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World of Warcraft

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Lost all credibility.
Tamanon said:
Yeah, it's sad, my 80 mage, my original Vanilla WoW raider is still only Honored with the alliance cities, rep was awful back then.
It's funny you say that because I'm lvl 72 and the only groups I'm exalted with are Stormwind, Darnassus, and Exodar. All you have to do is run through stupid easy starting zone quests, then buy some cheap cloth on AH, which can all be done in a day. Meanwhile other groups have quests specifically made to be done over and over again in the span of several days, either that or grind some random drops off of some random high level mob.


Alliance also get that damn human racial to make it even easier.

Goblins should get something like that imo. Free Trade boosting reputation increases for all factions.

Because their talents don't seem awesome enough already.

Eric WK

firex said:
They already get the best discount possible. I just hope it's added on to reputation discounts.

The way it's worded makes it sound like you just get the Exalted discount immediately for all factions. Nothing more than that.


Modesty becomes a woman
Eric WK said:
The way it's worded makes it sound like you just get the Exalted discount immediately for all factions. Nothing more than that.

That doesn't seem right, then everyone would just send their grays to their goblin bank alt and vendor it all for more money.

I'm sure by release it'll be one level rep higher than what you have. I.E. Neutral = friendly.


Eric WK said:
The way it's worded makes it sound like you just get the Exalted discount immediately for all factions. Nothing more than that.
Yeah, but then that makes the racial pointless in the end and most of the good factions always come in at max level. So I hope they add in an extra little bonus, kind of like how for night elves, shadowmeld is a stealth bonus for druids/rogues instead of being useless.
firex said:
Yeah, but then that makes the racial pointless in the end and most of the good factions always come in at max level. So I hope they add in an extra little bonus, kind of like how for night elves, shadowmeld is a stealth bonus for druids/rogues instead of being useless.

What they really need to do is apply it to reputation requirements for items, then it would be incredibly desirable. Imagine being able to buy the epic head and shoulder enchants as soon as you hit 80... but it won't happen. Doesn't gel with the name.


Well, we just disbanded the guild that I've been in since I started playing the game. It will remain alive and filled with alts, which is important because it was quite likely the first guild on the server that still exists, having been formed in the Dwarf start area an hour after opening.

Our raiders joined up with a guild that's stepping up to 25 man content from being a mostly 10s guild and I'm loving it. My play time has dropped considerably now that I'm not having to help organise the raids, recruiting and general house-keeping, but it's more enjoyable as a whole.

We one shot most of Ulduar 10 and 25 this week, which is a lot better than the guild had been doing before they absorbed us, so it appears as though everyone is happy. Even the people who are being sat out of raids now when they haven't been before aren't complaining because they have so many more people to play with that they'll always be able to find something to do instead.

So happy!


Rep was absolutely abysmal back then. Before I stopped though I was able to hit all exalted pretty easy through the Argent Tournament though.
I'm a lvl 78 mining/skinning Nelf Hunter and I need to make 1000g as quick as possible. Right now I'm just questing a lot and auctioning stuff I collect along the way.

Any suggestions for making money faster than this?


Lost all credibility.
The Lamonster said:
I'm a lvl 78 mining/skinning Nelf Hunter and I need to make 1000g as quick as possible. Right now I'm just questing a lot and auctioning stuff I collect along the way.

Any suggestions for making money faster than this?
I hear daily quests can make you money. I'm not sure where you find those though.


get to 80 and knock out a zone or two. what do you need 1k gold for in particular? I would also stay BM if you are going to be solo questing (unless you have dual spec already, then I'd just make one spec BM for soloing) since zones can be worth like 1k+ easily at 80, depending upon how much of them you have left. And yeah, the dailies are great. doing the whole tournament grind on my paladin from beginning up to crusader rank has earned me about 4k gold.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I don't know what's going on... I'm trying to fish Old Crancy in Orgrimmar and I've literally spent 9 hours trying now. 9 hours non-stop, I'm collapsing infront of my comp so I better go to bed...

