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World of Warcraft

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Mr Nash said:
Even getting something going for the daily or H ToC took a few minutes.

Oh no, not "a few minutes"! :p

You're a healer -- just imagine how it is for DPS. My warlock can sit in LFG all night and sometimes not get a run of ToC. I think most of the healers and tanks have gotten everything they want out of it, and all we're left with is this glut of trash DKs who can't tank but need the gear. Plus I'm told it's shitty to have to heal ToC, so there's another disincentive for healers to revisit it after they get their gear.


it's not bad until the last boss, then it's just a dps check. and if your dps is retarded, oh boy is that ever fun. Especially when they bitch about getting 1-2 shotted right at the start when there's really nothing that can be done about it (at least as a shaman, maybe a disc priest could just bubble them and pain suppression the tank).

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
firex said:
it's not bad until the last boss, then it's just a dps check. and if your dps is retarded, oh boy is that ever fun. Especially when they bitch about getting 1-2 shotted right at the start when there's really nothing that can be done about it (at least as a shaman, maybe a disc priest could just bubble them and pain suppression the tank).
How do you get 1 shotted right at the start?

The only way to really "fail" is if more than 2 corpses explode in P2 on one guy and/or not enough DPS in P3 when he's shooting those fucking ghost fireballs.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
1up said:
Finally got all my goblin reps to exalted. Everlook took forever. No more Dire Maul runs ever again! 36 Exalted. Just need to finish Zandalar tribe, Thorium Brotherhood, Keepers of Time, and Brood of Nozdormu / Hydraxian Waterlords.

If I had the goblin reps fixed I'd be at 39. >.<

Any fast painless way to do it?


Angry Grimace said:
How do you get 1 shotted right at the start?

The only way to really "fail" is if more than 2 corpses explode in P2 on one guy and/or not enough DPS in P3 when he's shooting those fucking ghost fireballs.
I've only really had it happen to clothies with about 12k hp, and basically they just get hit by his first ghost spell thing and then immediately hit with a followup. It only happens when they're too dumb to group up so chain heal will bounce to them.


Macattk15 said:
Nerf the DK/Ferals or bring Arms/Fury up. They should still all be behind rogue however.

idk fury warriors are in pretty good shape atm, certainly better now then they were when ulduar first hit

are you specced 3/3 into improved cleaved with it glyphed? its a far superior dps spec for most fights in ulduar like razorscale, kolo, thorim, yogg, cat bitch, tree bitch, etc

you will do way more dmg on any fight with any sort of aoe component specced into cleave, single target you will do the same as before
okay so im finally getting back into the swing of things, but what happened to the skills for pets that you used to buy from the warlock trainer?


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
YuriLowell said:
okay so im finally getting back into the swing of things, but what happened to the skills for pets that you used to buy from the warlock trainer?

Thankfully those are learned automaticly now. :)


I've been amassing a set of Holy gear through the expansion but I've been ret for 99% of WotLK. I finally decided to heal a heroic ToC and got a group almost instantly. We had a bear druid with 29k hp which seemed a little low to me but I healed all through BC so I figured I could carry him. We got through the joust fine and reset the encounter to wipe agro. We zoned back in and he pulled. I toss a sacred shield on him right as he agro'd and start casting a flash of light. He was dead before it landed. I immediately have group chat filled with cussing about the lack of heals.

We zoned back in and I inspected him. He had 3 pieces of honor gear and the rest was dps greens and blues. We pulled again and I just spammed holy lights. He dropped to 20% as each one hit and I was at 10% mana when he got bursted down between chain holy lights. The DPS had still not killed any of the 3 bosses. He then threw another tantrum and said I should have been using flash of lights because "they are faster" like they heal for the same amount or something.

Now I remember why I didn't stay Holy this x-pac.


yacobod said:
idk fury warriors are in pretty good shape atm, certainly better now then they were when ulduar first hit

are you specced 3/3 into improved cleaved with it glyphed? its a far superior dps spec for most fights in ulduar like razorscale, kolo, thorim, yogg, cat bitch, tree bitch, etc

you will do way more dmg on any fight with any sort of aoe component specced into cleave, single target you will do the same as before

I'm a rogue. I used to be a warrior.

