would then have stats changed/tweaked but it would lower another stat. So if it works the way I expect it will, then you could see things like a shaman taking some resto gear and reforging it so he gets hit rating for his elemental set, or a tank taking some dps gear and reforging it so he gets more stamina for less strength/agility or something.


Any suggestions as to what I should do with my warlock in terms of spec and gear?


Obviously she is really lopsided right now towards Hit and Crit (which is a ridiculous 32-33% with Firestone weapon buff). I haven't geared out a caster since BC and back then HIT was god and it was essential that you get hit-capped but I look at other more geared warlocks now and they are nowhere near the cap -- some of them with a Hit rating under 300.

I think I need to work on haste/SP, but honestly I'm not sure what else I can do outside of starting to raid 10/25 man dungeons (not really interested in that). Once I get another 30-40 Emblems for the Valor-shoulders I think my character will be pretty much frozen in terms of non-raid PVE progression (aside from doing Heroic Dailies for Triumph Emblems). I guess that isn't necessarily a bad thing though. Maybe I'll just start banking emblems for a set of Gladiator gear....I heard Affliction PVP has supposedly gotten really good (or at least fun, if not effective).
border said:
Any suggestions as to what I should do with my warlock in terms of spec and gear?


Obviously she is really lopsided right now towards Hit and Crit (which is a ridiculous 32-33% with Firestone weapon buff). I haven't geared out a caster since BC and back then HIT was god and it was essential that you get hit-capped but I look at other more geared warlocks now and they are nowhere near the cap -- some of them with a Hit rating under 300.

I think I need to work on haste/SP, but honestly I'm not sure what else I can do outside of starting to raid 10/25 man dungeons (not really interested in that). Once I get another 30-40 Emblems for the Valor-shoulders I think my character will be pretty much frozen in terms of non-raid PVE progression (aside from doing Heroic Dailies for Triumph Emblems). I guess that isn't necessarily a bad thing though. Maybe I'll just start banking emblems for a set of Gladiator gear....I heard Affliction PVP has supposedly gotten really good (or at least fun, if not effective).

Spell hit cap is 368 provided you have a shadow priest or boomkin, so you're way over that. I don't have a warlock but I thought the way it works is getting to the hit cap is first priority, then any points over it are wasted.


I don't raid so I can't really be guaranteed that I'll always have a Shadowpriest/Boomkin in my groups. Of course maybe the Hit Cap is wasted if I'm only doing Heroics and the occaisional OS/VoA pug.

Part of the problem is that, looking at alternative gear, it seems like I end up trading Hit for some other stat I don't really care about (usually spirit or even more of the already excessive Crit I have).


Junior Member
funkmastergeneral said:
Spell hit cap is 368 provided you have a shadow priest or boomkin, so you're way over that. I don't have a warlock but I thought the way it works is getting to the hit cap is first priority, then any points over it are wasted.

289 if you take suppression. Affliction 'locks will have it by default, and the only thing you have to give up to get suppression as destruction is soul leech / improved soul leech.

That's also for raid bosses only (level 83). For bosses in heroics (level 82) it's much, much lower.


TomServo said:
Really hate the faction champions. The AI is a little too good, they do some uncanny shit that you'd expect from a human but not a program.

If I were a WoW dev I would lobby for the ability to jump into the fight controlling an NPC and totally wreck some poor unsuspecting raid.
This reminds me of an EQ patch that placed a "Spawn as MOB" button in your character log-in page. When you clicked it you would appear in the game as some random NPC type somewhere in the game... just one of a dozen skeletons standing around a graveyard, for instance. No one could tell from looking that you were different from the eleven AI-controlled skeletons... until you started kiting player characters or doing other shit the AI-controlled enemies wouldn't.

Unfortunately they removed it for its griefing potential almost immediately after it went live.
Evlar said:
This reminds me of an EQ patch that placed a "Spawn as MOB" button in your character log-in page. When you clicked it you would appear in the game as some random NPC type somewhere in the game... just one of a dozen skeletons standing around a graveyard, for instance. No one could tell from looking that you were different from the eleven AI-controlled skeletons... until you started kiting player characters or doing other shit the AI-controlled enemies wouldn't.