I've heard some people got it in less than 5 minutes, it's fucking sad.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Duki said:
oh you're right about that being sad
yeah, 9 hours is kinda excessive.

though i've been in the same frame of mind when playing WoW too. I was camping the spawn of Humar, the black lion in the barrens. i camped it for about 12 hours.

watched movies and read stuff while WoW was running in the background. got him eventually. it was totally worth it....... for about a day, and then i thought, "why'd i bother?".

you know the worst thing about it? i did it AGAIN for broken tooth in the badlands. woe is me.


Modesty becomes a woman
Scrow said:
yeah, 9 hours is kinda excessive.

though i've been in the same frame of mind when playing WoW too. I was camping the spawn of Humar, the black lion in the barrens. i camped it for about 12 hours.

watched movies and read stuff while WoW was running in the background. got him eventually. it was totally worth it....... for about a day, and then i thought, "why'd i bother?".

you know the worst thing about it? i did it AGAIN for broken tooth in the badlands. woe is me.


I saw him the other day on my way to ogrimmar and decided to jump on my (44) hunter just for shits and giggles, took me like 20 mins and I got out there and he was still there sleeping.


Speaking of sad, I decided to start going for Loremaster and The Seeker this weekend. I quested the entire way from 1-58 at the start of BC but I skipped a lot of group quests and quests that sent me halfway around the world and back again. It is definitely slow but not nearly as annoying as I thought it would be. I got Loremaster of Eastern Kingdoms yesterday but I'm still 220ish quests away from Loremaster of Kalimdor. And 100 more quests until I get the Seeker.

Newbie zones and the Barrens were hot. I nabbed 100 quests just by doing the Orc/Troll newbie zones and the Barrens which I hardly touched on my way up. I still have all of the Tauren quests in Mulgore to go through as well. After that it is gonna be slow going. I've cleared out all of Ashenvale and Stonetalon as well so after Mulgore I'm still going to have 200ish quests to go and all the low level zones gone. Ohh well, at least I haven't touched that new quest hub in Dustwallow.


Junior Member
IIRC there's some serious faction gains from some of the world events. My current main was created about a month before 3.0 went live, and I'm exalted with all of the Horde factions. I think it was the Midsummer Festival that gave like 50 rep for putting out / lighting each fire.

Got 5/5 t8.5 last night when a bunch of the preists ahead of me on EPGP decided to sit out Yogg. We can stop raiding Ulduar now, kthnx.
firex said:
what do you need 1k gold for in particular?
Tamanon said:
I'm thinking the 1k gold is for Cold Weather flying.
Close, I just got Cold Weather Flying, but now I'm about 1k away from being able to afford an epic flyer.

I'm thinking I'll just do AV until I reach 80 (lololol), then the quests will give me more money.
The Lamonster said:
Close, I just got Cold Weather Flying, but now I'm about 1k away from being able to afford an epic flyer.

I'm thinking I'll just do AV until I reach 80 (lololol), then the quests will give me more money.

If you have access to an enchanter and jewelcrafter I manage to make over 1000g a day very easily. I just creat 4 level 70 green items very cheapily, disenchant them, and then sell enchants on vellums or just the mats themselves. The items to create are Sun Rock Ring, Bloodstone Band, and Crystal Citrine Necklace.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I'm thinking about picking up Engineering on my DK. Insane, or awesome. :lol

I have no interest in whatever min/maxing gain it provides, it just sounds hilarious.


Junior Member
funkmastergeneral said:
If you have access to an enchanter and jewelcrafter I manage to make over 1000g a day very easily. I just creat 4 level 70 green items very cheapily, disenchant them, and then sell enchants on vellums or just the mats themselves. The items to create are Sun Rock Ring, Bloodstone Band, and Crystal Citrine Necklace.

I leveled mining and jewelcrafting on my 58 DK (who's been a bank alt since the launch of WotLK) simply to prospect the bags and bags of saronite I've mined on my 80 priest alt that are now nearly worthless because of epic gems. My main is an enchanter, so expect some decent returns.

