Thanks. One less stat to mull over.firex said:nope. Armor is a worthless stat for anyone who's not a tank.
Thanks. One less stat to mull over.firex said:nope. Armor is a worthless stat for anyone who's not a tank.
Angry Grimace said:Koralon: even more PUG friendly than Emalon.
Literally. He drops fire patches. Don't stand in them.SuperAndroid17 said:havent read about it..
whats it about? dont stand in the fire? :lol
That's ok. My S-Priest Gloves dropped on Fire guy. While I was on my DK :lolInfinitemadness said:Son of a bitch, I needed gloves REALLY bad despite wanting shoulders from triumph badges/trophy. So I went a head and got gloves and low and behold, Rogue gloves drop from new Fire guy in Archavon. Sometimes this game fucks with me.
well, if you could have rolled on them then you could also have sold back your bought ones!Infinitemadness said:Son of a bitch, I needed gloves REALLY bad despite wanting shoulders from triumph badges/trophy. So I went a head and got gloves and low and behold, Rogue gloves drop from new Fire guy in Archavon. Sometimes this game fucks with me.
Same here, the first fight is obviously a DPS race with the last boss having a hard enrage.Macattk15 said:Heroic ToC is definitely a ballbreaker.
Worms come out after 3 mins on Gormok. We'd be killing Gormok as they became active basically.
Never made it out of phase 2 though. We'll be back tomorrow ... only spent about 30 mins in there tonight.
Got him to 1.3m with a PUG on attempt No. 1, then downed him 2 tries later. If the fires weren't hard to see while in the middle, the fight would be easier than Archavon, because the tanks just kite them around the edge of the room to keep melee out of the fire, while ranged and heals stay in the middle. The only reason you can't do that is because grouped up ranged will die to a fire patch.rhfb said:Other than the fires being insanely hard to see, Koralon is super easy. Sucks that VoA drops PvP gear though, as that was all we got (and not even my class)
You missed the point a bit.border said:
It seems like garbage. Tanks are already defense capped and if you aren't you'd be insane to rely on an item's proc to keep you capped. I understand that they want to make it like the old item, but lose a ton of stats for one lame proc. They could have at least had it proc +100 dodge or +100 parry or something a little more useful.
Considering that Onyxia will probably have a 1 week lockout, I'd plan on farming Heroic ToC for the sword that drops there.
TomServo said:Trophies of the crusade are causing EPGP loot distribution to become a PITA. Raid leader is asking what piece someone will buy when they win the item, then charging them based on that. One trophy took five minutes to hand out / charge EP for because the RL got confused about what item the winner was going to buy.
Personally I think it's shit to charge full EP for an item that requires a bunch of badges to be useful. I won't be bidding on them until I'm swimming in badges and can instantly turn around and purchase that piece of iLevel 245 t9 gear. I just got my 5/5 t8.5 as well, think I want to enjoy wearing that for a while.
Anub'arak was a faceroll on normal. You can completely ignore permafrost and just burn him down. Didn't get into any of the heroic mode encounters, server came up way late and the aforementioned loot stupidity meant we didn't finish normal until 12AM EST.
border said:
It seems like garbage. Tanks are already defense capped and if you aren't you'd be insane to rely on an item's proc to keep you capped. I understand that they want to make it like the old item, but lose a ton of stats for one lame proc. They could have at least had it proc +100 dodge or +100 parry or something a little more useful.
Considering that Onyxia will probably have a 1 week lockout, I'd plan on farming Heroic ToC for the sword that drops there.
TomServo said:Trophies of the crusade are causing EPGP loot distribution to become a PITA. Raid leader is asking what piece someone will buy when they win the item, then charging them based on that. One trophy took five minutes to hand out / charge EP for because the RL got confused about what item the winner was going to buy.
Personally I think it's shit to charge full EP for an item that requires a bunch of badges to be useful. I won't be bidding on them until I'm swimming in badges and can instantly turn around and purchase that piece of iLevel 245 t9 gear. I just got my 5/5 t8.5 as well, think I want to enjoy wearing that for a while.
Anub'arak was a faceroll on normal. You can completely ignore permafrost and just burn him down. Didn't get into any of the heroic mode encounters, server came up way late and the aforementioned loot stupidity meant we didn't finish normal until 12AM EST.
funkmastergeneral said:all the Onyxia gear is like that. Did you see the updated tier 2 helms? They still have the random nearly useless +10 resistances
I got one piece of triumph gear and won't be touching anymore for awhile now. Since hard modes will give out loot tokens instead I figure I'll just save my emblems for the time being and pick up a new trinket, ring, and relic.