I don't know what our Fury warriors are spec'ed as. Probably not that. I will have to let them know if they don't already. Though I'd like to see them do more single target DPS and not just cheesy AoE DPS.

Hell my numbers are insane when I can throw Fan of Knives in the mix.


Macattk15 said:
I'm a rogue. I used to be a warrior.

I don't know what our Fury warriors are spec'ed as. Probably not that. I will have to let them know if they don't already. Though I'd like to see them do more single target DPS and not just cheesy AoE DPS.

Hell my numbers are insane when I can throw Fan of Knives in the mix.

Fury will probably be a lot better off once the 4.0 patch hits, as there are some talents that are recommended that I feel will end up being made baseline or gotten rid of entirely. The rage changes will also hit then I'd imagine and Blizz will have to give warriors a good looking at then.

I'm cautiously optimistic for 4.0 and warriors.


Junior Member
Wrekt said:
Now I remember why I didn't stay Holy this x-pac.

I drop PUGs like bad habits if they die due to their own stupidity and blame my priest. Stand in the fire and blame me for not healing you? Later.

I also like to let dps die when they won't back off to let a newbie tank hold aggro. Usually you only have to let them die once to get them to realize you're not going to heal them through their inability to watch aggro.


FLEABttn said:
Fury will probably be a lot better off once the 4.0 patch hits, as there are some talents that are recommended that I feel will end up being made baseline or gotten rid of entirely. The rage changes will also hit then I'd imagine and Blizz will have to give warriors a good looking at then.

I'm cautiously optimistic for 4.0 and warriors.

Would be cool. Warrior is the class I had been playing since launch up until the Titan's Grip nerf. At that point I was just so sick of all of the nerfs that class has seen (with the occasional buffs inbetween) that I just played my 80 alt rogue instead.

Now the rogue is geared as well (maybe a bit better) than my warrior and I effortlessly put up higher DPS ... as a rogue should. But I still wish for warriors to be buffed and I secretly want to play it again!


Worships the porcelain goddess
Hunter update! Currently level 31. I play about a hour a night or so and a bit more on weekends. Not bad. Currently rocking a Turtle, Bear and Cat pets for fun. Going to make the Turtle a Turtledin later on.

Armory Profile

Let my lvl 31 ness grip your heart with fear! :lol AH is very odd on the server I'm on.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
TomServo said:
I drop PUGs like bad habits if they die due to their own stupidity and blame my priest. Stand in the fire and blame me for not healing you? Later.

I also like to let dps die when they won't back off to let a newbie tank hold aggro. Usually you only have to let them die once to get them to realize you're not going to heal them through their inability to watch aggro.
The only tanks I can really pull off of in a heroic is Warriors that don't quite understand the need to spam Heroic Strike (it's not as intuitive as it would sound since you have to press the button once a second or so to keep threat up.) when DPS is putting out really serious amounts of DPS.


No One Remembers
Angry Grimace said:
The only tanks I can really pull off of in a heroic is Warriors that don't quite understand the need to spam Heroic Strike (it's not as intuitive as it would sound since you have to press the button once a second or so to keep threat up.) when DPS is putting out really serious amounts of DPS.

Devestate, Revenge, Shield Slam, Heroic strike.

I mash the shit out of all 4 at the same time when tanking!


FLEABttn said:
Fury will probably be a lot better off once the 4.0 patch hits, as there are some talents that are recommended that I feel will end up being made baseline or gotten rid of entirely. The rage changes will also hit then I'd imagine and Blizz will have to give warriors a good looking at then.

I'm cautiously optimistic for 4.0 and warriors.
I'm kind of hoping it's the same for Arms. I enjoy leveling my arms warrior but it's probably not the best dps spec, although I do like that I can solo level, or psuedo-tank (unrelenting assault + 3/5 deflection gives me a little bit of extra ezmode threat) or jump into a BG and level that way pretty easily.

although I don't really care about warrior tanking. I like the rhythm game of paladin tanking and 969 rotation.


Junior Member
Angry Grimace said:
The only tanks I can really pull off of in a heroic is Warriors that don't quite understand the need to spam Heroic Strike...