Unfortunately they removed it for its griefing potential almost immediately after it went live.

Wow. That sounds like it could be a lot of fun, never heard about that before.
Evlar said:
This reminds me of an EQ patch that placed a "Spawn as MOB" button in your character log-in page. When you clicked it you would appear in the game as some random NPC type somewhere in the game... just one of a dozen skeletons standing around a graveyard, for instance. No one could tell from looking that you were different from the eleven AI-controlled skeletons... until you started kiting player characters or doing other shit the AI-controlled enemies wouldn't.

Unfortunately they removed it for its griefing potential almost immediately after it went live.
omg that sounds awesome!


TomServo said:
289 if you take suppression. Affliction 'locks will have it by default, and the only thing you have to give up to get suppression as destruction is soul leech / improved soul leech.

That's also for raid bosses only (level 83). For bosses in heroics (level 82) it's much, much lower.

Right now I am 0/41/30 so I don't really have any points to spare without giving up something relatively essential. If you would like to suggest a better spec for the gear I have I would be happy to hear it, as I'm told 0/41/30 does not scale very well. It sure is nice seeing those huge Soulfire crits when Decimation is up though.

As I mentioned, part of the problem seems to be that I just don't have a lot of alternatives for gear. Since I don't raid I'm pretty much limited to Heroic Trial of the Champion drops and badge gear.

Right now I am planning to ditch the Ebonweave Gloves (+Hit, iLevel 200) for the Heroes Plagueheart Gloves (+Crit, SP, Haste). Beyond that I'm not really sure what I can substitue....maybe pick up the badge neck/cloaks but those still tend to have spirit on them which annoys me. I'm not even sure if it's worth investing in Haste since I'm so rarely in long fights where its advantages really play themselves out.


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
soo after not playing for about 3 years i picked it up again and am playing with my old character. i am a gnome warlock - lvl 32. Its like starting over completely. I didn't have any clue what i was doing.

Any guilds or stuff I can join or is it a problem being on a certain realm or something
GashPrex said:
soo after not playing for about 3 years i picked it up again and am playing with my old character. i am a gnome warlock - lvl 32. Its like starting over completely. I didn't have any clue what i was doing.

Any guilds or stuff I can join or is it a problem being on a certain realm or something
Are you on Stormscale?

Is anybody on Stormscale?


You can move to any server that you want, though there is no official GAF guild on any server.

I can't even think of 2 WoW GAF'ers that are even in the same guild, though a few people are at least on the same servers.

As a level 32 warlock I'm not really even sure how much you need a guild, unless there's a really thriving leveling guild on your server and you want them to help you run dungeons. Of course the vanilla WoW dungeons are some of the worst-designed content in the game, but some people still do them all the time. It always blows my mind to see messages in the LFG Channel like "Healer needed for Marudon".


border said:
Right now I am 0/41/30 so I don't really have any points to spare without giving up something relatively essential. If you would like to suggest a better spec for the gear I have I would be happy to hear it, as I'm told 0/41/30 does not scale very well. It sure is nice seeing those huge Soulfire crits when Decimation is up though.

As I mentioned, part of the problem seems to be that I just don't have a lot of alternatives for gear. Since I don't raid I'm pretty much limited to Heroic Trial of the Champion drops and badge gear.

Right now I am planning to ditch the Ebonweave Gloves (+Hit, iLevel 200) for the Heroes Plagueheart Gloves (+Crit, SP, Haste). Beyond that I'm not really sure what I can substitue....maybe pick up the badge neck/cloaks but those still tend to have spirit on them which annoys me. I'm not even sure if it's worth investing in Haste since I'm so rarely in long fights where its advantages really play themselves out.
I'm not sure about affliction, but the level 80 destruction build I was thinking of doing if I level my lock alt to 80 (won't happen now thanks to cataclysm) is 0/13/58 with improved soul leech for more sustainability/less lifetapping and yet another replenishment source. There's a couple good destruction builds on EJ, one that is 0/13/58 and one that is 3/something/something (I want to say 3/13/55 but I'm not sure) based around getting hit capped easier. It seems like 13 points into demonology is kind of mandatory so you get demonic aegis, but you can get some good destruction talents anyway (improved imp, healthstones, 30% spell damage done = healing to your pet, 3% health/mana and 15% imp stamina/int) so it's not so bad.