The funny thing is now I want to level my DK. Having to go back through the old world at 58 just to level professions was a big disincentive not to level him, and now that's gone. My /castsequence macro (Icy Touch, Blood Strike, Blood Strike, Plague Strike, Death Strike, Death Coil) let me one button /faceroll from 58 to 60 in an hour or two. That's with a less than ideal spec too, since I have 17 points in unholy for On a Pale Horse.


Angry Grimace said:
I'm thinking about picking up Engineering on my DK. Insane, or awesome. :lol

I have no interest in whatever min/maxing gain it provides, it just sounds hilarious.

Rocket Boots > Min/Maxing.


Angry Grimace said:
I'm thinking about picking up Engineering on my DK. Insane, or awesome. :lol

I have no interest in whatever min/maxing gain it provides, it just sounds hilarious.

Engineering is pretty awesome for PvP. Pyro Rocket pew pew.


We are having a hard time with the Faction Champions, on 10 and 25. Seems like we can't get a full group together with the right composition, paying attention, and executing.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Macattk15 said:
Engineering is pretty awesome for PvP. Pyro Rocket pew pew.
It just looks like fun. Maybe the benefits aren't as straight up as Blacksmithing = 2 sockets, or JC Dragon's Eyes, but still pretty neat.

My DK is still geared pretty cruddy (70% ilvl 200) but holy god is Blood DK overpowered.


With Engineering you also get:
-An acution house in Dalaran
-mail box everywhere!!!!
-bank access everywhere
-best flying mount in the game

Way better than some useless extra stats.


On 10 man we found it easier to drop a few DPS first (enhance shaman, rogue, caster) and just DPS through the heals.

On 25 man we'd kill the Resto Shaman first (be ready to mass dispel bloodlust and to dispel the blessing of protection immediately). After that generally the squishiest DPS classes go down in order with rogue taking priority cause he hurts. Keep the warlock out of the raid always as he'll just SPAM hellfire. Stay spread out.


I like engineering, but it's pretty niche as a profession now. You do kind of get to turn it into another gathering profession with the mote extractor, though. Speaking of which, I really need to find a good mod that adds gas clouds to the map like gatherer does for herbs/minerals.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
My Shadow Priest and my DK can do about the same damage to a single target over a say, 3-4 minute span, the only difference is, my DK has approximately an entire tier lower gear and requires no wind up beyond Icy Touch + Plague Strike.

Then again, I didn't really level my SP for the purposes of DPSing, it just turned out that way because I ultimately found healing pretty middling at endgame.


Both DK's and Feral druids are both OP in respects to being Hybrids. They should be put more in-line with current hybrids (aka warriors)

Sure single target I will beat the DK in my guild (http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Trollbane&n=nerz) SOMETIMES. Firefighter 25 man ... coming out of the first phase I'll generally be above him at around 6200-6500 DPS depending on how many times I have to run out or avoid stuff.

He'll be right underneath me though. Same with the feral druid. The Fury warrior is left in the dust.

Nerf the DK/Ferals or bring Arms/Fury up. They should still all be behind rogue however.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
I am having the worst luck in H ToC. Hardly any cloth has been dropping. So far all I have is the dps helm and the healing necklace. I really just want the main hand stuff, and maybe the cloak, but no dice.

Could definitely tell school was starting up on my server. LFG was virtually dead. Even getting something going for the daily or H ToC took a few minutes. Guess I'll be doing more dailies to occupy my time, then. =/

Edit: Before I forget, for a disc priest, between spirit and mp5, which should I prioritize for mana regen generally?


Lost all credibility.
So I started a priest and I'm doing Tailoring, plus herbalism for money. I'm wondering if I switch herb with enchanting and sell the reagents I get from disenchanting my tailored items, can I at least make close to the same amount of money as with selling herbs?