My warlock can pull from our DK tank and feral tank pretty easily, especially on fights with high burst periods. I usually finish at the top of the meters on our Vezax kills, and with one of those two I'm more threat-capped than anything else.

Pally tank does a good job, our warrior is fucking pro. Holding aggro on hardmode Hodir while our mage knocked out +20K dps for the fight. I try to pull from him and I can't.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
TomServo said:
My warlock can pull from our DK tank and feral tank pretty easily, especially on fights with high burst periods. I usually finish at the top of the meters on our Vezax kills, and with one of those two I'm more threat-capped than anything else.

Pally tank does a good job, our warrior is fucking pro. Holding aggro on hardmode Hodir while our mage knocked out +20K dps for the fight. I try to pull from him and I can't.
Warriors single target threat is extremely high (probably higher than any other claseses) provided you have a very fast Heroic Strike finger; it generates a shitload of threat on top of Shield Slam, Devastate, etc. but since most tanking weapons are sub-2.0 second weapons, it pretty much requires spamming HS as fast as you can get it, which actually can cause physical pain. At least to me :lol. The threat modifier on HS is a static number, not a percentage of the damage it causes.


Warriors have a nifty little ability called Vigilance, which helps threat greatly.

Paladin's threat is being nerfed by 10% to bring it in line with other tanks, because apparantly Blizzard thinks the "highest TPS" niche for Prot Pallies is stupid lol.


Junior Member
Kyoufu said:
Warriors have a nifty little ability called Vigilance, which helps threat greatly.

Vigilance rocks. Loved it when we raided with two warriors, because I was always second in line behind that pro mage to get it.


firex said:
good luck with the last 2. I hope you can find someone to help you do enough raiding to either collect carapaces or clear AQ20/40 every week for Brood, and clear MC for Hydraxians.

There is a group on my server that clears MC, BWL, and sometimes AQ40 every sunday. I always run with them.


1up said:
There is a group on my server that clears MC, BWL, and sometimes AQ40 every sunday. I always run with them.
make sure you get the Broodlord's head quest then. you should be able to easily solo grind to exalted Brood rep that way.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Kyoufu said:
Warriors have a nifty little ability called Vigilance, which helps threat greatly.

Paladin's threat is being nerfed by 10% to bring it in line with other tanks, because apparantly Blizzard thinks the "highest TPS" niche for Prot Pallies is stupid lol.
The stated reasoning is that the bonus threat is so high that Off tanks trying to maintain a secondary threat level would pull off MTs.
God I need SO many seals to get Scourgestalker its unreal.
I feel like a right tit running about with Naxx 10 teir with stuff like Sirens cry (bow) from U25 when there still scrubs with greens that have higher tier bits than me :lol

My dude

ps fuck being 3 points under hitcap -_-


We finally got the Faction Champs down in 10 man the other night and killed the next bosses. Hodir went down last night as well, first time in a while due to stupid PUG DPS we get.


Maxrpg said:
I'm back in. :lol I thought I was past this game!

Goddamn Cataclysm announcement.. :lol

I can feel your pain man. I'm getting back to the goddamn game for the 3rd time now! Cataclysm for the win :lol


Has problems recognising girls
Wrekt said:
Now I remember why I didn't stay Holy this x-pac.
Been there before, dozens of times. If anyone has a problem with my healing capabilities, especially if that class that can provide healing spells as well, I tell them to respec and do a better job because they obviously know what is best.


So I'm thinking of getting back into the game with the announcement of the cataclysm expac and having just bought a high end computer, wondering if anyone wanted to do RAF if they still have that offer going.
Is there an addon that works with iTunes to display what song is playing?

Sebulon3k said:
So I'm thinking of getting back into the game with the announcement of the cataclysm expac and having just bought a high end computer, wondering if anyone wanted to do RAF if they still have that offer going.
I'd love to.

Server: Stormscale
Name: Lamonster


The Lamonster said:
Is there an addon that works with iTunes to display what song is playing?

I'd love to.

Server: Stormscale
Name: Lamonster

Would love to but want an East Coast server if possible :D


Lost all credibility.
How much should I value armor in gear stats as a priest? Like if a new cloak offers +2 armor but -2 intellect should i bother equipping it?
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