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World of Warcraft

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Evlar said:
This reminds me of an EQ patch that placed a "Spawn as MOB" button in your character log-in page. When you clicked it you would appear in the game as some random NPC type somewhere in the game... just one of a dozen skeletons standing around a graveyard, for instance. No one could tell from looking that you were different from the eleven AI-controlled skeletons... until you started kiting player characters or doing other shit the AI-controlled enemies wouldn't.

Unfortunately they removed it for its griefing potential almost immediately after it went live.

I remember ambushing and killing noobs as a random ass snake while they were trying to run away. Holy crap, that was so much fun for like the 1 day it was live.
Entropia said:
DK/Pally/Warrior tiers are the same
Hunter/Shaman tier are the same
Druid/Rogue tier are the same

I think you get the picture. Blizz has really shit the bed with item design.

Well to their credit they did somewhat do some pallet swapping so the peices don't look EXACTLY the same. I know the DK peices on the alliance side have shoulders that look rusty while the paladin shoulders are gold and have a ridged look. NOW if Blizz would fix the 2 peice ret pally set bonus so that it provides more than a .3% dps increase we could be in business.

The Dark One


TomServo said:
For quests / mob killing, it should be: VE -> SW:p -> MB -> MF

VE will keep your health at 100%, and with dispersion and shadowfiend to regen mana you should never have to stop to eat/drink.
Start off with a PW:S and you won't need VE - just toss it up on the next mob if you ever do get hurt. VT>MB>MF>MF will kill most things and keep Replenishment rolling for maximum efficiency.


Junior Member
thatbox said:
Start off with a PW:S and you won't need VE - just toss it up on the next mob if you ever do get hurt. VT>MB>MF>MF will kill most things and keep Replenishment rolling for maximum efficiency.

So basically there's two ways to level late in a priest's life with zero downtime.

Going from 58 to 70 was a total faceroll on my priest. Quick as hell too, but I can't discount having heirloom gear and doing it rested nearly 100% of the time.


Once shadowpriests get Dispersion they almost never have to drink. I think my Spriest drank maybe five or six times from 60-80, which is silly.


firex said:
yeah, this is just the AQ stuff again except less ugly. although I kind of like the paladin set looking like Quickman.

the situation is practically the same, ice crown is clearly the end all of this expansion similar to how naxx was the endcap raid for original wow

AQ40 and TOC25m are just kind of half ass stop gap filler raids before the final raid in the xpac

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Ok, I'm getting confused again.
I haven't played in like 10 months, and when I was leveling this character (33 now) for some reason I didn't pay attention to any of my professions. I made my way to journeyman skinner, but how on earth do I level up leatherworking?

I read on a website to turn ruined leatherscraps into light leather, or make light armor kits but I can't find the recipe to do so. The leatherworking trainer in silvermoon city does not have any recipes available to me. I went to the level11 leatherworking trainer right outside silvermoon and he didn't have any beginner recipes for me either!

...so what am I doing wrong?
Macattk15 said:
God the horrors of my pink / purple warrior set makes me cringe when thinking about it.
lol pix plz

Jtwo said:
Ok, I'm getting confused again.
I haven't played in like 10 months, and when I was leveling this character (33 now) for some reason I didn't pay attention to any of my professions. I made my way to journeyman skinner, but how on earth do I level up leatherworking?

I read on a website to turn ruined leatherscraps into light leather, or make light armor kits but I can't find the recipe to do so. The leatherworking trainer in silvermoon city does not have any recipes available to me. I went to the level11 leatherworking trainer right outside silvermoon and he didn't have any beginner recipes for me either!

...so what am I doing wrong?
Blocked for me at work but this page should give you the info you need.


Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
It doesn't though.
Every trainer I've been to on that list doesn't sell any recipes that are my level.
I've been searching that site like mad.

I just tried going to the auction house and no dice there, either.


You learn your initial recipes when you train leatherworking the first time. Open it up from your abilities menu and you'll see all the level 1 recipes.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Thank you!
I knew there was something I was missing.

This game can be so overwhelming when you haven't played in a long time.


yacobod said:
the situation is practically the same, ice crown is clearly the end all of this expansion similar to how naxx was the endcap raid for original wow

AQ40 and TOC25m are just kind of half ass stop gap filler raids before the final raid in the xpac

I'd call ToC25 much more of a half-assed stop gap filler than AQ40. That was an awesome instance, even if the gear look was terrible.