The Lamonster said:Anyone here get the Green Proto-Drake?
I'm thinking it will be my first goal once I reach 80 and wondering how realistic it is. I'm hearing six months of hatching eggs should be the longest it would take, but I could also get it in a week or too with a little luck.
firex said:oh, I was hoping it'd be a quest and stuff, and not just a drop. I'll still hope I can get it because the proc is cool and the weapon looks cool, and that's honestly just as important for me considering I will never get a higher item level tank weapon, unless they add one to badge vendors or the icecrown 5 mans. Plus if I had to guess, the proc will be pretty frequent. Maybe not full uptime, but I bet it can be given 25-40% uptime for warrior/paladin tanks (would probably proc off HotR and seal of corruption weapon damage procs for paladins). But I mean seriously, I only want the ToC tank sword for better stats, while I would take the redone Quel for looks + stats.
cubicle47b said:The heroic modes don't actually drop tokens / trophies. The tribute chest that you get at the end of a heroic run does and the number you get is based on how many attempts you have left.
Epix said:So who's dropping the Regalia tokens?
Epix said:Roflstomped 10man ToC normal then started getting owned in ToC 10 man heroic. Granted we had a pug healer but the rest of the group was from our elite 10 man (Yogg+1, firefighter ect). Definitely a step up in difficulty not to mention a little buggy. We had the worms spawn will first boss was still up and 3rd boss spawn while worms were still up.
cubicle47b said:The tribute chest you get after you kill Anub.
Ensidia killed the heroic Valkyries and have 44 attempts left. That's insane.
Snap.Macattk15 said:Uh. That's not a bug.
That's how heroic is. You have 3 mins to kill Gormok. If he isn't dead ... the worms will come anyway. If you kill him before 3 mins then good job.
To be fair, the game really can't be designed around continental All-Star guilds. Most people are reporting heroic mode to be extremely tough so far.cubicle47b said:The tribute chest you get after you kill Anub.
Ensidia killed the heroic Valkyries and have 44 attempts left. That's insane.
I agree. If you manage to kill the first 4 bosses and can't kill Anub then no tokens for youfunkmastergeneral said:That's stupid, so we won't even begin to be seeing level 258 tier gear until we clear the entire hardmode? =/
It's complete luck so no one can really say for sure.The Lamonster said:Anyone here get the Green Proto-Drake?
I'm thinking it will be my first goal once I reach 80 and wondering how realistic it is. I'm hearing six months of hatching eggs should be the longest it would take, but I could also get it in a week or too with a little luck.
The vendors who sell the 258 gear are named Isimode and Faesrol for a reason.funkmastergeneral said:That's stupid, so we won't even begin to be seeing level 258 tier gear until we clear the entire hardmode? =/
Angry Grimace said:To be fair, the game really can't be designed around continental All-Star guilds. Most people are reporting heroic mode to be extremely tough so far.
Sort makes one wonder how long Blizzard intends to hang this particular instances on us. Doesn't seem like it's going to entertain players for too long. Honestly, I think Aion's arrival has pretty great timing; I have serious doubts there will be anything at all to do in the time it takes me to play and get bored of Aion.cubicle47b said:It is extremely tough which is why their level of performance is insane. They'll probably kill Anub'arak on hard-mode today and be done with TotC progression after just a few short hours.
Angry Grimace said:Sort makes one wonder how long Blizzard intends to hang this particular instances on us. Doesn't seem like it's going to entertain players for too long. Honestly, I think Aion's arrival has pretty great timing; I have serious doubts there will be anything at all to do in the time it takes me to play and get bored of Aion.
Epix said:Snap.
funkmastergeneral said:I think for people like my guild it will be fine for the 2 or so months we'll be waiting for Icecrown Citadel. I'd be surprised if we could down 1 boss in hardmode within the first couple weeks
funkmastergeneral said:Also, question to people who have done the new Vault boss, what kind of gear is he dropping? ilevel 232/245 legs/hands?
All he dropped for us was hands. Including the T9.45 gloves I was saving up for. On my other toon.cubicle47b said:Yeah. He dropped 3 pieces of ilvl 245 tier and a PVP piece for us last night.
cubicle47b said:Yeah. He dropped 3 pieces of ilvl 245 tier and a PVP piece for us last night.