Eric WK

Mr Nash said:
I am having the worst luck in H ToC. Hardly any cloth has been dropping. So far all I have is the dps helm and the healing necklace. I really just want the main hand stuff, and maybe the cloak, but no dice.

Could definitely tell school was starting up on my server. LFG was virtually dead. Even getting something going for the daily or H ToC took a few minutes. Guess I'll be doing more dailies to occupy my time, then. =/

Edit: Before I forget, for a disc priest, between spirit and mp5, which should I prioritize for mana regen generally?

Unless something has changed since I was playing my Priest: MP5 for Disc, Spirit for Holy.


Junior Member
sykoex said:
So I started a priest and I'm doing Tailoring, plus herbalism for money. I'm wondering if I switch herb with enchanting and sell the reagents I get from disenchanting my tailored items, can I at least make close to the same amount of money as with selling herbs?

There are minimum levels to DE, so you'd have to level enchanting somewhat closely with tailoring to DE the gear. If you do that, you'll consume everything you DE (crafted items, quest rewards, greens, blues).

Enchanting is stupidly expensive to level, especially when you hit 58 / 68 and are ready to go level in the new content but your enchanting level is too low to use any of the recipes or mats you'll get in the new world. You either get to put your profession leveling on hold, your character leveling on hold, or raid the AH and spend a ton of gold (what I did, and it hurt).

If anything drop tailoring and pick up alchemy. The only benefit tailoring / enchanting has over that combo is the min / max aspect of having both the ring enchants and the cloak embroidery.
Someone convince me to log back in. Between 360 and Dragonica and well, life, I couldn't care less about the world of warcraft and it's shitty 3.2 patch. Expansion should be released in November!


Son of Godzilla said:
Someone convince me to log back in. Between 360 and Dragonica and well, life, I couldn't care less about the world of warcraft and it's shitty 3.2 patch. Expansion should be released in November!

I'd probably wager that the World of Warcraft, including it's shitty 3.2 patch couldn't care less about you!

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Mr Nash said:
I am having the worst luck in H ToC. Hardly any cloth has been dropping. So far all I have is the dps helm and the healing necklace. I really just want the main hand stuff, and maybe the cloak, but no dice.

Could definitely tell school was starting up on my server. LFG was virtually dead. Even getting something going for the daily or H ToC took a few minutes. Guess I'll be doing more dailies to occupy my time, then. =/

Edit: Before I forget, for a disc priest, between spirit and mp5, which should I prioritize for mana regen generally?
mp5, but it's not a sexy stat. Spirit just doesn't really do enough for disc to be worth it, not to mention regen from it is pretty middling.


Junior Member
Son of Godzilla said:
Someone convince me to log back in. Between 360 and Dragonica and well, life, I couldn't care less about the world of warcraft and it's shitty 3.2 patch. Expansion should be released in November!
Wait until 4.0, seriously. :|
Son of Godzilla said:
Someone convince me to log back in. Between 360 and Dragonica and well, life, I couldn't care less about the world of warcraft and it's shitty 3.2 patch. Expansion should be released in November!

Don't bother with it until we fight Arthas. The Collesium isn't that interesting even though the gear is great.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Hoping to raid tonight to get my DK back into Ulduar tonight after benching him for the Priest for a while. Priest is as geared as he's going to get pre-guild getting into ToC (half the guild went back to school and we need to regroup, but Ulduar 10 is pretty puggable up to Auriaya.)

Need moar phat armor pen lewt!

What I REALLY want out of 3.2.2 is to know where I get my pet Kel'thuzad:



Finally got all my goblin reps to exalted. Everlook took forever. No more Dire Maul runs ever again! 36 Exalted. Just need to finish Zandalar tribe, Thorium Brotherhood, Keepers of Time, and Brood of Nozdormu / Hydraxian Waterlords.


good luck with the last 2. I hope you can find someone to help you do enough raiding to either collect carapaces or clear AQ20/40 every week for Brood, and clear MC for Hydraxians.
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