I dressing room'd myself with top items for an AQ40 priest (i.e., what I might have looked like back then with everything up to C'Thun on farm, say maybe, during attempts on Ouro or whatever) -- the result was fucking disgusting. It really was terrible, terrible-looking armor.

26/30 frags, and 8 bosses left in there this week. I CAN TASTE IT


I thought AQ basically sucked until you got to the last bosses. Twin Emperors and C'Thun were kind of cool although today, Twin Emps is a laughable idea that existed only because Blizzard sucked at making other classes besides Warriors into capable tanks.

edit: I actually liked a lot of AQ20's stuff though. Ossirian was a pretty fun fight, as was a lot of the other events.


As Blood Elf Paladins were called "Blood Knights", Tauren Paladins are called "Sunwalkers". I can dig it.

I'm playing my friend's Paladin and Shaman. I'm liking the Shaman, they seem pretty good at DPS as Enhancement in PvE but I get wrecked in PvP, I'm not knocking the class. I am lacking PvP gear and the knowledge of what counters to use against certain classes(I purge everyone I see.:lol) The Paladin was weird to get use to but I skimmed through E&J for their priority list and I got it asides from the mana problems as Ret til I saw they got a cooldown that helps the mana and JoW. I still got my own Paladin at level 35 but I want to level my Warrior first because there aren't a lot of them our server as of lately and the influx of very bad Death Knights make me not want to continue gearing mine up.


Man, I never thought the day would come, but college has officially given me so much work that I no longer have the ability to play WoW for any enjoyable amount of time.

As such, for the first time since I started playing four and a half years ago, I had to cross the threshold.

It wasn't actually as hard as I thought it would have been. I'm not in any sort of high-end raiding guild these days in addition to have a connection that causes my entire internet to die whenever I enter a highly populated city, so these past few months I've been relegated to playing alts.

At any rate, I'll be back. After playing one game this long, there's no way I could just up and leave it for good. More than likely I'll have my account running again before the end of the year. I definitely want to see what Blizzard has in store for 3.3.

C ya l4t3rz 4z3r0th


VaLiancY said:
As Blood Elf Paladins were called "Blood Knights", Tauren Paladins are called "Sunwalkers". I can dig it.

I'm playing my friend's Paladin and Shaman. I'm liking the Shaman, they seem pretty good at DPS as Enhancement in PvE but I get wrecked in PvP, I'm not knocking the class. I am lacking PvP gear and the knowledge of what counters to use against certain classes(I purge everyone I see.:lol) The Paladin was weird to get use to but I skimmed through E&J for their priority list and I got it asides from the mana problems as Ret til I saw they got a cooldown that helps the mana and JoW. I still got my own Paladin at level 35 but I want to level my Warrior first because there aren't a lot of them our server as of lately and the influx of very bad Death Knights make me not want to continue gearing mine up.
Shamans are kind of weak in pvp right now except for resto. I killed some draenei ele shaman 3 times doing my tournament dailies when I hadn't done the boat one before and wound up landing on the alliance boat, and this is with divine plea up constantly so any self heals were MSed. Then again prot pally is a little too strong in 1v1 against any kind of burst dps class since I would survive that burst damage easy and cheat death for 30% of my hp if I actually did manage to get "killed," and neither of us had resilience as far as I could tell. It was still fun seeing that dude chase me all the way over to the horde boat just so I could kill her repeatedly and maybe even give her some repair bills, though.

But really the only spec with survivability atm is resto. Enhance is decent in BGs but pretty weak in arena and almost all of the pvp talents are awful. SR is ok but not a big enough damage reduction, and doesn't last long enough, though at least you can use it against stunlock (which is the worst enemy of the shaman anyway). Ele doesn't have much in the way of defenses aside from thunderstorm and earthbind root. And nobody will heal you as a dps shaman compared to paladin/warrior/DK, which is kind of lame.

Ret paladin, though, has like no mana issues once you get judgements of the wise, because JoW + that talent means you are almost always gaining more mana on judgement cooldown than you are using between cooldowns, and if you aren't, you have divine plea once a minute.

aryies said:
do any of you guys use authenticators? i finally bit the bullet and bought one after my 3rd hack -_-
Never been hacked before, but I bought the keychain authenticator (only one they had at the time) last year around this time, right before WotLK was coming. It's one extra step before I can log in or do anything on the WoW website, but it's worth it.