Evlar said:
This reminds me of an EQ patch that placed a "Spawn as MOB" button in your character log-in page. When you clicked it you would appear in the game as some random NPC type somewhere in the game... just one of a dozen skeletons standing around a graveyard, for instance. No one could tell from looking that you were different from the eleven AI-controlled skeletons... until you started kiting player characters or doing other shit the AI-controlled enemies wouldn't.

Unfortunately they removed it for its griefing potential almost immediately after it went live.

Wow. That would be awesome. Shame that I missed that.


I'm pretty sure that LOTRO lets you spwan as mobs. It's essentially the entire PVP component of the game.

Given that the mobs in there games are so much weaker than Player Characters I don't really see how you could use it to grief anyway. You'd almost have to buff the player-controlled NPC just to make it fair.


border said:
I'm pretty sure that LOTRO lets you spwan as mobs. It's essentially the entire PVP component of the game.

Given that the mobs in there games are so much weaker than Player Characters I don't really see how you could use it to grief anyway. You'd almost have to buff the player-controlled NPC just to make it fair.
not exactly. Their pvp system is Monster Play, where you create a level 50 monster (after reaching level 10 as the good guys) that corresponds to the existing classes, but has to be geared up. It's essentially playing "the other side" because you quest and stuff as a bad guy, but it's different. It's actually kind of like making a DK in WoW, but imagine the DK you play really does work for the Scourge.


it's not always "gear" but in some classes' cases I guess it is (like the uruk-hai archer thing). I just call it gear because it's destiny points you spend on like different kinds of stuff to enhance your powers/skills and I think in some cases it amounts to equipment for the humanoid classes.
So what's a good move rotation for shadow priests while questing and killings mobs? All I can find on the Internet are rotations for instances and raids. I decided to dual spec into Shadow for my final grind on my priest and I've done discipline my whole way up so far so I'm not used to shadow at all. Usually I just throw on my shield, and go at it with holy fire, smite, mind blast, and pennance, but now that I only have mind blast of those four, I'm not sure how to go about it. I just can't wrap my head around the shadow priest. :lol

I've leveled up almost every other class and none have given me this sort of problem. They just seem so weird.


I gotta imagine that Shadow Priests are a bit like warlocks......I just go NUKE -> DOT -> NUKE then move on to another mob. If the second nuke doesn't kill them then the dot eventually will.

Eric WK

I'm really not sure why a GAF guild never got off the ground. The only barrier right now is faction/continent.

Shot in the dark, but anybody on Black Dragonflight (Horde)? Just joined some real life friends there.


Faction is a pretty big hurdle. Plus I think most people are introduced to WoW not by GAF but by someone they know in real life.....so by the time they're into it and looking it up on GAF they've already settled on a server where they have friends and a guild.

If every person who regularly posts in this thread swapped faction/server, I'm still not even sure if we'd have enough people to fill out a 25-man raid (or at least fill it out without a totally fucked up composition).

It might be nice if there was a GAF guild, but at the same time it's also nice not to have this thread mucked up with the usual guild nonsense.
TomServo said:
I have a feeling the heroic version will put more emphasis on the spheres that are floating around, both to minimize raid damage and to boost DPS to beat the enrage timer.

I hope. Came back after a 2 month break and just walked in and started helping trucking each and every one of those bosses. It's wierd, as is, in normal, it feels like we outgear the place.


VGChampion said:
So what's a good move rotation for shadow priests while questing and killings mobs? All I can find on the Internet are rotations for instances and raids. I decided to dual spec into Shadow for my final grind on my priest and I've done discipline my whole way up so far so I'm not used to shadow at all. Usually I just throw on my shield, and go at it with holy fire, smite, mind blast, and pennance, but now that I only have mind blast of those four, I'm not sure how to go about it. I just can't wrap my head around the shadow priest. :lol

I've leveled up almost every other class and none have given me this sort of problem. They just seem so weird.
VT>MB>MF>MF, mob should be dead. If it's not, MB again and then SW:D.