The Lamonster said:
lol pix plz

Blocked for me at work but this page should give you the info you need.


Hard to be a badass when you look like ...



Some bullet points from Wired's interview with Cory Stockton:

Everyone will get Cataclysm's revamp of the classic zones, regardless of what expansion(s) you own or don't own.
It's not planned to allow players to revisit the original classic zones, but it may be something they do to expand the Caverns of Time.
The main reason for this revamp is Blizzard felt, while leveling alts, that the classic game simply didn't meet the new standards set by The Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King for quest leveling.
There will be a "giant" world event, lasting for about a month, some time after 3.3 and Arthas is defeated that will begin to shape the coming cataclysm.
Most classic achievements will be converted to Feats of Strength since there are substantial changes to almost every area in the classic game. New achievements will be introduced focused on the Cataclysm changes.
The goal behind the new races were to give Alliance a "bestial" race and Horde something more gnomish.
Faction changes will cost money and be something similar to a server transfer or name change, meaning there will no doubt be a cooldown of some sort attached to it.
Many of the starting areas will be modified; Valley of Trials in Durotar will be completely different, for example. Elwynn Forest is one area where there won't be many changes, though, as Blizzard is mostly happy with it. You can probably expect a flight path added to Eastvale Logging Camp.
Most of the quests that require looting items will probably have the amount you need to loot reduced.
Camp Taurajo in the Barrens has been burned down and the Alliance now occupy the area.
Cory Stockton was responsible for the mount changes, and it's something they primarily did to help make the early part of the game feel less grindy and slow, since later on things speed up quite a bit due to faster land and and eventually flying mounts.

I figured they'd do that to the old achievements. Also, quite interesting about the month-long event, should be great fun.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
So, my biggest problem is I never know what zone to do next.
I am a 34 blood elf hunter on undermine.

I did Hillsbrad and thousand needles and quite enjoyed them.
I'm in Desolace right now and hating it.

What are some other great 30-40 zones?
I'm sure as you can tell I'm an extremely casual WoW player, I've had an account since launch and this is the highest level I've gotten to.

So, any and all zone recommendations will be much appreciated!

Thanks guys!


Jtwo said:
So, my biggest problem is I never know what zone to do next.
I am a 34 blood elf hunter on undermine.

I did Hillsbrad and thousand needles and quite enjoyed them.
I'm in Desolace right now and hating it.

What are some other great 30-40 zones?
I'm sure as you can tell I'm an extremely casual WoW player, I've had an account since launch and this is the highest level I've gotten to.

So, any and all zone recommendations will be much appreciated!

Thanks guys!

Dustwallow Marsh and Stranglethorn Vale are your next zones! Dustwallow can carry you to level 40 and it's been recently redesigned so it's much more fun.

Desolace just blows, there's a reason it's being drastically changed in Cataclysm.


Tamanon said:
Once shadowpriests get Dispersion they almost never have to drink. I think my Spriest drank maybe five or six times from 60-80, which is silly.
Are there still classes that have to eat/drink semi-frequently? That much suck, as a Warlock and Warrior I pretty much never touch my food unless a pull goes wrong.

Camp Taurajo in the Barrens has been burned down and the Alliance now occupy the area.

I guess it's to be expected. But the Horde gets Southshore, which is I think the far more coveted prize.


you don't want to do dustwallow at 34 on the horde. Do it at 37 or 38 or so because the horde quests go from there up to about level 44-45. One quest you will probably want to skip is the quest that sends you to a troll witch doctor at grom'gol, because you then get sent back to dustwallow for the worst grind quest I have played in classic WoW (rare drop off underwater mobs with maybe 1-2 paths back onto dry land in the zone), although you get a blue item for completing that quest... so I guess it's not all that bad. but still.

level 34-40 horde is probably easiest done either in STV, or desolace, or if you are really desperate for crap quests and want to skip dustwallow, you can go to swamp of sorrows around level 37-38, maybe a little bit higher. But that's a long way to go for such a crappy zone.

edit: one thing I notice is silverpine forest seems to be a shared 10-20 zone for Worgen and Undead now. maybe not, though. Maybe furries just get some low 20s quests there around the Greymane Wall.


Jtwo said:
So, my biggest problem is I never know what zone to do next.
I am a 34 blood elf hunter on undermine.

I did Hillsbrad and thousand needles and quite enjoyed them.
I'm in Desolace right now and hating it.

What are some other great 30-40 zones?
I'm sure as you can tell I'm an extremely casual WoW player, I've had an account since launch and this is the highest level I've gotten to.

So, any and all zone recommendations will be much appreciated!

Thanks guys!

Yeah Im approaching 30 now on my new reroll. STV is definitely a mid 30's zone though. And the new DW from what I hear is awesome too. Im hoping Dustwallow is as good as it sounds.

Playing on a new server from scratch for the first time in 4 years has shined a light on how bad quest progression is in classic. You dont move from hub to hub in a seamless transition in classic. The quests are all over the fucking place. Your going from one continent to the other to fill in the gaps, and ending up with quests 7 - 8 levels higher than you filling your log forcing you to go to the OTHER level XX zone over in "Insert zone here" to fill the void.

Its insane.


firex said:
I thought AQ basically sucked until you got to the last bosses. Twin Emperors and C'Thun were kind of cool although today, Twin Emps is a laughable idea that existed only because Blizzard sucked at making other classes besides Warriors into capable tanks.

edit: I actually liked a lot of AQ20's stuff though. Ossirian was a pretty fun fight, as was a lot of the other events.

Ossirian was a phenomenal fight. I always secretly enjoyed it and got a real rush every time we got it down. It was one of those rare fights that never felt like it was on farm and was always fun.

Also, 28/30 now. I'm kind of at peace now that it's certain that we'll make this piece of shit. We were all tired tonight and relegated Gen and Yogg to Sunday. So that kill + next week''s Yogg = 30! If odds are fair to me, I'll get #30 before next week's end, so we can actually go for the Yogg+3 kill next week. I'm esssscited.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, I did a fair bit of Stranglethorn last year when my account was active, but I found it too difficult.
Probably now that I'm a couple of levels higher it shouldn't be as bad.

I started the questline in Desolace where you have to befriend one of the centaur tribes.
So far it's not that that bad, but it's just so effing boring.

I figure I'll head out to SV when I'm done and then cruise to dustwallow.

Also, what's the most effective way to make some money as a leatherworker?


I don't know about making money leveling LW, except there's probably a few decent blues that are great for leveling alts or something, or some greens that are better than quest rewards you get for awhile.

And yeah, I liked Ossirian because it was complex but not too frustrating. Lots of stuff to look out for, but it made him fun and brought value to every ranged class, even if it was a bit gimmicky how they did it.


Leatherworking doesn't make money aside from maybe selling Hillsman Cloaks and leg patches when you're higher levels.:/ It's more for character convenience than money-making.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
For some odd reason last night when we did our usual 25-man run we ended up with only four healers. Basicly two good healers and two mediocre-at-best. We managed to one-shot every single boss in that place. We even managed to one-shot Twin Val'kyr even though two of the healers (the mediocre-at-best) managed to get themselves killed by failing to click on portals.


Modesty becomes a woman
border said:
Are there still classes that have to eat/drink semi-frequently? That much suck, as a Warlock and Warrior I pretty much never touch my food unless a pull goes wrong.

Camp Taurajo in the Barrens has been burned down and the Alliance now occupy the area.

I guess it's to be expected. But the Horde gets Southshore, which is I think the far more coveted prize.

Alliance is getting Gilnaes and probably a little bit of silverpine. You win some you lose some.


funkmastergeneral said:
That is silly. I don't mind looking like a shaman on the other faction, but to look exactly like a hunter? So dumb.


The following is entirely speculation, but I suspect it has a grounding in the truth.

That bolded statement? I'm pretty sure that's exactly what Blizzard feels is the problem; you *SHOULD* mind. The whole horde/alliance conflict thing has died down massively. One of the methods they're using to rectify that is trying to return to a feeling of alienation between the two factions; while the Trial of the Champion was presented as a friendly conflict to find people to defeat Arthas, it's very clearly turned out to be anything but. Add to that the mention of Horde-vs-Alliance conflict in Icecrown Citadel and the direction the expansion seems to be going, and that seems to corroborate my feeling.