Neo Member
VGChampion said:
So what's a good move rotation for shadow priests while questing and killings mobs? All I can find on the Internet are rotations for instances and raids. I decided to dual spec into Shadow for my final grind on my priest and I've done discipline my whole way up so far so I'm not used to shadow at all. Usually I just throw on my shield, and go at it with holy fire, smite, mind blast, and pennance, but now that I only have mind blast of those four, I'm not sure how to go about it. I just can't wrap my head around the shadow priest. :lol

I've leveled up almost every other class and none have given me this sort of problem. They just seem so weird.

Usually, I Mind Blast, SW:p (use the glyph that makes your mindflay do 10% more power when the target is afflicted with SW:p), then keep mindflaying, if mind blast is back up before the mob is down, hit that, otherwise SW : D if you are in a hurry.


border said:
Faction is a pretty big hurdle. Plus I think most people are introduced to WoW not by GAF but by someone they know in real life.....so by the time they're into it and looking it up on GAF they've already settled on a server where they have friends and a guild.

If every person who regularly posts in this thread swapped faction/server, I'm still not even sure if we'd have enough people to fill out a 25-man raid (or at least fill it out without a totally fucked up composition).

It might be nice if there was a GAF guild, but at the same time it's also nice not to have this thread mucked up with the usual guild nonsense.

That would be gloooooorious. For about a day, just for the lols. But yeah, faction, and more importantly, time zones crush any chances of a Gaf guild. Its just not feasible.


Junior Member
Evlar said:
This reminds me of an EQ patch that placed a "Spawn as MOB" button in your character log-in page. When you clicked it you would appear in the game as some random NPC type somewhere in the game... just one of a dozen skeletons standing around a graveyard, for instance. No one could tell from looking that you were different from the eleven AI-controlled skeletons... until you started kiting player characters or doing other shit the AI-controlled enemies wouldn't.

Unfortunately they removed it for its griefing potential almost immediately after it went live.
Dude, I loved messing with that function.


Came back tonight and did Twin Val'Kyr on 25man and 10man on another alt. All one-shots. I feel like this boss is missing something, it's absurdly easy and almost relaxing.
Would have one shotted Twin Val'Kyrs if our healer didn't let me die lol; got him on next try. Extremely easy.

That raid is essentially a loot pinata. We cleared the first three bosses before my 1hr stoneblood flask ran out :lol

(alas no good tank drops tonight)

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Great, just resubbed.
Trying to figure out where I left off.

Ok, so I had two interface add ons but I can't remember what they were.
One of them was like a gps sorta deal that put all your quest objectives on your mini map, the other was like this wikipedia thing that for every quest it had a ton of extra info that users had added.

Can you guys point me to those?


Lost all credibility.
Jtwo said:
Great, just resubbed.
Trying to figure out where I left off.

Ok, so I had two interface add ons but I can't remember what they were.
One of them was like a gps sorta deal that put all your quest objectives on your mini map, the other was like this wikipedia thing that for every quest it had a ton of extra info that users had added.

Can you guys point me to those?
That's QuestHelper. Not sure what the second one is.


PhoenixDark said:
Would have one shotted Twin Val'Kyrs if our healer didn't let me die lol; got him on next try. Extremely easy.

That raid is essentially a loot pinata. We cleared the first three bosses before my 1hr stoneblood flask ran out :lol

(alas no good tank drops tonight)
never ever would have thought that phoenixdark would be a tank


Modesty becomes a woman
Jtwo said:
Great, just resubbed.
Trying to figure out where I left off.

Ok, so I had two interface add ons but I can't remember what they were.
One of them was like a gps sorta deal that put all your quest objectives on your mini map, the other was like this wikipedia thing that for every quest it had a ton of extra info that users had added.

Can you guys point me to those?