TL;DR: Blizzard want to spark a feeling of conflict again, a feeling of war again. Segregating horde and alliance visually is the first step.


Modesty becomes a woman
mclem said:

The following is entirely speculation, but I suspect it has a grounding in the truth.

That bolded statement? I'm pretty sure that's exactly what Blizzard feels is the problem; you *SHOULD* mind. The whole horde/alliance conflict thing has died down massively. One of the methods they're using to rectify that is trying to return to a feeling of alienation between the two factions; while the Trial of the Champion was presented as a friendly conflict to find people to defeat Arthas, it's very clearly turned out to be anything but. Add to that the mention of Horde-vs-Alliance conflict in Icecrown Citadel and the direction the expansion seems to be going, and that seems to corroborate my feeling.

TL;DR: Blizzard want to spark a feeling of conflict again, a feeling of war again. Segregating horde and alliance visually is the first step.

It's not a new step, it's not something that players are demanding either. A lot couldn't care less.

They're heading in a bad direction, for the people that DO care no one is liking it so far. You're splitting up the horde between the people that like Garrosh and the ones that don't.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
It's not a new step, it's not something that players are demanding either. A lot couldn't care less.

They're heading in a bad direction, for the people that DO care no one is liking it so far. You're splitting up the horde between the people that like Garrosh and the ones that don't.

It's one tier. It's supposed to be plot advancement and getting people geared up for Icecrown Citadel. I don't care too much about how my char looks since the sets are atleast very functional. Personally, I'd be more outraged over how easy everything is and the fact that next week and onward we'll be running ToC25 four times per week. Imagine that. Just for emblems.
Just restarted my character last night.

Level 46 Warlock.

Its been 2 years, but I want to actually get to the burning crusade content for once.

Also I heard you can get epic mounts at lvl 40 now.

Any truth to this?


YuriLowell said:
Just restarted my character last night.

Level 46 Warlock.

Its been 2 years, but I want to actually get to the burning crusade content for once.

Also I heard you can get epic mounts at lvl 40 now.

Any truth to this?

Just pay a visit to your faction riding trainer, and then to your warlock trainer if you want your Dreadsteed. Anyways mounts are very cheap nowadays I bought one right after learning the skill just to get to the trainer faster :D
Acidote said:
Just pay a visit to your faction riding trainer, and then to your warlock trainer if you want your Dreadsteed. Anyways mounts are very cheap nowadays I bought one right after learning the skill just to get to the trainer faster :D

Thanks for the help.
Gonna go take a visit to ironforge tonight.


I still have a couple character slots open. Been having a lot of fun levelling my resto Tauren druid (lvl 45 now), but I have the itch to either roll Alliance or learn how to use one of the DPS classes. Any GAFfers wanna recruit me? :D

Edit: Here's my current armory


Junior Member
Tamanon said:
Leatherworking doesn't make money aside from maybe selling Hillsman Cloaks and leg patches when you're higher levels.:/ It's more for character convenience than money-making.

Yup, something most people don't realize until they've already got a character at max level. If anything leveling a crafting profession costs you money, especially with the faster leveling from 1-70.

No crafting professsion makes money at all until max level. At that point money's raining from the sky (well, dailies) and it's not worth it to bother. Last time I crafted something for someone else was a guy offering 100g to make a Deathchill Cloak with his mats.

Herbalism & mining are the best for money making as you level. Skinning isn't even that good, because most people that take two gathering professions take herbalism or mining and then take skinning, so skinners are by far the most common gatherers.


Worships the porcelain goddess
TomServo said:
Herbalism & mining are the best for money making as you level. Skinning isn't even that good, because most people that take two gathering professions take herbalism or mining and then take skinning, so skinners are by far the most common gatherers.

What would be good crafts for a casual Hunter who hopes to experience PvE and some PvP (unless I get seriously addicted to PvP as a Hunter)?


From what I've heard ... heroic ToC is actually tough. On par with Ulduar hard modes. So I wouldn't go complaining about it being so easy just yet.

I for one hope it is difficult ... that way it takes time to get through it and less time to spend in Ulduar (which I now loathe as much as Naxx) ... it's probably due to Mimiron hard mode attempts.
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