Second one was lightheaded, but TomTom also put the arrow on your screen.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I think it was lightheaded!
And yeah, I just installed questhelper.

What's the best zone for 30-40?
Apparently I left off in desolace and holy hell is that place boring.


I've just arrived to Dustwallow Marsh after Desolace. If Desolace is Hell, Dustwallow Marsh would be Heaven. A Heaven for characters with a least level 35.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
rhfb said:
Actually what I figured I did was sold it back to the lady by accident.
It's late and I'm kinda groggy.

Oh yeah, one more thing that I'm confused about.
I read that in 3.1 they removed consumable ammo from the game.
..but I definitely ran out of arrows tonight and had to run to buy more.

Am I not understanding something?


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Jtwo said:
Actually what I figured I did was sold it back to the lady by accident.
It's late and I'm kinda groggy.

Oh yeah, one more thing that I'm confused about.
I read that in 3.1 they removed consumable ammo from the game.
..but I definitely ran out of arrows tonight and had to run to buy more.

Am I not understanding something?

They'll remove it in 4.0, we thinks. They however made them stack to 1000 instead of 200. That's some gentle reassurence.


Tht's supposed to be included in 4.0 major classes rework (hunter and lock). Ammo and shards out of our bags.

I guess ammo will work as a relic.
Jtwo said:
Actually what I figured I did was sold it back to the lady by accident.
It's late and I'm kinda groggy.

Oh yeah, one more thing that I'm confused about.
I read that in 3.1 they removed consumable ammo from the game.
..but I definitely ran out of arrows tonight and had to run to buy more.

Am I not understanding something?
Like others said, 4.0. But Blizzard did say that in 3.1 consumable ammo was going to be removed, but they couldn't implement it in time, so it's delayed until 4.0 for now.


Junior Member
border said:
Right now I am planning to ditch the Ebonweave Gloves (+Hit, iLevel 200) for the Heroes Plagueheart Gloves (+Crit, SP, Haste). Beyond that I'm not really sure what I can substitue....maybe pick up the badge neck/cloaks but those still tend to have spirit on them which annoys me. I'm not even sure if it's worth investing in Haste since I'm so rarely in long fights where its advantages really play themselves out.

Spirit is an awesome stat for warlock, especially if you've got at least 13 points in demonology and have demonic aegis. With that spirit is worth 0.39 spellpower, and becomes one of your best secondary stats (primary being hit to cap and spellpower).

Maybe I'm off base for demo specs since I absolutely loathed having to spec 0/41/30 while conflag was nerfed, but haste is a better stat than crit. It takes roughly twice the crit rating to get an extra 1% crit as it does haste rating to get 1% cast time reduction, but on a percentage basis they provide the same DPS increase. Dunno though, maybe with the feltard crit becomes better.

thatbox said:
VT>MB>MF>MF, mob should be dead. If it's not, MB again and then SW:D.

For quests / mob killing, it should be: VE -> SW:p -> MB -> MF

VE will keep your health at 100%, and with dispersion and shadowfiend to regen mana you should never have to stop to eat/drink.
So, I picked up my Tier 9 ilevel 245 shoulders tonight. And...My shaman shoulders look exactly like hunter shoulders? WTF blizz? :lol

TomServo said:
For quests / mob killing, it should be: VE -> SW:p -> MB -> MF

VE will keep your health at 100%, and with dispersion and shadowfiend to regen mana you should never have to stop to eat/drink.

I would just bubble myself and never got hit


No One Remembers
funkmastergeneral said:
So, I picked up my Tier 9 ilevel 245 shoulders tonight. And...My shaman shoulders look exactly like hunter shoulders? WTF blizz? :lol

DK/Pally/Warrior tiers are the same
Hunter/Shaman tier are the same
Druid/Rogue tier are the same

I think you get the picture. Blizz has really shit the bed with item design.
Entropia said:
DK/Pally/Warrior tiers are the same
Hunter/Shaman tier are the same
Druid/Rogue tier are the same

I think you get the picture. Blizz has really shit the bed with item design.

That is silly. I don't mind looking like a shaman on the other faction, but to look exactly like a hunter? So dumb.
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